Show ENGINEERS HEAR TALK rALle BY EXPERT Practice In the Flotation of or Ores was the subject of ot a n lecture delivered t last night b by 0 O. O C C. Ralston Hallton metallurgist metallurgist metal metal- jur of ot th the United States StateR bureau metal metal-j of mines at the University of ot Utah given before the Utah Ut-nh So lety of or Electrical I Engineers n Dr Ralston Halston reviewed re the flotation process proc since Its t discovery n Assisted b by other oilier metallurgists Dr Dr I Ralston recently discovered how It would be bc possible to extract hardwood oil from ron wood alcohol distillation list ion plants plant to take lake the place of or the ex expensive cx- cx pensive pine oil In the flotation proc proc- es ess ens This It Is said ald will ill result in the I eX-I saving m. ln of oC millions of 0 dollars to the flotation process |