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Show rm r f mi wmuMr'wv Continued from page 5. m granted on July 1, 1919 and James H. Ockey became the first post commander (The . . Times-News- '110 Years the Juab County Times recorded that the State Highway had reached York. Soon after it came to Nephi. This was only a graveled road and did not prove successful. In the 1920s a paved road was started south from Salt Lake City and by 1922 the road had reached Nephi. By 1928 the road had been designated U. S. Highway 91 and markers had been extended from Great Falls, Montana to Nephi. The markers were eventually extended to Los Angeles (Ibid. June 18, 1931). In 1931 the State Road was oiled from Nephi City up Salt Creek canyon to the Sanpete County line to connect with the Sanpete towns and U. S. Highway 89 at Ephraim (Ibid. June 18, 1931). This road is now called State Highway 11. In the late forties, State Highway 132 was oiled from Nephi to Lynndyl in Millard County to connect with U. S. Highway 6. Surely Nephi is in an enviable position, tourist-wise- . anniverAs the seventy-fiftrolled of City Nephi sary around, she could look back on a period of accomplishment. She had electric lights, sidewalks and graveled streets, paved highway, good schools, churches and businesses, movies, and everything else connected with a twentieth-centur- y modern world. h d 1926-196- 1 Raising Canning Crops An Experiment In the late thirties Juab Valley farmers were in dire need of something to raise (besides wheat and alfalfa) that could bring them ready cash and give more employment to the young people. The city, county, farm bureau and citizens in general were determi-eto do something about it. They felt possibly truck gardens could be grown on the irrigated land. The Eddington Canning Company of Spring-villwas contacted. W. R. of manager Eddington, the plant, agreed to buy 25 acres of peas and 10 acres of d e pole beans that year, 1938 (The Jan. 13, 1938). The crops were successful in 1938 so the next year the acreage was increased. Many farmers planted peas and beans. In 1941, 43 farmers in and around Nephi planted 145 acres of peas for canning. The average net return was $60 to $65 per acre and some farmers made as much as $100 per Feb. 19, acre (The Times-New- s, Times-New- was organized in 1929 and Elnora Foote was elected the first president. Both of these groups remain active today . men led out in the new organization, and after some time of activity, this organization likewise became inactive. On Feb. 25, 1953, the Nephi Chamber of Commerce was organized. The following officers were chosen: Elmo B. (Pos) Wilson, A. K. Johnson, A. L. Garbett, J. E. Reid Jr., John E. Munro Pexton, Robertson, Gibson E. (The Times-New- s, Roy Feb. 26, 1953). This organization has worked tirelessly since to present Nephi to the world. They are doing a very commendable job. Recognizing the need to preserve the heritage they possessed, the Daughters of Utah Pioneers effected an organization on July 1, 1930. Nephi owes much to this organization. It was responsible for the beautification of the city park, the building of the pioneer cabin on the park, and the placing there of the remaining pieces of the old fort wall. They also have erected a monument in Salt Creek Canyon to some Sanpete Pioneers who were killed and scalped by the Indians. The Mona Camp (Mt. Nebo) of the DUP have also erected a monument to the pioneers in the original Mona cemetery and a memorial cabin has been erected by the Chicken Creek Camp in Levan. Nephi has its share of Veterans organizations. On June 20, 1919 the American Legion was organized and became the first post in Utah, organizing before Salt Lake City by only a few days. The charter was has just the thing for Mothers Day 4-- D ). fe303 CflFGS (1961). Corelle announces 4 New Expression Designs One of the earliest ladies service organizations was the Nephi chapter of the Service Star Legion with Mrs. Maude These are microwave and regular oven proof. They go from oven to frezzer without a wimper yet - Delicate like China. See our set and open stock selection Now untill Mothers Dav Forrest as its first president. During the first world war hundreds of articles were made and sent to the servicemen by this organization. In 1932 the Mt. Nebo Post No. 23267 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was completed with J. W. Howarth as commander. This organization was active for some time but does not exist today (1961) in Jan. Nephi (The Times-New28, 1932). The Nephi Kiwanis Club was organized April 5, 1922. It was a successor to the Nephi Commercial Club. It is an active club today (1961) and throughout the many years since its organization has done much good for the commun- price gw! Will be open untill 1 a.m. this Friday We stock garden hose in random lenghts (i.e. 14") at special prices Also Many styles of garden after the Jr. Prom for your dinning pleasure Nephi, Utah April 28, 1977 MAIL ROUTE OPEN FOR BID A Public Service of This Newspaper & The Advertising Council Ray's Supper Club s Times-New- Discount off our regular low price on all Fishing Supplies Door Chimes TransBoots - Poles - Reels also Creels - Hooks - Lures formers Doorbells Everything Wire - ect. We hove replacement $goo up Chimneys for Kerosene or Oil Lamps I 1936 the Junior Chamber of Commerce was organized in the month of April. Alma P. Burton was the first president of the organization. This club has been one of Nephis The sprinklers Featuring Fine Food at reasonable prices Nephi Post Office to John Steele Ranch CONTACT Nephi Postmaster $4995 $5995 Big 10 ity. In most active and among its continuing annual projects is Christmas activities. This organization has continually worked for the growth of the community and has completed countless public service projects. 20 piece set Mfgs. suggested 4-- D Plumbing & Builders Supply 66 South main Nephi, Utah Your Radio Shack Dealer 623-119- 9 AWAVAW.O. Without advertising, you wouldnt know. ffk s, 1942). Also in 1941 Del Monte Can- ning Factory located in Spanish Fork, contracted with 16 farmers for pole beans. Returns from this crop netted the growers $85.00 to $165.00 per acre. The early forties marked the peak of this experiment, al- though today (1961) many farmers grow these canning crops and do very well with them. Civic, Fraternal and Social Clubs Benefit the Community Although some clubs were organized in Nephi before 1920 (IOOF, Modem Woodmen of America, Boosters, and Commercial Club) they did not get a good start until 1927 when the women of the town led out in the organization of a club called The Nephi Business & Professional Womens Club. It received its charter from Miss Elizabeth Fitzgerald of Salt Lake City, State President, in September. It was organized with a member of 25. (Times-NewFeb. 3, 1927). Today this club has been disbanded. Not to be outdone by their sisters, the businessmen of Nephi organized into an association in March of 1930. They chose as the president J. Earl Reid, then manager of the Toggery, and as vice president, Spencer E. Forrest, manager of Nephis Forrest Hotel. This group worked to encourage home trade. For a number of years this organization was very active, but gradually it became dormant. By 1940 some of the s, younger businessmen realized the importance of an organization for all of the businessmen of the city. Max Thomas. George D. Haymond Jr., and several other leading business Vasco Dell Taylor Estate 3rd South & 1st West Nephi, Utah ESTATE SALE May 7, 1977 The Home -- At Site! - 25 down - balance when clear title is delivered. ANTIQUES - Furniture & MISCELLANEOUS if bids equal 90 of Estate appraisal or better. BIDS AND INSPECTION : AND SEALED BIDS: From 8 a.m. to Noon. PAYANDPICKUP By High Bidders at .v.v.w. 2 p.m. It's Mothers Day At the Outlet win $10000 in merchandise of your choice Tickets available at our store Only 1.25 per week for a 25 word ad that will put money in your Enter today Drawing will be held Sat., May 7 2 p.m. pocket and space in your garage! or basement. The Times-New- s You need not be present to win nther 195 South Main ephi, Ut. 623-00- 9 SSfr 96 South Main Nephi, Ut. 84648 623-052- 5 I j outlet ( i r I |