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Show TWO CAMPS HOLD MEETINGS. Camp R, Daughters of tho Pioneers, held a pleasant meeting at the home of Mrs. Jesse M. Stoker in Roy last I Thursday afternoon. The hours woro delightfully spent. Mrs. Bortha Eccles gave an interesting talk to tho members mem-bers and several biographical sketches wore given. Mrs. Mary Parker was a Msitor During the social hour tho hostess served refreshments. The ladies of Camp K met at the home of Mrs. Jesso Chllds In River-dale River-dale last Thursday. Mrs. Ileslln read from tho minutes of the last meeting the account of tho trip of Mtb. Bertha Eccles across the plains. 'Mrs. Eccles walked the entire way across to Utali and endured tho many hardships of such a trip. A sketch of tho lifo of Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart Marriott was read by Mrs. Emma Thomas and Mrs. Matilda Adams read a poem entitled "Heart Throbs" which she had clipped from a magazine. A pleasing nnd entertaining en-tertaining part of the program was the reading of a prepared artlclo on state Institutions by Mrs. Mattie Rit-ter. Rit-ter. Mrs. Sadie West also gavo an instructive in-structive talk along the same linos. Mrs. Delia Beers was a guest of tho camp for tho afternoon. During the social hour tho hostess served lunch-con, lunch-con, eighteen members being presenL |