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Show Read new nd on first page. The recontty elected city odlccrs h.ivo received their commissions. The llltlo child of Andrew Tield'o fell on the novo last week and severely burned onoof his hands. Tho Lehl Slanghtcrlng Co. Intend erecting n now butclicrehop in tho near future. Mrs. Rebecca Kvans has gonotornivo to keep houso for her daughters who are attending tho Academy. John II. Wootcn, ono of American Fork's school teachers, was n pleasant caller nt our ufllco on Battirdny. Dr. Mcrrlhow got out tomo rather uniquo programs for tho ball on Friday night. Ho belclves In advertising. Prospectors need not sond their samples sam-ples to Salt I.uko or l'rovo as there is n reliable assay ofllco opened in Am, Fork Seo nd In another column. rho Sugar Factory has Ix'en running this season CO days tip to this date. Thcro has liecn recieved toiricarloaiis oi beds, which will fo nbout IT) tons In tho car. Tlio now camp of Mercur, lomo -'0 miles wcetof hero Is growing with wonderful won-derful rapidity. It Is situated where the old town of Lcwinton onro wn. They havo made application for n pout-offlce. pout-offlce. Tlicro was a good representation from hero at tho confcrcnccon Sunday, They wcro agreeably surprised to hear Francis Klrkham give so good n description of theM. I. A. class of theAcademy in the conference. Wo intend gelling out n special lmgo edition next week paying particular attention to the sugar industry. Many oxtra copies will bn distributed nnd our butlness men should take advantage of It and get in a good holiday advertisement. advertise-ment. Since Wcilmtdny tliu Id to tlio 22, ManagerCutlcr has paid oul, tlin pnni of ) 3ft, 000. which Is n much larger rum no doubt, than has leen paid out by all the otht-r factories in Utuli in Hie en mo time. Tlio peoplo of Utah County nro getting their eyes opened, regarding tho amount of means tlio Factory IsKiiltet-lug IsKiiltet-lug ih the different Towns. There was n large firo in Palt Iihe lat night in tho Jennings Block, Simlon Brothers, nro tho honest losers. Sorcuson nnd Nelson nlso sustained heavy lores. Tlio amount destroyed is estimated nt ?-t0, 000. Tho choir should now commenco to get up a grand concert. The proceeds of which to bo given to their leader Jshn L. Glbb. We think tho public w ill Join heartily In such n move. Of the 2,000,000 fircigneis found by a recent census to bo living in France. 800,000 have recieved a military education educa-tion nnd belong to tho reserve in their respective countries. Moro thnn 3.10,000 aro Italians.wuo in enso of disruption would at once array themselves against tho country which now nffords them shelter. America Is not, therefore, nlouo in her troubles, present and prospective, pros-pective, witli aliens. |