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Show 3 ' I "VROM ALL OVER. J; Items from various pla-,1. pla-,1. ces. THE NEW TARIFF LAW f , V- Causes trouble in. , the south-Ac- cidenls. i Tho Southern Rebellion. ! Washington,, D. 0., Nov. I7.-Thc , Soiitliuru manufacturers who are pro- , ttitlnc against tio abolition ol tlio duty on Iron ore and coal, linvo issued a pub lie etutcmont to Hie Democratto party, i appealing for consideration, in t lew of- ' their well-known fidelity to tliftt parly, and enyliiy, among other things i "Tho Southern Iron men have re solved to resist the repeal, forgetting ffor tho moment all differences of political po-litical beliefs, and mindful only ol tho ! more stable and better thing, to wit, Democratic prosperity. Tho general meeting of tho Democrn-' Democrn-' tic membership of tho Ways and Means T, "' ' Committee, whith was expected to-day, .' ' did not take place, although every Dom- 11 ocrntlc member was at tho Capital.They t w ill probally meet to-morrow. vvjjj Tlio proposed action of the committee I fy removing tho sugar bounty Is arousing t - much opposition from tho Louisiana 1 ' planters and Congressman Botner to- day, on behalf of tho Louisiana people, entered a vigorous protest. |