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Show Rather Steep Thau lake In any other form is what many people think nnd Parks' Tea is made lor juet those, folkii. 1 1 cures constipation con-stipation and though not r cathartic moves the bowelsewry day, Parks' Cough Syrup. Has been so highly rccoimnondcd to us that wo hae taken'tho agency for it and now ask our friends who nro suffering suffer-ing w ith u told lo givb it a trial and if it does not glo satisfaction your money will bo lefuuded. Every bottle la sold on n poult ho guarantee. Pnco 60 cents and 11.00. Sold by D. E. Ellingson. hT. UULi,37.T7'8pTnwa'S"priwn plaeo, is not prospering, The rcrcuuo ot tho Island decreased t'3,000 In tho past year, and Immigration hns fatten off whllo emigration lion Increased. Since 1670 Germany has spent on her army directly t3,000,005,003, nnd Franco 3,OjO,000,000. These amounts do not in-cludo in-cludo tho navies, railways and pcu-dons, pcu-dons, nor count the prnjuctlvo lubor lobt In tho military sendee. Tub cavca of Uurmah aro rich In wooden earrings, glazed tiles and Images Im-ages rut well an tablets In terra colta, marble alabaster and other materials. ma-terials. These relics lllusrato tho ancient an-cient nnd modern phases of Buddhist worship. I Jijiiil'iil and. Savings B1SKTT Sfcato Stroot. H Capital Slock 50.000 H Ovirplvia 03,000. jH T.R. CUTLER, FRANCIS ARMSTONC, OLE ELLINGSON, iH Prosldont. Vlco-Proaldont. Caohlor H TrausM General Bnnkuiff Biiainoio. Kxclmngo on piincipal eilit x of ilio United Stnlrjfl nml Europ.0. H Flra Per Cent, Interest' Allowed on Savings Deposits.' ""' Compounded Qra tfcrly. H niRBCTOR&.l M - -Mill IIHlilj.,,, ,. T.R.Cidlcr, 1. D. Wines, J. R Jennings, H Francis Armstrong, Wm. Clark, M. K. CumnringsX H P. W. Madscn., Olo Ellingson, Th ad. Powell iiH WE HAVE WON I The name of selling cheaper than our H Competitors. M Niw Bargains Arriving Daily Selling lots, plenty Bargains left, we H will continue to M JUTLAND SLASH , 3gf the bottom out of all prices. jH Ladies Cloaks, Jewelry, Shoes. At jo per cent of their value. hiB 4 FEW OF OUR LEADERS:'! , 4B Ladies Camel Hair Underwear 75c a suit ' l 'B Mens Heavy Undcrweaf ,Sca suit-1 J'yl fH Ladies Nice Shoes t.' , jff mhsji J, t'l Chlldrens Suits "f" " "M 'Tn WiTp'PPW . - -JIB """""Ma"' ' '"'"r""''"iTriTr-TTTT-rTririiriiin iiimwiii1 iuiiiujijjm H They aro coming, a big lino of buinlcots JM Pargafys; Waifc ai see theirs, " CHICAGO CASH STORE I Tho only Conulno Bargain Houso. lH At Racket old stand. AMERICAN FORK, UTAH COME AfiSD SEE WIY STOC& ' besides lints we have aH Double width Cashmere from 20c up !H Flannels' " .joe up 1 Home made 'double width Linsey, iH white and jjray for Shirting. Home ' H made Dress Linsey. Shawls, Ladies j H and Childrens Underwear. 1" i All Goods cheap for Cash fl Headquarters for School Supplies. ' ' Highest price paid for dried fruit. ' ,jM M jPesl piccle ijiacie (or Ihe itoGij H BEEODIt .-EWfiTh0 CGntrl 6TKpNUnn.l M IFnXCE! $105.00. H Send for Catalogue. AfiQnts Wanted "J Cnrjirnl CiJcie arjUfncfebrln tj Co. '1 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 BIOYGLE8 . " 9 Gallon or address, H WALTER L. "WEBB, Agent, 3 -V IehiOity, X3'tah J tM |