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Show LEGAL. W.rnor E.rll, P. M. Smi'.h. EAKLL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, tlLT HZE cry, at Temple street, one aoor south of JJ i Oo.Ue' fct-,ro O . OOOPKlt, ATTOltNEiT AND COUNSELLOR, Ofllee Exchange ami Reading Koomi, utalra. I.T 1.1KI CITT. C. 11. llempjtead, SI. JiirkpaLriok HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, A(tomeys-at-Law, Main Street, opposite) Wells, Jfargo 4 Co., halt lake. city. C. IJ. Uempilead. U.S. Att'y Tor Utah, na Z. SNOW. K. D. H0GE. S.VOW HOGE, flL.ttoro.e71 and Counselors at Law tUU Ljliu City. Liah. Offlceat euow'i corner. In Uit Street. JuS 8. P McCurlj-. C. II. Morgan MjCLKDY&i MORGAA, Attorneys-at-Law, Officii u doors east of Uehald Office. a29 HALT LAKE CITV. JL-1 J T (J H it M ANN, Vt:.ce, First South St.. Fourth door east of Hooper. Eldredge i Co 'a Uhiik. Silt L:t-.o C'ty. ali'j NOTARIES PUBLIC A. S. GOULD & SOX, CONVEYANCERS, itf M inirtg Deed?, AtneemenU and Bonds i fur Uecdn. MuriK-iief. i'owera of Attorney. Lea-jeJ, CVmtr.icts ar.d othor instruments of ! writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch, i - ill In lug Companies Iucorpora- icil uiKlcr tlie Latvi of Utah. I A. S. GOULD, NOTABLY 3?TJi3IjIO nnd COMMISSIONER )F DEEDS for New I'ovk, Massachusetts. Pcnasylva-nia.Ohio, Pcnasylva-nia.Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Tor-ri Tor-ri lories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. mil BANKERS. Thos. R. Jonca, A. W. Whito BANKING HOUSE OP A. W. WHITE &. CO., EAST TEMPLE STUEET, P:iH Lako City. FIRST SATIDH1L BABK DF UTAH. (Sucocitori to Huwey, Daliler 4l Co.) Wabrkx HnesBTi C. L. Dahler, ProAidcLt. Vice Prest. Amtuokt Qodbe, Cashier. Stilt Lake City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Oirden andCorinne, Utuh, and Virginia and H clan a, Montana. Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw KxobanRe on Now York, ChiotiRO, St. Louis, Omaha. Donvor, Ban Francisco, and nil parti of Kuropo. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Baukers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts oil Europe, and all tin principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attondod to. Knit Temple St., Salt Lake City. TUEO. F. TRACY. Aeent. mil MEDICAL 0. C. ORMSBY, M. D. l'UYSNJIAN, SUKGBON AND UUUOOIST, II IIUIUIIAM CITV, UTAH. V. II. SIMMOXS, M. D., Pliisifiinl, Surgeon and Accouchatr, Oflico Main Slroot, l Tlirco doors north of Walker Pro'. DK. A. IWLER, ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, j Oiiioo ovor tho Co-operative Drus Storo, j j u'.t M:iin Street, f. L. City J. M. 6b F. 1. BENEDICT,: SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, OtBco Over Caldor Bro'a Music Emporium. p W. F. ANOtRSUN, M.O. H. 1. RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeons and PhyBicinus, Otliooa, for the prssont. nt llioir reapoctivo rosidonooa in the lUlb andlTth Wards. DR. GROVES, Ofllce Jml Soiitli S(., Kilt l.ixko Cl(y. Tliroo doors West of Kovoro Itouso, hulf .ft block E'.iat ol tho Klophnnt Storo. orviri noi'HH vrhu f .m. to 5p.. ml DR. H1GGINS DAVIS, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office Fimt door we?t of the juj-13 UeTcro Uouso. X A. X 1 SMITH, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ortlcc nt Colle's Drug Store, jyi S 'lt Like City. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., L.tc of Csrion Cliy, Xvln, OiVcro Ui (rolV.ionnl services to the people of Salt LsikoCiiy. Hmi'1;iij' at fapt. ly lor'a. Uilf ltlofk south af lilker Bros, store. MOORE & POTTER, CARPKNTBRS AND Bl'ILDEUS Comnifrrlal S'reel, ni (Koarof Halt Lake Uotel.) N. P. LAKE & CO., Oliico with DunforJ i M.irlin. j Old CoiiMKutlOH Utllltllllff,! hunD I'p Stair. mi i mm Practical H'atduuaker! And O" Tvl T77" H IjB . VorkmauItlp Guiriautil, , Hai The flneit stock of Watches and Dia-I niiicd Jewelry In tho west, at vry aiodera;e price-'. Waich (rlaifw fined .iti"r!.;.; ker. 10 toilet.; hauJi, - eu. llomcmbcr, Cail C.Aimuiitn. Wtinitmt. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasanUy located, lo-cated, wll furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guuu. 1 THE PROPRIETOR U now preparing to build larzt additions to his Hotel, whish when finished, will reader it the Most Compleit Establishment in the ! ROCKY 3I0CSTAIN REGION ! i mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EAST OF THEATKE, SALT LAKK CITY. TermsS3.0() per day. Board with-out with-out rooma Sia.OU por week. Ratki tt-ca to guests. J. C. L.I i'TLK, i u U'U Proprietor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Locust Btrect?, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. Good Accommodation for Families. ai5 E. 9. FOOTE, Proprietor. i G ALIFOKWIA CHOP HOUSE j AND I OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS i STEVENS, Frop'rs, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Throo doora be!ow9econil South St., I I SALT 11KC CITY. joi'UN DAY AND NIGHT. GHANO RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. This o-tnbli'hment is closaotly furnished, ; keeps supplied with tlio dclioacioa of the j eoaion and tho best tho market .atfords, and employs nono but 1 FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinners served and dishes cooked to order in tho best stylo and at tho lowest rates. Fresh salmon, cod and rocklish received daily. t . Chocolate, iee-cream, cakes, ic, in tho evening, for ladiet, in privato rooms. a'jg""! COSMOPOLITAN EESTBAHT COFFEE SALOON, Next Door to Wolls. Farso i Co's, Main St., Salt Lake City. 4, The beat tho Market affords oooked in first-class style. MEALS, CO Cents. Dishes served si 1 cur to at moderate prices- U. U. IIorst, Proprietor. CALIFORMA BREWERY SALOON, Commercial street. Lager Beer and Alc,icholesak and retai J2: HENRY WAQENER. PHILIP MARGETTS, S.coudSoutlTSlreot, Snlt L.ke Clly, j WUOLIiSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN English and Scotch Ales, PORTEK, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, ; OKM'ISt, ; McEWANS EDINBURGH ALE, A SPECIALTY, 1 on dmuirht, in iiny iunntitv; also a fiilondid nsaortmettt of tho bc?t tidiacco and cienrs-Country cienrs-Country dealors supplied; tormj rcoeonublo. BREWER, BEMIS & CO., CliivngoniKl Oninlin LAGER BEER, ALE AXD PORTEU, WHOLESALE AKD BKTAIL, Families supplied by tho quart, or in riuan-titica riuan-titica to ami. rii"ico Clyurt nlwuy on linud: also, Lliiiburgor mtd livvlsu Ciieenc fur Lunch, and at wiiolbsalb, Ooddard'o Ihiilding.biicinont, Main stroot, one dour south ol J; irst Natiunal Bunk, ;ny ltK EWE II & LAPI1AM. LAGER BEER SALOON I I WAtlENF.R S CELEU RATED Lager Beer. Ale j AND FORT Eli, t'udcr Woodmsniet'i Ballttlnff,' ! First door north of Wolls. Far co's. a,,-!,! II. TKUNDT A, CO. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, Wholesale ami Retail, : Choice Imported 'liquors and wines, At Lowest Rates. QRUKSBKGK'8 BU1LDISOS, , I niT Em( Ttmpl Otrat. E. MARTIN & CO. fliolesale Liinor Bsalers, 08 Front Street. Saw Francisco. i Proprietors of MlI.l.KU'S K.XT11A OLDBOl'BUOS And sole acents for I. F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD B0UH60N WHISKIES Con'tantly on band, a full assortment of all the Standard Urnmli of WUUkl, Fine Brandies, Foreign and Domestic Wines, m3 Hitters, Cordials, c. Mr. C. M. STOWE, HEALING MEDIUM. I Hoom .o. ) l,Slt Lake Home, l Win dev.-te a portion of her time to the el lirv.iy.tnt examirniion M ro.'k. to ecer-iiam ecer-iiam the suot location of mineral Isdjr.-. auC'M LUMBER YARDS. LUMBERYARD. DOORS, WISDOWS, BLISDS, MOULDINGS XSD ALL R1NDSJF LUMBER. T. K. JOXES & CO., HaJf-a-block aonth ef U. C. Dtpot mjZ m EDDINGTOX'S Pi Two Bio cits soutlioftHe U.C.lt.K. Depot, and next to Wm. Jei-iilnsi' Jei-iilnsi' Tannery. The yard is kept constantly supplied by several saw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W.E. aolicits tho patronago of his old ' friends, and by punctuality and dilincnce in business hopes to merit a share ofpublio support. FOR SALE In tho loth Ward, one block and a half west of tho U. C. R. R-. a Fiunll bonsp and half lot. with fine orchard, i'or particulars enquire of augii WM. EDDIKQTON. UTAH AND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, Incorporated July 17, 18fl. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in all kinds of Building Material LUMBER, DOORS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, CIUCO SUGAR. FIN K, CEILING, SIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC., ETC Orders lor Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Mam St., lire doora south o'.'Walker's All buineas done tUrouffh tho President of tho Company. OAioes Lumber Yard, one block south of Railroad Depot. E. II. BARRCS. D. W. PARKUURST, SeeroCiry. CHALtLES UAULKR, juyLM TrcnFiirer. CURRENCY. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will bo given at INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKE CITY, U.T., OCTOBER 3, IS 71. BT CHURCH & CO. Dnrlnff tlic Concert 1,317 Gift will 1 dlNtrtttiiteft anions llrket ller amounting to SJ j.UOO In Cnrrency a follows) iqiftor.Curr.nw r; IJgJ 1 ..... .fM) 00 i ' 2.i) 00 i 91.IV0 oach 3.110 00 i fOO " 2.. 00 3X) " 00 W 100 " 5.01 00 ICO M " 00 T, 30 P.'yW "0 J M " 17.t0 00 1,317 Priies amounting to 87j,00O 00 The TS (Wl will ! depnuited in the First National Bank of Utah previous to the day of drawing, Th drawing will Uko pUce and the Rifts be anil to a manner pni-ly similar to ihal of (b. Cnrrrt pven in Sn Erancico. m of th-M-ivaniil- l-itrrj. nrl under ht g.,Ttan ol a Committee ol well known ciiuens ol Ball Late City. ftO. OOO Tickets will be sold at f'4.JU cacn. The ticket will admit tbe bearer to the Concert. I Tickets W mIo at all li.e itincial 1-imlnMS liousta of the Territory. All Ura for tickets and drfl for inony to U adde,lto CHURCH . CO., V. 0. Box WT Salt ULe City, U..T, AND OATS FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. THOS. R. JONES & CO, nalf-a-hlorU Sonih of U. C. Depot, fus i Of a far Higher Clnsa than any ojhor proprietary medicine of the day stands. TiRRlST'3 SELTZER X l'E HIEN'T, And for this reason : it is an exnet counterpart counter-part of one of tho most valuable natural medicines in the world. Wo refer to the Brand Soltier Spring of Germany, to which thousands of tho dyspeptic, thebiilious. tho rheumatic, and victims of venal dhe.- 09 resort re-sort annually, and return to th-ir homes convalescent or cured. The Ap?riont is ono of the first, no i by far tho ra tU successful of nil the efforts made to reproduce, in a portable por-table form, the popular mineral waters of Europe. , See t liat yon pure imae only tne genuine article. juy!2 BOLD BY ALL DltUOGlSTS. C0AL!C0AL! Having purchased tlie Spriggs Coal Mine tVe are prepared to supply tlila Justly celebrated WEBER COAL liy rnr load or retail. Depot at V. C. K. tt. Yard, inflect Kxclinnge and leading rloomu. BATEMAN & BUEL. nui;X W. II. BIltD. Agent, MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Opposite the ontrance to tbe Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Atlitiissiou. 50 eta. Children, 10 " Open from y a.m. to ti p.m. CCatlve Sllnernle, Petrirnctloni, Concretion Con-cretion and Crystallzailona. Ilviite I'rodiiclM, Xnllee nnd J-'orelyii C'm-rlo.iJiie, C'm-rlo.iJiie, AV. Com pouud l'jlectro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, Ac. Prof". J.L. BARKOOT, Manager, Schools and Families by privato ar- Dried Fruit! We nre desirous of purchasing pur-chasing all of (lie Dried Fruit Crop of this Territory. Terri-tory. We WILL PAY IN CASH The Highest Price Paid in the Market for m bw. m k m APRICOTS, PEACHES, c, &c We are desirous of employing ' ACENTS IN EVERY SETTLEMENT, To whom a liberal commission will.be i lowed. BIGGS, LECHTENBERG & Co. Main Mrfft. K. L. fity. JOt.l-1 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS-! BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, WEST SIDK COMMERCIAL STREET. Nar Second South Streel, IS NOW IX FULL OPERATION W hero he will be pleased to wail ul'on hie friends and patrons with Everything in the above Line CHEAPER THAN EVER. GIVE U1.U A CALL IX JIS XEW RKTHEAT. niftrll GRAIN and FLOUR, FAT SURPRISE OATS, CORN 'IN SEAMLESS BAGS, Valley Flour, CHOICE UR.AXDS, CORN MEAL, BRAPJ, &c.,c, Wholcsa'.oaod Retail, at MOWLDF.K'.S I -will pay CASH for 3, OOO bu.litl. of BARLEY and 1,000 UnnheU ol good clean WHEAT, ti. H- It. GLOBE BAKERY, Emit Temple Street, first door north of Co-operative Grocery Depart me nt, GOLIGHTLY& HARRIS Keep constantly on han 1 ; GOOD FRESH BREAD linns, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, F.lc. fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, WhoUxale and Retail. Groceries, Flour, ,lugU; Feed, Ac. BAVIS" NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a large arrival of choice T. US .A- 3 Direct from the Importers Also a full stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. Wc liavo KEDUCED our best (iu.n-POWDER (iu.n-POWDER to Si per pouud. It cannot bo equalled. TRY IT ! TRY IT ! C. W. DAVIS, Tioo Doors from Kimball (fsiwrrnce'f DAY & CULMER, IH POET tag AND UULII19 IV GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CONHSTtVG OF ! DRY tioons, 1 (,1U)( KKIKS, HAH 1 W A fl K, IJOOT-. MIOF,, HAT', CHIK KK It V, I. AMI'S, coRnf;K TWIMCM, WOOUKS WAKK, CAi' I'KTS, CM. At' K KRJ A niHC TITS, TOBACCO, AC, AC, AC. Whi'h they ritTer at prinei that ruarantee atufMtion and delr com retiiiun. The choiewt T 13 -A. JS ootutantl on hand of the follow ins kindi Onnpowitfr - - I.7f to .as VniiuB lljton I.OO in 1..10 Tj-coon - - - to 1.05 Fnoplng - I I' to l.ar, pr)inl ... - l.t't IO 1.40 Sonrhnng - VU to 1 -tin Dlamanil I.. 1.0(1 iatoral Leaf - UO lo 1.00 Ar.d famoue Etjelmh Mixed Tea - Itealfr in Taa will Cud It to th'r ad-TtcLija ad-TtcLija U. rire u" a before ,;irrr,tn- ', Lt lL!r Ta. u oar (aiii,. ia th.j Lrateh of '.l.r tt iBE(t l Ielle4 ID IL TRAVEL. j GILMER & SALISBURY'S ... DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah. South - east .evnda : ?lon-tana ?lon-tana Leaving Salt Tukr Ctij-Dally, run. lit us roultx to Tin tic, American Fork, Mount Nobo, Sovier, St. Georee, Vuh ; and Tiochc, Nevada ; Faiaslng through Provo, Sprincville, Spanih Fork, ray-son. ray-son. Salt (.'reck, Chicken Crvek, Round Valley. Fillmorc.Cora Creek, Reaver, Miuers-ville, Miuers-ville, aud . .4 the principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-eiist Nevada. Alio leave Corlnne, t'tah, dally, running north to Virginia City, ITelena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodne, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Mon-tAna. Mon-tAna. IUISCIPii. OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, jnn Suit LnVe Citr- Len 'WiDes. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OP1I1R AiTintic Stage and Express XjIISTE, runxisg daily fhom salt LAKE CITY, via LAKR TOWS, TOOKliK CITY, STOCKTON AND OPH1R TO TINTIC. The route ha? been rc-dtoeked with gtden-did gtden-did Oonconi Coachos. Que Stoea, caieful and hi tenlive Drirors- and (very attention in paid to the ooinfort .in 1 oonvonienoe ol pawoa-Bars. pawoa-Bars. Good accommodation on, the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Wella, Fnrgn A Co.', Salt Lake City. WINES k KIMBALL, all Proprieten. FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEEN3T0WN IN MAN LINE Of Royal nail Pfeamtra, Sailing from New York Every Saturday AND Alternate Tuenday Cabin Paaaage, U tierioi. (gold) t7-00 Slcerage " (car.) 30.00 Paaaage from Liverpool to Naw York Chin, - - - (Or-ld) 7B.no Steerage, - - (OnTeDcy) 34.O0 Round Trip TiokeU .lined at very low rate JOHN O. DAI.K, A (fnt, IS Broadway, New York, Or WILLIAM CALDKH, Arent, o'it S.H LaVi- f.t. I't.b. UTAH CENTRAL IA1IJJ()A1. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, On anil after Monday, July 17, 1ST 1 Oally Trains Leave Halt LnVe City at R a.m- and 2:V p.tn, rrive at "vdu 7 a. in. and 4.4-'. p. m. Leave 'iK'U-n al K . m. and U.-Hl I: m. Arrive at ball Lake Citj 111 a.m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the abo Will ran DAUY, SUNDAYS KXCKITKD Leaving Suit Lnlte City at B a.m.andS.'lO p. in., and Otfden at a.m. and p.m. Kara from Bait Lake City to I'tist'B-r WiiM Wor.d Cf.is - - p ' fri .: Genlrcville 0 ' i' J'rnuTittdn - 1 ' 'I Krvi.le - - - 1 (I V Ugden - 1 ' Kare from Ogden to Kay.vllle - - - II V V Knninri'.n - - 1 0 V C-r.trtviJp - - 1! 1 U' n (,f((ii rr-, fi - - a v ) i' Bait Lake Uty - - 1 .') 1 Paeeengera will pleaea Parthai. tbelr Tlekate at tbe O race a. PiJly Out additiinal will be eharped wbe the lare u collactd on U true. For all information onr.''em!ni freight o: fMnaca. aptly to I. O. CALDkFt, general Franht and Ticket Ai'L JOHN BHAEP, sCTRrTTrxNijSrn HARDWARE. C. H. BASSETT, NEW ' ; HARDWARE STORE j j' All kindi of . HEAVY HARDWARE, U Irou aiitl Ste'l, : Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, . V. Agricultural lmplnnr ma f j And Mining Tool a, ' - at Lwtii Run. ! OPPOSITE SALT LAKK IttU SE ' 1 I Kb ' ALL SIZES Iron, Cast Steel, X Toe Steel, . Spring Steel, '' BELLOWS, AXY1LS, Vices and other Blacksmith Tools, '; j . AXLKS, Sl'KlNGS, , C.rrt.g. .ud Al.rliln. Boll., ! t. BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ! Carpenter's Tools, 4c, i ',1 SCOTT, l)l.il.l)l k fO'S ii 1,1. In Sir..,, W..I aid., . Kext door to White House. i LOW FOIi i'AM I i 4 iTaylor & Cutler, h Are sold oul I'mani kinnF of ' STOVES and hiiTe only a few left. i,' " " ' f Tliry have a laree euantity of ' 1 HORSE & MILE SHOES, f HORSE SHOE NAILS. ; A number ol Fairbanks' Scales, 1 And the renialnini itook of j HARDWARE j Tinware, Etc., j Whioh Ihey are illing pinitively at COST. 1 Store Opposite Sail Lake House. No orders or duo bills tak.cn or time jiven in tho Hardware plore. e.tcSfl ttK'il A SiDS' IRON WORKS, ! CHICACO, ILL., Mamila liner of PORTABLE i STATIONARY Engines, isi,ovi:us, CKUSIirjJS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contractu made fur build in Kurna-oob Kurna-oob of Utah Fire Stone, Including Machinery, Ac., net ujt in oomplclc running order. Itrffrtnnn-Kurfli. "lining Company, Com-pany, lalt Lake Hy( Utah Knelling Knell-ing Company, Tlntlc. Adthvxr, J, C. Rirhurdt, Chicayo. .t,rt lis 1 " P 1 2 J k I So M 1 1 . S I |