Show kalmar andreason breaks ski record the largest crowd ever to witness a skiing event in utah saw young kalmar andressen andreasen lump jump 98 feet and break the utah record ot of 86 leet feet friday afternoon at Rasmus sens ranch near ip paris a city amb ty in the norwegian american athletic A hl alti clubs a annual skiing tournament the old record was made eight years ago b by y axel andreason estimates place the number ot of people who alto witnessed kalmans Kal mars accomplishment at between betwee n two and three thousand or of which about a third were park city enthusiasts thus lasts there were approximately five hundred cars strung along the road in front ot of the welcome inn for more than a mile some ot of the enthusiasts w walked to the hill on the road which had been made by the state road plow while others were content to witness the spectacle from their cars the first event ot of the day was the six mile cross country ski race which was won by aguar lamo in a little more than forty minutes seventeen entrants lined up to in the starting s line in front of the welcome inn they left at one minute intervals and they raced against time they traveled over tough country to the summit of a canyon and then down the opposite side to the starting place john berntsen of salt lake city came e with five seconds of first place while e frank and lawrence two local lads tied for third place the race proved interesting and a large crowd cheered them at the finish the lumping contest was opened by lynn bernsten eight year old son of the former champion john berntson although the little fellow spilled after landing he sailed through space tor for nearly forty feet a coming champion Is this lad the jumping contest was closely contested by the fifteen participants the most who have ever participated in a utah tournament kalmar in his first brat attempt jumped 89 feet beet and in his second 88 in his third tor for the longest standing jump he hurled burled himself through the air tor for the record breaking distance of 68 98 feet N of michigan took second place with jumps of 79 83 and sl 91 feet john bernsten third erling wedding the representative of the university of utah fourth axel andreason the defending champion fifth jim Easm sixth and lawrence seventh jim in an exhibition jump after the meet was over made the longest leap of the day feet the lump jump was made too late however or he be would lave have been awarded a higher standing in n the contest he will be a big threat in coming tournaments and his skill will demand attention the crowd that attended the first tournament ement to be staged on new location means that it was an overwhelming sue cess it will be a favorite place for future tournaments at least until a better place can be located much credit must be given to the state road commission and mr blazzard for the success of the meet they have kept the road in tiptop tip top condition all winter except lor for one day therefore the people had a wonderful ride over well kept roads to the scene of the events senator fred egan of park city presented the winners their awards at the awards ash eagle dance hall ball in salt I 1 lake k last at saturday at night there were eleven awards in all that he presented champion kalmar balmar andreasen for his accomplishments was awarded two large trophy cups and a pair of one oe cup was tor for the longest standing jump the other tor for the championship and the for first place N was presented a valuable pen and pencil set which was donated by a jewelry firm in san francisco bernsten was awarded a kodak by schramm johnson of salt lake erling wedding received a fountain pen and axel andressen andreasen a sw sweater eater agnar lamo the winner of the cross ca country race received a valuable wrist watch while john berntsen Bem tsen second place winner received the pair ot of donated by the merchants of park city laurence received a heavy knit sweater while prank frank was presented with a gold chain and knife after the men had been awarded the their IT prizes mr egan gave a talk on th the e possibilities ties of holding skiing meets in the vicinity of park city he expressed his belief that there Is a bright future tor for winter sports sn in tills this locality |