Show A 11iSIIONEST r ACTlCE Till IhnJn 11 r45becn informed of instances in-stances where r al have estate agents protested pro-tested with Attie owners hat the prices asked for certain pieces of property were outlagc sly high and that to demand the I5sues would be to frighten intending buyers away and materially depress the real estate business The price being in sisted upon however the commission was agreed to and the agent has gone off to sell and in the course of time it has transpired that the negotiator who made such ana an-a o about the extraordinary price added ten or fifteen per cent to the owners own-ers figures Whether or not the extra money in the event of a sale would be handed over to the owner cannot be told but the inference is that it would not the agent pocketing that along with his commission There is reason to believe that some sales at fair prices have been prevented by this greedy course the agents being among those who arc loudest in declaring that real estate prices in Salt Lake are ruinously high The way for owners to prevent this sort of swindling for it is neither more nor less thau that is to name their price frankly to inquirers and intending purchasers would do well to learn from the owners as wells the agents the price of the land they propose to buy If the agent thinks lie can get more for property than the owner asks it is his I privilege to purchase speculatively but it is not his privilege nor is it honest to ask i more than the proprietor commissions him I to sell for |