Show S HIS STOCKWENT UP Bow Maj Elddlcrord Was Convinced of HU Dogs Great Worth An ansjylooking man called at the office of Maj Riddleford I have come sir said the man to tell you that whilo passing your house this morning your dog ran out and bit me You dont say sol the major exclaimed Yes I do say so I was walking along the road attending strictly to my own business busi-ness when on a sudden the wretch leaped over the fence and bit a piece out of me You dont say sol But confound it I do say so OhIeee You do say so Yes Ido and moreover I want to know what you aije going to do about I cant do anything Im no surgeon But I want to know if you aro going to kill the dogf Killing the dog wouldnt help the wound would iti No but it would be of great satisfaction to me and I demand his death Did he jumpover the fence and nab you Of course he did Didnt crawl under the gate No I tell you ho jumped over the fence Did he go over with a clear leap or did he scramble ou top r He jumped clear over but what difference does that make1 Bakes > considerable difference A dog that can jump so high a fence must bo valuable valu-able For tamo time I have thought that he was of no account and 1 had intended to kill him but now that you have given me so strong a proof of his worth why his stock goes up He shall live Now if he had crawled under the gate or if he had scrambled scram-bled eluintily on top of the fence I should > at once havo signed his death warrant but as ho cleared the fence at a bound I You are a fool Thank you When ho bites you again call around and see me Good dayAr kansaw Traveler |