Show DOM WITH RUINS I Prospects for an Elegant Build ing on Council House Corer ALL OUR FACTORIES BOOMING The Real Estate Dealers Busy as BeesThe latest Transfers Filed for Record in Salt Lake Another old landmark and one might as well say eyesore is being removed Ever since the memorable fire by which Clawson Savage and others were cleaned out and the Council house wrecked the Councl t1 ruins of the latter have been allowed to encumber en-cumber one of the finest pieces of business property in the city l Yesterday morning however workmen commenced to tear down the old building and in response to the queries of a HEKAID reporter one who is in a position to know said that the corner was owned by the Salt Lake Literary and Scientific society who were also tho possessors of the piece of ground upon which the museum is located I has not yet been decided whether the society will sell the corner and put up a building on the museum site or sell the latter and put up a fivestory structure on the corner The subject is now under consideration and a decision will probably be arrived at within a few days All interested in tho improvement of our city in general and Main street in particular will hope that the society will conclude to erect a building on the corner similar to that of Zions Savings bank just opposite |