Show 4 TILE BIO FAIR The squabble between New York and Chicago over the location of the big fair in honor of the late CIIRISTOPIIER CoLUMnrs still goes on with no perceptible abatement It has now however got down to stirring appeals to their respective citizens to raise stacks of money and thus influence the choice mingled with an occasional side growl one at the other and thus it goes Just now Chicago is a long way in the lead and seems determined to maintain the vantage ground A syndicate composed of the most influential and wealthiest citizens citi-zens of the Illinois metropolis has been organized and it proposes to raise not less than 512000000 and as much more as may to n Oled t linsjre success Onehalf of the above sum is already forthcoming and it is stated that the organization will have a total bilking of at 5 UIXIO I This would all seem to indicats tla if Chicago dosent g3t t o far in chief 1 w 1 l I have a side show that will eclipse the other Iii i New York has it and give it several points This condition of things vividly ilus trates the difference between casters sluggishness slug-gishness and western vim and enterprise While the New Yorkers are growling and I grumbling and putting money in sight 1 whatever the residents of the western city I are pushing and pulling and piling up ducats duc-ats by the million The fair buildings would bo completed in Chicago and all paid for before the foundations would be laid in New York and doubtless there a molt gage would appear with the buildings appearance I ap-pearance and grows with their growth I There is no resemblance between the places at all the one cannot raise means enough to complete a monument to the man who conquered fie rebellion and whose remains were placed there because of the citys earnest solicitations tho other does things first and talks about the consequences afterwards Still while conceding so much to Chicago Chi-cago THE HEUALD cannot forego its predilections predi-lections previously expressed New York is too sluggish and stingy while the other place is too grasping and avaricious The fair should and we believe will come west but there Is a place where the people have the necessary grounds enterprise money and willingness and which all things considered con-sidered is the most central point on the continent We refer to St Louis Let I the Missouri metropolis have the fair and J it will be a ratifying success all around |