Show DANK 10 1000 PEOPLE Monday the Bank of Southern Utah entertained over oer one thousand people It being the opening day in inthe inthe the he new v bank building that has just Sst been oen completed I At 10 o'clock sharp the dos dous were thrown open and the people began to tit flock in In mainly o to see sec the interior oJ oi of the he new quarters of i wh the they had heard considerable Each and al alt were pleasantly surprised and gratified at athe atthe atthe the he appe appearance rance and convenience of the he banking facilities and easily saw n UIt LI LH u kim ItU ocr irr the he time being but to accommodate date the banking busmen of this section of the state for Cor years au to come As the visitors entered entered the building build build- Ing ng the they were cordially greeted by officials of the bank pr with souvenirs and treated to delicious punch and cake by the officers of or orthe the he Stake Mutual Association The visitors after themselves themselves them them- i selves with the refreshments were were escorted through the many rooms offices and vaults of the place shown every department and had the vanous various vari van ous departments explained to them all of which was very interesting One of the great features was the offer of the Bank of Southern Utah to add to every savings deposit account entered and over people took ook advantage of the offer The arrangement of the bank is such that every convenience Is found in the handling of the volume n the handling large of business transacted by the bank daily dally As Alone one enters he steps Immediately nto Into a large lobby which Is fa fated faed ed on the he north side and west end by cashiers casher's cashers cashler's cash cash- ier's ers er's and tellers teller's while on the he the south side is space for the general gener gener- al public with chairs and tables tablea which are for the use ule of any patron or patrons that may have to do some writing or wait for a business as as as- In the immediate northeast corner is a consultation room while in the southeast corner is a ladles ladles' rest room neatly fixed up and equipped equipped equip equip- ped with easy chairs small table etc Immediately adjoining the rest restroom restroom restroom room on the west is toilet and lay lave oratorY for the use of the of the institution On the lower floor is found large vaults aults for the storing of valuable documents while immediately above these is the safety box vault vult and the money vault In the rear above the vaults is a large balcony room which will be used for stockholders and directors meetIngs meetings meet meet- ings and any special meeting that may come up The painting and interior decoration decora tion are superb and were done dODe by Milne Brothers Comments by hunt hun L I areas pI L lite av v w v b. b feet that never have they seen finer or more artistic work in any business building in the state The officers of the Bank of Southern South South- ern Utah are entitled to great credit for their efforts in having erected in Cedar one of the most elaborate and conveniently arranged bank buildings in the state Although not as large as some it is equally handsome handsome hand hand- some and substantial as any in the state J. J |