Show Six Nash-Ajax Nash CarsI Cars I Win Prizes lot M Spokane Nash Motor Company Nash Ajax distributors are justly proud of the record made mads by Nash and andI I Ajax cars at the annual Motor Style Show of the Spokane State Inter Fair Six Nash Ajax models were entered and each car carried off a prize The Ajax topped the list and won the blue ribbons in the under class Other blue ribbons were won by the Nash Advanced Six Roadster and the Advanced 2 door 2 Sedan The red ribbons were won on won by the Four Four- Door Special Six Sedan and the Advanced Advanced Ad Ad- Six Victoria while third prize was given to the Four-Door Four Coupe The Spokane Nash Motor Company Company Company Com Com- pany as well as the large majority of the people who witnessed the Motor Style Show were amazed that the judges did not place the Model in a higher class but they were later informed by the chief judge that he had voted to give the Four- Four Door Coupe the silver loving cup highest honors in the Show Advertisement April Advertisement April 2 Z lo t |