Show IVI WI School Oprea fol Following is the cast for the opera The Windmills of Holland which will be be presented the first two nights of Opera Week April 1213 12 Baritone e eDale Dale Dale Thompson Joseph Hunter Hunte Wow mezzo Soprano So So- Gertrude Gertrude Wood Wilhelmina Soprano Freeda Fullmer June Foster Hilda Alto Belle Alto Belle Macfarlane Norman Jensen Bob Yankee Tenor Tenor Dick Dick Jones Ellis Corry Corey Hans Baritone Karl Baritone Karl Jones Bill Dover Doft Franz Baritone Chauncy Baritone Chauncy Macfarlane Macfarlane Mac Mac- farlane Evan Pryor Soprano Soprano Ruth Ruth Millett Both casts will have a chance at ai a public performance and they are put put- i ILl 11 IV LinK ung LU In lUlU AU aa blAla TT fla rM putting on the finishing touches The chorus work is progressing Infine in infine infine fine shape and promises s 's to be th the finest part of the opera It is rumored only rumored mind nind you ou that there is to be a large show house erected on the Palmer property proper proper- ty on Main street provided it can be purchased from the present own own- ers em In the event such a building is erected we will then be put on the Pantages circuit and enjoy a weekly dose of vaudeville r Ic Some outside parties have made enquiries en en- quince as to whether or not the Relief Relief Re Re- lief Society property in the West WestWard WestWard WestWard Ward is for sale if so what the price will ill be Those asking contemplate erecting a large buildIng building build build- ing if the property can be purchased HolThe Hol- Hol The East Ward Gleaner Girls met metat metat metat at the home of Frank Wood Miss Wooley discussed color scheme in decorations Several members of the Stake Board Doard were present Delicious refreshments were wele sen-id sen by the hostess Miss Catherine Webster I 01 o iThe i- i The Daughters of the Pioneers will meet Monday l April 5 6 at p. p m. m in the tabernacle The Ford family will vIli give the program and a special invitation is extended to all mem bers toE Hoh- The pu public bath and swimming pool building is nearly completed as Is also the baths and pool It is expected we are told that the place will be beIn bein bein in operation this summer tot Hol- are being made to secure the Leigh property opposite the Relief Hall hail in the East Ward II If If it can be bought a tabernacle will probably be erected on it |