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Show UiuvmmI Microfili, ling Corp HI Sixth Annai SJl Lake City 3. Utah "The Complete Home Newspaper" -- Read It in The Times or Leade- r- Garfield, Utah, Friday, February 8, 1952 Thirt fifth Year AEFnELE) SETS County Wishes To Move Magna Library; Opposed By Local Croups Information was received last week by officials of the Magna Women's Club that the Salt Lake County Free Public Library Board, with Mrs. Ruth Vine Tyler, librarian, had completed plans to consolidate the Magna and Brock-ban- k branches of the county sy tom, and move the present library quarters to the local junior high wtnsnmffii The Woman He Lores Homer Bowen swears by this story, saying it actually happened to a local businessman. It seems that Mr. Man was sitting at his window one evening, when he casually called to his Fate Of Cyprus 1952 Hoop Title In Offing Tonight wife: "There goes that woman Bill Jones is so terribly in love with. His wife, who was in the kitchen, dropped a cup she was wiping, hurtled through he door, knocked over a lamp and a bowl of and craned her neck to look out of the window. "There, he pointed, that woman with the tweed coat on the 53-3- gold-fish- er y, Corps Of Women Collect For Polio Cause 4-Y- beautification and Director, also talked at the meetA new pointing out that Garfield repair program for Garfield will ing, and Magna were two of only a get under way this spring, it was announced by 1L Claude Ander- very few communities in the entire state having satisfactory sewson, Superintendent of the Garfield Improvement Co. in a age collection and primary treatment facilities. He said that Garspeech last week before members field and Magna residents do not of the Garfield Women's Club have the public health hazard and other town residents. The new beautification plan faced by many Utah cities who was enthusiastically received by have done little or nothing about the townspeople and much inter- their sewage problem. It was also announced by Mr. est was shown in the drive to imAldrich that during the early the community. prove phases of die first year of the imApproximately 110 houses per provement that one resiyear will be painted and will re- dence in theprogram area would be chosen ceive necessary exterior repairs, and the Garfield Improvement Mr. Anderson explained. During Co. would plant flowers, shrubs, 1952 the first year of the plan, the trees and other necessary landplayground and ball park will be to demonstrate the beautrehabilitated and beautified. scaping Street repairs and other necessary ification possibilities. The growing of lawns, flowers maintenance work in the com- and shrubs in Garfield was disalso on. be carried munity will cussed by Emil Feulner of the Mr. Anderson also stated that the Magna Flower Garden Club. He program includes the haul- cited the types of plants that ing of good top soil so that resiendents can plant lawns, flowers grow well in Garfield and to join the couraged townspeople and and shrubs that the Improvement Company would buy grass in the beautification program by flowers, lawns, shrubs seed which would be furnished at planting and trees. cost to residents. The program also includes rePaint and some other supplies moval of all unsightly shacks and to be used in the 1952 section of the cleaning up of vacant lots the program are already throughout the town. being accumulated and the plan Nelson W. Aldrich, Utah Cop- will go forward unless Governper Division Public Relations ment restrictions should interfere. JiNComs Birthday tSSfcf?-- FEBRUARY 30-fe- et . B SERVICE NEWS Utah Symphony Orchestra To Undergoing recruit training at the U. S. Naval Training Center, San Diego, California, is Richard R. Magera, seaman recruit, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mad ill Be Here Feb. 14 of Magna. Mr. Magera entered the Naval service December 20, 1951. Before Three Local Musician To Perform entering the Navy, he graduated from Cyprus high school. This initial training includes instruction in such fields as seamangunnery, sigship, naling and other courses designed to make the recruit in every phase of Navy life. The Utah Symphony orchestra, ably directed by Maurice Abravanel, will be g, well-vers- ed n, son. Dale, now reside in Magna. His maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Humphries of Garfield, are well known in this (Editor's Note: The following vicinity. We are happy to publish sfcnt Mrs. Mr. to and poem was this poem in memory of the young Royal Sadler, formerly of Port- man who gave his life for his land, Oregon, now of Magna, country. when their son. Lieutenant (j. g.) (When the United States Navy William LecRoy Sadler was killed sent the traditional flag to the February 9th, 1945, on his 21st Sadler family, Mrs. Sadler pre- IN MEMORIAN 12th Let our great American, Abraham Lincoln, whose birhday we celebrate next Tuesday, February 12ih, serve as an inspiration for bigger and finer achievements in our Democracy. Let us follow his example with action as well as speech to perpetuate the freedom of the Democratic way of living he worked so hard to create. For New Bridge i.-- Mr. and Mrs. S. Harold Watson of Garfield received word this week that their son, Pfc. Gary K. Watson, after finding that Armando Alberico, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alberico of Magna, was nearby serving in Korea, looked him up, and the two local lads were overjoyed to see each other. Pfc. Watson had learned of Armandos address through a list published in the Times and Leader. HU address U: Pfc. G. K. Watson, AF 5419, 8th Inf. Bmr. Wing, 8th Inst Sqdn. APO 970, c'o P. M. San Francisco, Calif. Sergeant Laren Empey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Empey of Magna, has been transferred to' Indianhead, Maryland for advanced training in armament course. school for a His new address is Sgt. Laren Indian-heaEmpey, EQDS-USNP- F, d, presented at the Cyprus high school auditorium next Thursday evening, February 14th, 7:30 o'clock, under the auspices of Kennecott Copper Corporation. A most cordial invitation is extended to everyone for their attendance. Three local students will present numbers, having been chosen in contests at They are: Loel Cyprus. Hep worth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Hepworth and Carol Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Jensen, all of Magna, and Richard Wendell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Max Wendell of Granger. Loel plays the clarinet, Carol the violin and Richard the trumpet. .. (.nrilPifl I ldll Scout Services Sunday, Feb. 10 Maryland. The annual Scout Sunday ser- Ralph J. Bailey, son of Mr. and vices will be conducted at the Mrs. C. S. Bailey, has returned to Garfield wardhouse February Gifts are priced to barely make Scott Air Base, Illinois, after visit- 10th, 7:30 oclock, featuring as birthday. sented it to the new Brockbank e dent in your billfold. Choose ing for two weeks with his par- special guests all scouts Lieutenant Sadler died in his junior high school, where it is al- ents, other relatives and friends. and scouters of Troops 100 and today! planc in the South Pacific. HiswayS med on patriotic holidays.) 300. parents, sister, Betty Owens and Mr. Hans Rasmussen, field exWillis Clarence Jr., An Airman Soared Away Hepworth, Infant Succumbs son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil- ecutive for the Salt Lake Coun12 Hours After Birth lis Hepworth of Magna, has been cil, will be the guest speaker. He went away to a land up there, The public is cordially invited home on leave before leaving for With other rangers of the air. to attend. as an to his await con ship assignment were Graveside services His heart was brave, he was unafraid. ducted Tuesday in Pleasant Green electronics technician. For his was the soul of which heroes are made. While stationed on Treasure Is- Chamber Of Commerce cemetery for the infant son of " "good-bye,With a wave of the hand and a whispered and Leah Pierson Jenkins, land in California, Clarence play- Continues Clyde Cleaning An airman took flight, to a land on high. ed the trumpet in the band there. 8400 West 3550 South in Magna. Of Magna Main Street Where never a sound of guns is heard, The infant, born Monday at And love is the text of eveiy word. 2:30 a. m., died 12 hours later of Members of the Magna ChamanoxU. He was loved on earth, but needed up there, Survivors include the parents ber of Commerce continued their His youth, his joking, his laughter to share one brother, Chad Jenkins; four work of cleaning Main Street With those, who on earth were filled with care, sisters, Cleah, Larae, Carma and Webster School Sunday. They were aided by In a world where sadness is everywhere. Mona a and Arlene Barker Jenkins, deputy sheriff! N. F. Pehrson and grandmother, is ringing today, The Welkin in heaven Mrs. Harriet Jenkins, all of Mag- Sharilyn Clement. Reporters Jim Brusatto who kept cars off With voices of lads who flew away the main thoroughfare while the na. Into the skies, like songbirds do; We are going to have a Mr. men were at work. Sincere sympathy U extended. And there they are making a heaven for you. Jack Gardner found 85c while Wizard Club in our room, and try Webster School has made a big the scientific experiments that Mr. sweeping the cinders off the Heaven would not be a garden fair greenIf only the sirk and the aged were there. improvement on the polio drive, Wizard does on TV. We think it street perhaps several backs might bo found when the Last year we collected $148.00. will be fun. Ranger pf the Air! We'll be seeing you -- Room 22. south side is cleaned. This year we totaled $222.20. When the peace you fought for and died, comes true. old-tim- SCHOOL NEWS j SAYS: MANY BIG, USEFUL PRIZES TO BE AWARDED AT COUNTRY ST ORE ar Rerouted - THE EDITOR ear Traffic Local Dancers Perform On TV HMFEOVEMEMT 4J-YE- AE Kennecott Announces Start Of Garfield Improvement Plan Cyprus hoopsters turned back Bingham last Friday in a thrilling 8 score, and They give as the reason that the game with a in the library quarters in the Magna Wo- thereby definitely stayed honors mens Club are too small, accord- running for Jordan League and a try at the state basketball ing to Mrs. Tyler. crown. They are now tied with Move Oppose Groups However, the Magna Women's Bingham and Murray for second corner." Cli'b which originally started the place. 'You idiot," she hissed, that's his wife. library in this community over 30 The Pira'.es will meet Judge in years ago and maintained it for Memorial this Friday evening he replied Yes, of course, many years, oppose the move, to- Salt Lake City, while Bingham smoothly. gether with other civic groups and and Murray bat. Is it out If Cyprus wins, they will still remain Good many private citizens. Story miner-farmA story has been relayed to us They feel that the Brockbank tied with the winner of the fracas. that a Kansas City TV station can junior high school is definitely and have sugThe first game begins at 7:00. celled Arthur Godfreys program. Arthur made the error of tellgested that a - large addition be followed by the main event at made on the front of the present 8:00 o'clock. A large contingent of ing a story on one of his recent fans is expected to attend the programs that a man had died and library building. tussle. Too, several residents have sug- Judge-Cypru- s left his money to charity, his body to a medical association, and his gested investigating possibilities of the Magna Teen-Ag- e Club for brains to Harry Truman.' Worse things have been said library use. Hold Meeting about our president but apparA group of Magna representaently the Kansas City station obtives met with the County Library $894.81 jected to the remark, feeling that directors, Commissioner George the office of the president should W. Morgan, Henry Beckstead, Mrs. be given more dignity and presTyler Tuesday afternoon, and the tige. county officials agreed to delay Could not the president also feel action until a after any this instead of using profanity at public Over one hundred women can- out congressmen and writing unmeeting is held in Magna after March 1st Commissioner Morgan vassing from Redwood Road to necessary, asinine letters to who is also president of the group, Garfield, inclusive for one hour will be back from a trip at that Thursday night collected a total time. of $804.81 in the March of Dimes So? Porchlight Parade. It will only be a few months This particular phase of the until gardeners may start work on On-T- o polio drive was under the direc-tiotheir lawns. of Mrs. Ann Ahlquist of Gar Emil Feulner offers this adfield' and Mrs. Laura Daniels of vice: You can get rid of crab Be Hunter and proved very success' grass by digging it up by the roots, ful, despite the cold, wet night burning it, locking the ashes in a and blizzard weather. steel safe and sinking the safe in Residents of this area were 40 feet of water. asked to turn their porchlights on Local County Roads Start from 6:30 to 7:30 oclock if they Magnificent wished to contribute for the polio As I listened to Englands gallant Face Lifting With fund. old warrior, Winston Churchill, Mulch Patching address Congress, I had to admire him. As a general, he is not greatAll motorists who use 8920 it is rumored that he ly rated-- as West from 3200 to 3500 South planned the Dardanelles fiasco of World War I, but as the leader of streets are given notice that the a severely punished, bombed, bridge crossing the Salt Lake and Utah Canal will be rebuilt, widbattered English people of the ened and lengthened, so that this early days of War II, he was mag street will of necessity be closed A numbr -- f dancing students nificent. As a conniver for England, he for a considerably length of time. of Mrs. Shi. Taylor presented The bridge will be made a full numbers on Sandman Story time, has no equaL wide, raised several feet TV, station KDYL Wednesday of and be able to carry heavier loads last week, and also this WednesTroubles never come single-- so than in the past day, and were received very they tell us and if you can learn Salt Lake county workmen will favorably. to laugh at them you will be hapendeavor to put the street back Participating last week were py much of the time. into use as soon as possible and the following and the names of the will sincerely appreciate the co- numbers: A Whole Lot operation of residents in that area "Every Little Movement," MarAfter several observations the and others who use the street sha Hendrickson, Kathy Rees, Street Repaired Barbara Yeates, Karen Brems, past week, I've decided that those who reach the top of the Mr. Arthur Marsh, local road Colleen Cameron. social ladder dont achieve it by supervisor, states that starting Pretty Baby, Corky Chamber-lai- n consuming bread alone it takes Tuesday, patching with hot a lot of crust and Jolynne Brown. mulch will be worked into local The Bowery," Janice Brown. roads to repair winter damage. Frost coming out of the ground Apache, Billy Rydalch and YOUR VALENTINE causes expansion and contraction Trudy Clark. under the road surface which soon This .Wednesday, the following creates extremely bad roadways. young ladies presented numbers: The little boy who wields the Little Spanish Town," Peggy arrow suggests that you do not All losses are restored and sor- Breeze, Valene Swensen. forget your loved ones next ThursIndian Love Call," Myrle day, February 14th, and select a rows end. But if the while I think on thee, Worthen. present from the gay and gala Can-CaJanet Taylor, Cora collection of gifts featured by dear friend, William Shakespeare Jean Yeates, Linda Kay Davis. local merchants. Little Wooden Shoes, Diane Individuality is everywhere to Bcath, Gaylene Huish, Julene be spared and respected as the Huish, Linda Hansen, Alta Kay Thomas and Leslie Zito. root of everything good. Jean Paul Richter school. Number 34 BENJAMIN FRANKUN SAID IT WELLI Some indeed among us are nut so much grieved for the present state of affairs, as apprehensive for the future. They observe that no revenue is sufficient without economy, and that the most plentiful income of a whole people from the natural production of their country may be dissipated in vain and needless expenses, and poverty to be introduced in the place of affluence." This quotation from Ben- jamin Franklin appeared on the cover of last week's Saturday Evening Post. The words, written nearly two centuries ago, were never more true than they are today. And in view of the fact that President Truman has just outlined a federal spending program which calls for over 85 billion dollars for the next fiscal year, these words were never more timely. Think of it! Over 85 billion dollars the largest peacetime budget in history. Roughly, this figures at 550 dollars for every man, woman and child in the United States. And since the estimated federal income taxes, even at the present high tax rate is 70 billion dollars, we would be 15 billion dollars in the red at the end of the fiscal year. And that isn't all. Since the Administration has been going in for deficit spending lor years, in war and peace, the total national debt would be nearly 275 billion dollars by June 30, 1953. In view of these facts, we differ from Benjamin Franklin on only one point we are "grieved for the present state of affairs. But wo are even "more apprehensive for the future." For one thing, the President hasn't included socialized medicine and several other of his pet cradle to the grave" projects in the big spending program which he outlined. However, he mentioned them, and it seems certain that he plans to ask for them later. Mr. Truman also says that the high budget is the price One wonders of peace. what he could spend for POLITICIANS SPEAKERS AT PRESS MEETS A number of lavish, expensiv - : and useful prizes will be awr lucky ticket holders at t' Country Store and Dance to held at the Utah Copper Club .: the night of Saturday, February 23rd, end sponsored by the Mag-n- a Garfield Lions Club, an nounces Ray D. Merrill, president. All proceeds realized from the community entertainment will be used to send the Cyprus high school Ag Club to San Francisco ' to attend the Grand National -- Senator Mike Monroney, the battling Senator from Oklahoma, and Senator Joseph F. McCarthy, noted Wisconsin man, will be two of the featured speakers at the Utah Slate Press Association con- Livestock Show. vention February at the Tickets are now being sold by ; Newhouse Hotel in Salt Lake City. the Ag Club and Lions. Buyers of tickets will be eligible for the' Country Store prizes which will ' be distributed by Uncle SI in a good community j entertainment, reminesceat of by gone days. Rheumatic Fever To Be Subject At Webster PTA Senator Joseph F. McCarthy Senator Monroney will speak at the association luncheon Saturday noon and give the Democrat's view of national affair while Senator McCarthy will present the Republican viewpoint at the Sunday luncheon. The important and vital subject, of Rheumatic Fever, will be the subject for e talk to be delivered this Thursday evening, February 7th at the Webster School Parent Teacher Association, 7:30 o'clock. Consultation with parents teachers precedes the general gathering et 8:30 o'clock. A round-tab- le discussion will follow Dr. Reese's talk. Girl Scout Troop 73, with Mrs. Gilbert Taylor as leader, will present and retire the colors. Several accordian selections will be given by Joey Ribotto. Merchandise Award Given To Magna Resident. $100 Jim G. Colovos of 3011 South 9000 West was the lucky winner of a $100 merchandise award by ; Agency in Magna, aa the aftermath of the grand showing of the 1952 Ford. A total of 800 people registered for the free merchandise and a total of 2610 people were In to see the new Ford on Friday and Saturday. It is rated as one of the finest and care on the market Harris-For- d best-looki- ng Womens Bowlin Senator Mike Monroney Deas, San Francisco, Public information service of Afternoon Bowling the American Can Company will speak at the Saturday evening Arlene Harward had high gams of 180 and another one of 185 banquet. Tuesday afternoon at the Utah Copper Club.. Other high recordings were Emma Strebble, 157; M. Unsworth, Villa Williams, 158; Norma Sain, 139; Dena Rydaldi, 139; Claone Dyches, 135; Carol, 20 Bertoch, 133 and Mary Jensen, war. Times have changed aince J. Roger Benjamin Franklin's day but principles remain the same. No revenue is sufficient without economy. It has long been apparent that economy and the Administration are total Band Concert Slated Here Garfield PTA Founders Day Program Feb. 13 February One of the musical The Garfield PTA will celebrate the 55th birthday of the organization on Wednesday, Februreary 13th with a program and freshments following. Consultations will be held from 6:00 to 7:30 o'clock. The teachers have reserved this time for the parents, so that they can work together toward the education of each child. Program numbers include: choral reading by Mr. Handy's fifth grade class; chorus numbers by classes of Mrs. Marchant and Mrs. Ruth Andrus; male quartet, Messrs. C. L. Brinett, Donald Wil-foHandy, Perry Manwaring, What is Wilding; skit, PTA?" with Mrs. Karl Korapp, Mrs. Eugene L. Worthen, Mrs. Ray Johnson, Mrs. I. G. Salisbury, Mrs. Leonard Ekblad rd Magna Attorney To Speak on The Crime Syndicate Mark Miner, local attorney and of the Peter Pan Market. will be the featured speaker at the next meeting of the Magna Flower Garden Club, Wednesday, February 13th in the Magna Fire er 130. treats for "A League citizens in this ares next week will Band Concert be the Edna Meyer had high gama of to be at Cyprus high school audi- 190 Tuesday night at the Utah Febtorium Wednesday evening Club. Some of the other ruary 20th. The entertainment be- Copper high duikers were Romaine Zitot; gins at 7:30 oclock. LouMusicians from three schools, 150; Alice Begent, ise Erickson, Aline Brockbank Junior high, Valley Junior high and Cyprus high Griffith, 155; Roxie Gillespie, Shirley Begent, 151; schoul, will participate. Donations will be taken at the Nonna Furbourne, 154 and Manconcert to raise money for the I ga rite Pritchard, 150. Other recordings were Elaine Cyprus band uniform fund. Bette Cutler, HuSband, be will numbers The mass band led by Mr. Marvin H. Strong, sup- 180; Polly Stocking, 154; Vera Vivian Kemp, 159- ervisor of music in Granite School Dea, 154; LaVon Dea, 163; Pearl Moore, District 178; Norma Minster, 154; Donna 5; Cromar, 162; Beth Ahlquist Ann Dorothy Dea, Babe Wirnmer, Ahlquist 151-16- 9; 183-49- 165-18- 3; 159-16- 0; 154-15- Monthly Water Meeting Set February 19th The regular monthly meeting of the Magna Water Company will be held at the Magna Firehall Tuesday, February 19th, beginning at 8:00 o'clock. The meeting is usually held the second Tuesday, but has been postponed one week due to the absence of Mr. P. W. Seay, president who is vacationing in California. Anyone interested Is cordially invited to attend. Webstar School The pupils in Room 18 have organized a Pen Pal Club. There are ten members now who have pen pals. Some very interesting letters our nation. have been received. Everyone if cordially invited to Joey Ribotto has taken pictures attend the gathering which be- of the club so we can send our gins at 8:00 o'clock, according to pen pals a photograph of the dub Mrs. J. A. Monson, president. members. hall. Mr. Miner will give an address on the interesting and vital subject, The Crime Syndicate, how it affects our future and that of 151-15- 0; 166-15- 7; 172-17- 9; 157; Sylvia Wirnmer, 165. Teams 4 and No. 5, 4 points. I took 5 points and B League In the B League, Patty Me-- Donald captured high game of 177 and aeries of 457. She was fallowed by VI Nord-- . quist 144; Helen Wirnmer, 152- 7; Dorothy Merrill, Irene Tuckey, 149; Millie Christ ' offerson, 148; Ruth Andrus, 147; Lillian Riley, 145; Norma Powell, 1 161; Nola Farnsworth, 5; Florence Id ell Prlvett, Smith, 150; Laura Jo Marshal 143; Norma Ceilings, 168. Team No. 2 took 4 points and 4 and 1, 3 points. Squad N& I took high game of 676 and No. 1, high 140-14- 165-14- 0; 148-16- series o 1927. The power to love truly and devotedly is the noblest gift with which a human being can be en- do wed; but it is a sacred fire that must not be burned to idols. --Maria Jane Jewabury |