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Show GARFIELD LEADER. GARFIELD. UTAH lurday. February 16, beginning at SnxuMfLews 8:00 o'clock, in the form of a semi- - The MIA Maid and Explorer formal entertainment. Stake Rose Prom will be held at. ' Refreshments will be served, the Pleasant Green Ward on Sat--! and a social time enjoyed. Return Home VALENTINE Mr. and Mrs. George Colvin and Mr. and Mrs. Ren Firkins and SPECIAL daughters have returned to their homes after attending a birthday party honoring Mrs. Harriet Hayes sat Buhl, Idaho, mother of Mrs. Colvin and Mrs. Firkins. Mrs. Hayes was 77 years old February 4th. The party was giv-;e- n in her honor by five daughincluding Mrs. Annie Green, ters ' Mrs. Thomas Newnham, Miss Sarah Hayes, all of Buhl, Idaho, Mr. Colvin of Magna and Mrs. Firkins of Garfield. The honored guest received many lovely gifts from the sixteen guests in February is the Month of Cherries And We are Featuring Delicious CHERRY BRICKS, quart ... And for your parties 5c each Skyl ine Ice Cream DIAL 9350 l Wlv- 9070 WEST MAIN jti m ST. i Mow you caw judge car value for yourself ! Cel the complete fads and figures the "Show Don'if Wey! ins rasa "Show Down" booklet gives you pro of instead o sell" . . . presents the facts about features, ananged for easy comparison. For example, you can quickly compare Dodge head room, seat width and stretch-ou- t room with that or other can costing hundreds of dollars more. You get actual specifications not gengall rations. Xo Obligation A'o Siring Come in today and get your own copy of the Show Down" booklet Its convincing, it's convenient, it's free. Take it home and make g money-savincomparisons at your leisure. You'll loam what thousands of new Dodge owners will testify: You could pay hundreds of i mote far ai car and still not get all Dodge gives youl" SPRING Lovely Party Club Meats Mrs. Dorothy Merrill entertained members of the Club Friday evening at her home, and special guest, Mrs. Wilma Sowby. Tables of cards were arranged and prises given to Mrs. Vi Martin, Mrs Ruth John-co- n and Mrs. Sowby. The group will be entertained on Friday, February 15th by Mrs. Martin. ; 40c DIXIE CUPS, only Garfield News 3PENNEYH voueHoNs. THEN SOME) ... AND worth Honoring Mri. Verl A, Haws, the American Legion Auxiliary entertained at a prettily planned party Monday night at the home of Mrs. Agnes Williams. A pot-ludinner was served, and a quilt presented to Mrs. Haws for her many years of efficient, loyal service in the organization. Tables of bridge were later played and bridge favor given to Mrs. Linnie C. Wyatt and canasta prize to Mrs. Kate Salm. Sixteen ladies attended. ck j Mrs. B. E. Mix entertained memClub Entertained Club and bers of the at Mrs LaMar S. Hills Thursday Mrs. H. T. Dyches entertained the New ho use Hotel in Salt Lake members of her club and special City. Tables at bridge were ar- guest, Mrs. Kenneth Huffaker, time. social followed a by ranged, Monday night at her home. A lovely supper was served at small Idaho Visitors tables centered with American Beauty roses. Tables of cards were h Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. later and prizes given to have had visitors during Mrs. played Jack Gardner, Mrs. Velda to home at their week the past Coon and Mrs. Huffaker. include Mrs. Hepworth's father William M. Thomas, a sister, Mrs. Birthday Party Gus Hedin and five children and Mr. Joseph Heda brother-in-laHonoring the 7th birthday anniin, all of Preston, Idaho. versary of Timmy and Tommy Pearce, Miss Daisy Wilkin entertained at a party Sunday afterBirthday Party noon at her home, assisted by Mrs. Thayne Pearce and Mrs. Elva enWomen's Club The Magna Bezzant. Games were enjoyed by tertained at a party honoring the twenty-on- e little guests and late birthday anniversaries of a group party refreshments served. of members Wednesday evening. 4 A six o'clock dinner was served at Poiluck Luncheon with decorated one long table, Valentine hearts. Ladies so honorA meeting of the American Leed were Mrs. James Monson, Mrs. gion Auxiliary will be held next Arthur Marsh, Mrs. M. F. Orr, Thursday evening, February 14th Mrs. N. F. Pehrson, Mrs. L. S. at the Utah Club, beginCopper Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Nephi Peterson, ning promptly at 8:00 o'clock. Alice Brady, Mrs. Velda Roberts Following the regular gathering and Mrs. Florence Herron. Gifts of the Legion and Auxiliary, a were presented to each lady. potluck luncheon will be served Mrs. tendered were Tributes by to the ladies and men. A Allie Gee, Mrs. Agnes Williams, cordial invitation is extendedvery to Mrs. F. L. Pendleton, Mrs. James all interested former service-me- n Monson, Mrs. R. C. Parks, Mrs. and their wives to attend. Matt Pettersson, Mrs. Frances Mr. and Mrs. Ute Perkins reRidge and Mrs. Alice Rowland. Two members who weren't able turned this week from an enjoyto be there had tributes read to able six weeks vacation spent in Mrs. B. A. and Mrs. Walters them, southern California with their Frank Greenwood. son and family, Mr. and Mrs. arof The committee in charge Claude Perkins. rangements consisted of Mrs. Nell t Mecham, Mrs. F. L. Pendleton and Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Mrs. Dora Voshell. Games were Oquirrh Camp, will hold their played and prizes given to Mrs. regular meeting Thursday, FebMecham and Mrs. Ella Peterson. ruary 14th, 1:00 o'clock at the attended. Twenty-thre- e home of Mrs. Florence Reid. All members are invited to attend. Tri-Tow- Hep-wort- -- SecJf1cetlan and laulpnisnt Sebjed la Ch ge wHkaat Nallca CTTN FAIR TERRIFIC COLORS! Bright woven checks and plaidsl TERRIFIC FABRICS! Sanforizedt and mercerized at this low incredibly price! ... TERRIFIC STYLES! Done with a flair that makes the low price even more amazing! Misses' and funior sizes Eternal vigilance is the price of Thomas Jefferson liberty. RUSTYS WORKS LEATHER I leather goods from Watchbands to Saddles Custom-mad-e I j NOW ON DISPLAY DIAL Specials for Friday, Saturday Shortening TOMA CORN OATS tSBBILl 2397 mice mom February 8 9 Swiftning, 3 tb low-pri- ce field I LONGER, STRONGER AND BUILT FOR KEEPS Phone 6371 S3 34 White Star Solid, can in the More interior comfort... more luggage space Ford b big ouMts and big Inside, with ipadout Mating for ix, PIUS Automatic Posture Control to give lbs drlvsr maximum comfortl the '52 9 hat lbs biggest luggage compartment of any car In IhoJow prica A aid! Bigger Sion many Mg bar priced Libby's Cream Style, 2 cans for Mother's, Quick or Reg., 3 tb pkg. Con Carne Facial Tissue, 300 size, pkg Nylon Hose, No. 1 quality, pair Peanut Butter, Skippy 21c . 98c . 37c . 23c . 22c . 30c . . . Navy Beans, 2 lb Beans, Libbys Whole Green, can Peets, large pkg FROZEN-FOOD- All kinds of Repairing Guar antsad Wost Magna (Satisfaction MAGNA, UTAH 5511 8916 West 2700 South the greatest car ever built Gifts J EUTOU COMPANY MAGNA I 31 Most Powerful bi Its class! NfWI Luncheon Meat, Mor, can Ice Cream, Cloverleaf, quart Fruit Cocktail, 2 can 41c 39c 35c Tuna Flakes, can Pie Crust, Pillsbury, pkg Joy, Liquid, bottle 19c 17c New Ford Ceadicraft Bodies A I V 9mm ofi, wHb Hie newesl, mart advanced The '52 Ford "eut-daue- T tans of body cemlrucHen on Hie read. It hdudei many new mere color and upholstery combinacoachwork dotal conand new tion than In eny other car In Hi field struction that moIs out dint, weather and i ... 31c The mw MHeoge Maher fila b ee eSetw.Mgh mmpinlon.bwMdlM rix zftndtr engbm wSk 101 hp. New he turning Overhead Vehrae eM fanger wearing . . . end the AemeeSi fever Hetqone hem el the I die mgefar gad gas yeo toy ... NOW fllM-p- . V- Strete-St- er - NUT. CHOICE MEATS S TM 49c 43c . 8c . 5c 12c 10c . . 9c Pork Roast, lb Pot Roast, lb Ground Beef, lb Frankfurters, Swifts, Pork Neck Bones, lb Bacon, Swifts, lb Round Steaks, tb 1 tb pkg. lord V-- 9 b Hm mart paver h fa M evghe ever ottered lmeprfaetMd.lt give ye 35c 38c 31c 57c 17c 43c 97c ele An when . - PW9 the gossovfagr 1 hrfi AN- - I Vi Potatoes, No. 2, 10 tb Grapefruit, 8 lb bag Lettuce, Calif., lb Apples, Delicious, tb Avocadoes, large size, each . . . . Celery, crisp, lb Green Onions, 2 for Radishes p. MUeaga Maher SIX $7 Dennison's, can 101-h.- UPOUUpr vtowt mUm I tf 'MOM epNoNf aw v rtfeaotf of toftw 00 Whtto "7 foVUtf&ifc... todtfttC&MHitfifrt HARRIS MAGNA, UTAH - FORD, INC. PHONE 6221 faipfi t |