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Show GARFIELD LEARER, GAR FJ ELD. UTAH Fri4iky, FOR - WILL TRAD- EContact ionarr' your own with living quartan for homo in washing. Un a wonderful. attic labor aaving county. Inquira Sky Lina lea lent. Craam. 8770 Writ 2700 South. MayUg. only 53.50 par month. O 84. C. Finlay Saloa and Sarvica. dial hana. 35c Plaaaa Yeates, SALE-Stowi- ng lb. at Tomato Ridga Farm. dial 7715. 00. e. roR for all Champion lour call Mr a. Flonnco FOR SALE-18- 50 Harmon at 1127 Wait 8200 South door Studabakar. 8 good tires. 34. Ml Plaaaa phono 8682. or dial 8388. SALE-Flow- an RETURNS Proparad in your homo or mina. Raaaonabla. Plaaaa dial 8824 or 8474. 85. ia WANT ADS HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED HAVE IT REPAIRED. FOR coat SALE-Musk- rat RENT BUY 4 LINES or less 50c FOR aparlmani modern. Inquira at 8812 Waat 3100 34. South, phono 2428. REMT-3-ro- om aiaa 12 Plaaaa dial 8112. 815. . flowers and corsages. Mrs. i WE Harmon. 8822 Wait 3200 BUY-Scr- Flor-- S chenley iron, matal and aU kinda of Jimk. ap tad Will call and pick up. Phona 00. 5502. makes I mkeutitie S7cnett-- every drink b Itown talker die's yaw VelMlhe, Wmhffii dial nw iwWanH wMfc pride... imwttlwtiiiwiiwh aN Ilia taste better! triaafag . Cupid lor yaw laaaakar . . .ValanMna'i Day is Fabraaiy 14. .because it's the best 'tasting whiskey in ages Say 65R DISTRIBUTORS, INC., NEW YORK, yaar lava Ph. la mllai away NEUTRAL SPIRITS. GRAIN McDonalds Flowers vrkk FLOWERS If LENDED WHISKEY SS PROOF. 4f NEW YORK 8072 WEST MAIN 2011 H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII ONE-VISI- SEtVICE. T COME IN ANO GET ITI conductor. A cordial invitation is extended NATIONAL to everyone to attend. COMPANY OF UTAH FINANCE AAAGNA 9013 W. 2700 Smith SALT LAKE CITY 22 West 2nd Sa f f ST. A Kingdom Hall has been established in Magna by Jehovah's Witnesses, located at 3019 South 8950 West, and regular classes are held there for members and other interested people. The Watch Tower is conducted each Sunday evening at 7:30 oclock, the Bible Class, Wednesday at 7:30 and Service Class later in the week at the same time. Harvey Magera is the Bible Study ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY Railroad damaged double M oven Frigidairo Range, only m $319.85. original price 8387.85 0. Used Frigidairo Rofrigor-- I aior. 819.85. One only, used GE Tele- - l 4 8 vision. 14 inch table model 8 H with table, was 8248.95. now only 888.00. MERLS FURNITURE fc APPUANCE Manna S. Phana B7B1 Kowarhg plant, wall take pride to Oiling yaar aider wMk aar fraAaat and lavaliaW. Fkane m today . . . wa? giay . Witnesses Establish Kingdom Hall In Community I rJ too. and Janice Court imitated Beaat the trice Kay, Waiting Church." The final number was a presentation of Bathing Beauties. The 1890 ladies were Dona Bring-hurs- t, Julia Carroll, Betty Valencia, Sharron Elliot, Carol Kirk, Valoy Johansen and Miss America, Colleen Peterson. The 1852 Bathing Beauties were Shirlene Stark, Barbara Barnson, JoAnn Stindt, Shirley Watson, Gloria Peterson, Lorraine Curtis, LaVon Coon, Caryl Koropp. Shawna Peterson and Miss America, Merann AhlquisL Shirlene Stark and Barbara Farnsworth were the announcers. Roger Hutchings was the reader. Jehovahs "Marl's Specials For This Waak" sl How Frigidaira Auto- - 4 malic Washer, railroad dam- ? aged, only slightly scratched n on porcelain, originally was 5 5302.75. now only 5241.85. P g yB" Now washer guarantoo. Used Hot point Electric U. Range, full sise, good condi- - 2 J8 Non, rt only 818.85. H Railroad damaged Frigi-g- foot daire Refrigerator, originally priced at $244.75, a now $185.85, only slightly 8 scratched with now guaran- - Z ('SpO or a fay Brockbank Holds Novel Assembly Friday SELL A very novel assembly was presented st Brockbank junior chickens. high school Friday by Mr. Ridd FOR SALE-Draaa- ad roasters. atawing hana and troah and Mr. McCloys 8Ji grade home room classes. eggs. Wa wrap chickana for your The topic was The Gay 90's" lockar. 40c lb. NaUon Poultry and acts consisted of the follow8400 So. Farm. 8127 Waat phona ing: song, Diane Mills and Melvin 8414. Neilson; accord ian solo by Karen CAPTURE HER HEART SCHENLEY - TAX 0A 2211. 8081 Waal 2700 So. a guitar solo, Barbers Herron; an act Professor, Im Nuts! written by Douglas Hook. A Flicker," was also presented with the following students participating: Dick Sizemore, Jimmy Gregory, Earl Bradley, Chad Jenkins, Laurie Coon, George Peterson, Gordon Ottinger, Key Nielson, Van Street Lester Martinez, David Peck, Kathleen Rogers, Sherry Bailey, Geraldine McAllister, Ida Lee Norris, Marlene Jones, Maxine Abernathy and Carole Evans. Three girls from Webster School, Janet Taylor, Cora Jean Yeates and Linda Kay Dalis, also gave a can-cadance. Other numbers included a song, Bonnie Dilley FehniM? 8, 1952 Phone Magna 6372 Phone PNOVO 341 W. Center St. Phone Provo 1045 TOOELE 13 S. Main Street Phono Tooela S80 "Mori's Specials For This Week" dVWWWbANVWMWAWWWWWWWWWWWVWWh Your; Portrait Iringi snduring Mdmw to Oie hwband end Si children who maan to Mkdi to yoj. EaLs yssr k A Surprise Buy A Surprise Buy at Every SAFEWAY et Every SAFEWAY t; . Honeybird, Delicious for Pios ORANGES LETTUCE CABBAGE New POTATOES CARROTS - U. S. NO. I. LB. THE BASE OF ALL SALADS U. S. NO. 1. SOUD. GREEN. LB. IDEAL FOR COLE SLAW U. S. NO. 1. FLORIDA REDS. LB. U. S. NO. 1. NEW CROP, LB. ALL PURPOSE VEGETABLE Values! DRESSING Cascade, Fresh Salad lb. FLOUR CCf.- Kitchen Craft rt J'Enriched i. 1AJ??ARINE HF7 C lb. Fresh Colored MINT WAFERS 9oz. Rockwood's SHORTENING QAc V Satin, v Royal Fresh Vegetable 4 JlQf f r 8aq U Mm 35C 3gc Townhousa, Grapefruit, 46 ez. cangacJ Sweet or Natural Cherub, Top Quality Tall Can JUICE BREAD Full O' Gold, Taste Tells, Tomato ,to 4 for lVhlb.loaf Libbys, L&? 4 k Vi site can. 11 for CORN , 2- Tasty Peanut Butter (Magic Special with Every Jar) Gardonsido, Tondor, Sweat 1 1 cans No. 303 size (Y Un. Orh?" 46 oz. can 100 55c Potted Meats BEVERLY JUICE flc . iffiiid 46 oz. can Sweet, Orange Cream off Wheat Quick or Regular BLACK TEA Canterbury, from the Finest Tea Gardens CRACKERS Ritz, lb. Tasty Party CATSUP pf r f (t 35, m Si lb. f Red Hill 14 a. PAPER Fern Pork Shoukbr (J I Ig. pkg. 125ft.roll , gc 1 0r HALIBUT lb. BACON SPARE RIBS Small, Meaty to FRANKS lb. Swift's Premium BEEF 49? U. S. ROAST Graded Chuck Telephone 100 Going to Press Soon J Bacon Squares 49 39? Sliced, Gold Coin STUDIO 8763 West 2700 So. 100 lb. Fresh Picnic Style Sliced, Ready for the Pan MAGNA Ph. 8051 e u I isaa-,- Directory Meat Buys 07 r.WAX O IL J 10 lbs. M,LK OQp 10c 10c 1 Pancake Mix JUICE 8i 8i TUNA FISH SUZANNA 2c Powdered or Brown j I r. vwwwwwwwwwww r 21 CPack inTrain, Mapla SUGAR 55 FLORIDA SWEET JUICY NAV LB. BAG ELS. No. 2 can at Every SAFEWAY Surprise Buy ; SYRUP CHERRIES Fresh Produce A ppci lb. 23 ? 59? 69? for tadditional listings... or directory idvertising... n.ot ueans rr.tDMkh,w No. I loom pi r 100 !&$ SYi ffcSrt? r.ii 1 M Every SAFEWAY lf?9m issue ' 100 Ik? vsl Yf Ti' THruii hum miinjj A SerPrlse Buy at Every SAFEWAY S. A vwif H Surprise Buy PRICES IAJ flnAEti la pari trass Ivening Till H IT. SwITii, 100 fe et Every SAFEWAY SUBJECT TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES. These Prices Effective in Hiip Mi.no .Stnn I n l 'Our Business |