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Show Friday, February 8, 19S2 GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD, UTAH of Special Interest to Women LEADER GARFIELD THE Howard Ridga. Publiihar Edith X. Ridgo. Editor Publiihod Sinco ISIS Magna Maid To Publichad Bf Tho Coppor Printing Company luuod oaeh Friday morning at Garfiald. Utah Be Married In Eniorod aa aocond clam mail matter under tho act of Scott Base Chapel March 3rd. H7i at Garfield. Utah of beat the one the Utah newepapera Adjudged by weekly Stale Preaa Aaaocimtlon. given honorable mention by the National One of the prominent weddings of Valentine month uniting two Editorial AaeocUUoa. n young people of this Mail aubacriptlon ratea Payable atrieny in aovance S1J0 year The Timea welcomea contributions from iia readera upon any area will be the ceremony of Mias aubjeci of public interest. All communicationa must be signed. No Laura Jo Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marshall of ittmtion paid to anonymous contributions. Magna and Staff Sergeant Ted. A. McDcrinaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Garfield. rch The young cuuple will become man and wife in a military wedding to take place at Scott Air Force Base Chapel in Illinois, February 22nd. bride-elec- t, n Honoring the Mrs. Florence Smith, Mrs. Patty McDonald and Mra. Helen Wimmrr are entertaining at a miscellaneous shower this Friday evening, February 8th at the Utah Copper Club Porphory Room at seven thirty o'clock. Miss Laura Jo will be further honored February 14th at a personal shower to be given by Mrs. Roy Smith and her mother, Mrs. - BABY NEWS New well-know- , well-know- Permanent WAVE "As. J j. $6.0G Multi-Crem- w Group Entertained Wave. e Mrs. B. W. Richardson was hostmembers of the Women's Benefit Association Monday eve-- , ' ning at the Magna Women's Club- rooms. A lovely luncheon was served, followed by arrangements fur card playing. Prizes were given to Mrs. EuRoka Memmott and Mrs. Myrtle Long. ess to I Includes styling, shampoo and wave. I I (Offer Expire after February 14th.) J WILLIAM & MERRILLS Mrs. Myrtle Long was named new president of the Women's Benefit Association at a meeting I of the group Monday evening. ladies who will assume (Other of various offices are: Mrs. Marlor, vice president; i Mrs. Clara Borland, recording secretary; Mrs. Effie Luchesi, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Nielson, chaplain; Mrs. Ida Stewart, Lady of Ceremonies; Mra Helen Fitz- gerald, sergeant; Mra Della Kone, Inner Hostess and Mra Margery Duke, Outer Hostess. I South. Magna tOSS West 2700 PLEASE DIAL 2193 FOR EARLY APPOINTMENT L Cut Ma Out And Hang Me Up Gem Theatre February 8 9 Friday, Saturday Starts 7:00 p. m. Complete Show After 3 p.m. A WTiifiF 2nd Feature p i iiui a inpupmimeiRmi pnffljiMHL ADDED "Hollywood at Play with Martin & Lewis SATURDAY "ROUNDUP" 12 STARTS Everyone Invited son-in-la- February 10 Starts Sunday 5:30 p. m. Starts Monday 7:00 p. m. Last Show 3 Start a Home congratulations upon the birth of a fine boy who arrived January 31st at a S. L. Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Emil Feulner are the proud paternal grandparents. I Cali at Jones Insurance Agency 5835 West 3500 Phono Murray South 0134-R- 3 Lets get down to the Solid Ercls .' Second Son Chevrolet Trucks Can Save You Money All Along the Line Mr. and Mrs. Cyril F. Ander- sen announce the birth of a six pound, thirteen ounce boy who was born January 29th at the LDS Hospital He has been named Paul Spencer and is being happily greeted by a brother, David, at home. Mrs. Andersen will be remembered as being the former Dorothy Spencer of Magna. Fifth Child Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Taylor of Magna became parents of a lovely baby girl February 2nd at St. Mark's Hospital. Mother and new daughter are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Empey of Magna are rejoicing over a daughter who arrived January 31st at St Marks HospitaL Two brothers are now making her acquaintance at home and think "sister" is grand. First The facts show you how a Chevrolet truck can mean real substantia savings on your hauling or delivery job. Chevrolet trucks cost less to buy, less to own and operate. Their dependable engines, famous for power and stamina, keep fuel consumption low. Sturdy Advance-Design features keep maintenance costs down. Value is built in to stay your truck investment All over America there are more Chevrolet trucks in use than any other make. Come in and talk over your truck needs. Child Mr. and Mra Robert L. Brown of Salt Lake City are receiving valve-in-he- fflCt No. 1 , F3Ct NO. 2 More Truck for Less Money Rock-Botto- Operating Costs m Fact NO. 3 Engineered and Built for Your Loads fif lOWef, Us 1 3Ul HO. 4 11 CHEVROLET Slower Depreciation PAULOS AUTO COMPANY MAGNA, UTAH DIAL 6611 say: NOTICE The Magna Timas is qualified as a Newspaper to publish Legal Noiicea having been approved in tho Third District Court of Salt Lsko County. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CONSULT COUNTY CLERK PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. p.m. Warner Bros.mbst im NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Title 120, 121 and 143, Utah Code Annotated, 1943, the State Tax Commission of the State of Utah will sell as is the following described property at public auction to the highest bidder at the hour and place shown below: Thursday, February 14, 1952, 2:00 p. m.. Page Motor Company, 'That's the Smartest Million Dollars BUICK Ever Spent" Magna, Utah. 'TfCHNUH-- v WITH GARY COOPER Cartoon Naws 1934 Plymouth sedan, motor lumber PF 10697, 1936 Dodge sedan, motor number R 9077 Utah, the purchase price to be payable lawful money of the United States of America. The seller reserves the right to bid. Dated this 8th day of February, 1952. "vfl Tue., Wed., Thurs. Feb. 121314 STATE TAX COMMISSION C. R. OPENSHAW, JR. THlftOUPS1 Starts 7:00 p. m. Comptete Show After p. m. Executive Secretary Date of publication, February 8, 1952. 4 TieHmeoT viHiNW gini V 1 1 sauu DAVID BUTLER talking real money right-on-th- e barrelhead cash. A million dollars and more were poured into research and testing design and tools engineering, production and components to team up the combination of ride features youll find on a Buick and on no other car in the world. A million dollars and more was the Morgan mayo Nelson UursosiiMi we tell you that every 1952 rides like a million dollars, not were just slinging slang -- were When y price paid to work out control of side-rodoublell to on and curi'cs check vertical throw with shock g coil absorbers and big wheels to all four springs for the keel and the torque-tub- e end-swa- u. S. F. k G. Co. American National .INSURANCE soft-actin- V-bra- ce -- DOROTHY swaLMat-naanwcM- PATRICK " i. BAREFOOT MAILMAN" "MAGIC CARPLT" "BRIGHT VICTORY" "CLOSE TO MY HEART" AND ALL THE OTHER BIG ONES. - Glass Ertry Typa X-bra- cc frame to cushion body and engine and to silk out the whole operation with Dynaflow Drive. You may not care how the jcb was done, or what it cost But well lay you this: You're going to say thanks a million to Buick engineers once you get this spirited smoothie under your hands and haunches. Old familiar roads take on a new smoothness. Gone are the weave and wander, the jitter and jounce that youve felt in lesser cars. Ybu ride with assurance and level ease. road-huggin- Never before have style and stamina comfort and character power, per- formance and price been brought together with such satisfying skill. The obvious thing for you to do is come in and look them over. IIow about taking half an hour off to do that today? mtesmHm, lri and msdsk me sukfmt Is sAsaes without asWn, IHudsvd m AcMiMMtfiftJi M I M Mra met m ether Mw Sureisfmfor,52 g All of which only begins to tell you what really great cars these 1952 Buicks turned out to be. Byron Huish, Agent 2147 South 9100 West Phono 8154 ADAMS MOTOR COMPANY I I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Feulner of Salt Lake City are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a fine baby boy, who has been named Bruce. The son and heir arrived February 1st at a Salt Lake hospital. The new mother, D of P To Meet who will be remembered as the former Frances Baldee, is now at A meeting of the Daughters of her parents' home, Mr. and Mra Utah Pioneers, Pleasant Green L. Baldee on the Arthur Row. Camp, will be held at the home of Mra M. F. Orr on Thursday, The ethics which guide thought February 14th, beginning prompt- - spiritually must benefit everyone .ly at 1:30 o'clock. Mra Faye for the only philosophy and relig Isakson will be ion that afford instruction are The lesson will be given by those which deal with facts and Mra Isakson, and Valentine num- - resist speculative opinions and bers will be arranged. -- Mary Baker Eddy fablea All ladies are urged to attend. I do not regret having braved public opinion when I knew it was wrong and was sure it would Mr. and Mra George Staheli be mercilesa of Payson, Utah, were guests last Horace Greeley week at the home of their daugh-.c- r, Mra C. M. Simpson. Honoring the 73rd birthday anniversary af her father, Mra Simpson en- - , tertainod at a prettily arranged family dinner Friday evening. A social time was later enjoyed. Finishes 3:30 k California Trip Proud as peacocks over their first grandchild are Mr. and Mn.i 'Mrs. F. Van Orman Clark and P. W. Seay of Magna, who left daughter, Mrs. Bryant C. Mac-- 1 Sunday for Burbank, California ' Kay, have just returned from an to see the lovely daughter of Mr. enjoyable vacation trip to Glenand Mrs. Chester Jones. The new dale, California. girl arrived Saturday, February! They visited with Mrs. Clark's 2nd and all concerned are doing Mr. and and welL Mrs. Jones will be remem daughter Mrs. Blaine Buckner and darling bered as being the former Gay grandson, Kent Seay. Entertains Group They also were guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, also of Magna, are the happy and Mra Max Buckner and son, Mrs. Maggie Richards enterCraig at Huntington Park, Mr. paternal grandparents. and Mrs. Richard Williams and tained thirteen friends Saturday Son Arrives NOON When Is Your Birthday? Hay Gangl This week another Trader charm for your bracelets I Both Feature Cartoons Hollywood at Last Chapter of the Serial Come and Phty ee what the new serial will be. Sunday, Monday Grandchild One ride and You'll ATTRACTION NEWS first Daughter New Officers BEAUTY SALON i s girl-frien- SPECIAL e A Duart Phyllis Harkness, at the residence. Close will attend. The popular maid is leaving February 18th for Illinois. She and her husband will make their home near the base. Hark-nes- HUNTER Dinner guests Saturday night at afternoon at a shower honoring Mrs. Richard Wells, who recently the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam became the mother of twin girls. Palmer were Mr. Palmer's niece Refreshments were served, and a and husband, Mr. and Mra Max Ansola of Blackfoot, Idaho. daughters, Suzanne and Tana at gay, social time enjoyed. Van Nuys and Mrs. Clark's aunt,; Mrs. Sarah Calder at Long Beach. The visitors report the Cali-- : fomia weather, after the terrible floods, has been perfect. In addi-- j tion, they saw many other points of interest They were present at the blest-- 1 ANY SIZE LOTS $550 and up. ing of the grandson. His father blessed him and gave him the name of Kent Blaine. The services 24 Monthly Payments 101 Down were held in the Glendale West In Flowing WeU District Ward LDS church. 8792 West 2700 South Dial 2041 |