Show BY telegraph rim yim WIM uxa A AMERICAN M ERI bri 0 A W KANSAS orry crry 14 many jar freaks of the wind are recorded one man had haa his clothes literally storn tonn torn from his hla body being stripped di almost to hia his underclothes in one V house on mcgee mcgeo a lady was at a piano in the second 1 tory story the wind lifted the upper part 0 of f ane tue house and lefe left her seated la in the open air unhurt and the instrument undisturbed the loss 1088 in the c otty is now placed at or more J much or it such as shrubbery and household goods and cannot be estimated individually the losses p on buildings are generally below 2000 and being numerous a de tailed la Is impracticable the large aggregate la Is made ulof up of small li mounts amounts reports Re porta from the branch of the storm which crossed wyandotte Wyan dotte dotty county estimate the loss al ai 1 of the reed beed family at home near wyandotte mrs beed reed and one child i are dead 1 liberty mo 14 the damage done in town was waa slight several parma larma a mile east of the city sunn er ed and a tew few housea houses were partly de y molle hed bed the stor stormie storm mit lt is reported crossed the indian territory some L a where between and A at onka on the Misso missouri url pacific the n wires are down between these two replaces ep c places laces A dispatch hom nom broken eld eid 11 ats at S SO 30 this afternoon says five per peri 11 adna bons sons were killed and ten or fifteen nit fit teen j wounded at macomb city on the y hannibal ranu hanl ibal miles from there the gires wired are down on both sides of macomb carthage at yester yeater day e evening v ening as a storm which had been threatening for fur hours struck the I 1 town af Ono roga a tew few miles west weal of here in the shape of a cyclone I 1 and abd in a few minutes the town vm wab was aj ii totally destroyed with the exception of a few dwellings in the southeast z ern part six persons were killed hilled and 33 wounded many seriously and au u perhaps fatally the storm was not t so BO disaster ous to webb city asat as at i first reported very few people were hurt and none killed Afew houses j were unroofed and antl some moved off a 0 their foundations foundation bu business siness signs were carried three miles from the tilty city by the wind joplin and carth lage lage inge tage a with very little injury a bat the storm passed up spring 3 biver river valley demolishing every thing in its way killing and inbur ing people and stock the cyclone was about yards bards wi wide ldes odes and traveled in a northeasterly direct direction uon tion rae rao woe toe storm which swept this city started about two miles bou bon southwest th west of cohere ct hene here and pawing passing northeast came down fown again at liberty and con eon contenti ring cing in the same direction it would f W pass in the vicinity of Macon which y Is over a hundred miles further on 11 j P so the storm reported at the latar latter iatter place may be a continuation of the i one experienced here st joseph 14 information from jaaj bale baie barckow kow 0 W a few miles north of here on the chicago burlington quin cy railroad Ball rali road is to the ettelt that the I 1 cyclone passed over Whit oville an fc drew county doing very little damage there however but destroying several farm houses barns or orchards chirds V u and other property in the vicinity wm stingley lost his house and all ail out buildings the whole outfit being oes Aes destroyed troyed the family took refuge I 1 aln jin in a cave and were not harmed simon bun SUn stingley gley whose farm ad joined william williams had i all his proper fry aty ty destroyed dismo his mother who was waa talona alone alona in the house was carried 10 or rods rodg a and nd died in an hour from bin rin hir her injuries considerable other a properly including houses in the garack trien ot of the storm are ale reported ila iia damaged maged but I 1 lust just what and whose Ib annot cannot to bce obtained now much iti etl K damage to farms by heavy rains is E also aiso reported elkhart ind 14 during a wind storm at enite pigeon thia this morn ing ifie a frame schoolhouse filled with children was waa blown down wm win meak weak was waa crushed to death and sey bey eral enal injured joplin mo moa dispatch about ruid euid pm m yesterday a cyclone struck and liter liten literal ally aily ly demolished tha the place oronogo is on the line ot or the ahe frisco roada road nine miles esq east elst t of joplin and ana had about people the storm approached from K the southwest and presented the funnel like ilke shape peculiar to a cyc lone jone one but one building of any ejze size Y the au masonic onic hall remains two alarick Pl brick arick buildings building 3 were ere ero razed to thel r foundations A m estenger messenger on horse horise back was waa dispatched to joplin for ald aid wd the frisco agent placed a special train iraln at the desposs dis poss of pie and shortly before midnight it reached the scene of the dl aster with IS 18 physicians and persons persona ready to give assistance tim scene this thia morning is one of desolation as the once flourishing village Is a mass mabb of debris following polio ving ring are arb the casualties 0 alex goadman instantly hilled killed sadle badie daughton stepdaughter of Goodw goodwin ln died during the night george Goodw goodwin ln fatai fatal injured mrs ellia rills seriously hurt huit chas wyatt leg and arm broeg broken mit mrs urs 9 napier injured in internally erna i james jacobi jacoba aged 10 found on the prairie half a mile from town with leg broken mrs dr lafayette in aured slightly mrs james harnes wounded seriously molly harnes thought fatally injured emma birnes fatal wound in head hemd finnk frnnk ellis ellie injured in arm and hip mat tie barnea not expected to survive the day J scotts child head injured ezra goodman leg jeg broken about 40 other dersons versions injured slightly chicago li minter incer logeais sturges gesl michigan A cyclone struck this place from the southeast at this afternoon atte moon passing through the outskirts of the town and sweeping everything before jt it for half hait a mile in width chauncy gilman oilman a farmer living two miles biles southeast sought adelter with his three chhn dreu dren in a barn which was carried away add and all four killed hilled george bouso and barn bard a quarter of a mile west of were blown down one mamber of the family was seriously injured it lis lib is impossible to estimate atie damage the cyclone was accompanied oy the heaviest hall hail rain and lightning ever known there kansas city 14 times macon missouri special ep ecial the cyclone that thal occurred here last evening nt eight oye ole ock caused geat both of life und ana pr property agerty the storm cawing from t southwest struck the eity city in the southwest cornera corner corney damaging more ot or less everything in its path pathe debris debria from ruined buildings was blown moze then a mile mlle the track of the i torm wab wms across the south part of the city the business part eladis fesca peti ed with but little damage colored people are the greatest sufferers rera their church and buildings both brich brick structures were completely destroyed and trees literally blown to pieces three persons persona at are known to be killed namely mrs elijah bank M mrs ra john clarkson charles boss rom among those seriously and perhaps fatally injured are geo turner colored mordecal mordecai hays hay a and son bon lizzie lizzle gray and imd many others five miles southwest of here the coun couo try is laid waste and desolate houses barn barna and fences are scat seat over the prairie much live hye stock istock is killed or crippled in the switch yard two freight cars were blown am from the track timbers are scattered over the entire southern bouthern south bouth fern part of the city in a small email fuh fiah pond of capt W 0 smith three teet feet of water wab was entirely scooped out the damages are roughly etti ettl mated at in this immediate vicinity the sufferers are caged for and adequate relief provided the following additional names to the list hat of abjured were obtained to I 1 night mrs 0 E miller and three children chas buster A M smith and family wm barnes and wife stephen sloth and wife mrs harp E banta A cooley and C LB L burrows these are all ali in the adjoining countey and hurt dr miller who went into in to the country to help the relief work returned lareto night and reports the destruction more mote wide a spread than has nat been cleveland 3 ohio 14 A severe bevere storm by hard rain vivid lightning and high wind passed puss pubs p usa iea over this section last lut night As yet no casualties bre are reported A special to the leader from wil louge by reports that a cyclone passed over the neighborhood uprooting trees and scattering fences A special to the from fredericktown Frederick town reports that a hurricane passed over that section doing considerable damage springfield mo 14 A cyclone moving from southwest to northeast swept western jasper county yesterday evening doing great gre great at da damase damage manelo magelo to life and property at orange it struck the town with terrific force at p in anth entirely ely demolishing the bus aldeia part of the place and leaving but a few dwellings two persons person ss G 0 go goodwin dwin and 1 sadie wadle adle adie G oddwin Goc dwin were killed out r shu and 33 persons persona seriously hurt somo bome of them fatally one of wh whom 0 m i ira goodwin has sineo since a died 14 belief 31 le f parties from carthage joplin i ME anu other noar points reached the tha roene roena of the storm stormy a ravages early in the evening and did all in their power to alleviate the sufferers dying and wounded many houses destroyed were those of miners in poor circumstance circumstances ss who iose rose everything provisions and clothing are being bent sent there froin from carthage medical men and nurses are taking charge of the wounded signs and awnings belonging to webb city business boutes houf hoaf eee eeb four miles from ornona were found in the latter iatter place from which it is probable the storm did much damage there the entire force of the frisco bail rali railway ballway way including night and day shift shifts were out all jast lasit nigh night t repairing damages by the storm and making up extra trains spring river driver has nas had its only big boom A section man who came jn in a short time ago reports the bridge over that stream as swept away the water la Is playing eau hau havoc in that valley fargo hargo dakota 14 there are reports of a heavy storm in the black hills to today day enow snow falling to a depth of more than thau twelve inches no details yet received here kansas city la ia aa 14 great crowds throng the streets this morning in the southern pan pars of the nnie city viewing the of property by last jast nights sturm already workmen are busy clearing the debris from the streets and patching up such housos houses as were yvere capable of re pair and rendering them tenable everything JS very thing is yet in confusion mid wid no complete nat hat of the wounded is mado made up estimates of the ioas loss of pro property petty cannot be obtained before afternoon following aro arm the latest reported killed will JS mrs david ried and joss jos burns he injured james jmmes drummond brummond injured internally very serious H lebrecht injured internally mistral Mr nor injured about the kneup knets marsso asso ric rie wikle broken mrs nita TJ I 1 tulye adye iye lye dangerously gerou sly injured internally airs aira win mcclelland internal ly a three year old child of mrs mary jackson colored fatally injured internally arthur whitney aged 12 dangerously injured about the head mrs Mr sCynthIa cynthia davis davils terribly injured about the head and fee flank jen Jea jenkins jeakins kins kiam badly hurt about and face two children of J meph jackson Jack son bon one 4 yeara yearb old not expected to live jive ja jackson cheon was tras lying ill JA in bed when the rott roif was taken from over his head a child I 1 of X ed d wheeler i ard badly i y hurt captain joseph burn burns skilled killed an old boatman was anding standing Bi by the niver river elde eide when struck by flying umber a of a hay house his neek neck broken and head crushed seeben was killed by an overturning wagon at the circus ground mrs beld reid was blown against a tree and her neck broken it was reported that two employees of coleb coles circus were killed hilled but buit this th s is not confirmed mr beed bead and eight children are so badly hurt that their recovery is doubtful they were all in the bouse house at the time of the storm and the building was wai torn to atoms the track ot of the missouri cacide pas pad do la Is reported obstructed by land laud slides south ol of leavenworth and the morning trains had bad not arrived at noon it is probable definite returns wili wiil reduce the amount of damage to property below the estimates timatea ea of last night that it will be less leas than a quarter of a million losses are almost innumerable but generally for amounts ranging from to 2000 as the destruction was chiefly among in the less closely built portion of the city cit generally among the smaller dwellings and dal dai not extend to the or more prominent tnt buildings SEATTLE 14 the tha steamship belonging to the oregon improvement company burned this morning alongside the dock the vessel lis ils was taking coal at the time and had hwd on board some somo tons capt holmes was aroused and going on deck had bad tho pumps started up streams of water were gre soon thrown on the fire rire which originated in the oll oil room the flames spread rapidly and the hose bose was burned off the fire fine boon soon spread to the docs doer and in half an hour the wharf was enveloped inflame in flame efforts were made to get the burning vessel away from the dock but tho the tide eel hev her so heavily against the structure that she could not te ule started I 1 the fire department was soon on the tho ground but the tide being on the ebbs ebb the engines were of no ube use the vessel burned out in a short time and the entire portion of the wharf used as bunkers for coal was burned down to the first floor the mississippi kvas ivas was beached this morning in m and the tug goliath is I 1 trying to y extinguish the tho I 1 burning C ra inan iaan hag wag as very badly hurt by falling timbe timbers re everal fc others othera were more or less injured the chief engineer of the mississippi chas obas knapp was burned to death in his room some bome of hid his bones were recovered in the afternoon the MI mississippi was valued at and insured loss to dock the work of rebuilding will be vigorously pushed and in ten days coal delivered over a temporary tree trentie tle Ten apelle apello N VV T 14 A fire here ewt last night destroyed almost the entire town loss estimated at it originated in the government emigrant sheds and spread rapidly to the residences and farm houses of the town town bertey the rev 0 L stoddart dart rector of st johns episcopal church in this city was snot and killed today to day in her home 95 summit avenue mrs stoddart was dusting the shelves in one of the clo cio closets abts on one of the th shelves lay jay a pistol she brushed the weapon off the trigger struck belo wand the mhd weapon was ex eloped the ball striking her in mhd the nead hond crashed through the skull and lodged in the brain she died la in a few minutes Th the erector rector and herself lived in handsome style in their elegant house on summit avenue another account ot tho the shooting of mrs mra stoddard wife of the rector of st bt johnb johns episcopal church 1 Is the absorbing topic of conversation tonight to lo night the facts of the shooting were learned by county physician converse |