Show THE zum ZUNI LANDS olito wing Is ia the full text of the reclamation of president arthur defeating the scheme to gobble up lie he lands lauds and springs be belonging longin 9 t to 0 he zuni indians parti particulars culus of chich have already appeared in the the course of the president n this thia matter Is highly commenia commends ie 16 executive mati mali mansion filon may 1 theress Vh erese eress it is found that certain descriptions as to boundaries given n an executive order issued march setting betting apart a reservation n the territory of new mexico for he zuni pueblo indians are not n ot eted with sunnio Bufflo sufficient lent definiteness definite nesb nesa to delude within bald anid reservation all nils uve uie lands specified in and intended I 1 to tva covered by said bald executive or dek dei especially lany lady the nutria kutrla springs wd tad the olo ojo pescado Pe scado aid executive i rde Is hereby bereny herby doame ao amended that the le Je of khe tle ol 01 land here hereby byset bet set apart spart fon for the purposes lerell named ahall read as foi fol follows lowe beginning at the milepost in the west boundary line of the territory Cerri tory of new mexico thence in i direct line to the southwest bouth south west corier of township 11 north 18 west hence bence east and north following section lines so eo as to include sections 1 12 13 14 22 23 afo 26 27 28 8 az sa 33 84 35 36 in fald faid township thence from t the h e northeast corner of said bald townsal township P ja in range jine ube uee iween ranges f ind md 18 west and the tho third conn connee ee lon ion lon ion line north thence east on bald said line to the northeast bec tee see bec don ion lon jon line in ranke lango 16 from whence a line due south would include the zuni settlements in the region of nutria and nutria springs and the pescado springs thence south fol owing lowing ejection section lines to the township lines between township i 9 and 10 north range 16 west thence west on n said township line lind to the range line between range 16 and 17 west thence in a direct line lice to the mile post on an the western vestern boundary line owsald territory thence north along said boundary line to place of beginning CHESTER chesten A arthur arr 6 co I 1 |