Show UL all ant AND marriss MArrs RUT M ss M N TUESDAYS DA I 1 1 may limary fair this if afternoon eighteenth ward primary astion pre fre presided bided sided over by mister hilster ny hy Y thatcher Tha icher with sisters te young and ellen euen grieve a itei itel belor orl q was having a fair in the pei pel the tho articles exhibited baing being products of tho the ingenuity and ana I 1 of the little folks we under d no charge was myde made for adon the tie square imm yme pitts eitts W utson aru are ruis rubi hing ning corli on the ath tb ward square ja d present appearances should weather prove favorable they nearly complete completo the filling for bicycle track which will be ity t peet feet wide and one seventh mile ii e inside measurement this thia c and ino Iro probably bably babiy also ninish finish 11 the ling and leveling for the tha base pd and cricket grounds the a chich they are abe taking out ot of rp r is emin eminently enty enly suitable for the 9 of the track and will be suri with a niner tiner quality of materi MI au city creek creeh andron androu and aud rolled wl down arg and solid pete stona St oneA A new trade has opened in this city with banin the shipment to this point ie 0 beautiful white sandstone bounds abounds in that part of the tory brother E ii parry er r mason of the mantl manti temple warding arding vv the material materials and mr morris of this city is 18 RC ac ing ea 9 capacity of agent for its ds dis here the latter is using it hlf lit I 1 if and so BO are cateon bros jachora C actors and builders several ids d 9 have already reached the lit I 1 it Is ia beautiful rock not ex by any other of the barmo bame class region and is just the thing ps P sills and corners of build bu idi idl i k association A n ng was huld at the shoo shoe fac jac ast st evening to further con tj the bhe desirability of organizing aing ing association there where was d d attendance the bylaws by laws lawa through chairman pro tem term brother Is cope the rho rhe draft of the autlin and a portion of the ya a were presented and after discussion the constitution t was reid raid re id by sections was id the society the of of Ziona zions benefit building the committee on af by vere ere granted further time to eta ete their labors labois and the ag g adjourned till monday ag g may when it laborea clety lety jety will be ready for the n of officers I 1 one of our fellow follow ia a whose name we might as tate fate la Is heber H ashworth ash worth i e victim this week of a curl ece ace ce of aced confidence as las that he has been am P loy r r several months pasta past a man assumed name is rice rlee 1 as a er the man generally giving about a i ago however he sent rice bice ulli onville nevada with a lumber jumber to sell this errand formed in med but neglected to send beeda ds back to his employer ying yang ming ving there went to work for tt aten endaya I 1 a s with I 1 t h the team and a and n I 1 then h e w aking taking t a load of t as freight to milford some way WRY of the team and at the latter iatter place left the y on he the cars leaving mr rth not only minus his if I 1 the earnings of his em am altce alice but his hearp and wagon atice leaves a vue wife and four foun A behind hid hia him bim beauer neaver bewer bemer no 1 1 it singular statement while under sheriff was at flagstaff 7 arizona john Reese of that place consigned to his care for dr ainsworth an sin extraordinary specimen of being pothina no thina less than a human right haud hind which through some bome strange agency had been charged to stone the hand and part of the wrist Is perfect with the exception that the thumb la in lacking the four finzer fingerit fl if are partially closed and hold what appears a bunch of petrified grapes th thi hind la Is large but de delicate anc apparently to a not accustomed to performing manual labor the nails are perfect in shape as aa are also the veins and leaders and the wrinkles across the knuckles are as distinctly defined as those on the hands of a living per son bon neither haa haq the delicate texture of the skin akin been in the least impaired by the strange transformation of flesh into stone this whis singular freak of nature was picked up by mr reese beese on an cataract creek where exist extensive tracts of petrified forests weeley weekly y miney biner track torn tom up by mutual understanding der standing between the CP C P and U P railroads Bail nali roads the denver and rio bio grande laid a third rail on an the U P track at ogden on the west vest side of the hotel this thia was to en able the narrow guage line to deliver its freight and passengers on arrival arriva lat at that city on sunday night however the denver and rio grande in addition laid a track along the space between the two depot tracks of the 0 P the U P men promptly appeared on the scene with au an engine and aad attaching I 1 n g some bome 0 meo mee hains chains to the new track p pulled palled ah d I 1 it flap t up ap and piled the materials we ke understand that the it P I 1 C OP P and U 0 roads jointly occupy the depot grounds and by mutual arrangement no other line can be laid on them without the consent of the three companies and that the track between the east and nud west ones oriesa of the C P was put down without this having been obtained missionaries we are indebted to brother brothen wm 0 spence for the names of the following missionaries who left for their fields of labor today eor llor scandinavia olo fountain green daniel K bro brown woj levan nelja neils peterson petersons bloomington martin Chri bit sit me lake city august swenson spanish fork lars larb F Sw alborg gunni eon norway charlesj charies J ephraim germany gotlieb herchl rockville great britain henry norman H W attley john A D druce u ce salu bail nuke luke city wm D will williams iams iamo benson ben son bon russia rusbin john ohn 37 wink salt haij lake take city Canada George W beckstead necha Becka tead jordan northwestern states james A anderson Ande ibon neon bynum hyrum southern Sout hout herfi states christian F chris tf anson kanokb Mi minor wil wll cox paris victor D cram kause newel A arill arili biffl bait balt lake CJ city ty eras tua G farmer herriman reynolds Bey A crump herriman A few ot of the missionaries for E europe a went by the D R 0 line the bulk going by the U P wednesdays DAILY dalny MAY 16 wasatch county we learn from brother bichard richard camp of walls burg wasatch county that ive everything is prosperous in that E section crops are looking well and nearly as forward as in this valley Lf information formation wanted wanted tornow to lunow the whereabouts of thomas bates who came from cambridge in 1864 1861 in company with john hallam and family A friend will be glad to hear bear from him address mrs marchant rockport rockfort Rock boek port pori summit county 17 utah tah tab teaching tho the young tho ward primary association had its first annual meeting I 1 in a the new chapel yesterday afternoon the occasion was celebrated by a fair and spec al exercises for tho the child ren the specimens of juvenile Jn venila handiwork were very creditable con consisting consia slatIng ting of a variety of plain and fanoy fancy needlework ornamental hair work drawing mechanical contrivances etc the exercises were singing reci reciting tings answering questions etc the whole showing good pro res ees greb eres made by the little ones under the direction of sister fanny Y thatcher the president of the association and her counselors bisters E grieve and vilate young bluff olty city Ci tyBy by letter from wm adams of bluff city ban san juan joan county we learn leam that the people of that fett settlement lement gave a very fine entertainment to bishop jens neil nei FO mon ron n of that place lately the 6 occasion being the anniversary of his hla birthday he also says cays good grood health prevails prospects are favorable for a large abarge crop this season the water ditch having been enlarged to double its capacity will be ready in a few days to receive the water Nava joes are eire peaceable and going into farming it Is ia very common to see them going home with shovels sheep abeare wool cards etc many of our yung young men are acquiring their language there is plenty of land for new settlers to make them comfortable homes I 1 encouraging the Boy boys boysee sWe we find la in the mac mechanical published in new york a very sensible article from the pen of mr wm wyn J sliver silver of this city upon the proper training of boys in mechanical pursuits he advocates the taken g of greater care in giving them a technical education he Is ia not only a theorist in this line but carr carries lesout out ouk his views practically in connection with his hla works in this city he ha hag established a drawing eims cims for the boys boya who meet for exercise in mechanical ch anical drawing every monday evening under hla hib personal supervision they are wre we understand taking a strong interest in the subject and making encouraging pr pro un press her eer Ie description A few days ago we requested the utah journal to publish for the benefit of people outside logan nogan of impersonal description of the woman calling caling herself dr M J bolander that paper furnishes it here it is she bhe is probably over 60 50 years of age but wears a wig of brown hair which makes her appear younger is slightly under the nedium bedlum heights height with a form inclining to leanness rather than the opposite her domn domm flexion is sallow and her face is somewhat wrinkled her attire was plain black when we saw baw her a close observer might have detected de t acted evidences of shabby gentility about it she bhe is polished and easy but wholly unabashed in her manner and address evl evi evidently dently possesses a fair if not a good education and ia iti an artful and accomplished conversationalist he t boldn this direction Is ia st oad bad is one of her main maln qualifications a a laca for the business she follows oll la a logan she adopted the tactics of a book agent calling alling c unknown and uninvited at houses where she hoped to find 66 patients sho bho would introduce herself to the inmates and converse freely often on religious subjects unhesitatingly avowing infidel and freelove free love doctrines to several married ladies known to us she urged the necee necessity sity of curtail ing the number of children ia irr a family and some of 0 the arguments put forth by her in support of this position were well calculated to impress the minds of the thoughtless fo ollah oliah ignorant or depraved among the women she bhe might meet nuu nau were designed to pave the way for sales of her vile vila nostrums strums no one of her marked chara characteristics teris tie s was waa a disposition to converse freely on the street or elsewhere with gentlemen on the tho most delicate subjects without manifesting a symptom of modesty from what she said of herself while here it appears that she bhe came from colorado to park to og aeck ogden and from there to logan su an ascending ing series serles by the way on reaching logan however she found herself inn in a moral atmos atmosphere phero of an altitude entirely too high for her health and she ehe greatly abbreviated her stay among us details of the shooting the followings following from a tintie correspond ence of the enquirers ia the fullest account of the silver creek homi cido clde that has yet ben published cai tl I 1 arrived hero on wednesday and found everything smooth with the exception of a little excitement caused by a drunken crowd a spectacle common in mining camps among tho the crowd was waa a man named frank james a who was intoxicated and boasting in the street that he was the bully of the tho town and had been for the past fast eight months and ho he would make persons he met give the road to him himwich with a six shooter stuck stack in their faces this was the way he noted acted the tho whole of the evening every one being afraid of being shet about 1130 libo that night he came into the saloon of mcchrystal cosand co and with a string of oaths said he could whip anyone in eureka and came up to a man named peter brown formerly of provo and challenged him to fight brown told him he did not hoh wish to fight and besides aa sald bald id he you are fall and I 1 wont fight you yon tor ton money or anything else well weli bid said sid james gilf lf you wont fight for money ini fight you yon for fan and at that he struck strack brown and they clinched they fell in the corner comer and beat eaon eacil other uli uil james cried out ont have I 1 not a mend friend in the house that will stop us I 1 have had enough they were then parted and james went 0 over ver ven to the billiard table picked u up P his coat that had laid there and pull ed outa out a six shooter Themen the men rush ed upon him and took the weapon from him a inan man by the name of lynn mitchell getting the pistol he mitchell hochell went back baca to hand the weapon to the barkeeper and james ordered mitchell Ml to give it to him MJ mitchell told him he could not have it as he was then too drunk but he should have it 11 back backle ie the morning james then said he would got another and told mitchell to look out for him and to be heeled for when he ame came back he would come shooting he he went away and was gone only a short time As he entered at the door he fired into the saloon at this all ah the men ran out ho he tried to shoot three or four times but the pistol would not go if it had gone oft orf every time ho he tried to fire a man would have been shot every time he then called out for mitchell who then appeared at the door mitchell asked him if he was waa heeled and james answered that he be was and fired twice at mitchell but missed him each time mitchell mitchall then fired and struck james in the leg james again fired a third time missed his mark mitchell then shot ahot james in the araj arm and firm a thir third d hot shot which hit him in the neck neek james fell feli to the khe ground and never spoke again krom FROM THURS thursdays DArs DAILY dalny mae MAY 17 SL second cond Compa company nyBy BY telo tele telegram grain fro from james mJames ahart ii wart hart to president john taylor we learn leam that the coin coln company of saints which left liverpool yesterday per BS BB nevada nu num in bera arrival of hill hille A B S hill ac cased of swindling his wife to the amount ot of arrived in thier city last night in charge of deputy IT 8 marshal compson his ball bail had been fixed at but up to a late lato hour this afternoon he had failed to secure it and was still in custody reservoirs A now wales sanpete han Ban pete writes from that small town concerning the reservoirs be servo rv 0 1 irb irs r 3 now being built bulit by the tho turi tuii til ving riving farmers there he says rays there are three now in course of construction one Is ia N very ery nearly completed when finished tho the amount of water they will contain will be cubic yards the farmers are all in hopes of the enterprise being a so 00 that their property may be of more value valas than heretofore tho the bishop the enterprise extreme judicial action it la IB scarcely possible to imagine a more e extreme judicial action than the 0 onn one no taken by his honor judge twigs twiss of tha the second district court in the case cue of the woman belle Harris Harria who it appears is still in custody for contempt the question put to her by the grand jury and which she declined to answer wasy wass was wab so we are informed whether she had eyer oyer been married and if so to whom she bhe was taken into court and thu tho judge deciding tho the question was pasq proper and the witness persisting in her declination to answer fined her 25 and remanded her to td the tho thoo theo j custody of the marshai marshal until fun fur as ther order now the witness Is on to this city |