Show THE resurrection versal VERBAL ix IN that glor glorious loaT and comprehensive vlon vion given to joseph smith and sidney bidney and recorded in sec eee ivl ivi of the doctrine and covenants the following passages may be found in reference to the sons of perdition for whom there in yno no forgiveness forg sorg ivene qs in this world wold nor in the world to come 36 these ure are they who shall go away into tho the lake of fire and brim ston sto the devil and his angel angola ST 37 and the only ones on whom the second death shall ahall have any power 38 yea yen verily the only ones who shall not be redeemed in hi the due time of the lordan lord after ter the sufferings of his wrath 39 for au adl the rest shall be brought forth by the resurrection of 0 f the dead through the triumph and the glory of the iamb lamb who was slain blain who was in the tho bosom of the father before the worlds were made the words which we have placed in italics have given rise to conjectures in regard to the effects of the atonement upon those whose fate Is thus portrayed and wa learn that bome borne have formed the opinion that the sons of perdition will not be resurrected from the dead it is a always unsafe to predicate cuil cail any peculiar pe view of doctrinal matters 0 on a 4 single expression or passage I 1 0 of f scripture indeed without some guido guide besides the tho aritte written n word even the best beai intentioned aro are apt to go astray in atu studying dying either ancient or modern modem revelations should 60 lye compared with scripture and the aid of the spirit of truth ia 13 essential to a clear and correct comprehension then there is a stand ard to which all may appeal with mith safety if disputes should brise arise and that Is the living jiving oracles on this question the word of the lord as given in the books is plain and specific the doctrine of the completeness of the resurrection from the dead is mearly dearly stated in few words by paul to the Corint corinthi bif fil a ans 1 I corx Cor xv v 22 C bor for as in adam au die even so eo in ohrla christ t shall all be ba made alive one la Is n I 1 extensive as the tho other the effects of the atonement in this direction are as broad sa as those of therall the fall fali jesus himself cs exclaim claimed edy when speaking of cf hb his power powe r over death fM marvel manvel arvel arvei not at this for the hour is caming coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear ilear his voice and aud d shall ahall come com e forth they that have done good unto the resurrection 0 life and they that have havo ha ve done don 6 eyl evi 1 I unto the resurrection damnation of john john 1 the latter iatter part of bf this Is differently rendered in the vision being they who havo have dono done good in th the resurrection rc of the just and they who havo have done eyll evil in the ic xe tion of the unjust but the plo pio of the tho universality of the resurrection is thos the same ameln amein in both the general teaching of the church C h h Is that all the dead small and hind great good and bad just and unjust old and young will at some bome time be brought forth through the perfect atonement wrought oui out loy toy jesus christ and in their bodies will stand before god and be judged for the deeds done in mortality the grave will have no victory because all its captive bodies will be resurrected rec ted and even hell heil will deliver up its captive spirits who will be joined to their respective bodies borne will inherit t the e celestial or highest elory likened to the sun others the terrestrial to the moon as compared with the tho sun others again tue twe glory likened to tho tile starl stara 3 in their several degrees and diversities and those who are unworthy of a kingdom of glory of af any degree W will fil re remain mulli 61 filthy bili stilli ll 11 md fiad with the degil deill and his angels buffer buffen the S econie second death the tha are the song sons bons of perdition who committed d unpardonable sin and therefore cannot bo be tully fully redeemed that this is in accordance with dl bi vine wine revelation may bo be seen from the following buty Buti behold verily I 1 tay eay unto you before the earth shall shail pass away sway michael mine archangels archam teJ bhail shall sound his trump and then shall all the tho dead adako for their thein grates graves shall bo be opened and they shall come forth fort byea rea yea even all dac rad dao pod and cov sec v 26 j in us section echlin atter after describing the glory of th the e re resurrected which is to bs ba the glory by which thear bodies bodie s shall be quickened celestial terrestrial or its declared dc lared 1 and they who remain shall also aldo be quickened nevertheless they bhail return again to their own place to enoy enjoy that which they ire are willing to receive beranse they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received rec elved n cv 82 this Is ia according to eternal justice ju oi those who abide acel estl esti al law receive a celestial gi glory ory those who do not abide thel the celestial celesti sil sij jaw jsn N 1 but receive and live aty a lesser lesber ina law la w s receive a lesser lesber glory in degree according to thelah which they jive live and those who reject the greater light and law and wilfully turn away seeking to become a law unto themselves and altogether abiding JQ in bins sini be sanctified by jus just s tice ties mercy or judgment and there fore remain until the last great day after all cherest th the erest rest resh are brought forth and then remain filthy abill cs see bee sea v 35 the book boob of mormon teaches leaches the universality of tho the resurrection niao niso al 0 in the most direct and positive mariner speaking of the atonement says and he Buff ereth this that the resurrection might pasa upon all meny menthal men that all night might stand before hira him at the great and judgment day ill ili nepal 9 22 other inspired writers to in the same bame book agree as follows 1 behold there is a time appointed that all al shall some forth from the dead alma AIma 40 4 behold it is requisite and just according to the power 0 and resurrection of christ that ga the soul boul of man should be restored to its body and that every part ot of the body should be restored to itell 41 2 eor for behold he must surely die that Bal sal salvation may ms come yea it be haveth him hims and be cometh expedient that he dietha dieth to bring to pass the resurrection of the dead that thereby men may bo be brought into the presence of the iford lord yea behold 13 1 this death bri ngeth to pass pasa the resurrection and rede emeth nil nii mankind from the first death helaman holaman 14 1516 that tio tho new testament teaches the same doctrine of the resurrection of all the dead may bs be te geen been en froin from tho texts tests we have already quoted and from froin revelations ss 4 14 and I 1 cor corg at 85 35 64 54 the resurrection from orom the dead is I 1 christs work of bf redeem redeeming maan man hind fro from nithe the fall A bahe the rin aln bf one brought death ithai passed upon tipon alaj all ail eb 0 the righteousness ot 0 one ore brin horinga 9 s ilfe lifo to every y ery eny non bon and daughter of adam T then h e n in the body they must all appear ron fon judgment and resolve that for which they have been prepared by their own acts and a place will be found in some of tho the many mansions of tho the father ton fon borall all ali who either in the flesh or in the spirit world have accepted the salvation wrought out for them by the redeemer and according to their opportunities have thereafter identified themselves with him and received of his spirit but bat their glory will diner dimmer as their merits are varion various a and nd none will enter into the immediate society of god and the lamb in the celestial kingdom but those who obey the gospel in its ful ness and are worthy of that eternal and exceeding weight of glory the lost then are they who turn tum away from the light understandingly who having been made acquainted with the path which leads unto exaltation al tation refuse to walk in it who having received of the spirit of promise and made sacred covenants to obey the lurd lord bin eln against that spirit and rebel in their hearts and acts who commit murder wherein they shed innocent blood mood atter after alteron on bering into the new and everlasting covenant who consent unto the death ot of christ who blaspheme against the holy ghost who commit the sin unto death who be come m gel gei unto the devil by for L earing ealing g me w way ay or of life ana anu despising law holiness and truth became become un redeemable and therefore cast but they must be brought up like alij the race into the presen presence edof of god and thia this is brought about through the perfect work of jesus christ who la Is the resurrection and the life 21 There therefore fore fare they must murt like the redeemed be raised from the dead that they may rece receive 1170 judgment and hear tue i dreadful re ful fui sentence dop Dep departie depart artye ye cursed th e go away antol into everlasting punie punish 1 ment and the tho width the height the depth the misery and the place thereof chereb f no man knows with such plain and pointed declarations cla ela ratio rations na as aa those which we have quoted and others that might bo be n named a w e a it seems to us there is no r room 0 0 f tor for cr controversy upon this question and our tim time p can be fully engaged in following after atter ness that amay emay we may prepare ourselves for fui the society of the highest order of exalted beings rather than discussing bussing cussing points which are not of such vital import the celestial glory is open to all whoM who having haying alrig been enlightened from on high choose to walk continually in the straight and narrow path overcome ing the world the flesh and the devil living by every word that pro the month of god and enduring faithfully unto the end |