Show r t 4 i aljy of air TOWN 11 AND n U u 0 U 11 14 irv I 1 T IN 0 1 tire lives of fm broat at alga all ta t an wp learn loam then day by day iffat ut best be put haas ue us out ol 01 kirbt and 1 faraway far way ir and mrs t D W holdaway oft roo monday morning oa a short n tj kaaa einab went to tucker ker et pa moraine to romala remain over ey lie IR 1111 lIllain hill teal dince fc oun national bank apply ar and mrs allara hill 1 have baroca bd roca pace rr Zeto to ibert cpr springe in hai h al stele was called to salt city oday morning by the 5 it 7 sea wilson have moved luto into g arst door UL ai ration J J T lift igims A returned retura return bd td from itt to and f rionda at her irh ir houe at Os at p city kau ra r georce 0 frandsen of arice 1 been atit far several 3 at aube the bedside ot of hec het mother A thayn of wellington wa was monday he was recently kicka the leg 1 by a boree nod and Is going und ind 1 with wita a limp iorge velma 1 was hack back at the grande Wert tern depot last week I 1 this week while agent thomas tawas td was at green divor rover over lewie lewis haa has resigned real gued the B F Caf feye place astle date oate to go to nevada to aeck seek artune he la Is succeeded by verne iry 01 7 W crockett kett h pa po bought ugh t from the it isains potato fifty by a hundred eltty tnt ground adjoining the te lumber coal cow anoya the south W 0 tk ie rio glaude oystein sy stein it ills Is semi daify dated stated is dot not to put on the ala lo 10 limited trains in may at a herere ire announced the bad condition he ie roadbed and shortage of motive ler er Is s the thet reason given idge jacob johndon hu m a near spring city for anie sale there iut it kweli teelie hundred acres in the ct t two hundred hufi dred cultivated and the 6 afinder grazing it 4 beel beat place in county J williams 0 of salt lake city ie Is wing ring to elect a two etory story brick ho buil on the corner south of the i beier iter lumber com panya place of 91 lacea this la Is the in formation information v m n tho the great moral und rell religious glou the gentleman himself hime elf q john hn maxwell it popular ong engineer Ineer alia ie rio RIV orande grande running of will be to arn n brott ro the tive ariet mountain he re alloin brodi price V at ho wa waa 11 pt itt ft a bridge to the V qt of wellington Wel lincton last summer r efiem o 0 tone rals at welling last RAL dobday day afternoon the c a ar blackburn Black bura which i 1 11 A 1 ot of dl heria and the other that tho hins augha stephens aged ut xa young stephens died old to for mr qt a salt lake hosit icat jaet last week ir 9 P base aaseng r trains woo 5 1 and 3 of ot bilu aday all came through late n the he owning from theart th the baat due duet to a ch la copl over in colo ado tb abb cal icorn ii cheap tates are ing thousands of people from aa as re ar eart ae as chicago new york and iton to aitho be coast the he elevation at price acco roll f g to 0 o ahe figurea 8 fu res ot of the letlo grande itea na flidr liol 1 a I 1 t a and not notral no traO broad d 1 folders djs avo thousand five i hundal d 4 a aty feet feel per in a live ioup t OU 0 nd and forty 1 feet ahe canal of it tao IT uch h Irrig irrigation atio s and anti 4 power corn pan am OM helper 3 to a point opp hiatte ate tho the town of price wilt will there tore about seven hundred fifty 11 pro aided the theft survey urvey referred lit adopted id opted T K X bullock ba bas rec received recel elved it com ri tation f from roin th tho e second second assistant general gc beral adys the vernal i 4 conveying the unwelcome aea at the lice department ie Is isug to a mall jine ake anil antl fort Duc dupreee DucHe Reee aoe 64 Q rawn for his posit position lon jn lk thu request re we hught not g ire ira up end and should ask again J 11 oular liina iv ift Is necessary to thi development develop nent of the natty it isa e A abort ilaf u but would S barge amount of nell sell M bradeen was down from yesterday yeste klay willam 0 draffer Br affef tho the scofield attorney was here ure yesterday qung filing sowe legal paper papers in a law suit at the clerk and recorders office suit has been mea in the district court by hy nell M U madsan mad aa against W I 1 V potter and josephine potter hia his w wife ife kir artho the collection of 0 a note of and interest john gardner tim ra ralee lee who left helper recently with james P Joo boneys beys keys and other personal effects baa bag been located ut at ailt im moot mont the beys keys haw hav been returned to the owner through sheriff kelter reiter theoda the odd hall association a at t scofield recently elected L A jacobson co baon bars lars jenson nell M X madse at W L atthews matthews and X H smith A board ot of directors with jacobson as president and manasz of the hall ball alt all parties are to serve without co corn in pt until auch such time ae as the debt of t the tb association Is s wiped out cuore vore balu and scow have fallen this year so far then alzi the similar period ia in the last three ears accord ing to the weather man and for the last three year years utah has bad more that her usual share of wetness so farmers and others jn this section of ot the country may rest assum ol that more than enough water m will 11 be available this season the will of patrick flood of colton who died aa Lage march ad has been tiled filed for probate together ath the petition of frank E mcgurrin asking that he be appointed executor as provided in the will the estate consists of real property valued gt t and personal property valued at 1700 in his will be he bequeaths all of his big property to Lawro lawrence bce I 1 with toe exception of five ove dollar dollars each to the two iwo sons of testator work of grading the spur from the blo rio grande western main line to the the independent coal company pany is A fast as men and teams can be found to do the work more ore wanted than are at present on av the company company paying pay in 4 so pei day for each team and driver grading for the siding and spur at spring saag olon olen where the spur con connects with the inala line is completed A force of men raen Is at work in tho mine driving the main entry which Is beng nade large enough for two tracks it Is intended that the tle mine wll bernady be roady ro to ship a good tonnage by the U time me tho track Is laid and within ft a chort time from the beginning of shipments it is assured that tho mine can produce a trainload per day the interior of the t hapel at t ved a cont coat of fresh p palm aint bet 0 ticul u Ints enhanced with gilt mahe t tn nov 0 very attract ie ise room th the W ors have also ayen aph c r et and a new w devicq put oti good ea n at all esona of the bear ear the first public service sinco the im movements prove rove ments will bo be held sunday ean F iba bg this gervice will avill be beun dorthe auspices df the helper uellar branch of the i women christian union in honor of its first atieh anniversary ebsary ersary and tite we recent the loyal temperance lesion klon le the program will wll t special music by Uel eglon and ex by the ladies aind k ad the boys and girls of t the Itt glon the public Is ia cordially invited to attend i biond a Y is cintr in k mountain republican etca a gives space to this The tate ie Is bolog aj W contribute toward an expenditure of between tyro wo ital an three thousand doll 0 lara lars 6 to put afie road from price north to the bald botia try in tor for heavy keavy le carbon th its er wl will 11 paa a arac aib ann fiefe will lon dan atlon atlow and out wll b as re rein I 1 a state a ta te t 40 MV ko 0 r r ti tron t ro ru atice in the guteres lu teres raw asfaly valley and iiii rous along the route ho 40 are altha wl without tha mail than teo ten L thirty mes the vernul hoople huv bavin had all they vant of tho the burro trail eer vice ot 01 the uintah railroad nod and will pull hard for the route tant t WAS ab a waye ways to depended be 0 n with united states mall mail on time |