Show V fet 4 1 f pk 7 t 1 A MUD N VT U CREEK CE WILL HELP U production of six hundred tons daily at the thi c fifth property Proper kv of the utah fuel corn com pany in carbon county tha western pacific railroad belli held its annu annal tr election for directors dir actors and officers la in san last week george J could gould nos a elected a director as were aleo also L T jeffery edwin hawley L H calef and S W at Cu the other directors direct ora chosen wee we W V J barnett J dalzell B brown rown virgil arg 11 C bogue H at warren olney J 1 P F evans W J Shot shotwill and charles W Sch lacka in the main of salt lake ctr cit mhd hd that vicinity the last named 4 vico vice president of the denver and rio grande evane evans Is the to fo nier mer president or the he wasatch stole company compa ny and audi auditor V r of the utah mot company u aug known at the camps 0 of 4 ahe company and around the of flees as 83 fussy timmy E T effary was re elected prest dent we J barnett vice president a aal general ee attorney virgil C bognat bobila vice aco president and chief en ew ginze gin zefo fl A W ht cutcheon chalot counsel alth bumcon 1 in new york J dalcou bravi a treasurer E C lewla lewis assistant treasurer 0 M bradford secretary and I 1 L if hirji js sf new bijj IT york assistant secretary tbt the company which ie Is now s ending P t alif I 1 rato rate of 41 luC OOOO a month mouth on coo cout work hopes to hava have ltv main hue flue from salt lako laka to francisco a distance dia tance of nine hundred and twentynine twenty nine miles compoc comp OJ in september 1908 W 11 ayera former alea sales agent for the utah fuel company at zion has been on the coast wast and in nevada for a year or more working up a morhet for the coal and coke ot of the camp comp my tny but owing to car car shortage ind the lack of miners at tho the carbon banty c camps hac bac found it next td toa impe sitio to got hie his ord ordera eTs oiled tho the 1 of the old md hud creca mine aboya scofield eld and the building of a railroad track to the property in the near rear future Is in taken to mean that i the tho california carifo bia trade la Is to be taken tak M care of L the uz ulah zah fuel company the tho rio orande grando railroad system and the t ern em pacific are ure all gould corpor aUona and tho the completion of the latter latte means meats more to carbon county and its aa as yet undeveloped coal properties 1 than appears on be the surface aur tace |