Show NUMEROUS AMBITIOUS ONES ARE f TO ENGAGE IN NEWSPAPER BUSINESS briw 00 is t to mhd mooed por ajr within a abort short tirrie it money euf frelent Is raised to induce tile the owner of tho the palina galinn call to bring his plant hero here the office of publication iiii s li be ia fix yo tile bull dlag liag recently vacated by the biach er shop on an batain J W kelson nelson a dd delivery livery wagon boy for nadan adz I 1 loni ot at will be ui aoi I 1 i rager ragar ite to politics poll lica vill ib ioe ell and aud ita its jils ni ealon as some connected with the proposition hove have stated wi be to anko tho the advocate look at iti its liola hol 19 it adiong the aro are A W 11 albert bryner revl N gar li 60 P F oleen olsen TJAN I 1 0 john A Dalli tiger 11 I 1 11 it 0 smith J 9 whit mom and dr P I 1 F visit and nd rowley each have took to the twenty civo dollars lol lare fisk pledge pledges a hundred dollars bryner and ud coroll y five each ji nod and the fifty plunks each the he utah fual ual company cora and sad the renver and juo 1110 crande railroad aro are to be regulAte tl ag well the papa issued at salina Is s ft a atau stan ing joke among she the fraternity avor the because of its itil gereral na makeup e the object of nelson 1 is un to unload a lot of old junk 0 of question 0 value ont onto those alio bo ant ti at origami there I 1 Is arout shout the same demand lat price for alij newspaper newe paper AS there Is I 1 for four more goo erni eral merch and laing houses |