Show pioneer passes away soren hanson sr dies at the ripe age of 91 years one cf pioneers sore i hanson sr th oldest man in Cast ledale and undoubtedly the oldest man in amery county died at his home in Cast ledale last saturday morning at the ripe old age of 91 u gener al deb 1 ty and age ne mi han son was born in goeloe weila co denmark on the day of february in the year 1816 he became a lecia lent of th church of jesus christ of latter day sa ants in the early be ing a member for 44 years and d ed a faithful saint H was among those sturdy pioneers who crossed the plains he had a team composed of one ox and one cow anctot is assured that the memorable journey was not of the smoothest and kindest to him because while dossing the brealy waste his loving wife was killed during and by a stampede of the catte living h m with four 1 atle children to care for af ter laying away his dearest friend in the silent grave by the dreal roads de without a to mark its place he barnd his present wife maren hanaan the same year af ter arriving in utah in the fall of 1863 at salt lake city he was a res dent of fountain gree i up to the time ahn he moved to Cast ledale where he has resided for the past 20 years and has always been known as an and willi worker temporally and ally rem aning faithful until the end deceased leaves a A ife and seven chil dien who are as follows liana han son of fountain gleen maria gudmon of orangeville Orang eville benjamin and handsol soren hanson and paul han son and mrs V L Cast ledale the funeral services were held at the meeting house on monday afternoon at 4 clock A host of relatives and fr ends were present to pay their last respects to we of god s noble ons the speakers all of whom paid glowing tributes to the departed one and words of consolation to those who were called to mourn were ex president G larsen john petersen john Y jensen boyd P petersen ole soren ion jr A G jewkes sr and bishop peter I 1 akelund floral tributes were numer ous thea choir rendered appropriate selections A large procession followed the remains to the cemetery |