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Show TUlt T lttttli-ftHYV- flEPHL. UTAH. S. TL x ne T" i lmes-iNe- EE 7 mt t'ubUHhed every ' Compaay DENNIS WOOD A, B. GIBSON Way To Shop It KT IfcUy by The Ttam News Fwblishlag ine convenient ws Bailor Maaager Subscription Bates One Tear Six Mont S2.00 11.00 "WHAT TO " GIVE --- is not only more convenient, but aye, that's the question, much safer to pay for your Xmas purchases by check, rather than to carry a large amount of cash with RESPECTFUL ATTENTION-LESSONNEEDED. S And it is easiest answered by coming SOME in today, before the rush, and see you on a shopping trip. When a person prepares an address to deliver to a public audience whether the subject be one of inter If you have never considered this est or otherwise, that individual is at leajt entitled to respectful hearing in and better way to buy Gifts, drop This will apply with the same effect to any other entertainment where We have let us tell you about it. people appear from time to time in public. In our gatherings on sever will find so detail you al occasions we have noted a lack o arranged every interest and some times a positive it very easy to get started right. disrespectful attitude towards the performer or speaker, which is mani fested in the form of "Giggling "Loud Talkng" and other means of This is not attracting attention. always confined to our young people but happens among the older ones, and la very often the cause qf great embarrassment to the person who is peaking or perform.ing. We tbJnk there is work in this dir ection for our schools. Education that Word. Magic does not teach refinement and dig A Whlttler mother was teaching her nity little son to say Amen at the end of ness of manner has failed. The busi world today is looking tor young his prayers, and the child suddenly men and women who have culture aaked: "Mother, what does Amen mean?" "Amen means the end, my and refinement as well as book learnidear," the mother explained. A few ng. Lack of courtesy and respect days later the little one was dlsolHll fur others, leads to bluntnesa and ent and the mother guve him a severe rudeness, and is a big handicap lecture. She felt he ought to have a through life. whipping and talked on aud on, to nerve hersHf for the ordeul of aiimln STORES REFLECT CHRISTMAS isterlng the spanking. Imnglr.e her SPIRIT. surprise w hen suddenly the el Mil he eun cryln "Amen, mother. Amen." The window decorations of the various business houses of this city Happy Man. I hstf been working In my garden. reflect the spirit of Christmas in a The son was Just below the horizon marked degree. A great amount of and the dew was already on the smooth work and expense has been incurred g green walks bordered by in decorating, and the quality roses and carnations. The stillness of of Christmas Gifts on high disDlav in the evening was broken only by the many of the stores would be a credit When Dinner is served on Christmas Day you want the whistling of a blackbird. I sat down to towns twice the size of NeDhL Meat to be worthy of the other viands and a credit to on a rude seat I had formed beneath There is no need of anv an old tree, an. I. us I thought of the citizen to absolutely go anywhere outside of your ability as a cook. fruits and pluuts that were ripening this city to do their Christmas shop around me. I exclulmed to myself, The large variety of rifts ping. One of the best ways to insure this is to order your Meat "How happy. If they knew it, are they that are shown here should please Barnes. till that William the ground." where the highest quality, is always to be found. here, and satisfy the most critical buver The Origin of a Word. Consult the adverisine columns of The meaning of the word "curate" this paper for the place to buy your Is, nowadays, a very different one from Christmas Gifts. that of former times. Previously the curate was he person responsible for the cure of souls of the parish ; today Theo Harris Prop he Is the assistant clergyman. the hundreds of beautiful gifts that are here for men, women, boys and girls. And the prices are right. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ft We Are Here To Serve When Dinner Is Served Nephi Drug Co. WE LEADOTHERS FOLLOW Palm Always Busy. palms are busy trees, says Nature Magazine, and so useful they can brook no delay, so flowers and fruit in all stages of growth may be seen upon the trees at the same time. Coconut Reveal True Character. The taste of beauty nnd the relish f what is decent, just and amiable perfects the character of the pentle-ma-n and the philosopher. sweet-smellin- CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT LEADING JEWELRY STORE City Meat Market ft Venice Theatre SATURDAY DEC. 22 THE MIDLAND LYCEUM BUREAU PRESENTS THE SECOND ATTRACTION . The Argonaut Players Phe Absent Rival IN DIRECT FROM THE LITTLE THEATRE AT HOLLYWOOD PRICES 50C ONE NIGHT ONLY No one in Nephi who suffers back ache, headache, or distressing urin ary ills can afford to ignore this Ne phi man's twice-tol- d story. It is con firmed testimony that no Nephi real dent can doubt. H. P Warren, retired farmer, Ne phi, says: "I have used Doan's Pills on different occasions, obtaining them at Lunt Pharmacy Co. and I know they are a good, reliable rem edy for a weak and aching back and too free action of the kidneys. Doan's have always relieved me when I have and these complaints." The above statement was given April 5, 1917 and on September 22, 822, Mr., Warren added: "I am glad to endorse Doan's Pills again." Price 60c, "at all dealers. Don't imply ask for, a kidney remedy get Doan's Pills "the same that Mr Warren had. , J'oster-Mllbur- n Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, W. Y. i t You Should Deal With because our service is backed up by: 15 years machinery-Be- modern meth- st ods -- My stock is complete with Watches, Clocks, Silverware. Ladies' and Genta, Gold Set Rings, a large assortment of Jewelry, Nick Chinese Ivory Toilet Sets. A new line of Ladies Diamond Rings. Come in and see them. Nothing better for a Xmas present than a Bracelet Watch. Prices Right E. L. BOUCHER JEWELER, NEPHI, UTAH thiM Give yourself a treat ! Get into an Overland Sedan and "step on it"I The sensation of power is wonderful The bigger new engine makes you master of traffic and hills! And theTriplex springs (Patented) give the road comfort of a long, heavy car. Before buying any car, find out how much better you will like an Overland. The price has just been reduced. Ask us for a BOOTH & EJPRIUS experience A Nice Piece Of Jewelry Is The Best Present One Can Give. Prompt Service and guaranteed o demonstration. CENTRAL MOTOR CO. NEPHI, UTAH Phone 141-W- e Deliver 1 BOOTH & DORIUS TAILORS f o b. To I d v. ; |