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Show 7 THB OMES-NEW- NEPH1. UTAH. 8, Time Eventually Lays A Hand On Your Energy. So in the productive energetic period of your life you should prepare for your later years when Old Age conies and the working season is over. U.B.Thrifty sfla Start in now by saving the dollars that will in- A Saving Account will give you the start start and persistent effort to keep it growing will bring you the pros perity you deserve There . 4 NEWS iramajflMiiirmTiMmnMmi AND STUDENTS The following prizes will be awardby the Utah Public Health Asswere here Wednesday doing ociation as a partial recognition of Christmas shopping. the services of the school children In Mrs. George W. Booth and son this year's sale of Christmas Seals: 1 To the school district making Frank, went to Salt Lake Wednesthe highest per capita sales the serday for a few days visit. vice of a school nurse for six months, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ingram of and as a second prize, a nurse for Provo, were the guests Monday of three months. 2 To the three schools with the Mrs. Nellie Schofield. highest per capita sales, equipment playgrounds, school lunches, Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe of Provo, is for etc. First the guest of her mother Mrs. M. T. scales, framed pictures, Kiddies Hand Bags ze $100.00; second prize $50.00; Jennings this week. 45c, 50c, 60c $1.25 and $1.65 third prize $25.00. 3 To the three school rooms with Mrs. W. M. C. Ostler, went to Salt Lake Wednesday where she will visit the highest per capita sales-- , First her son Thomas for a short time. ""-TVprize, set of crusade platform scales; ! second prize, six standard pictures, Mr. and Mrs. John Park of Murray, framed; third prize, Set of Health 1 If! I came down Saturday on account of Crusade Posters, colored. school To each in Susie and Mrs. Illness of the serious the girl boy district selling the greatest number of Worthington. seals: First prize, $10.00, second In Charles Worthington, of Emery, prize, $5.00; third prize $2.50. Utah, is here this week on account addition to these cash prizes, the boy Mrs. or girl making the highest sales in of the illness of his mother the State, will be awarded a Medhart Susie Worthington. gold medal; to the next highest, a Come in and see our high Miss Shepherd of Kansas City, silver medal; to the third highest, a with bronze medal. Missouri, spent the week-en- d grade Chocolates. Don't buv CONDITIONS She left Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Lund. box- The conditions under which these before you see our open Tuesday for Los Angeles. o ou. z es. id i in. 5c. i. as follows: are will be made awards' The new Shell Tone Toilet Aurellus Lund, left Tuesday for First: The competition shall last b. $2.25. 5 lb $3.75. are going. Come in Articles Los Angeles, after spending a few one week, beginning Friday morning, while stock is complete. C. December the and N. Lund 14th, closing Thursday days with Mr. and Mrs. afternoon, December 20th. in this city. Second: To entitle any school MOTHERS Mr. and Mrs. John Carter returned district to win services of school district sales of where that the total home Monday from Provo, nurse, We bought our Mamma Mr. Carter has been in the hospital must equal ten cents per capita of its Dolls direct from the factory there for a few weeks. He is .now population, as determined from the and of is 1920. understood Census health.. It in they are priced right. improving that the words "total sales" shall 75c, $1.20, $1.80, and $5.00 include not only sales made by the C. E. Huish, of the Eureka Reporter, was over to Nephi Monday to school children, but also the proceeds AN IDEAL GIFT attend a meeting of the jury commis by the local committees having the sioners, and select the Jurymen for sale in charge, and also the proceeds Fountain Pens $1.50 and up from any health play, pageant, en 1924. tertainment, bazar, dance, social etc, Automatic Pencils 50c and up Third: Awards to schols and school Mr. and Mrs. A. F. BTacken, rece 75c Brunswick Records ived a visit from the stork Saturday rooms will be made on the certifi $1 Safety Razors leaving a fine baby girl at their cates of the local seal sale chairman home. Mr. and Mrs. Bracken are where said schools are located. 50c Boxes 35c Kodaks $2.65 & up . Xmas Special.Fourth: Teachers shall certify to residing in Logan this winter. Xmas Boxes Kodak Albums $1 and up the chairman of the local seal sale See Our Dainty Mrs. Edward Kendall entertained committee the names of the boy and IT PLEASES US : O PLEASE YOU Friday evening at her home in honor girl in their rooms who sell the of was seals, together of her son Elmer, who recently greatest number married. A chicken supper was en with the total sales made by each joyed by 20 of Elmer's boy friends individual. Fifth: Christmas Seals shall be se after which the evening was spent In music and cards. cured from local seal sale committees PHONE 43 and placed in small envelopes in a Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd motored mounts of 10, 15, and 25 cents, beto Salt Lake Saturday to visit Mr fore being given to the children for and Mrs. Huntington who recently sale. year, to Irrigate 100 acres of land met with a serious accident. Sunday NOTICE TO WATER USERS Utah Public Health Association to September 30 Inclusive of each the latter were moved to their home James H. Wallls, Executive secretary feet and there used from April 1st in Tooele and are getting long as well as could be expetced consider Golden, Geneva Langlois, Sylvia Far State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake embraced in part of NESE4, part City, Utah, Nov. 30th. 1923 of EHNEVi Sec 35 part of WHN-Wing the nature of their injuries. rer, Eloise Pace, Naomi Broadhead is hereby given that EdNotice of Sec. 36, township and range the hostess Miss Jennings. deThis application ward Kendall whose post office ad- aforesaid. The Stake and local officers of the and dress is Nephi, Utah, has made ap signated in the State Engineer's office Primary Association, entertained FriThe members of the Ladies Ken plication in accordance with the re as File No. 9376. day afternoon at the Commercial All protests against the granting of Club rooms in honor of Mrs. Sarah sington Club were entertained Thurs- quirements of the Complied Laws of Hall and Mrs. Alice Miller. A very day afternoon at the home of Mrs, Utah, 1917, as ameded by the Ses- said application stating the reasons enjoyable time was had and refresh- Dennis Wood. The time was occu sion Laws of Utah, 1919 to appro- therefor must be made by affidavit In ments served to those present. priate Four (4) Sec. Ft. of water duplicate, accompanied with a fee of pied in sewing after which refresh from Four Mile Creek in Juab Coun- $1.00 and filed In this office within ments were served to the following Miss Elva Jennings entertained Mrs. June Kendall, Mrs. E. R. For ty, Utah. Said water will be diverted thirty (30) days after the completat a point 1320 ft. east and 1320 ion of the publication of this notice. Tuesday evening complimentary to rest, Mrs. J. H. Lunt. Mrs. R. R.E. CALDWELL State Engineer Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe of Provo, who Batchelor, Mrs. J. W. Ellison, Mrs north of the S. W. corner of Section is visiting here. The time was pleas- T. D. Rees, Mrs. N. J. Rees, Mrs. E, 36, Township 13 South Range 1 West Date of first publication Dec. 7, 1923 antly spent and a dainty luncheon M. Greenwood, Mrs. V. M. Foote Salt Lake Base and Meridian and con Date of completion of publication served to the following: Mrs. Paul Mrs. T. D. Davis, Mrs. A. J. Crapo veyed In a ditch a distance of 2640 Jan. 4th. 1924. E. Booth, .Mrs. W. H. Warner, Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Warner. Mrs. Russ Haw M. T. Jennings. Athelia Booth, Nell kins and tha hostess Mrs. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Switzer of Mills their ed wr sure you an independent future. We pay LOCAL 'iiirir' 'n PRIZES FOR SCHOOLS mil be on per cent on Savings. Nephi National Bank j A. B. GIBSON NOTARY PUBLIC THE TIMES-NEW- S OFFICE Residence Phone 82 Office 'Phone 196. And the Cars Came Railroads Make Good on Promise to Move All Business Offered A low freight rate and no cars in which to ship is as unsatisfactory as a low price for bread and no bread. Heretofore, fall harvest has brought a widespread car Last year it was 140,000 cars. This year there shortage. is generally a surplus of cars throughout the country and notwithespecially of box cars in the West and Northwest, standing the roads are handling the greatest volume of business In their history. There's a Reason! For 1923, all the railroads of the United States joinedim-in effort and with a defined program to a prove traffic conditions and to establish new standards of In fulfilling this records. service, even excelling program, 134,636 new freight cars and 2,963 new locomotives were put in service between January and October, 1923 a larger number than in any similiar period within the past ten years. ReRarkable progress has been made reducing the number of locomotives and cars awaiting repairs, 8 6.3 per cent of the locomotives and 93.3 per cent of the cars being in pre-w- , .... ..... LUNT PHARMACY CO. M 1 ar serviceable condition in October. More railroad coal has been placed in stock pile storage and more commercial coal dumped at Lake Erie ports than In any previous year, thus making equipment available for other necessary traffic during peak periods. From an average movement of 22 miles per car per day, (Including idle time) In 1921, the railroads made 29.2 miles In September, 1923. In the 42 weeks from January 1 to October 20, 1923 the railroads loaded and moved 40,545.920 cars, which was an increase of 18 per cent over 1922 and 10 per cent over the record year of 1920. Isn't thfH a splendid tribute to the efficiency of the carof shippers? riers and the The roads are spending this year 700 million dollars for new equipment and 400 million dollars tor other improvements. Years ago James J. Hill, the greatest railroad builder of the Northwest,, said that the roads must spend one billion dollars every year for additions and betterments to keep abreast of the country's growing traffic, but this Is the first year in twelve that the railroads have found It possible to obtain that amount. Such expenditures have a vital bearing on national prosperity, contributing to the expansion of industry and employment of labor. Increasing the demand for products of mine, forest and farm. This (1,100,000,000 being spent in 1923 Im almowt entirely new money,on anil not taken from earning. The expenthe conviction that the American people diture is based will encourage compensatory rates and discourage attempts to embarrass the railroads In their efforts to provide adeon present earning for quate service. Itl s not predicated even this record-breakinyear, 11 Is unlikely that the roads will earn 5.75 per cent on their valuation permitted by the lnter-Sta- t Commerce Commission under the Transportation Act. but which if they do not earn they do not get. d laws produce no Irelght cars. Constructive suggestions are always welcome. C. R. ORAY, President. Omaha, Nebraska, December 1, 1923. g Anti-railroa- UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM SPECIALS IN J?- CHRISTMAS Candies i Turkey Nuts Currants Oranges k il '!il III W it mmnjim Ducks Pork Geese Veal Raisins Beef A fresh and complete line of Cured Meats and and Meats at lowest prices Fancy-Grocerie- FREE The following valuable presents will be given away Christams eve. 1 King Tut Elctric Lamp valued at $10.00 1 Turkey Five Pound Box of Chocolates 1 Ten Pound Box Choice Mixed Candies Call and Get Your Coupons WE GIVE NATIONAL CERTIFICATES 1 BAILEY GROCERY HOME MARKET F. O. B. DETROIT s $685 Lower Priced THE FULLY LQUIPPLD Than Ever Before many desirable qualities inherent in the bedan commend this car to the consi J; ra- tion of every discriminating motorist. When, in connection with these qualities, the low price of the car is considered, the value ol the Fordcr Sedan liecomes unique. In it you obtain, at the lowest pcwible cost a car of snug comfort, good appearance, and high utility. Its convenient operation, dependable performance, and long life are well known. The style of its appearance, the attractive comfort of its interior, are exactly in demand. line with the present-day You can buj thii car ikrougk ih fori Wnkly Punkas flan JUOD'S GARAGE, NEPHI, UTAH |