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Show Y V Devoted to the Interests of Juab County fin 1)1 A Home Paper For Home People J. W. The News, Vol.. 7, No. 28 Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday,' December 14th, 1923 The Times, Vol. 14, No. 40 DRY LAW VIOLATORS HEADS NEPHI WEEKLY HAPPENINGS 1ST FOR PAYS $277,000 " CClFfTCn COUNTY TAXES (lool iJCSt UIAjIAjIIjU 1I1RY HOT ON TRAIL OF BOUD 1 WILSON GLAZIER FROM LEVAN COMMERCIAL 1 Mrs. Chrlstena Soreusen, answered final call December 9th, after an the of violators for very healthy place Union and Consolidated M. V. Chief of about six weeks, due to Commissioners illness Jury. the prohibition laws. County. At The deceased was of debility. SelCoffers Swell general . Huish C. Pacific and Foote torney Hoyt is determined that the ln travH' Denmark- - on hlty Annual Election of Officers is if b?rp be observed it w. shall Treasurer. For Names ect County Election Of Officers Held Mon Jurymen. oisi, tool. l uer bub Byeui iuo Held Tuesday A. A. Allen uumaneiy pussiuie iu acuuiuyiuu iuia i Hotel At Forrest Noon part of her life aud later mar early re ay re8ult In this endeavor he is and Earl Reid Chosen As Soreusen. embraced She James ried M. V.' Foote Commissioners Vice-PreJury" 'Wul L. Hoyt, ceiving the united support of the What probably Is the largest check the Gospel in her native land and , end C. K. Huish of Eur- this of city . of the officers county dent of Organiaztion. ever turned over to the County to this country in 1373. Over at Eureka the latter part of eka,who were recently appointed by- Treasurer in the history of Juab emigrated She resided in Iowa for fifteen thA wfik. Hiimnhrev Williams, nlead- - Judge T. ti. Burton, met nere mouwas paid last week by the years, coming to Levan- in 1888, and - day afternoon and selected a list of County Wilson Glazier will lead the .Com- -' to his posin ed Co of guilty having liquor Mining has lived here since that time. She mercial Clul 'At the regular weekly luncheon of session same citizens who will be called to serve ("rt!$solidated with and of having a check to Treasur disposing !cJMw'-Forrest been a devoted wife and mother, been elected during 1924, Kiwanis Club held at the ,,tiie tn a fnnniA nf hnv' He was brought on the.. Jury. during the year 1924.I. ed Ida Parkes for this year's taxes has president of this . or " her Her for hotcS Monday, the chief business ... ,.ln n being always names thoughts n.asi ior o., j tirA tun The list of juau of over $198,000.00. The next lar ganization Tuesday evening at the transacted was the election of officers Kf, family at all times. She was always Annual olAftlnnA ,.. ttu lujo hJrn,.mv follows: fifFtftura v a niiui l tt i Li in i inctiuua was that of the Union an active cnurcn tax gest paid ana who will pilot the orgaulZaUOn"U:: Jin ueua Allen. James Nephi-Wil- liam .worker, J. wag choBen lat vice.pre8ldenU was fined $295.00 a. similiar for whose Railroad Company, Pacific A good representation io lue biuk ana ueeuy. F. W. Bryan. iug 1924 to- Earl Reid 2nd txo vootawu h i Anrfruws. J. R. Barnes. icuac, x ma vaoc check for this year was over $79,0- the club was present and the meeting rountv Funeral services were held in the Belliston, A. R. . Belliston, 00..00. The total paid by these two defended Hovt. George and Attorney was presided over by James G. Bean. George Bigler. James companies amounted to over $277,0 ward meeting house The choir sang Director8. w c Andrew8, June Kea. bv Attorney Leatherburv. June Kendall. the opening hymn "Wanted On The Brough, Thomas case of Bowers, Ralph Mnnflav nf thi week, the the entire eum being paid in Other Side." E. W. Peterson, offered dall, C. W. Morgan, and George D. jHueh interest was displayed in the W. H. Brown. F, M. Beck 00.00. Broadhead, two The office of club secreLeo Oscar brothers. and whatever. Hansen, any protest election and after the ballots weru who reBirte in Provo were broueht T. E. Carter, John VV. Vinson, the opening prayer. J. E. Taylor, Haymond. u fullIn without treasurer will be filled by and j. tary ConsoliChief case of the the as announced was result J Lake of C. and xounted the Salt ' Jensen, the Board of Directors. btforfl Justice John S. CooDer. char- - Carter, Gerald Cazier, J. L. Chase, dated Company, the tax represented James C. Neilson were the speakers. Each tollows: President, J. W. Boud; Vice- - P. B. Cowan.. Ed. V. Downs, George Dr. N. J. Rees, the retiring presi dossin with their eed liauor havine net pro and the value t the property I. Hovtt Directors: iv4.m. Paid high, tribute to the dent has occupied the position for They v. DucKwortn, james n. munuui ceeds of the mine, and in view of the speaker worth of the ii. R. Forrest, V. C. Andrews, Gil- - ession In tne Levan Precinct. departed. Other sterling Foote. R. P. Garrett, W. P. Harrv years ob can be idea some havlng beea r&,elected to E. amount paid, B. A. Gibson, Spencer bert Bailey, H. H. Greenhalgh, Joseph Golone year ago. During the Gadd, N. G. Sheriff three about business position of Taylor volume of the big talued Mrs. Dulcie Francom, and the President Rees' administration Forrest, June Kendall, Euos L. Jones, weeks sev ago. The defendants were re- - den, C. H. Grace, E. L. Guild, Angus transacted by this well known mining by and treasurer will be Bene choir. The secretary the number closine by k MiTnicrhf Havnes. William J. Henriott, Mat. l company eral Important projects nave been . j .. .. Afi.m , .i , i i .. if S. P diction was pronounced by toward E S Hoyt. put over. These Include, the organOn account of the payment of this Christensen. . Directors. The new officers will take and a plea of not guilty was entered, James E. J. valuable Irons, Ingram, of the local ization this Harry tne receive will prosecuted, Eureka new County AttorneyHoyt City big tax. Sister Soreusen was the mother ot assistance in aiding battery; charge the first, meeting in the .v.. i.m i w Jarrett.' iinos Li. Jones, n.u. i the road project tax was of money auu j A juijr amount dcvuicu tase. the largest year wuum year. uve cuuuru, iii. J'reo K.enaau, June the Juab County line; investigat nooc rrsenteH hv the nrosecut- - Jones, Tim tiaw rtffirora nf the oinh are in its history. Ordinarily the city her. These are: Mrs. Alfred Field ion of the pea H. latimer, nooen ijuuim, j. h tax revenue J ex .. too was aDDarentlv ...x. canning industry, ion. in It much strong been not has uu of i,ij ail gooa .w. ...k --J E. Memmott. ' D. M Miller cess of $30,000. This year, based on of Salt Lake. George Sorensen ,r, ---i.n,it plans for the establishment ot a fac the urinciples of true Kiwauianlsm, Soren Peter and Colorado, Aurora, N. A. Neiison worda-D- erf 17 mill levy, they will receive sen of Levan. Also one brother and tory now pending; and the support oformance opened Tuesday morning, they cnan- - H. E. McPherson, rhinh i tr. nt h O. Ostler, Edgar Park, Lot their enternumerous other community to of George times that their three guilty, or plea ged one's nearly of love about $90,000 Uetter business ethics, a host of friends to mourn her loss. Vern R. Stanley B. Riches, J. Pexton, them J100 prises. then fined Cooper that of last year 'fellows, ouortuuity to be an influence Judge Alfred Shaw, J. W. Sidwell. Mark with the ''The collection of such a large sum itv the estah- - each. Elders Jesse Pay and Garrett of o President Rees, and the support E Chharles R. Dell L. other Sperry, Sowby, Eureka Pyper Secretary the ana says the the for year" were at relations of the speakers present friendly bailment, Nephi, Thomas W. Stephenson worseu nave onicers Stephenson, oi cjud i.n: enao; "will iS.aaminisi Sacrament meeting Sunday afternoon between,- competitors, ot their Richard Sudweeks, Charles R. Tolley Reporter, pay off all the inUel: H R Francom. local health officer. faithfully in the performance are but a few of th many things Charles ration toconnection John Wilkey, S. T. Vickers, duties and retire from 'office with with the paving, "Tubersin action ness hia that call for performance. 0 SDaKe, topic being Wilson, Thomas Workman. sidewalks and waierworits imi.iu0and Cure" the best wishes of everymtfyK,,,.. uud work. n ft culOBi8 ' it8 preVettiion Levan A. E. Shepherd, Frank Tay The new oiuciaia areall men of m also to ciear up '"'uv" There was a large attendaace. George D. Haymond, the retiring lor. W. J. Worwood, Lorenzo; Juan- mnts, the com. affinity, who will nona Infliicenr maimer the from the borrowed club the has served preaiduiit, w. geison, Eureka." j. ot a the made csty very has entertained A. Mrs Earl Beck, ujr past two years and Eric Peterson, Eric Wankier, Victor benefit and advancement ofI the corn- efficient- executive devoting a great Alex George Peterson, to the best of their ability Stephneson, cititounity Alfred Haycock, well known ueal of time and interest for the wel Sewing and social chat was enjoyed P. Taylor, Andrew Poul-eoA great deal ot amusement was a L'nder his zen of this community, passed away Neilson, S. when delicious 10.30 P. fare of the organization. until Francom, MUTUAL PROGRAMS C. Christensen, Ray created ,by the' auction sale of some administration the road work that yesterday afternoon at his home In N. J. Scho.. luncheon was served fake, furniture-- , and rug which had rts&m&il'&"l!i ,.,... a illness. few weeks two thin ritv after i...,. '..i,.i!iiiMH the iiiHt SUNDAY EVENING - Mr. Haycock was 72 years of a t cony the received entertained Mrs. Mirven has in Bosh, this valley years i I nu mnminir . a n Mills George T. Orgill, John ninn oitin a mum M. L. S. club Wednesday evening. C- Bendlxen lue ,7." ol..1 6" . followed He has .WUSTSout forth by the KIwanis Club, la from England. An elaborate lunch was served.' was called. sale the 'aTnitureJSVhen pro The following has-preliminary also bef" lOV0t Kay, J J urvuai luria.a uu Ph Parnu w..rth Tmnorl.l PlaverSi'. iacre""T ' ryv grams, will be rendered Sunday evefairtitncr Oi TtI tl V ning in the various wards ot tne city pre8ented the comedy-dram- a play full 'of small chairs," Imitation rugs, John Neilson Bryon D. Evans. to commence at 7 P. m. under tne The Dollar Power" to the people of Pictures etc. J. W. Boud was wlec- he election the members years but sold out these interests tson, .w , .r i -Levan Monday evening. TT . ZZ auspices of the M. I. A. were auuiesstu " fnrWlt cmniA tv.u, nVl u) ." Ve8t- Ephraim KoDens, Dpi! lbvU auu uivuM u n wuuv" Latter devout a was The Mr. of Provo. Ratell Mr. If Haycock K,Wrvi,.r TU "J.MorTho Tvn Sundav School rave a OI money ior ine ciuu Nephi Ward speaker confined bis remarks to the- Day Saint and an earnest church C. W. K were: Hobbs successful bidders Beth . .A ..... lo, aoa O v For the past two winters aUVC A.hbuu Lkt.J C" CUIUgi importance of preserving the water- worker. In Prominent Boy W. 'hitmore. E. and J. Vickers Ostler J. Nephi W. T. gan, Vocal Solo bei ent shed at the head of' our canyon in company with his wife they have Mrs. T. w. vickers California Development Readilie stream. He stated that the condition labored in the Mantl Temple. He wasInstrumental Selection Dorothy Boud Peter Sorensen and daughter Ven" WII I mNIC WFI I of this watershed at the present time a member of the High Priests QuorPaul Grace and Verda Batchelor um and has always been diligent in was very poor due to The following item is taken from a Lake. Uli UV1L.CI rUUVl iu the past. He said it was the duty attending to any work to which he South Ward recent issue of the Wilmington. Calif- of every citizen to be interested m was called. Hannah Schofield Mrs. Wm. Sherwood, came down! Air. Wm. Bailey entered Into an He Is survived by his widow and ornia Morning Sua, and tells of the Vocal.Solo this question as without the mainten- Ruth Sperry and are: Herman John Mr. these Winn, be seven Salt Lake f0r a few days visit agreement Monday with the People's of would children, (rom advancement it water Reading ance of this supply .' Sugar Company of Moroni, foe, this Mrs. T. u. winn Instrumental Selection Ray Bean and witn reiatives here. inri.i in which lj C.hotitb. Mrs. Iuia Shaw ana Mrs. a0n of Mayor and J a Anderson. company to drill a well on his farm. ohiain the necessary things of life. llAlfrew Shaw of this city, Thomas aa an engineer & achitect In South n Athella Booth Mrs. Lee Jackman was hostess to in case water in sufficient qauntitles Mr. Winn is a Piano Solo full recogniz'stid Mr. Rafell, that Haycock of Montana, David Haycock ern California. Gob- - I the. Ladies Literary Club Thursday 8 found, the sugar company will the subject of cutting down the now on a mission to' the Central Der. of the firm of Cartwright and Looking Backward" orI Town i Years Ago. Idaho of follows is reserve in article States and Joseph Haycock evening, December 6th. A very enjoy-- 1 lease the farm of Mr. Bailey for the Winn. The Nephi Twenty sip number of stock on the able time was spent, and the life and raising of sugar beets. If it is not Dennis Wood. The time and date ot the funeral "Certain confirmation of the claims mentioned it does not appeal to those decided works ot our great authors were possible to obtain water, the corn- been not universally, touches have association services architects yet No ef that subject interested. I area A delightful pany will not charge Mr. Bailey any- be to reliable Ward will the said North have ever Sunday does does pay ho carefully reviewed. probably upon, but that it I Kendall construclub will meet thing tor their work. The sugar com was Lorna served. The be lunch ' or Monday. itects and engineers plan the Reading ... .nmikpr hut this Question muBt . Mrs. Ralph Belliston at the home ot Mrs. Alma Dal by, pany are anxious to extend their acre ction of any Job, large or small, is to Voal Solo looked at from a broad standpoint. . A. E. Smith I Thursday, Dec. the 13th. f.. ... frtr ihd llltirhpnn Call- iri. age tor beet raising and are taking be found in the steady advancement ius (jiuS.ui r i "r: c this means to obtain more land tor and Winn, of the firm of Cartwright UllCrvAL OE.IW sisted of two txcellent Beiecuona of this purpose. HELD SUNDAY architects and engineers, with offices given by a male quartet composed v. A. at 130 East Antneim btreei. Light Plant Now Attached- NEPHI HIGH Paul Booth, Clarence Warner, firm has lust completed Thi. SCHOOL NOTES Pvm.r , a.nl Johu Christisou. Viola To Fountain Green Power . . POOR HOUSE GREETS Impressive funeral services were home faneral th as acted accompanist. Worlhington mo neia eunuay aiiemuun lu "FUMBLES OF 1923" r)avld Woods, which has attractnacle, over the mortal remains oi fa raVorable COm.ment, as well the Lois Lunt plant of The work Reoprter) attaching (By Mrs. Mark Bigler. Bishop i nomas PRAKK r'flH at 1130 Mar- - of the Nephi City Eletcrlc System ,.,00m court each nallc5r was ,n chare and tbe Den,n of which tfl ine RATTERY The Rod Jlillam Company which Ave., Wilmington, LOCAL that of th Bl Springs Electric D. p t Thursday, Mis. Maugbn gave an prayer wag offered j waa the tumhies ot rnmnnnv presented Green, Fountain of nmcrnm for ,Atnhiv W. The speakers were: Patriarch J. Cartwrlrht and ' Winn are tioih new weancsaar With this aTening i iue 'cuno, Mr. f0n0W9: Greenwood; prayer, Paxtnan. Patriarch L. A. Bailey and residents of this region, and are con completed Saturday. Mr. were greeted with a poor house con- oHHIllr.n to draw from this city la Trln rinlrinhrmtrh. SiHtfim and Each of Provo. A. and Prince F. Captain Lester Mangnm Major sistent boosters for the welfare of the now assured ot plenty of electric pow-- I Dorlug. Vocal g0io yivian Peterson; lderlng the amount of publicity that instructors BpeaKer told In a feeling manner oi korhnp aiulrict . .. . .. . .mA k Gundry, Field Artillery who -. The success Of this er . " " ' . . Thn.o " n mil were year . 10. co.me'. Talk, Prof. II. -R. Merrill ot tne h. . VIII. .k.. "T for the Utah National Guard ,he e00(1 life the deceased had always ir MHH I . K .nnr, I 1'H LU1.I i auw.. v.f r-- IR V 1. .. (11 Innnl fniliin ' i lUO u.i down from Salt Lake City Tuesday jd and her devotion to the church. markable from the first, and the tirm any, aCCiaeUV lO fhn money, there being six acts. The always have aullHary visThe to was her also good local Tribute to innpecl the paid battery. Old Madrid" tnd of Cartw right and Winn U looked c tha load durlng any W.Hnl.r. Devotional Mrwan riven last two acts, "In itors complimented tbe officers and qualities as wife and mother, one of the dependable arch omarronrv that mav OCCUT. were me uei oi i as upon k Tnhn.on SnArrv "Butteriiy jr Beautiful music was furnished by itectural and engineering companies men on the result ot the inspection. Miss Ar hv mwcr Dit of the Big Rmii. aii,.. violin Solo, show and were pleasing. and of the as Anderson P. one "E" U the following: clHBKing Battery Foun- - Mlgg FarnBWorth; Address Mayor T. villa IaxI and "Miss Mildred Ellison of the city of Wilmington of Electrict Company a rendered Springs who Melba Anderson, beit In tbe state. Vocal Duet. Melba Andr- - did extremely well In thetw two acts which was recently com- - r. lain The local battery will soon have duet, "Cast Thy Bread Upon Tbe as did John cnnsimon ana t.iar . ,. In nH this n finest of the no part I.i I.nnt ni.i, all their necessary equipment com- Water." "My Faith In Thee" was Will Open Up-T- o Date !. run- a w Morgan, sir. niiiam was si nis um ith capacity the of country, for Mrs. D. T. Davis. built Ralph Mrs. The stables being sung by in "Buiieruy jr. m cnoru s'" 600 power. horse to Alley 450 from Bowling nlnff finTo Belliston rendered the song "Face the battery horses will soon be I a DasKet dsii gameiwera charming. an be win There from la Diced nnwrr Tki. islied. This will make it much more Face" and Mrs. Diane Both, and Mr. immense spring and not subject toitonigm in tne ingn ecnooi ujnm- i M9g viola worininFton, piano mu convenient in the handling ot this n. Q. Dorlus gae an Instrumental I or n ur.... itven mhu from floods M. W. Mangelson of the Nephi any or the work ind will add number. Benediction was given by , rem munvvj IU lom mUSIC I. v. r rcnu . Store, is trouble Thia .Amnntiv now SUPDIies I Hardware and was dedicated the The of g. Implement muci'i winn. r. guard to grave the efficiency . I t llfnlAd were , 't airs played. popular i UD nn moBL Savins? tw. of tbe oiuruiu, - l aaie Fountain ureen, .nnt.1u i)w i IIUUIBfl Drti'v; Y ' ' "O here. The dance hall Is WW ohwmi ' -- w me ana van io in book , insianea on the who town attended and cmnninted committee surpiu. The nr.. alleys oponle bowling "Pep" n,.i tnter- .ht i. The negotiations tor this power have worked hard in order to have . , Mr.. and Mrs. Otis Morton, .n,i Mr.. Thorn I motit of hi store, that has ever been dance anu pari win h me tunerai wei e. uri.hu .Tb.-W, taken Xhe L.d tb Je .j S of Salt Lake. Mr. evening. Pubsh,d a book worthy oj.r.ted U, m. and finally school .' This book contains the yells who Mr. Lester Mangum of Provo, John, made of hardwood and are Southern tor loaves shortly be obtained. The north siae pi for by tne present iomiiu"'"" rnlifornla ana buhrs ui uik onuem .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crapo enler- - Ueorge ana james BOehd rjFr ' troubles for this commUtee Kmms "1 fonowTnJ sue.ts ,8. Amog chhM ioini..i Kuadav evKiilnr for Mr. and City, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Typer and tbe basement has been partitioned- has solved the power wl nter use of , the electricity BelltalOB city and placed 0,pn Co,e, ww TMrs. S. G. Ord la honor ihir 32nd Mr. Robert Pypp.r of Salt Lake City, off and Is being renovated throughpresent. Mayor ouu It is well lighted and when oa more permanent basis, as underLunl B,anch. wp.ldin anaivcrHary. Hcf rshments pracroaflhcil(j firhool team went over ready for operation will be as up the present arrangement we areSe. Mrs were Birv- - to the following: Mr. KtaI and assured Moronf can found be .nywh.re. always to a, date J- tical.y and Mrs. and Mr. played nltht Ord. in S. 0. Friday and Mrs. ofjt. lUrry Mel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm- - Stanley, Hot lunches are served each noo. Irons. Mr. and Mrs. A J. Cr.pc,H O. M. WbrTTransscted bus.- JladyTrseTn hit H.V" ood Rtnnlpy, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wood. fSlr Ml las fa," Maughan. assisted by .om. W. It. Warner. Mrs. Dennis a , by first Monday. ln la will be operated Ogden He say. It game Mm W. II. .Warner,' .Mr. and Mrs. honor Mr ot n the Gordon gu. Wood, Harry Iron. Mr. end Mrs. OtU Horfref.o SSl tneMw- - A fine baby glr! was born to Mr. tinned during the winter month. If M Pit, and ,he ho.t and hotes. Mr. TnoV hi n.n Mutfarrl f'raDO. and Mr. and and Mr,. On. Horton. and Mrs. Slanley Jarrett yesterday. patronageJuMlfle.lt. Zrl lng alley snd enjoy a game. equal Mrs. Crapo. IU A ft IX I I I Ik 11 If JlililJ jLiJU K CLUB PRESIDENT Jiab County is not going to be a I . !i0-uo- r si Vice-Presiden- .. I 5 'J T - - m i ts. A - : o- - vv Vice-Preside- . " - tk-nonni. . .. i , . . I - lc ' . "r'u ..." J." ,. """""'i I I , - v I . ALFRED HAYCOCK . - . PASSES AWAY O A I A - uv. - " M I I ', n, . M- - . Xorvte I 1 , - 1 1 1 UMrt.. fCT' ; T 4A-nCi- I 1, i - Q T' -o- - CSB . nain. . A ' X" 1 over-grazi- '. - I I ...,i, I I I mem-whe- I - I I I I nk. I .- - I rriivrnn crnt .w -- - 1 .,,. Q . ... izj I I - - I I TI I ll.-- 11 --.- .-. I I I .,7 .1 V. ' r- I 11 1 V IJ V . I s-- I orn Pr - Wi. . pk-te- .r-Cri.7- shut-dow- I r!l II M i I I u ..... .--- .... I m I cr 1 c' "'' "n, .Pj.; ., - . SriVJTirw JtZ?lL .IflT'B 2hwU2 - nit-u- j, 1'. " M- V Z'rn i" - - V |