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Show TUB 33 SPECIAL TERMS ON PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Lake Salt Petty went to NEFHi. UtAtL S, 3E Wftejiuofthel I. M. riMKS-JNKW- DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON Tuesday on business. Charles Foote, went to Salt Lake yesterday for a few days visit.' UPRIGHT PLAYERS AND PHONOGRAPHS Dr. N. J. Rees went to Salt Lake Wednesday for a couple of days visit Take advantage of our liberal terms for the holiday season. Come in and look over our stock of Violins, and other Instruments. One of these would make a nice present for the girl J. W. Paxman, left Tuesday for Ogden on official business, for the Federal Land Bank. Major Prince and Captain Gundry of the Utah National Guard were down to Nephi Tuesday to Inspect the local battery. 35 years of u1-- bake-aaY- Mrs. T. D POWDER Rees. ' J . - m..f it 't.rT- leavening strength to "JjJ to fuL climate spoon IN THE DISTRICT COURT, IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY,, STATE OF UTAH. depend-tu- e lud pure. AS LITTLE '"Mi Honesty, the Wiser Policy. Most men are liars, hut a few of the wiser ones are discovering that the habit Is a foolish and damaging one, and He as little aa possible. EL W. Howe's Monthly. ' SALE ON FORECLOSURE. To be sold at Sheriff's sale, on the 19th day of December, 1923 at the hour of two o'clock p. m. at the front door of the county court house in Nephi, Juab County, State of Utah, all the right, title, interest, claim and estate of the above named defend ants of, in and to the following de scribed real estate situate in Juab East Half County, Utah, to wit,-th- e of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 16 South, Range 24, in Township 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, containing 120 acres. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated this 28 day of November 1923. Dan Martin Sheriff of Juab County, Utah. By P. P. Christison, Deputy Sheriff. P. N. Anderson Attorney for Pltff. First publication Nov. 30th, 1923. Last publication Dec. 14th, 1923 SMALL GOODS Music Rolls, Record Brushes Needles and Supplies i Says the Sunflower She waited to hear from you and you neglected to write or call. Send her a box of beautiful blossoms to show her that your heart is In the right place. How ever far away she may be you can wire them to her. Save a life for Christmas "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" you are give health. LADIES FLORAL CO Provo Utah LUNT PHARMACY AGENTS There are thousands of sufferers from tuberculosis, forgotten by all the world except the Tuberculosis Association, ft needs your support to carry on its life-savi- c ng a life for Christmas. ttlhrrv Stamp out Tuber culotU with Chrixtmat Seal V ilk wmn mm IJttle as $5.00 down easy terms on balance WE CARRY THE EDISON, SONORA, BRUNSWICK, AND OTHER PHONOGRAPHS & Two or Three Bargains In Slightly used Phonographs ; A SMALL DJEPOSIT will hold any instrument for Future Delivery Columbia Records & Player Rolls. Music Brings Sunshine In The Home, Why Not Invest In a Little Sunshiine : " fg ROBERT LOIAX, ianagw III 3 - V-- ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF UTAH OFFICE OF STATE ROAD COMMISSION SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Sealed bids will be received by the State Road Commission of Utah, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, at 2 p. m. December 17, 1923, and at that time publicly opened for eleventh word last word. in the telegram. The grading and gravel surfacing the state road from Millard County line to Chicken Creek Dam iu Juab County the same being Fed. Aid Project No. 17-The length of road to be constructed or improved is 13.87 miles, and the principal items of work are apCommon proximately as follows: Exc. 38,000 cu. yds- - Solid rock Exc. 4560 cu. yds. Earth Borrow 27,300 cu. yds. Concrete for structures 350 B. CHILDREN'S rA7.il. DISEASES Worms ar.d parasites in tl.6 intestines cu. yds. Gravel loading 27,770 cu. u .d'Tinine Le:ilth a:id so yds. Gravel haul 43,000 Yd. Ml. o; children wcal.cn Ci'SiT vi u'.ity that they are unable Plans and specifications are on .s.-to lo.--i t t!:e d so fatal to child life. tile in the office of the State Road Tr? f ,fn c"V.t: i 1 p:ve a few doses of Commission, Salt Lake City, Utah Wl.it C7c:.r.i Vcrtmrug?. It destroys and r .;:''.3 t'.3 without the slight- and the office of the Bureau of Pubest iju-- r t i health or activity of the lic Roads at Ogden, Utah. chil The above plans and specifications iv!" r ?W 1 v CO. may be obtained at the office of the PHARMACY LUNT State Road Commission on depositing Five ($5.00) Dollars. Any additional information may be secured from the Stato Road Engineer at "He Builds Wisely Who Ball1 Salt Lake City, Utah. Wair The right to reject any or all bids 1 . la reserved. Cash or certified Check for One thousand five hundred dollars. Made payable to the Utah State Road Commission must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith and as a guarantee that ($1-,500.0- 0) TOR HOME A'D STABLE extraordinary Dorozor.o trratmcnt for f.'.-- wound, cut", coirs, palls, burns and scalds is just as effective in the stable as in tt.o home. Horse flesh heals with rem;irkabl! Seol under its powerful in- . 1 ho trrntmetit is the same for animals n for humans. First wash out iii.Wtjnus (terms with liquid Iiorozone. ai d the rtorozouc l'owd'-- completes the hrrilr-process. ITiro (liquid) 30r. tUo ar d f .20. Powder 30c and COc. Sold by Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL llu'-nce- r The Latea Aad Purest Natural DapeaU of Gpysaai ia the World. 1 LUNT PHARMACY CO. NEPHI PLASTER AND MFC COMPANY DENTIST SOS Highest Cash Prices Paid For Felt Blllding Opposite Post Off Ics Salt Lake City Kclmtinc Plattrwork. Prrtic Inclusive o y WILL L. HOYT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Pvblte LICENSED ABSTRACTER Ami EXAMINER OP TITLES Utah Nephi Office at County Court House If awarded the contract, the bidder will execute the contract and give bond as required. STATE ROAD COMMISSION, By Howard Preston G. Peterson, Chairman C. Means, Chief Engineer. First pub. Nor. 30, 1923 Last pub. Dec. 14, 1923, Hall's Catarrh Medicine Charles H. Dunn JL. M We Have One Used Player and One Piano. A Bargain Branch Store, Venice Building, Nephi Utah, TO BUILD WELL T!, work. You help when you buy Christmas Seals the Libeity Bonds in the war upon consumption. Buy Christmas Seals! Buy as many as you can. The Great White Plague can be stamped out cn-- r , tircly. Christmas Seals saving many lives. Buy Christmas Seals, and save mes- ' DAYNES - BEEBE MUSIC COMPANY A word of greeting. The good word. Passing the word. " "Hell." A word Tour word of of encouragement. The wrong word. honor. "Stop." "Never." A word to the wise. The We will be the trusty senger send her flowers. WHILE - H i.nS....v-.'o- Come in and hear the latest, Edison, Brunswick, Famous Words. VI .,..,. i AT $10.00 DOWN ON A PLVNO mm 1 i. n tVE CARRY THE KIMBALL, AUTO PLANO, STORY AND CLARK AND HALLET AND DAVIS PLANOS AND PLAYERS SHERIFF'S ation, Defendants boy. An Orson H. Pierce Plalntlfl vs. Charles E. Jennings and Vina Jenings and the Gunnison Valley Bank, a corpor Vs. .( An Item that was omitted from our last issue was the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Pitt of Salina, who spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. John Pitt, parents of Mr. Pitt. Retainsits great very last . or 3 Dr. George H. Brimhall, former president of the B. Y. U. was a guest yesterday at the home of Dr. and in; P!?'Jk 111! 'caw ' Mrs. Lela Thorn returned to her home Tuesday, having come down from Salt Lake to attend the funeral of her mother Mrs. Mark Bigler. faUing service -- on '?'-- '' It)' 2 EGGS AND CREAM NELSON AND RICKS South Main St. next door to 1'crt Sparks Store J. N. C. PEXTON. Agent PHONE NO. a Those who are In a "run down" condition will notice that Catarrh bothers them murh more than when they are In pood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease. It Is greatly Infloenred by constitutional ATA nut' HALLS conditions. MEDICINE Is n Tonic nnd Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood upon the mncotis surface of the body, thus reducing the Inflammation and restoring normal conditions. Circulars free. All druggists. F. 3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. r GOODYEAR BHOB REPAIRING SYSTEM Utah Nephi, Best Material Vscal pt Mall Order 8rvto J A CMstssMS, Pro Here's Proof That Advertising Pays Ftmoiis Wriglcy Building ia Chicago Being Doubled in Size Here is a concrete (as well tf a The part of the Wrigley Buildsteel and glass) proof of the laying erected two yean ago has filled such a want that the north section, ing that "advertising pays." In these magnificent buildings Mr. nearly double the floor area of the south section, is being added. Wrigley has erected an impressive This north section, nearly comtestimonial to tliis great truth. the entire block, pleted, occupies They loom large and beautiful. North Water across immediately They typify the achievements of on Michigan the man who built them. They Street, fronting Avenue and reaching to the height stand as a monitor over the activof the main part of the first strucity of the Nation's second city-insa with bridge. connecting ture, dominating massive-bea- ring The space in the new section is unanswerable high-cla- st testimony all taken by nearly already to the POWER OF firms in advance oi the completion of the building. piring -- |