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Show KpM, Juab County, Utah eljc eimeo-ctu- G CATERING SERVICE NEPHI Decorating and Catering Service for Wedding Receptions Phone 623-144- 4 f. NEPHI CATERING SERVICE J 'mJ ss Lorraine Hayes, Mgr. 8 Mena Local and Social Notes ' versary Air. and Mrs. Charles Black Mr. and Airs. Chester Foote visited in Springville on Mon- of Granger visited with his brother and sister In Air, day with Air. and Airs. Alax and Airs. II. E. Black law, on AlonKnight. day. Judge and Airs. F. W. Keller Airs. William Bailey visited of Price were Alonday overin Cedar City with Mr. and night guests of Air. and Airs. Alls. Rolert C. Hansen last Ed. P. Cox. week. Air. and Airs. Hansen Air. and Airs. Edward Shelly accompanied Airs. Bailey home of Salt Lake City viisted with and he attended the meeting Airs. Robert Chappell Alonday. of the Kiwanis Club of Nephi on Wednesday evening. Alerrill J. Broadhead recentAir. and Airs. Stanley Neilsen ly returned home after five years service in the United and son Ronnie of Tooele and States Air Force. For the Mr. and Airs. Ron Alurray and past four years he has been baby Kris of Salt Lake City were week end guests of Mrs. stationed at Cevreaux-Fauvill- e Airbase, France with the 39th Verda Cloward. par-me- rs ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sum- - Belliston, Mrs. Owen Lomax, Mrs. Pearl Foreman, Mrs Mrs. Erma Claude Tolley, WE HAVE THE GENUINE Newton; Airs. Emma Parkin QUALITY and Mrs. Lawrence Critchley .i TOPWND0W of Pocatello, Idaho; Air. Donna Norton and son Jimmy and Materials Later and son Mrs. Lavon OUT COLD HOLD IN Scott of Provo; Airs. Carolyn Storm For lass then Cheaper Brailsford and son Todd of Poor ond Windows Foith Kociosorot Springville, Air. and Airs. Max P Stansworth and daughter Cheri of Salt Lake City; Airs. Charles Bowles and son Chuck of and the hostess, Springville. Mrs. Shepherd. Week end visitors of Mr. and Airs. Vaughn Molyneux were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Molyneux PGlassONet JIWyrOGlass -- MScreenGlass 1FlexOPane IM NEPHI LUMBER CO. Mr. and family of Fillmore, Nephi and Mrs. Clark Molyneux and family of Sandy. West 2nd North 55 We Have Me LE-YA- N NEWS BRIEFS Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clinn Morgan were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morgan of Provo. CRYSTAL CLEAR CUT, TACK, SEW or SEAL HUNDREDS OF USES Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Paystrup were Paul Paystrup, who is attending the vocational school in James Paystrup and Provo; Miss Mary Louise Shepherd, who are attending the Brigham Young University; and Miss Carolyn Paystrup, a student at Snow College, Ephraim. Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Christensen and children of Roy were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Francom were Air. and Mrs. Earl Francom and family of Springville, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Madsen and family of Orem. INDOORS A OUTDOORS WALL STORM MOIKTOtS PUINITUBI COVERS WINDOWS 5 VALLEY BUILDERS 210 West Center Nephi Mr. and Airs. Dean Dalby and family were in Salt Lake City for the U. E. A. con-of vention. They were guests n her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephensen while there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray Garrett (Susan Tolley) At Reception at Stake House Susan Kay Tolley, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Rex Tolley, and Robert Ray Garrett, son of Air. and Airs. Joseph L. Garrett, all of Nephi, took their wedding vows in ceremonies performed recently at the Juab Stake House. A delicious dinner was served at the Stake House at 3:30 p.m. for the bride and groom and their immediate friends end relatives. The tables were beautifully decorated in yellow and bronze colored chrysanthemums. Forty five attended. Later they welcomed friends STRICTLY FRESH It is said that if you drink a glass of water every morning for 1,200 months, youll live to be 100. 0 stuff about football players being all brawn and no brain has been proven untrue; however, one All that old-ha- t pm-i-T rip With Your F-0-6D0WII Warp's that is. S, Cover all openings NOW (doors, windows, porches) that let in cold winter drafts. Just cut Warps FLEX-O-GLAS- S with shears, tack over screens winter, or frames for low-cost protection. Warps genuine, crystal-clea- r FLEX-O-GLAS- S lasts for years at a fraction the cost of glass. Only 87f a square yard at your local hardware or lumber dealer. j Timely Tips Here are some safety tips, whether youre in, the midst of fall house cleaning or whether youre just doing your weekly cleanup. Head the label on all household products and follow safety hints closely. e Never put a nonfood product in an empty food container. Keep everything you didnt buy in the food department of the grocery store out of the food cabinets and out of reach of children, too. fellow we know won a football letter and his coach had to read it to him. Thank the lucky stars that this Is still a free country, where a man can do as his wife pleases. All news seems to be bad news these days. WASCO BRAND Fertilizer soluble . are chance for plant utilization. IN WASCO you get NO EXTRA COST! NOW'S THE Air. and Airs. Dennis and ited Airs. and . give a 100 . . AiR CONDITIONED Saturday. Week end guests of Air. and Airs. Ray Winter w'ere Air. and a reception Airs. Tom May and family. Nwly Rdcoratd Coffoo Shop Booufy fc Fret TlvWen ond Rodo "WHY NOT GET THE BEST?" WASCO call WASATCH CHEMICAL CO. Salt Lake City and Orem, Ut; Idaho Falls and Nampa, Ida. Mrs. Lawrence Neislen and two sons are visiting with her ioned of peau de soie and parents, Air. and Airs. Ray Wintrimmed with Chantilly lace ter this week. The ensemble was applique. Air. and Mrs. LeGrande n accented with a bouquet of were in Salt Lake City roses centered with tropicana a white orchid touched with Sunday to visit with their son, Alaynard, and to be with him turquoise. Bridal illusion form- until Monday morning when he ed her profuse veil. Airs. Glen R. Burton, a sis- left for the Netherlands mister, Airs. Eugene Mikkelson, sion. sister of Mr. Garrett; Lucille Mr. and Mrs. Vern Winter Bailey, Linda Sanders and and family and Farrell Winter Carolyn Sparks attended the of Bountiful visited one day bride in gows of turquoise blue last week with their parents, of Air. and Airs. Alma Winter. nad carrying bouquets bronze chrysanthemums and Nick Taylor of Provo visitgladioli. Airs. Tolley chose blue lace ed in Levan with relatives on rose beige Sunday. Mrs. Christine Taylor and Mrs. Garrett for the occasion, and each add- accompanied him home for a ed a corsage of mums and glad- few days visit at the home of Air. and Mrs. Rex Taylor. ioli. Rex S. AlcPherson served as Mr. and Mrs. Meril Stephenbest manwith Eugene iMikkel-so- n and Glen R. Burton as sen and family visited in Morushers. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice oni on Sunday with her brothand sister in law, Mr. and Tolley, Mr. and Airs. Charles er Mrs. Wallace Nunley. Tolley, and Mr. and Mrs. Glade Sanders received guests at the Air. and Airs. Alma Winter door. visited in Bountiful three days Peggy Ruston, Teresa Tol- last week with Mr. and Airs. ley, Pat Johnson, Christiane Farrell Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Judy Anderson and Vern Winter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jean Anderson served the Seymour Winter. They also guests and gifts were arrang- visited in Salt Lake City wtih ed by Lynn Johnson, Kathy Alax Winter. Kendall, Corrine Garrett, and Mrs. Verna Foote and daughAirs. Rex McPherson, Nyra Stanley and Airs. Michael An- ter Christy of Roosevelt and derson were at the guest book. Mrs. Davis and Carolyn Following a honeymoon trip daughter Wendy of Neola were to Jacksn Hie, Wyoming they week end guests of Mrs. Edna are making their home in Salt Sherwood. Air. and Airs. WesLake City. ley Christensen and family of Nephi also were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Sherwood. IF YOU DON'T KNOW Mr. and Airs. Homer Bendix-e- n YOUR MERCHANDISE and family of Salt Lake KNOW YOUR MERCHANT! City spent Sunday with his parents, Air. and Airs. Erhardt SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI! Bendixen. House. The bridal gown was fash- Alan-gelso- A , 'A', s ? if 4 FOREGROUND: '64 TEMPEST CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE BACKGROUND: '64 140 East South Tomplo Stroot Wide-Trac- k 6 develops 140 horsepower from 215 cubic inches, Tempest's new and it'll please everybody but the gas station man. And Tempest's inch 8 puts out up to 280 horsepower for swingers. in-li- ne optional-at-extra-co- st 326-cub- SEE THE ONLY V-- ic DEALER CARS WHO SELLS THE GREENWOOD 740 North Main Street YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER SERVICE Nephi, Utah Phone 623-185- Three reasons why First Security is the place to finance your car Your over a convenient period of time builds you a credit reputation of value for future borrowing for any purpose. Timeway financing is e. Loans made also for any worthwhile purpose using jour present car as security. lllili k. Foe tank of Haka N A Member fnl Wcvrrty lent Fed'! Depot Utofc, oc N A. frd Sacry lank Corpora ar- ranged rapidly and with a minimum of red tape, either at your auto dealers or at the bank. Ji I. TEMPEST Pontiac Tempest with a new SIX for savers and a V- - 8 for swingers. It's the '64 jbiiiUctlvt Jlohl ailk a IhulUetlv Jkocatb SALT LAKE CITY 1, UTAH at and relatives at arranged at the Juab Stake Financing arrangements are easily made. Ask your dealer for timeway financing or stop in at our Timeway department. i and TIME TO FERTILIZE . . So, aslc yourself: HOTEL Block from Mormon Ywptl BtAlnom Dbtrlct Drivo-l- n Garogo with CtVQfOf Direct to Your Floor 0, greater A new kind of Pontiac with a new kind of Pontiac power Winter children of Garland viswith his parents, Air. and C. J. Winter on Friday CABUTOI 1V4 32-28-- (31-31-- 0, PURE . . 100 Levan Social Hems New Mr., Mrs. Garrett Honored La-ver- DONT calTght and then Airs. Ivle played a record --on the "Living Constitution of the United States". The message of the record was well received by he members. Members present were Aler-- j lene Iviv, Rowena Pew, Jean Johnson, Thelma Reed, Adele 'Jackson, Alildred Sherwood, DoVona Roberts, Betty Alotes, Rula Gowers, LuOna Prisbrey, Marjorie Steiner, Ardys Tld-we- ll and Alene Sperry. PERFECT fertilizer?" Sunday visitors of Mr. and They also visited with other Alger Sutherland were relatives. I.arell Stephensen and Lee Mr. and Mrs. Percy Newton Taylor of Orem. visited in Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Sum- Murray with relatives on mers and family, and Mr. and day. Mrs. W. II. Summers visited enterMrs. in Orem on Sunday with Mr. tained onKatie Sheperd of honor in Tuesday and Mrs. Robert Summers. her her sister, Mrs. Melvin Air. and Mrs. Russell Neil-se- n Stanley, on her birthday anniand family of Murray were versary. A delicious luncheon was served to Mrs. Stanley, week end visitors of their and Mrs. Rose Neilsen Mrs. Sadie Harris, Mrs. Leora 2FlexO Glass Pa ga Five "WHAT IS A Mrs. HEAT-KEE- 17, 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Eagar Troop Carrier Squadron as a The Chalice Club met on and family of Eagar, Arizona, Might Engineer. OctoN-10 at 8 pm, at the Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tyler of home of Rowena Pew. PresiBroad-hea- d Mr. Mrs. and Delbert Soon Mesa, Arizona, and In dent Merlone Ivio gave the left Wedni'sday for Suit See of Korea were the recent welcome to all momliors, Jean Lake to make home. their City guests of Mr. and Airs. James Johnson read the Club Collect. II. Eagar. Minutes read by Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bosh Mr. and Airs. Edward Cox and daughter Staeey of Eph- Steiner were approved. lius-inematters were taken up of Bountiful visited Thursday raim, Mrs. Jerry Bosh and son at the home of his parents, Steven; and Mr. and Mrs. TerAir. and Airs. Edward Gw. Air. rence Vest of Belmont, Califand Mrs. Cox then accompan- ornia were dinner guests of EVER ASKED YOURSELF: ied their son and daughter in Mrs. Hazel Bosh on Tuesday. law back to Bountiful where The occasion was the birthday of Mrs. Vernon they visited the remainder of anniversary the week with them and with Bosh. Air. and Airs. Douglas Cox. Air. and Airs. W. II. Boyce They also were guests In Salt and two children of Salt Lake Lake City of Air. and Airs. visited over the week end James II. Crane (Carol) and City YOUR WASATCH CHEMICAL FIELD MAN with Mr. and Airs. Evan Blackcelebrated the birthday anni- ett. CAN TELL YOU! SEE HIM! of Mrs. Ed. Cox. f jf HI Mrs. Pew Hostess at Chalice Club Meeting Nephi Local, Social Hems i October Thursday, f lock ipfiafi 1 SEDAN |