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Show Nephi, Juab County, 1faK Thursday, October EiMCS'ifaUic MONA ITEMS Stood and Waited When a Movely, Mo., man Mrs. Merrill Newren and gave up trying to start his three children of Hunter were car, stalled on a railroad week end guests of her parcrossing, he lit a cigarette, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren stood back and watched his Keyte. car destroyed as a freight Mrs. Melvin was in Lotrain dragged It 150 yards gan last week Kay where she atdown the track. tended the Women's Leadership School at the Utah State Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alger Sutherland were and Lee Bareli Stephenson laylor of Orem. ember 1962, making it also the highest September since II bonds were first sold In 1952. New Sales Record sales Kenneth Nyman, Manager of The states the First Security Bank at tctal of $16.3 million is a high and repesents 81 per Nephi, and Juab County Bonds chairman, has received word cent of our 1963 goal, Air. from State Chairman Freder- Champ noted. ick P. Champ that Utah made Residents of Juab County another outstanding record of $7,215 in Series E purchased bonds savings purchases during and II bonds during SeptembSeptember. er, according to Chairman NyTotal purchases of Series E man, bringing the years sales and II bonds reached $1,812,013 to $49,412, or 59.5 per cent of up 15.8 per cent over Sept the countys 1963 goal. nine-mont- 16-ye- ar Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Sum mors and family, and Mr. and Mrs. VV. II. Summers visited in Orem on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Neil sen and family of Murray were University. week end visitors of their par Mr. and Mrs. Newell Kay of cr.ts, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sum-merand Mrs. Rose Neilsen Pamona, California visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess They also visited with other relatives. Brooks last week. Whats In a Name What do you think they say when they answer the phone at Chicagos Automobile Livery, Chauffeurs, Funeral Directors Apprentices, Ambulance Drivers and Helpers, Taxi Cab Drivers, Miscellaneous Garage Employes, Car Washers, Greasers, Polishers and Wash Rack Attendants Local No. 727? They say, This Is Local 727." Smokey Says : OWNERS ail of Richfield. Bosh. HUNTERS --D- to make one of POTATOES FOR SALE APPLES fresh from the Ivie Phone Orchard in Orem. Worm-freFloyd Keyte, Mona 4243 Jonathan $1.75; Delicious $2; Rome Beauty 1.75; Greenings 2.50 bu. Pick up at 295 East ItEXALL TIIE North, Nephi. Ph. 42 BEST KNOWN NAME IN Boyd R. Ivie FORGET ON'T accident policies a part of your my e. 623-180- o 623-015- OUR FUTURE RESTS ON YOUR j AT A Keeping you satisfied with our cars and service keeps us is business. And not for a never forget minute!! hi ! mm Come in and see the high quality products we have to offer . . . the modern facilities we have to serve you . . and how hard ing to work for were your : low low 4.50 per week Full Quality will- Features satis- faction. We believe you will like trading with us and come back again and again. JOHN H. PARKIN Customer Relations Manager a HANDCRAFTED CHASSIS a SUPER VIDEO TUNER Mo4l SOU BmuUIuI vinyl clad matal cablnat In (ralnad Walnut color or (ralnad Mahogany color and matching lull bate. COLD GUAR0 PATENTED COLOR DEMODULATOR CIRCUITRY 623-052- Phone Prevent Forest Fires! value-lovin- g, tough-thinkin- g, 4142 2. 42 FOR SALE 200 pairs Roller Skates; 1 skate wheel et grinder, 1 metal boat, long; 1 beaded movie screen t. wide. Airs. Gerhart, 880 South Main. Phone 20-fe- 623-075- 4. 424344 CONFUSED about Hospital and other Health and Life Insurance plans? Call Bill Howard, local Metropolitan representative No obligation except to those you love. Phone 623-146- 2. 414243 sales resistant, -- hokum-proo- f, fair-mind- ed quality-consciou- s, WE ALWAYS have YOUR 4-- CONGRATULATIONS a wedding 42 With purchase of Blue Lustre rent Electric Carpet Shampoo-e- r for only $1 per day. Chapman Furniture Co. 42 NEED A WALLET? TIE TACK? BELT BUCKLE? We have them in stock Nephi Jewelry, 17 North Main. 42 WHY NOT ask to see benefits in Metropolitans hospital and life plans obligation, except to those love Call Bill Howard at the new No you 623 1462. 414243 GET A NEW HUNTING CAP TO BE SURE YOURE SEEN! Also sweat shirts Forseys Variety Store. Its the smoothest riding, easiest handling, quietest running, best built Ford in history. . , so beautifully changed in style and performance we scarcely believe it ourselves. F.D.A.F. PERFORMANCE '64F0RD DEALERS CASSEROLE -- 131 South Mam St., Nephi, Utah t fi DAYS Mr. and Mrs. NORRIS BALE - MISS LINDA INGRAM BATHROOW SCALE HUNTER'S SPECIALS LIBBY FALL FOODS 24 oz can BEEF STEW LIBBY 4 49c for 211 cans 5 for 1. 00 PINEAPPLE SAUSAGES PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUI- T; DRINK -- 46 oz-- SYRUP (303 4 89c FRUIT COCKTAIL TOMATO JUICE 46 oz 3 for FROZEN - - Fries - Hash 5 EIERSIIEY BARS Giant - - 3 for 79$ m SS c CELERY TABLE TREAT TABLERITE - IGA -- 26 PEPPER FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES lb OR 4 oz 4 59 4 ROUND TOP RIB STEAK S. CHOICE pot ROAST BONELESS gs2lc JERSEY GLOVES 2 pr 59$ SANDWICH - U. - oz-2pk- - - 29$ SHIRTS - - 1.39 l" - IGA RED SWEAT RUSSETS L? 1 for - Assorted SALT --- lb --7- CHUCK STEAK YORSISIR- BACON $ 49' - 4 lb package Sperry a PIES - PANCAKE MIX pkgs REPEAT OF A SELL OUT FRUIT 35 6c Off LOG CABIN 36 oz aU $CQ Browns - 79s SYRUP FOODS Peas Corn Peas & Carrots French - 4c Off LUMBER JACK 21 oz for -3 J 5cT VIENNA LIBBY & IGA lb POT ROASTS - I E--- 9$ lb -- 49$ Thick Sliced 2 lb bo- x- for lb SAUSAGE ROLLS. 42 REXALL lc SALE COMING OCT 80 to NOVEMBER 9th Robert Hall Rex&Il Drug 42 CHRYSANTHEMUMS Blooming Plants In Pots 35c 50c $1.00 each at Nephi Floral, 213 East 5 No. Fhone 623-144- 8. 4142 AVON COSMETICS desires lady to serve customWrite: ers living in Mona. Mrs. Gaia Christensen, Richfield for private Interview in your own home. 40414243 PARKIN MOTOR COMPANY RECORD-BREAKI- NG T BOSWELL TABLE FRESH PRODUCE WILL DO IRONING in my at 55 South 4th East 80c per hour. Mary Hailing. Most motorists are sold on Fords Total Performance 64 inside the very first mile. We dont know how long it will take you. But we have a 64 Ford waiting to give you a convincing demonstration of its exciting new ride, ruggedness, and response. FOR to prizewinners: - MISS JEAN POP TENT D home 64 SUPER TORQUE FORD. 16 MODELS, 5 DISTINCT ROOFLINES NEPHI 7 DURING LAST WEEK'S DISCOVERY PATRONAGE Plumbing and Builders Supply, your PRO IGA Hardware Store at 66 South Main Phone gift list 623-119- 9. motorist like you? 623-038- 623-038- 7. iety Store Nephi d, SPERRY, Agent OUR THANKS TO EXPRESS FESTIVAL THERMOS stoves and lan414243 terns are discounted for quick Now at Forseys Var- PUMFKIH -- 303 cans -sale How many miles will it take to convince a hard-heade- can write the aAll MM 623-038- 7. 623-047- 1 I NORTH MAIN Phone Lets all look ahead, and ONLY $1.00 will buy a hunt- FALCON FORD COMET MERCURY L 51 i 623-146- and 7 J. II. IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ing accident policy protect see concerning hospital or life in- your familys security surance call Bill Howard, local K. J. Sperry at 51 North Main Nephi 623-038- policy of your choice immediately. 4 or call Metropolitan representative There is no obligation except to those you love. Phone at SEE ME or CALL ME 9 x Get your SPEIDEL Watch band at Nephi BIRTHDAY COMING UP? Jewelry 42 We have boys watches from 9.93 up, plus tax Nephi Jewelry. 42 HAVE YOU TRIED WHITE'S Call Joe White at COAL? quick delivery. 4243 Small WANTED TO BUY ' coal burning kitchen range W. E. Brewer, 710 South Main ....For Special Gifts for WedSt., Nephi. 42 dings, Birthdays, Anniversaries the place to go is Nephi Jewelry, 17 North Main. 42 HUNTERS: be careful and be sure to make my accident policy a part of your equipment BINOCULARS $1.00 will purchase $5000.00 AT FORSEYS SALE ON 51 K. J. coverage. Sperry, SPECIAL $19.95 North Alain, Phone 42 4142 COMPANY JRY-TOTA- OTHER SUMS, TERMS AND PREMIUMS AVAILABLE 623-115- 1. MOTOR South Main 8 DRUGS in Nephi at Robert Ilall PharFOR SALE Four bedroom macy. Open Sundays 1 to 6 home with furnace and car42434445 port. Call Vinton Steiner, 623-1942tf or Twist-o-Fle- 4 SATISFACTION 131 Seeg-mille- r, UALKERS I PARKIN St Air. and Mrs. Vernon Bosh ' Recent visitors of Mr. and ana daughter Stacey of Eph- .Mrs. Richard Bean were Mr. raim, Mrs. Jerry Bosh and son and Mrs. Fred Asay and Steven; and Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Vest of Belmont, Calif- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garr ornia were dinner guests of Curtis and family. Evan Air. and Airs. Dan Mrs. Hazel Bosh on Tuesday. The occasion was the birthday Christensen and son and Air. anniversary of Mrs. Vernon and Airs. Leo Beal and family, l OH.HES lOOKINAHEA.O THINKIN ABOUT A HAMMOCK IN 1980 Page Nephi Local, Social Hems Em-balmer- s, Ui 17, 1963 Dont waste time trying to sharpen that old hunting knife save time and trouble and new hae the convenience of a For-it-knife. Theyre on sale at ys NOW Prices Effective Thursday, Friday ar,d Saturday! CHECK THE IGA ADS in S. L and Provo Papers FOR MORE FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS YOUR NEPHI IGA STORE at 1GK BONUS BUYS available at SHOP EARLY! jj r' ti 56 EAST CENTER STREET Phone 623-113- 1 Custom Cutting, Wrapping, Freezing |