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Show Npfi. Juab County, eJjc NATIONAL Utah Paul Bunyon Woodpile Is Scene for Juab District Scout Camp EDITORIAL gSR j,Af PROBATE AND GUARDIAN-SHI- P Commit NOTICES County Clerk or respective signers for additional Information. I Thursday, October 17, 1963 cimcoiiVciiie GHjc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Friday and Saturday saw some 55 Soouts and 12 unit and district leaders from Nephi in camp just below the scenic Paul Bunyon's Woodpile southeast of Eureka. Aliss Elon Painter is recuMr. and Mrs. S. F. visited in Scipio on perating at home after extensive orthopedic surgery at the day with relatives. Nephi Local, Social News Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bean were Air. Airs. Fred Asay and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garr Curtis and family, Evan Seeg-mille- r, Air. and Airs. Dan Christensen and son and Air. and Mrs. Leo Beal and family, all of Richfield. I Page Four Payson hospital. Mrs. Carol Gerrard and five Mr. and Mrs. E J. Pay of daughters of Bountiful return-nn- d Salt Lake City visited in Need home Sunday after visiting with relatives and friends phi with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Jast week. 7. W. Stephenson last week. Air. and Airs. K. E. Motes Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Step- and family visited in Prescott. henson and Airs. Jennie Bryan Arizona over the week end of Nephi accompanied Robert with her brother in law and L. Stephenson from Salt Lake sister, Mr. and Mis. Glen They also visited City to Idaho Falls, recently Kleinman. to attend the funeral services with Glen Motes and three for Mrs. Ervine S. Bills. They sons and Mr. and Mrs. Dougalso visited with Air. and Mrs. las Iluffaker and three daughII. P. Hatch at Bancroft, Idaho ters of Mesa, Arizona while in Prescott. emoute home. Afem-mo- tt Sun- Mrs. Norma Alackey accom- panied her sister, Airs. Florence Brown of Grantsville and Mrs. Alice Shields of Tooele to St. George over the week end. While there they visited with Estate of George Laurel Carter, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers Alarvin Alackey who is attendPublished every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. to the undersigned at the ofing Dixie College. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class fice of Udell R. Jensen, 125 mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Air. and Airs. Burnell GowNorth Main St., Nephi, Utah, The agenda included on or before the 11th day of ers and Airs. Olive Anderson Subscription rates: One year $4.00; Six months, $2.25. meal preparation, January, A. D. 1964. were in Richfield on Monday. The Nephi First Ward Relief Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates camp! ire fellowship, and a few Delora C. Christensen, Society will hold their work They also visited with Mr. and scattered moments of sleep. Administratrix of the estate upon request. Mrs. Bill Edwards in Salina. on October Tuesday, meeting Rising with the sun came the of George Laurel Carter, de- 22 at 10 a.m., with lunch at Roy L Gibson red, blurry eyes of a few lead- ceased. Week end guests of Mrs. J. noon. All ladies of the ward ers and breakfast, flag A. Kendall were Air. and Mrs. are invited. Office: 96 South Main St. Telephone Nephi, Utah hiking, and a special Dates of publication; October Wayne Hinton and Bernard shooting demonstration on the 10, 17, 21 and 31, 1963, In The Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kelsey Ilinton of Hurricane, Mr. and Mr. Mrs. and Mel and Mr. Mrs. and of different Conferon power Wright Floyd the 'Womens hitting of Tooele visited with her Airs. Kendall Hinton of Cedar port Nephi, Utah 20th Century Club of Salt Lake City visit- ents, Air. and Airs. Bert parAlso included in the baby of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. ence" held recently at the shells. City, and Clarice Kendall of Cliff and of ed one was first aid. Pay daughter day last week at the University of Utah. Mrs. Niel program Lake City, j Salt Hears Report on Salt Lake City were week end home of Aliss Mabel Sperry. Units included Nephi First NOTICE TO WATER USERS sen attended the conference as 15 boys with guests of their parents Mr. and representative of the Twentieth Ward, Troop 131,Alas The following applications Airs. Dee Wright. Air. and Airs. Clark Snow Women's Conference Century ter Bryan have Assistant Scout Club. WE LIKE TRAVELERS State been filed the with two children of Ely, Nevand Mrs. Nielsen reported that Nielsen; Nephi Second Ward water to NO MATTER HOW!!! Engineer appropriate The Twentieth Century Club Airs. Blanche Thomas Miner Troop 132, 14 boys with Scout in Juab County, State of Utah, Air. and Airs. Devon Winn ada were Sunday visitors and Welcome to Salt Lake...and the dinner of Mr. and Airs. guests met at the home of Mrs. J. L. presided over the conference. Master Duane Locrtscher; Ne- throughout and family enjoyed a vacation the entire year unSe Rancho Snow. Carl Motor Hotel. Se Bell biton on Thursday, Oct- The general theme was "Indiv phi Third Ward, Troop 133 less otherwise designated. All at Glen Canyon Dam and Zion Rancho is close to downtown, ober 10. Mrs. James H. Eagar, idual development of Women' with 15 boys with Scoutmaster locations are in SLB&A1. National Park over the week Air. and Mis. Reed Shervice president, was in charge Women need education that LeRoi Davies; and the Nephi end. business, entertain-meindustry, wood of Provo were Sunday of the meeting in the absence they might teach their child Fourth Ward with seven boys of States 33431 United and travel depots. clinics, visitors of Air. and Mrs. Reese of Mrs. Maurice Chapman, ren. Women need the sense of with Scoutmaster Richard Alay America, Bureau of Land Each room boasts: new radio-TWeek end visitors of Air. and Sherwood. Bowles. Clarence and Assistant club president. Litany was read security and satisfaction that Box 777, Salt Lake with power antenna, District personnel helping City Ut. .045 sec. ft. from Hop Mrs. Dean Winn were Chad education gives. Also stresesd by Mrs. Morgan Lunt. Airs. E. C. Sherwood visited and Christine Winn, who are switchboard music, After matters of business of was the challenge of the in- with activities were Bob How- Creek Spring, trib. to Tanner students of the Utah State Uni- in Kanosh last week with her service - message service, and the club were discussed, Mrs. creasing demands which wo- ard, camping chairman; Sam Creek to Sevier River at the son in Max Shilds and Mr. and and Mrs. Rex law, versity, camping committer following points: (1) S. 4657E. Ccok Phares Nielsen gave a very in- men must meet and still find Sperry, phones. 42 blks from Temple and family of Delta. Mrs. family. formative and challenging re-- ways of expressing her inner-sel- Richard Bean, health and Saf- 1739 ft.. (2) S.6144'E. 2426 ft., Delores Carter childand Square three It is womens task to ety; Norman Anderson, health (3) S. 7237E. 3327 ft., all Cark Prisbrey and sons Al- SE RANCHO MOTOR of Orem also visited at create her own identity as a and safety; Ray Phillips, ilist-ic- t from Wli Cor. Sec. 12. T12S, ren len and Douglas spent the the Winn home on and HOTEL Friday and vice Boyd in she chairman, that order R2V4W. might week end in Kanab with his The water is to be person 640 W. N. Temple Salt Lake Ivie, District Executive. be at peace with herself. used for recreational uses of Saturday. brother in law and sister Mr. Club members present were 10 camping units and for the Mrs. Elmo Wilson and sons and Airs. Theo McCallister. Mrs. Morgan Lunt, Mrs. J. E. watering of 1000 cattle in George and Deris visited in Reid, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Mrs. Lady Liens See Film NEi. SEVi Sec. 13, NWVi Idaho last week with her fathFred Iledberg, Mrs. P. L Sec. 12, NWVi Sec. 10, T12S, er, Thomas Dickerson. They Jones, Mrs. James H. Eagar, On Utah Beautification R3W, SEU Sec. 35, TllVS, also visited in Brigram City Mrs. Mis. Vaughn Paxman, R3W. with Air. and Airs, flay Phares Nielsen, a guest, Mrs. Airs. R. E. Winn and Mrs. g. camp-mukm- Editor-Manag- er cere-bon- 623-052- y, 5 Times-New- Golds-broug- h s, t, Alan-ageme- V hi-- -- 24-ho- f. Leo Osborne, and the hostess, Neldon A. Hanson were hostMrs. J. L. Belliston. esses for the Nephi Lady Lions Club meeting at Rays Cafe on evening. The tables Thursday Nautilus Club Hears were decorated with arrangements of fall flowers and Afwhen you can have on Girls' State rican violets. Report a wonderful Juab County Agent and Mrs. were invited SELECTION of From Nephi Delegate Lynn Esplinshowed films takguests. They The Nautilus Club met at en by Professor Arvil Stark of 6oveny carpets fcy the home of Mrs. Grant Kay on towns and highways in Utah and the improvements that can brought right to October 10. be made by tearing down old the The for evening door topic your by ArthMrs. Girls was dilapidated buildings, and by State. a carpet ur Ostler presented the topic the planting of shrubs and representative and then introduced her guest, flowers to make Utah a more from CHAPMAN FURNITURE at Logan. Miss Christensen U had some interesting facts to tell and pictures to show. Twelve members were present, and the hostess. Mrs. Kay, hite,Mre. JIe Winn, Mrs. George W. Smith, 537 35466 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City, I Air. and Mrs. James E. Bird I Ut. .1 sec. -- ft from a and family of Logan, Air. and well bet. 80 and 200 ft. deep I Airs. Lloyd Wilkey and family at a point S. 1300 ft. and W. of Ogden, Air. and Mrs. David 20 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 25, Bird and family of Santaquin, T14S, R8W. The water is to Air. and Mrs. Alerl Warren and be used for the domestic re-- 1 family of Payson were of one family, for end visitors of their parents, the watering of 20 cattle, 2AIr. and Mrs. Edward Wilkey. horses, 12 sheep, and 500 chick- Mrs. Colleen Allen of Alonti- ens, and from Apr. 15 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of V4 acre, I ce'0 "''as a Friday overnight all uses in NEV4NWK said anfd S,a,turday guest of her par-gMrs. Theo West 25 ring, 35467 George W. Smith, 537 George Will- Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City, . r a!?d Mr and eX? aude Ut. 9 sec.-f- t. from a 16-t- a and Mrs. Cazier Hey 80 bet. 200 and ft. well, deep St at a point S. 1420 ft. and E. f Salt ifkefltyt we attend the 560 ft from N!4 Cor. Sec. 24 George xi4S R8W The water is to I podding of Grant Graff and the St. George be used from Apr. 15 to Oct. PSji Tornas Temple. 3 as a supplemental supply, for the irrigation of 500 acres Mrs. L. Dvvane Tidwell and eC- 23, SV I daughters Patricia and Tammy NWhi, W y S W Vi NE Vi , SEVi, visited in Moroni on Thursday Sec. 24, EViNWVi, with her parents, Air. and Airs. N 4NEV4 Sec. 25, T14S, R8W. Forris Blackburn, and with a Airs. Neils Johan- grandmother, 85478 United of States sen America, Bureau of Land Man- agement, P.O. Box 777, Saltl Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gow- Lake City, Ut. .015 sec.-f- t. ers and Mrs. Olive Anderson from a well, 300 ft. deep visited in Provo Sunday with at a point N. 5003E. 6280 ft. Mrs. Myrum Lund, sister of from SW Cor. Sec. 7, T16S, jAlrs. Anderson. R1W. The water is to be used for the watering of 250 cattle in Lots 6, 7, 14, 15, said Sec 7. n. week-quiremen- ts , Kathy Christensen, daughter attractive state. Those enjoying the evening of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christenbesides the special guests and sen. Miss Christensen had rec- hostesses were: Mrs. Rulon N. White, ently represented the local Broadhead, Mrs. Merle area at the annual Girls State Airs. Vem Davis, Mrs. Ivol OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT WILL BE I FROM 2 P.M. FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 UNTIL MONDAY MORNING FOR THE DEER HUNT THANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATION ESWi, U jf Q BUD n. Thomas P. Kendall, South Main St., Nephi, Ut. sec. ft. from a well, ft. deep at a point S. 1320 35488 4.87 .022 700 I 6-i- n. ft. and W. 300 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 13, T11S, R3W. The water is to be used for the watering of cattle 300 in NEViSEViNWVi said Sec. 13. Clinton Faber, 35531 3790 AlcCall St., Salt Lake City, Ut. 4 sec.-ft- . from a 16-iwell bet. 100 and 600 ft. deep at a point S. 100 ft. and E. 100 ft. from NVi Cor. Sec. 5, T14S, R18W. The water is to be used for the domestic requirements of one family, for the watering of 200 cattle, and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 160 acres, all uses in NEVi said Sec. 5. n. I 'vc4" . 35569 Carl L. Lloyd, P.O. Box 1174, Auburn, Calif., 5 sec.-f- t. from any one or all of four 10-iwells bet. 50 and 300 ft. deep at the following! points; (1) S. 3700 ft. and W. 3700 ft., (2) S. 2700 ft. and W. 1320 ft.; (3) S. 4300 ft. and W. 3700 ft., (4) S. 4800 ft. and W. 1320 ft. all from NE Cor. Sec. 6, T11S, R16W. The water is to be used for the domestic requirements of two families for the watering of 500 cattle, 200 sheep, 2000 fowl and 50 pigs, and from Mar. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 240 acres, all uses in W 4 SEVI, EV6SWV4, NEViSEVi Sec. 6, NEVi NWVi Sec. 7, T11S, R16W. Tl I JZf, mail III nisi n. CLOTHES ENJOY LONGER LIFE with a Flameless I Clean, flameless electric heat takes better care of your clothes . . . from e, sheerest fabrics to tough ready-to-wear- s. Caresses Fabrics So Gently Radiant electric heat is precisely con- trolled, even, and gentle . . . pampers clothes with- the tender care they need for longer life. A flameless electric dryer dries clothes as fast as they can be safely dried. - Less Fading Too Because there is nothing cleaner than a kilowatt, clothes keep their bright colors and whites do not yellow. Over a Years Supply of Electric Light Bulbs with your purchase of an Electric Clothes Dryer from your dealer. Gift packet of bulbs includes: bulbs tt bulbs Two Four Four Two 100-wa- tt bulb bulbs, 250 watt 50- -, 200-- . These bulbs will be presented to electric customers served only directly by Utah Power & Light Company or The Western Colorado Power Company who purchase a new electric clothes dryer between October I and November 25, 1963. Buy an electric washer and dryer now from yarn dealer. n. Protests resisting the grnat-inof any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before November g JET-SMOOT- II For LUXURY CHEVROLET luxury-lovin- g people. Rich new styling, finer appointments in all four series and 15 models. Engines up to 425 hp, manual or Fowerglide transmissions. NEW CI1EVELLE For pacesetting people. A totally comfort! new kind of car with small-ca- r handling, big-cStyling that makes expensive cars jealous. Three series and 11 models, and a full choice of engine and transmission teams! ar engines. Chevy IIs six models in two series all act like theyre bigger, more expensive cars! CORVAIR For people. More fun than ever from Corvairs new bigger engine! Same Corvair handling and riding ease in 9 models including the 150-h- p Turbocharged Spyders! d CORVETTE For people. Corvette now rides softer, smoother but loses none of its gusto because its big V8 offers versions from 250 to 375 hp! Want to get together with other he ople? Go see your Chevrolet dealer-..- . ikes all kinds! opiional at extra cost fun-lovi- ng sports-minde- CHEVY II For practical people. Chevy II with new V8 power for Stretches the shoestring further with 4- - and See five entirely different lines of cars at your Chevrolet Showroom car-lovi- CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, CHEVY n, 16, 1963. UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. A Flameless Electric Dryer Costs Less 35579 Albert E. Reid and Leah Reid, R.F.D. Delta, Ut. 8 sec.-f- t. well from a 16-ibet. 400 and 1000 ft. deep at a point W. 1320 ft. from EV4, Cor. Sec. 19, T14S, R7W. The water is to be used for the domestic requirements of one family, for the watering of 500 cattle, and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 600 acres, all uses in Sec. 19, T14S, R7W. Dries best Wayne D. Criddle STATE ENGINEER Published in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah, from October to October 17, 1963. GREENWOOD 3 740 North Main Street SERVICE Nephi, Utah Phone 623-185- 1 CORVAIR & CORVETTE fi |