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Show NpW. Juab County, Utah djc Projects of Groups Discussed at Recent Literary Club Meet bers to decide which projects the were most inerested in supporting. At the meeting the group voted to participate in the Dimes for Pines project honed. Mrs. Creenhalgh reviewed oring Mrs. Harold Christensen, of the the projects of the G.FAV.C., Conservation Chairman the Utah Federation of Wo- General Federation. The pines mens Clubs, the Nebo First are to be planted in Hobble District and the local federat- Creek Canyon. Mrs. J. E. Robertson, ehair- ed clubs. She asked the mem- On October 7th the opening meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of the President, Mrs. Frank P. Creenhalgh, who also presid- man of the Program Commit- tee, presented the program books and discussed the programs which will be given during the year. Other members ot the program committee were Mrs. James H. Eagar, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Miss Mabel Sperry and Mrs. Greenhalgh, club president. The theme for the year is the General Federation theme: "To Strengthen the Arm of Liberty by Understanding the Issues Before Us. The pro-bUiU Hie new officers the October Mrs. T. II. Burton and Mrs. Wright isitcd in Murray ovei the week end with their sister, Mrs. Eva Jones. She reMrs. J. W. Harmon and Mrs. .head and Kathy Brand head of turned to N'ephi with them for Gordon McPherson were in Logan spent the week end a short visit. They were all Dr. and Mrs. Salt Lake C ity on Sunday. They Mr. and (lamer guests of pjj their parents, Alma P. Burton in Orem on .isited with Mr. and Mrs. Ileed .. N. Rulon Broadheud. 1S' Alderman and attended Sacra- Sunday. ment meeting to witness theLm naming and blessing of the I ... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heplii Local, Social News thiS art,Und fieshments to Thursday, Sitncfl-IVVtii- G served re following members: Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Mrs. J. E. Rolxu-tson- , Mrs. J. R. Stanley, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. T. II. Burton, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. E. Alton Mrs. Leo Christensen, Mrs. James II. Stephens, Mrs. Marvin Anderson, Mrs. T. W. Miss Louise Hall of Provo Allred, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. spent the week end with her say I.ester B. Belliston, Mrs. Jack parents, Mr. and Mi's. Perry Wright, and the hostess and'U. Hall, chib president, Mrs. Green-- 1 halgh. jjp an(j Mrs. Niles Broad- - r Pa ge Threo 17, 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Marcus j E Mi-s- Lynn Esplin and son J. Lynn are in Orderville this week on business. They will remain for the deer hunt. 3 (Formerly RALPH'S systems FOR INDUSTRY, HOME, CIVIL DEFENSE - - AND THE SPORTSMAN HAS AL THESE FEATURES ONLY PORTA-LIT- E PORTA-LIT- E easily carried Not affected by wind or rain gas, kerosene or air. Uses standard 15 watt fluorescent lamp Warranted against workmanship and materials defects KENS Lightweight Portable, compact unit muonts anywhere. 48 NORTH MAIN NEPHI, UTAH With Utahs general deer hunting season opening Saturday, October 19, the Department of Fish and Game listed the following laws among the most important to observe during this hunt. One deer of either sex may be taken on the regular big game or combination license during this regular season. Deer must be tagged at the time and place of the kill. Tags must be properly punched to indicate the date of the kill, and the sex of the animal, and must remain with the animal through processing and until the meat is completely consumed. It is unlawful for any locker plant or storage plant owner or employee to receive any game meat for processing or storage unless the animal is legally tagged. It is against the law for any hunter to carry in any vehicle any firearm which has live ammunition in the firing cham- ber. Any person carelessly or negligently wounding or killing another person while on a hunting trip shall be subject to the loss of hunting license privileges for a period of five years. Every person while hunting shall wear conspicuous red or yellow headgear and red or wellow shirt, sweater or jack et. No one may hunt deer unless they are 16 yea rs of age by successfully for the RIVAL BACON---- 1 LB CORN - Payette Valley 303 size 10 cans SLICED BOLOGNA er archery deer season may not be used during any other deer season. The legal pursuit of deer is confined to daylight hours only. It is unlawful to hunt by flashlight, spotlight, or artificial light of any kind. It is unlawful for anyone to fail to stop at checking stations or road blocks where a stop sign or red light is displayed. Hunting on special permits is restricted to the areas for which the permits are issued. Persons hunting on special permits must have the permit with them at all times. A dog or dogs may not be used at any time to hunt, pursue or kill deer. Sportsmen were reminded that the foregoing are only a portion of the laws governing the 1963 deer hunts, with the total regulations being listed in the annual proclamation covering this season. It is the of every license obligation holder to know all the laws before going afield. Hunters are urged to include in their hunting knowledge the basic safety rules, not only in the use of firearms, but in the use and extinguishing of camp fires. lb plus deposit - -- 12 Gallon 59c ICE CREAM - pound 69c M J B COFFEE FRESH PRODUCE IS OUR SPECIALTY CLOSE-OU- T CAULIFLOWER per lb g - t Titian ii j aji. h r- - Tm HUNDREDS OF ITEMS NOW IN FOR XMAS m GIFT ITEMS - TOYS - GAMES, i, f'v. 3c WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING SOON imi ' 39c 99c 39c 10 FOR 33c HERSHEY BARS 33 HERSNEY GIANT BAR AT PANCAKE MIX 59c TASTE A TREAT AFPLE CIDER 77c MILK -- 2 QT GLASS BOTTLE -- 33 passing August-Sept-omb- the finest people in the world - our for their patience in putting up with us during cur remodeling. the required gun safety course. Archery deer permits pur- chased - customers or older. In addition, juvenile deer hunters, ages 16 through 20, must be properly qualified to purchase a big game li- cense MARKET) We extend our thanks to Hunt Rules List 6v or I2v Doesn't use hazardous G. Officials F, St Completely portable, operates on car battery watt bulbs- Daylight lamp equal to Draws only Vl toad of an auto dome light Completely safe, no flame or hot parts Eitra Long Cord, plugs into eigaret lighter Ruggedly built aluminum, fully guaranteed ETC. ' , -- BEST PRICES ON AMMO ALSO 303 "BRITISH 2.75 box PRACTICE RIFLE-BORCLEANER 5c can GUN PATCHES only 29c box LARGE DEER BAGS -e- ach 79c SURVIVAL KITS -- Regular E priced at 2.50 - - NOW 1.49 GUN CLEANING ROD IQcea. 98c and up CANTEENS 29c CANTEEN CUPS 49c MESS KITS 50 FT 4 INCH SISAL ROPE NYLON ROPE ONLY --6- 9c 1000 lb test ONLY 5c FT. ORANGE HUNTING CAPS 69c up RED SWEAT SHIRTS ONLY 1.29 RED & OPEN LATE ALL WEEK- - MONDAY THRU FRIDAY for the deer hunt! Shop all hours af 300 PAIR OF SUN GLASSES I FOR MEN OR WOMEN Values to $2.98 BINOCULARS - Coated Lense straps j FILMS FOR YOUR CAMERA r 95 and B WHILE IT LASTS 4 ROLLS (Pim FLASH BULBS 10 LOWEST PRICES ON TREATED CANVAS TARPS SINGLE MANTE GAS Reg. 17.00) -- 127 620 120 up BEAUTIFUL GUN CASES WITH LINING - - ONLY 3.49 SHOE DUBBING 10c can LANTERN HOUSE PAINT NEW SHIPMENT -- OVER 300 GALS. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR LET'S PAINT UP NOW and up Complete with case and - NOW ON SALE HUNTING KNIVES AT LOWEST PRICES 98c ALL ARE DISCOUNTED 1.98 and up pr. OFF WE HAVE BUTANE MANTLES AND GLOBES FOR CAMPERS 10.95 SHOES RED HUNTING GLOVES Extra Safety - - per pair 39c 8 WORK SHOES AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS BRAND NEW SLEEPING BAGS - - 7.50 and up VHOLESALE PRICES DRIVE OVER TODAY AND 3 SAVE till' SAVE SAVE SAVE 48 NORTH MAIN 5h I ? J Hephi, Utah The Store with the KIN FOLK Prices' k week end with Mr. sP(,it the . Floyd Garrett. and I PORTfl-LIT- Gar-Jac- rtU Bnf family of Clearfield WHOLESALE PRICES ON TENTS -- SLEEPING BAGS -- AIR MATS CANVAS COTS-BU- Y THEM AT KEN S AND SAVE |