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Show Nfhf, Juab County, Thursday, October Ufab 17, 1963 Pag Two Nephi Hews Briefs idBRSaSW araiMBaij 1 Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Goble and son Tom, and daughter Kileen visited In Salt Lake City with Clifton Goble; in Hunter with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gobie, and in Grantsville with Mr. and Mrs. Ren Musselman llllUU:, J r-- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Foote and son of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Max Knight and four children oi Springville spent Saturday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH 100 NYLON CARPETING BY Tailor-Mad- e -- Seat Covers STEINER UPHOLSTERY 205 SOUTH MAIN s'. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gubler of Ely, Nevada met her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Edward Slade of Eagar, Arizona at the home of their unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James II. MONARCH 7- : I -V Y I Eagar and were their guests on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Slade were enroute to London England where they will meet their son, Larry, who is being released from the North Brit- ' X ,VA " -- t .f 7 WALTZ THROUGH WASHDAY in Mr. and Sirs. Ronald E. Sperry (Kaye Wilkey) -- Couple Honored at Reception Following LDS In impressive ceremonies at Manti Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Miss Larona Kaye Wilkey became the bride of Ronald Earl Sperry on Friday, October 11, 1963. President John D. Rogers of the Temple Presidency offic- the ---T- Temple Rites sen and Paul Nielsen. Following their honeymoon trip to Southern Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Sperry will be at home at 125 South 6th East, Salt Lake City. LOG GRANARY FOR SALE See Clarence Also Apples. iated at the rites. or II. Warner phone Parents of the new Mr. and 42 Mrs. Sperry are Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sperry and Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Wilkey, all of 623-028- 5. Nephi. The young couple was honored at a reception held on Saturday evening at the Ned Ward Hall. phi For her wedding and rece TWlST-OflEption the bride selected a full floor length gown of tulle and lace with sequins and pearls The setting off the bodice. dress has long, tapering pointed sleeves. Featured for the reception was her elbow-lengt- h lace trimmed veil with a pearl Her bouquet studded tiara. was a white orchid surrounded by baby orchids. Bridal attendants were Pamela Wilkey, maid of honor, Darlene Wilkey, junior brides maid, Susan Sperry, Sharon Karen Smith, Alice Heiner, Ann Mayer, Arta Nielsen and The attendMarlene Price. Tie it ants wore gold brocade tafin a Knot feta dresses with full skirts. Their bouquets were of baby orchids and champagne colornWST-OFLBf ed chrysanthemums. Mrs. Wilkey selected a gold crepe dress for her daughters Its easy to play reception, and Mrs. Sperry were a rust wool dress for the PASSWORD" occasion. with the name Best man was David Sperry, brother of the groom and ushftVSTOTUEX ers were Melvin and Verl Wiltrademark key, Jimmy and Paul Pay-stru- See these watchbands tonite Niel David Boyd Mayer, PASSWORD" COMFORT First-Secon- X During October ONLY!! O O (LOW SUDS DETERGENT) lifetime Of The Washer oesp For The WHEN YOU BUY THIS Durability nnsHWBf O I IMPERIAL 90 AUTOMATIC WASHER 2 Speeds - 5 Cycles 5 Wash-Rins- Temps e 3 Water Levels . . 289 95 SHASTA POP - Several Flavors - 12 cans 1.00 24 oz cans Each 39c LIBBY BEEF STEW for 95e PIERCES PORK & BEANS KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE - 2 lb 79 EVERREADY FLASHLIGHT BATTERY 10ea FLASH LIGHTS -- Mar 98c NOW 49c HILLS BROS. COFFEE Reg. or drip 2 lb 133 PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR 4 lb 59s STALEYS PANCAKE SYRUP QUART 49c MORRELL SNACK LUNCH MEAT 31.00 WHITE STAR TUNA -- Reg. tins - 4for 1.00 PILLSBURY MASHED POATOES - Large package - Regular 69c NOW 59c PIERCES CATSUP -- 14 z bottle- s- 2 for 29 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 6 oz 89c TINS 8 for 1.00 SEGO MILK OLEOMARGARINE - 4 fori. 00 --3 for 1.00 NALLEY'S SYRUP HUNTS NEW POTATOES 9 cans l,QQ 24 P if J - ish Mission. AND HERE'S THE SWEETEST MUSIC YOU EVER HEARD jit ?. T, on Sunday. G o p, Channel Nephi News Briefs XX Presented by Mrs. Neil Kay and daughter of Murray spent last week visiting with her mother, Mrs. Neldon Worthington. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kirgan visited in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Denning on Monday. STORE NAME and NEPHI JEWELRY i ALL THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 7 P.M. PIERCES CORN W.Kernel or Cream J cans 1.00 TASTEWELL COFFFEE - - 1 lb tin 59c AMERICAN FRANCO SPAGHETTI - - 8 cans 1.00 Scans 1. 00 MANDARIN ORANGES 13cansfor 1.00 VETS DOG FOOD- DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL -- 4 cans 89 for 1.00 HERSHEY BARS -- GIANT--3 DEL MONTE CREAM CORN -- 7forl00 PILLSBURY CAKE MIX - Yhife, Chocolate, Yellow or Double Dutch 3 pk 89$ CLOVER LEAF ICE CREAM Vz gal 69c WONDER BUTTERMILK BREAD--- 3 98 4 haves for 98c WONDER BREAD 3 for 1.00 MORTON TV DINNERS BEEF TACOS LEMONADE 10 cans 1 ,00 45c package FRUIT - PUMPKIN OR MINCE PIES 3 1.00 POTATOES - - R 0R WHITE - - 10 lbs for 29 TOMATOES BANANAS 10c LB 10c LB MATCHING GAS OR ELECTRIC DRYER ALSO AVAILABLE CROUP SAVINGS PLANS HELP UTAH ORGANIZATIONS Model LKA 6704-- Churches, schools and civic groups in Utah obtain needed merchandise with S & H Green Stamps. Friends of St. Francis School at Provo, for example, 5 RCA WHIRLPOOL WASHERS START AS LOW AS O 7 CM saved trading stamps which were refor three school buses. Such group savings programs are arranged by the Sperry and Hutchinson Company as a service to those organizations which work toward goals important to their communities. deemed fender, per pound 95c T BONE STEAKS SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON 1 THIS WEEK ONLY! LB PKG49c SWIFT'S PREMIUM BACON 2 lb 97c CHEESE-- - SPECIAL - - per pound - 49c BOLOGNA - by the chunk, per lb 39c Sliced ib 49c 7 REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE iCENTER Nephi THE 11 N. Main Ph. 623-0- 1 77 SPERRY AND HUTCHINSON Group Savings Director 114 Fifth Avenue New York 11, New York COMPANY MEATS GROCERIES FRUITS. VEGETABLES.- -! Phone -- -- 623-045- 2 |