Show REJOICE OVER MURDER Anarchists from Pittsburg Applaud Bresci Act Pittsburg Pa Augv 1A special to the Commercial Gazette says Tonight at the mouth of an abandoned mine near Shaner station on the Baltimore Ohio railroad quite a large gathering gather-ing of anarchists met to exult over the killing of King Humbert The meeting meet-ing was In charge of G Clancabllla editor of LAurora thc anarchist newspaper news-paper of Hoboken NJ who spoke for an hour rousing his hearers to a high pitch of rejoicing Clancabllla disclaimed dis-claimed al knowledge of Brescls mission mis-sion to Italy but heartily approved of thc result When the speeches were concluded resolutions were adopted and the cablegram ordered by the group to he sent To Minister Garraclo Rome We arc exultant over the death of King Wile massacred thc people Hurrah for our comrade Bresci THE ANARCHIST GROUP Yohagahany The men composing this group for the most part are from thc Scott mines and shaft No 2 of the Pittsburg Coal company and today was made a holiday for the purpose of Jubilation Utah Adds Condolence Denver Cob Aug 1Axuohg thc messages of condolence received by Mr Cunco Italian Consul was one from Mr Heber Wells Governor of Utah as follows Utah adds her condolence to those of the whole civilized world over the sudden and deplorable taking off of Tils Majesty King Humbert |