OCR Text |
Show dtoftftv- -' hrt i ) ? I J, ' b---- f y V br4k "r "Z r '(it . -- v w -! -ts iw T4 m' wavem hj -- tttMmtmmoemimeiemimea -- 'yrv1f '" rf-- Kses4ef I i ADVTS. MISCELLANEOUS ItabTri-WeeUl- y 4 Bepcrtir tova7 aBrigham aty daily, except j Leave Frtnkim Wtdneadayand Hat unlay at tn ; 1 xn ; 3 at p Arrlv at Hot Springs by 12 ta ; Arrive at Brigham aty next dajs by 6 pm Leave Hot HpriLgs dahy, except 86a.iT V 1G604 From Ogden aty to LtanUrlK 18 mile at 1 J and back, twice a week. , st Arrive by 7 p m. Brigham aty and Sstnr Leave Ogdn Oty Wednesday day at 6 am; ' Airiv at BuntarUJ by 12 m; INSTRUCTION 8 TO BIDDERS ASB 4V1 Leave Huntsville Wednesday and Saturday MASTERS. : t at 1 pm;Containing alto condition to be Arrive at Ogden Oty by 7 pm. con rpcH to Ik extent Ike pepartmenl mam 1GG0J From Ogden aty to North Ogdtn, 7 mflea I f ii- - 1 4 ,, and back, twice a wrek. - , , Lear OgdcA aty Monday and Thursday L Seven minute are allowed to each itiu-- ' at 3 p xu ; offi-whe. not oth. rwiae opoeiAod, diets Arrive at North Ogden by 5 p m : the mails; but on railniad 04 r sorting and NorJh Tburaday Leave Monday Ogden r boat routes there ta to b no wort delay am; atll sufficietit for an exchange of the mail cfc 1 m. , Arrive at Ogden Cdy by p 2 Am railroad and steamboat line, and nolGCOfi From Ogden City, by Lynne and JlaWin tes a here the mode of conveyance admit,; - Vine, to ruin at;, 10 mite a and bac the special agent of the Poet Uffla it, f . tarlce a week. aUo poet ofllc blanks, mill bag. meat, Leave Ogden aty Tuesday and Friday at and krya, are to b conveyed wtihout nZ 4 pm; charge. Arrive at Plain City by T pm; 3. On railroad and steamboat lines the Plain City Tuesday and Friday at agento ol the Department, also the Bnnh r ' Leave when offered, and the agernT 12m; ' Canada mad, 3 Arrive at Ogden aty by p m, coinpanylng them, are to be conveyed wuhi 10007 From Well rille to Mendon, 6 mile and charge; and for the use ff the United s.Uu, back, one a week. agent a commodious car, or pert of a aw, 9 a m; at WellsTille Monday Leave perly dghted, warmed and farm bed, and 1 v ed to the oonvenieut separation god tiae Arrive atMefidon by 13 m; ' Leave Jtieudoa Monday at 1 p n; of the mail, is to ba provided by tb contra t under the direction of the Department. Arrive at WeliavtUe byipm, lUiiroad and steamboat com pan ea are reqm 10006 From Franklin to Soda Spring, 85 mie ed to take the mall from andt deliver it into tli and back, once a week. . at tha beginning and end of . Bidders to propose ' schedule 'of departures post office routes, and to and from ail office pot tsert tha and arrivals. ; from a a tall on or landing. eightyberod 16(509 From Alpine City to American Fork, aubraltt-- d by the companies foeProp, may the a miles and beck, once week. formance of all other aid service--thu, f , Leave Alpine aty Tburaday at 1 p m ; offices over eighty rod from a atation or Uniir - f Arrive at American Fork by 3 pm; t Thar alii be aa btila prtparad by Leave American Fork Tburaday at 3:30 maate-a- , or other agxbta of tfi 1 ' Department, 1 ; pm; on mail railrotd accompany conveyed thq U1 ft Arrive at Alpine aty by p m. teamera, apexdfyiBg the number and xbwtmxn 1CC10 From Salt Creek, by Spanish Ford Canyon, of the several bags On other principal Fountain Green, Fairvicw, Morunl, Mt likewise, reCeipU wRl be required and wayrouu, Pleasant, Hpringtown. Ephraim, and forward-d-; the latter to be xsauued by th b:, ,. f Mantl. to Gunnison. 87 mika and back, eral potmter. to insur r. g ulanty in a 4 I twice saxreek. li very of mails. j ' Leave Halt Creek Monday and Wednesday 4. No py will be made fie trip not perfera- - I ; 6 a at ni ed; and for each of aach ommtaaioua, not mi Arrive at Gunnison next day by 6 p m; fsctortly eipuuood, three time the pay of Leave Gunnison. Wedneadxj and Friday st trip will be tiodueltd Fvr arrival so far Ntud J time a to 'break connection with depetj-hit Arrive st Salt Creek next days by C p m. mail, and not excused, eae-- f n.na of the coni penaation for the triplamt ,r. 1C611 From Fillmore Citr, by Meadow, Kanoch, feiture. For r delinqnencfe vf the k ul Dealer, Taragonah, t'sivrran, and Num-,spedfied, enlarged penalties. pno;Uoh it to Cedar aty, 135 miles and back, herwn t th- - nature thtreof, and the im;ortxnx of L twice a week. , mail, may be made. Leave I ill ed ora City Monday and Thurs5. For leaving behind or throwing off the tnx4 day at 6 a m ; of tor of the altniaixm them, Arri al Cedar aty Wednesday and gatar- -' or any pvtos ra. or for being wonccrntd in setting uj.,. day by 8 p ni : Lca e Cedar Ot Thursday and 51 on day at running u axpre convey Uing intelligence m1.. ra pay my vane of the in ail, aqu Cam; ' dux ted. Arrive at Fillrooraty Saturday and Wedthe dx ft. Fine wtll b iniwv etl,nnlx nesday by 8 p hi. ant te cy promptly exj Uti HtifsVinij , mttc ct.tifien ICG13 From Fillmor City to Deaen-tpxetrovat era or. the afii.xvr and baokrVonce a weak. , credible ;era x. tor lti.i-- pr Leae lilm.wet Ity Monday at 8 a in; u, cuntiaxt tint- -; t neglwung to Uk- - t,,-- . Arrive at lx seret byipm; . ox d over it ict , p et , f r . Tues-laat De ret ; Leave Ham; i ing it to to axt. ijjjirrd, xfcetrye1. Arrive at Fidmorc Cly by 4 p iu. st. t and f' r rcfr.iunc, From Coda- City, by Kannaravll.e, Bello. the mail a freq a ly a ih- - titr-v.: x kviiu trned in and vc. Toquerviile.liarristjurgh running ceih, cr, to M. Gvvrgr, C5 in tit and bat k. , Wtiti a route. v t 7. The posmaator rtl niy a nui the twiooa week. Leave Cttiar Oly Mcnday and TUnraday at trsttfer rtjeti-- riiluiv to uu acre , c i.trat t; for i'1t;t g r jo.;.i - uw 6a tn; j Arrive at Santa CUra Wevim sday and Sa.ur , ; ug the tretrtu tu n 1 1 (be 1 - ; n r. to diaefcarge a earner i u r qn r 4 N tlajr by 5 p m ; refuiug Hants Clra Slouday audlhuraday the ltqo(rt!nei.t t xo 0; lor running : or for trsiejrfci u.- - - r tm oi , t at 6 a xn ; Arrive at edr Tity Wednesday and Safer ageexaiv-v- t g maiUb'e uitti-- out of t! e tiisii . General i.tay order n u,. e. '1 piw, ma-t- -r day by 6 p in, r ) v !;. mg tf f i v n c oa a t 1661 1 Frc in t i ily, by Pintail ine Valiev, creae contra-a rata the increase pay. lie i, J? pro and Barney, to St Uvorgc.sq mile ana nl irnwiv. change ached ales ofd prtur back, once a week. th.-tI slicaei. and particular! ri, Leave Cedar City Monday at ft a m: wts.lv a to connection YaMroxl, w,it'. ut i Arri at St. George Wedm sday by 6 p tu ; of pav, provided tLe ruumog tim 1,J nc I U- i,. la ave St. Georg Tbnr day at ft a m ; x e t. The i oetmU r Gt may Arrive at Cedar City by 6 p tn: tmue or curtail t e rvic, in bob-- r uhiec k service invited. Bids for In trIer to f lace on the mute u4 nor r 16615 From Tcqm rvtilc. by Virg n jly. Dunwhenever the public lob iy ts. Iu biv j i cans Grafton, and R knl , lo nur t.rt.iii i... u require uch ' and b t k. once a to-hall Sprlogdale, ' 35 rntiea he other fui. n, at y caue; allowing week. nlfT to conrsetor on rot nth extra piy t ave Topn r kllle F ridsy at 8 a m ; w it) . i.,t mount of service ; Arrive st Kpniigia'e bv 5 p m ; for the a titt f -- rvn . ru c. ccmiKneation a 8 at Leave Spr.ngtlal Saturday m; arl tinut d. wi3 j Arrive at ToqtKrvil'.e by 5 p ui. U b malr 9. Ilijmenta liy 16(516 From Nct hl, (locsl ) by or draft on, jxtiastti r. r I Va'lty a')anl Fort Gunnison, total ) t St 'Virattoii l ea. h qurU r ra. m Get nre 425 mill s and baxk, once avok . Febrviary. Mf aud Atsgxet t lav.v at git-- u li). Monday at 7 a tu ; 7 p ro ; I et informal it ; hut hem ti Arrive at M. tivorge Fri-laty allowed ahotiid li.c le greater t'tu 4 v f , i, ItavcSt Ger rge Monday at 7 a in ; t J It tie point t I tl re Arrive atNepl t Friday ly 7 p in. t.--u Htd-le-r mutt ntrm vo, t ,ti p n. f. 1W17 From to (.an to Oxford, (lotah) 25 nub a n n fer me to the t f t e n i v aud lack, onc a w k. , tt.i xi Ll -. nr -- :i on of rua-!- , toavc to vn Monday at 7 a m t J1 bn ferri . or tvtr- - i n- - f y l ! Arrive at 0firt by & t m : mav be if nrred m hy w! ini xp 1 eave Oiiwd XVtdncstiay at 7 a tn; . h I ae-- l pi, 0 U ad rn l.tjonal 5 gr fwy. at tn. Ainu Lv by p co eidered; nbr tor- ad g- - r.i n. v r ;j 1G618 From Ilifitavd'e ta l. iuiiugtim, 2"uS e pr Li oa i f) th- ''urici! and k. on e a ait toi. d, or.ti.r fttnofc. torrvt Leave linn evllle M ndy at 6 a tn ; t lot. 1:1. teaeM'U l.etr.t cfll l . s'- 1 12 at tu: Arrive nt.li.gton by BX iliint e U r n t r h chit 1 u Mon Ikmiinxl-ay st p i.j, .10 r tiiv t tut n Arrive at Uunt-vtb- e by 7 p m. i.,.' arc u U dt rirtf the c ntra-nt extra par, if the d f,o e U t. t K619 From Lo.an to Wexton, (local,) 25 mik 11. I il era a tv act md - u s;! ti . : ghd lat k, rcc a week. j. 1 tn ittie to Iravc tovn Monday ai7 a ta; ' tb Dear;ri-- t hj . .!' and l.our nxrucd. t3 p ta , Atr.ve at Wextim by 5pm; ( r l. J - -I at 7 a m; Lid r ' Leave Wext n ivt ,1 after that lira Arrive at Logan ty 5 p m. in comretiiiotx w tY a ltd of r. a. a'-- e tu reccivxd in time. Neitht r can bul to n nmd. 16620 From Lehi City, by CeJar Valley, to Fir- whkh are without the Ur rrq'.irJ bj fltld, ;5 miles aud back, once a wtk. Lw and a cerLficate ot tLeguinc aufflciency of t u. U L ve Lebt City Tmsday at 7 a m ; . guarantee. Arrive st Fairfield by 13 tn ; frr re IE Bidder flrat choull rv.t prop Tuc-dx1 y at p tn; Leave Fairfield strictly according to the a iv(rt-ti- i' i.t. and Arrive at to hi City by 6 p m. 4 C. nut wj then,; if they desire, tepnrate'y ff re J v vice and if the regular bid ty the loar-16t!2l From Beaver, by AdvinriJ!e, MiuersTnie. and Pauses, to iiico, 1W miles and back, for the advertised service, the other j u ' once a ww k. may to conaidertd. is IE Tl ere ahould be bnt one route t: Leave Beavi r Monday at 5 a tn ; bUM LJate-- i or oombu-atu.t- i Arrive at Uic Med nc sday b 6 pm;. pruj U ot. mm for two r more rmt toav e Hico Ttiursday at 6 a m ; to r bidden by taw. and cannot to c- ii- -l r J- arepropoing Amve at Bern vr KauriUy by t p m ; . 14. The rente, the aervice. the Jtar'y jay. tb iTv'posaU to nd at Miner.viHe, 2u mlU s. name and residence ofithe tidd-- -, itLat it, I Invited. usual poet office addrr.) And the Larue f K I lfC23 From Indian Cm k, (Utah.) by Bet aty, member of a finn where a cR ra y Martinsville. .Ltninitsviik. Midlht-n- , afioitid todi-t.octlafatev. Welser Ranch. (Idaho.) Express Ranch. 15. Bid era ara reqawted lo nee, far a1 . Auburn. Baker North Powder. I'n fra. ticatle. the printed If f Oiy, in . bn. La Grande, Cayuce, klitch-ell- a the lvpartinx nt, to arris prqval out in fu2 tu- - u cf station, " alia Walla, alluia, and thxif bid, and to riU ii ci pic of i. Umatilla, to The Dale, (Orrroo,) 765 A.U red bid ahould tot to vuf n.ttol. c!1 iniks and back, six times a week. should bids once submitted b-- w.itiuiiwu Bidders to propose schedule. w ilidrawaj ot a Li Ider or guarantor ' l b. ProjTovala to etui st Boise City, (Idaho.) unless the withdrawal dated and rrn- - . f 2m) miles, invited. ed be'ore the Laf day for racelvlcg prv p Each bid mat - to gr:arnt- - d by ra r S 16023 From Fagle VaTy, (local.) to Pantes, 20 aible mile and back once a wex k. person. The bid and guar nice alonlJ to, Leave Eagle Vslley Thursday at 12 m ; "algned plainly with the fall name t f nd pr - Arrive at Panaca , on. i by 7 p m ; Leave panaca Eriday at 8 a tn ; TLe Department rtacrvxa the right t p,v x Arrive at Eagle Valley by 3 p tn. any tid which may be dt rru-- d ftranrart. t ; 16621 From Pinto to Tanara, 62 mlks ani bk.k, also to disregard the bid of fi mg evnea 24 and bid dci. (Act of JulyE tovi, mice a week. 16. The bid to eealt'T, to ave Unto Morulas at 6 a ru: hn4 " Mal Prop. Arrive at lime next day by 3 p m ; Tcmtory 4 drtsecd "Hccond I'.wtroxa'rr Aaaivtant i bti.r, toave panaca Wednesday at 6 a ; . Cxmt act Office," at d sent by "mad," n t ty t , Arrive at Pinto next dvy by 5 p m. to ati agent ; and px'etmaetcY anil tnt ui')1 1 1C625 From Provo City, by Midway. Heber. ptoGs (or letter of any kind) ia th ir j,!r-- r 1 Kama, Peoa, Rockprrt. and mnrra. S3 miles and Coalville, to Echo Ci;y, wohip, contr-ct- a 17. sl to The to are to back, emee a . turned to the Itiprtmf tt by or totore t e Leave Provo City Monday atSaiu; day of July, 1870; but he rvKC jant be to oa that day, or on the mail day mil Arrive at Echo City Wednesday by 12 m; '! r " Leave Echo whether the contract to executed or toftWednesday at 1 p m; aty it) Arrive at Provo City LYiday by 6 p m. Transfer of contract, or t'f' Propoeala for service invited. tracts, are forbidden by la , and 1662C From Tooele to Grant vtile. 11 mtica and cannot to showed. Btddera add Ihfrrf p' t. Botkw thU they w ill to expo. Lvl M - riot lit tax k, one a week. s- - rrice a ted to them ll f gli tbs fi i ri Leave Tone Tburaday at 1 p tn ; i of the oottcej tract. Arrive at Grantsvllto by 4 p m ; 11. Fcxinieatcr at effi lit orrtoarr! GrantsvilJe st 4.30 p m ; but mere than ro. -i fr. A rie at Tooele byThnratoy , 7 p m. rihy tli- if.; f March aticr immlUicIy 1S627 From Franklin, i by Fish Haven. 8L Charl- th-lth- - i diatanc.v es. Bloomington Part and Liberty, to enableexact b Fcatmaau t Get rrxl to i ,- Eennlngtin, (50 mika and back, once a m aevtiger & jly , week, 19. Hiction eightiv Franklin Monday at 6 a ra ; proved March 3. Arrive at Benningtxai next day by fi p m ; the Iranspxrtalt- -. toav B nningtxui ,Wednwkay at 6 a m ; g every cae to the tow cat b.d.jcr. tetid.nt Arrive at Franklin text day by 6 p rn. ctont cruarantee fxr faithful jertorn-vh- . to eibnt service to Montpelier, ont other rxtereDcc to ti.e nale ot lTpoa ft mile, invited. porta lion 16628 Friro Halt lilt , by Kiokx-r- . Centre- - thw due aty, atton. Under tia law vill, and EarnitugL'ti, to Uintah, 29 tranjr ' ix times a week, with poae to trauaport the mtiU with tulksacdbrik, aide n pit p Kaysvtlie twice a week talnty, and aecuriqr,! aring torn dcdtd or more, in due connection. the only legal bid, are ccntru d a I rT toave Halt Lake City daily, except Sunday. for the entire mail, however large, and ulf at 7 a tn ; may to the mod of conveyance neceary - to j ityArrive at Uintah by 4 SO pm; sure It , certainty, and aeeirand no r toave Uintah rtaily.exe pt Hundav.at Tam; h ve the"celerity, over all other, preference era ar con i l-- red. Arrive at Halt Lake City by 4 30 m. .. 16629 From Halt Lake aty, by Tooele,p to Stock- 90. A modification of a bid in any of if r 40 miles and beck, twice a week, tial terms ia tantamount to a ne bid. tn, Halt toave Lake City Tuesday and Friday net to received, av a to interfere withrii at 6 am; . competition. Makings new bid, wither I An Ive at Stockton by 7 p m; and certificate, la the only way to modify Htockton WedneeCUy and a bid. Saturday viou 21. Poetmasten are to to careful not to Arrive at Halt Lake aty by 7 pm-the sufficiency cf guaranto-a- , r ureti ' . iCftM From Corinn by Bear out knowing that Lh y are persons River, and (ttah), Maiade aty. rort Hall.Portage disregard o tin inatru1? rtepenaibilityr" Eagle Rock. Snake River Ferry, Sturgis. la a violation of their oath by postmasters Junction Ranch, (local. Idaho Ter..)ad v s them to inimctlvaie subjecting to fiv. Ter- -I 820 mika All bidder, gurrantor. and euretie are lir and back, three tunes- week. ly notified that on a failure lo enter hexva CorinM Mondayr Wednesday, and form the contracts for th w rrior fropvc1 f ,f in th accepted bids, thel legal lixbtli i ; , Friday at 8 am; Arrive m Virginia . against them. ,t aty third WediH&ay. ; enforced 22- - Preecnt contnvlor. and penu n" Monday, LS7tol!CW,r the Department, must equally at 8 a m ; Arrive atCorinne third day cur guxrananr and c- -r ifleatea of th r t8 pm; by Winter ached tti five days. cy substantially in the forma aNoepre' rrcvoula to extend service to Helena, Th certifieat of rufficiency nurtte of fj a poetiuaater, or by a judge of A court (Mow. Ter..) 125 miles further, invited. 16431 admitted. Brigham aty. by RUlard aty. ta No other will Hot Springs, 1ft mile and back, ft time JNO- - A.d. CRIHF1-. pn; IDAHO AnD onzooit ?MC5CELLAmX)C9r ADYTS- - c ISIPOUTAPiT TO DOTH SEXEb! DISbASKS. CIIROMC spotter t -- w !", ffof. -- imol TVM ttliU fib dflictoj ud brUU U reward tojMisultuy; tngainKat to prudery, wilb4 t4in. criUtaTBMbdiM. ph;iriitia the Thaof It.i ntul fscolty recognize It. and ar damb. truth tb afflicted acknowledge public u Berta stMw. Th prvmac of thta rircnlaf U subject in ti tnwliaht. U to by du Hundmi of if ktowTr ' STAGED TilNEi , 4 e, x s .- Dr. James 01 r yf Improper!.' bav been neglected 'HNivbMi the young la and cas hormwr p o .nokwtT. y4 with vil easem. they atteati aadtx to v d UA.NDOLPII STHELT, no-tru- their . ' tiTrabl rsmnant of existence artththor Mocd M rnrei U(d with tb pUao of tUflid.bobut transmitted roaet inevitably wbk-i tod fourth gens ratio a. w ' With yWng woman then conceal thx sod yt their utmost ecrey U1 not who walk physician inteUigent Any the ladies, b) among recognise ,. fci. street the . cortaia infaUbl token known to him. and aroofton totally lgiortnt,Ua fferr wbicb Ik acourge, tb white . nrWH of that whit appendcan out In bl anr intelligent physician andpoint kindred com Aotl walk score of thio tb talatoaco of whict atainU. In both anffwr Tb i ffcat cannot ignore. Tba pby k&otratbopbyaKlanona dotocttbia. tb auffrrcr know it. and t, iiuan know that of indivldoa ton. tb aOnc-tccaaoa out t U( I cog falto to coocntt to naan wbotn to knowmean o Leant, both of lb complaint and tb and can b rtotorrd. K. now that baltb car. tig who can rotor it. tby dlibratc!y allow tbetr-toto btcotsi bo wrcka of bnmantty, ant tot'wmtu.t dlacaa1 onatitnttona tw lbl g- - J. - , . a . v i j u4 Fr Jncidt rta after LH lUI Ike a V avicr t. , DAILY LINE OF COACHES It and IKS Randolph Street, corner of Dearborn enclosing lump Street, Chicago, IlL, or by letter, for return anwrr. Poet Office Drawer SH63, f , t Chicago, ni- treat CtrawiV. .Vercwrwif, Syj&BUte, Dn. eon-t- a wad ott ditonUra of Rlord and Skin Dfewaa, b curt abb-ou- t giant YentrtaJ CkaracUr, which the use of mercury, iodide of pouasl, or any poaon. but with hi NKtmuwzEa, a positive cure for all humor and blood poison. such a Seminal Waakneta, Organic WtaX-n't- t, on by Xactumai and Vmrual Jimiuio, brought texce-seabuse of the organ, early indiscretion, o or entailed hereditarily, causing ii ness p memory, confusion, depression, dun vision, and oftentimes Insanity, with a ble train of other symptom, treated and jsiJic. ally cored by an Infallible method, caving time and expense. All disease peculiar to the sexual organs radically and permanently cured. Old disease of the most horrible cltss, where the blood has become poisoned, producing blotches on the face, small watery blisters, joins In the bead and bones, ulcerated tbioai and nose, tores on the limbs and body, scrofula, together with au endless number of suffering, effectua'ly and permanently cured. Dr. James is reconmieuded by the pres f the couutry, byVrofeesors of medical colleges, and by the medical prvJVion generally. Those nffiicted should arply to' him, and le cured a: 1 To Voting Slfii. a la rry i com m unity thrw rat arw -- number nd fmm To of young men afllicto with acminal wraknc aoctamal rntotMa Iwatat. tkrbt lay, and th other ttow to-- d ytnAbm tst wTW disorder, wndortnlnlng tb coottntioo and totally d airojlng Ita victim, nientalljrFt and jbytlcallj oooner or lator. Tb dla prsrrtlv, an If not chocked, thzzinc. low of memory, nn eootroUabl procraaUnation la bnaintw Pito tb bock, atdo and lawi. jJowih dro' , from tb mouth daring rbwp, and failure of all P. R.B. . the-C- UTAH. COKINNE, 'S ) - tar oun f Uowr. rrora phrtlctltBtrgf la a rir of bort atop to an early grar. cr tb confinement of a lunatic arylma. Many of tna young aon bar reapondad A aao 1 1 i THKtflOH Benevolent of iu diatani unaornputoua jnack 'rlatlona," w1mU-of tbeti boon and after having 'iUe. than, toned hop money by on and another, bav and pronounced tbewlve Incarable. no tare, no Dr. Stoddard practice on tb and way rrtoclpto. and proptmee to forfeit fl.ooO all fee if b fall to cure any etee of arm Inal where bi treatment and direction weekne non are followed.. He war noaeeeet remodi a mat-ntoand hi. medictoe. peculiar but vegetable f all who advrtlrmnt or, to-call- toelllgewtly pure 'I 3 To . -- a. d mud receive t X t. IDAHO TKKIUTOKY once. t treatise on Sperruatorrhes. Syphilis,) and other distascs of his specialty, sent in scabs 1 P. O. Draw rISt 6.1, Address Da. v U. Married j.i V Chicago, -- ! Mfll SWISS OF PART EA&TZRK TRY ORCCOR, - . lewk t - , w EXECUTED AT -- I e. $- t , ' - J SHORT j T IVOTICE iuG?z ! rm ud TRY IT! NOBODY SH0U10 BE WITHOUT IT1 Fifty anile Crorcrlefy 'line A 413 1ay st.. Kan FrVn. iscc One of Atwoods Improved passenger El cat' re ha been introduced tor cvtivyiiig g tats to the different flo- rs. - 4 Hiowest Cash Prices. JNO. II. DRAKE, wt m af Ireaeilery. NO HONEY IS KEQITRED IN ADVANCE We aend by Exprwrn anywhere within the United StatA, payabl to agent on delivery, with tb privilege lo open and examine before paid for, and if not aattsfactory returned, by faying tb ExpreM charge. Good will b ent by mall a Iteglatered Package, prepaid, by sending cash is , ndvnac.' t nn An Agent Bending for alt Watchew extra Watch frre Making neven IIS Watcbea J for 990, or ven $30 Watcuea for $130. ALSO ELEGANT OROIDE GOLD CHAINS, and moat early atyto, for Ladle and cf Gentlemen, from Id to 40 Inch long, at $2. ft, ent with wntebe at lowet $6, and $4 each wholeaato prtcea. SUL kind and aia of watch from required, ar d order only THE OROIDE WATCH CO.. ' oclfiSm lid rulton 8treet, New York. SUSOUE STREET, San iWc Possess Unequalled Facilities Nen Eldorado on Loon Creek, A tributary of Sal nan River. BALL INVITATIONS ? TIMOTHY 8ARGLNT, lie if is P t ' UTAH. n -- 1 It c-- jt 8m lhdi.ntc Nt-ph- y re, ao tw' v it 1- lt. -- 4-- Su b-- e 1 1 1 !. c.-tR- !.. -r vt-,-- -.l h M-- n Tm-eJa- y -- nt 7 1 , -- r r f.-- 1 1 1 con-jat- y 1 h' Oro-lell- Ih-n- ws-- 1 r- -- 1 a 11 PROPOSALS i- will be received at the Contract Office of this Department until 3 p. in. of March 1. ItfTu. for conveying lb malls of the uited State from July 1, l7o, to June 30,1874, In the Territory of Utah, t D tb route nd by the ax hedulea of departures and arrivals herein spec fied. Decisions announced by Martb 14, IktoL Frr ra gaU Lake City, by Dig Colton srood Union. Draper, Lefci American fork. Pleasant Orcve, Provo City, Bpringvtlie, Isyfon, Pantaquira. Mona, Halt Chicken Creek. Round Valley, and IIol den, to PiUmora aty, 150 mile and back, alx time a week to Provo City, three Umea a week tb residue. Leave Provo City Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at ft a xn ; Arrlv at Fillmore City, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by ft a m ; LeaT Fillmore Monday, Wednx dy. and Friday at aty, It m; p Arrive at Provo aty, Tuesday, Friday and j Sunday by 1 1 p tn ; Leave Halt Lake aty daily, except Sunday, at ft am; Arrive at Provo City by 11 p m: Leave Provo aty daily, except Sunday. at 8a m; Arrive at Hah Lake City by 11 p m. 1CCP2 Frcm Salt Lak City, by West Jordan, to Uerrixcan, 30 mile and back, once a week. , Lear Halt Lak aty Thursday at ft a m ; Arrlv at Herriman by 12 m; ' Leave Herriman Thursday at 1 p m ; Arrive at Salt Lake City by 7 p m. 1UV13 From Brigham City by WeLaviRe. Para-- , disc. Hyram. Millville. Providence. Ixgaa. Hyde Park. Smtihfielt, and Richmond, to Franklin, S3 mile and j back, twice a week. Lava Brigham aty Tuesday and Friday at 13 m; j Ante at Franklfn, next days, 1hy 3 p Ok, I RATES f f Vw or ---STAKE -' r, "fr FARE Tm. AND (craaaaci) , rm i a. - - Timto VJ. B., BpADD, CARD P BPNiT I N G--. 1 , 4 JOINER, .4 V j , , JOHN HAILEY, 1 jrJ-dJP- tt C1LL AND EXiniNE CCn SPECinEND eoi.-quJ- I- x. Pc st Of I)i rtKTxivr, Waahtngton, Svpt. 20, IWl'J, 0t, t - rat twlce-a-wee- k 1CC01 ; paper CARE FULLY PREPARED,- and PatenU ernrad WITHOUT DELAY. Eumlnattonr tn Cm Patent Offtca "fre of fe aaked in any ca charge, and no individual a Patent U allowed." nnl Charge a reasonable a anyother Tel Uhl i i Aganrr." Circular of Term, inatructfcma and Send for nod tf j reference. CORINNE, UTAH. rrcprijtor. l AND t to Halleckf si.) United States Mails 4 AND : - ( wc-ek- FOR T1IE PROMPT EXECUTION OF 4 Washington, D. -- d or SEVENTH STREET, opp. tba Patent O.flce. C?. st been recent'y renovated and newly make it the most quiet, econotahal and comfortable FAMILY HOTEL in the Stt. Being centrally locate 1, it offers every Lndku for bus hies men and the public generally. The table will constantly be supplied aitb every nxury tb market affords. The American Exchange Coach, with Red Lights, will be af tto wharves and depots, to oenrey passenger to the Hotel free. Jsn2H-l-y Mason, COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAV, (IS yeare'experienc a aoUcitora of Patent,) from Sacrament Frnebco, Haring PATENT OFFICE. i v 15 - American Exchange Hold, to tbo ' - . ! m (Extending laet EUROPEAN PATENTS r- - 1 , Iks tkstUal sad mm Aimt font c i ), j- vx-a-h Good board and lodging, and a pleasant And comfortable home for travelers. Board Board and Lodging $10 per week Tbk They are all tb beat make. Hunting Caaea. finely chased; look and wear like fine gold, and are equal In appearance to the beat gold aratchee waually coating $150. Fall Jeweled Lever. Gent and.Lvdiea alzea. at $1S each. OtB DOUBLE EXTEA HIPIXED Solid Cr-I- d Cold Hunllng Caaea, Pull Jeweled Lever, are equal to $K0 Cold Walche; Begulated and O u ran teed to keep correct time, and wear and not tarnUh. with Extra Tin Caaea, at $20 each. X tj.-lw- a- 1 SALT LAKE CITY, lTA H. 'F. REICH, Proprietor.' aag?-3- T1IK URPIOE WATCH COMPACT. ' La-av- e U-- lroprietir. $20. Hannfactnred by CiRPEHTGR ' Fourth 1 l- of the largest and beat llbti Is in the West. Rebuilt, remedied, and r.fumihed inj the richrst aud most luxurious manner in lM-.- . with Baths, water, Numerous suit cf , AND ol-e- -t ru, On Oroide OoId I7ntche8, k t. i to-av- e ILLIMUFJ CHICAGO BCT THE OXLT C.EMCIXE IMPEOTED it,, j G-- x !. and Liquor; Tremont House, M AMEIUOAN -- fr TATI.OU A BkXDEL. Sole AgtliU. And Wholesale Dealers iu tf 1 .IfA IX bTTlEZT, A dt-nra- : b-n- pp J. O. Fbiscw, Proprietor. iresr, AT KELTON, KoucrroRA 1CC-1- r-- afr kt; t, PACIFIC IICC.SE, - jt.,-f-oi- taicc-a-wee- OITTFiHS Ac. Alexander c -i r-e- mi " ar-u- ' AND AT THE & 1-- n-- -i Uniurpaased for actini snreli- but gently on tha secretions ol the ktudneys, bowels, atoinavh Uver! For sal at all wholesale and Retail liquor, drug and gricery store s $ 1 mint aci i , 1 The best Purifier of the Blood i A lies sent Tonic! A very Agreeable Drink I - 409. 410. 413 i 1 I-- IT1 I dr I c.. -- and Teutb btreet. funatair. ftomn o in.ha. and Faruhatn. LxmU between .) aelMy Bcb. P. tt tilawi Bo U. 'a jx-ate- m . 1 Ij'i f auffi.-leoti- x-- y - GET THE DEST. iamr 5 ULhtg (UiIjViimrtin with J)1I.kTOI)I).VH. $151 1 4 CELEBRATED OF EYERT DESCRIPTION pva. v T r 4 AV otu V a Xi. llurehind - There are Wtie wb. from delicate couetitnalready no. Uon. indigent circnmatancew, or an merone offxprtng. d not wteh to become moth- era. To .urb la offered a aafa and aura remedy Regain. t conception. ttocew warranted in everv conbUtln no Ingredient In ca ; guaranteed to the faebleat tomrerament. leaat the Injurtooa perIencborrhae. or Wnltea. poaltivelr and bow. Umg ataiBBt. manently cured. Caeca it to muet yield tlua remedy. aer aggravate,!, Dr. btoddard baa atoo Infallible nuuubly pille lor reatorlug disordered or Irregular penol of menatruatiou. Hcnt by mail. oeure from Brio, $ 5 p r bo. The are no patent medicine or other hum. i bat carefully prepared compound, front hog, and formula to na by tb moot diUuwhed acienUAc pbyetcian In this country and bleb Lave never been advertiaed before." ill medicine .warranted to give aa'tofactkn r money refumled. S'ficfeat torwj obimei. ad. All toUera protoptly aawred. Call en ) vty-dA- , -e : - -- e Ht X iadle. . a I nt thui rment le, diq-lor- tl-- t ' liu e, a at . . Ni llonae Formerly of Jamew Loek Hop4ial, Cup4om for the Street. New Orleana, (eubilah d 1W0)celebratlaat eight year located in Chicago, and ed throughout tb country In the eureerafu) treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES, can be confidentially con united at hi office and parlor, rREFTa FOURTH -. r- lilt. J.VMIAS, d y ILLS. OHIO AGO, i dad ff " ! Mr!!, xwlWlve tbortfn & 03. - r fr-c- n 1 f-- -- ! E'-av- e -- ( i '' ' lvt - ic-t- f , if t week. ; rwrivnawer ffe ' ' |