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Show Vi. Chejenuto bus evidently deelijtkL at ran cljr Malory repeats') .now lt . the 1 1 laC om a yea yeutaago tbe vg Cbejennea new one are The abont designs inn ted tbnt ent ire region; iben a rattling ago. Ttim AlVOTnvB. ? f ' j s City fl.mmb4d far a year, and now tbe wlint clever a That chap reaction laeeina to b setting iu strong. taken from standard very original mar does the lying for the Salt Lake Iu the word of tfi Drain PoH r ' acknrtistir'of blesekecotecHljy He my a tlie uU( re tbe rvd lodUin bad LU delights, nowledged reputation. Sotnestamps Telegraph now-n-daj-- n. J i- Nj Y. Sun lies when It says there la a military organization of Mormon in Utah 13,000 etroug, pledged to support the. hierarchy. cyen pgalnHt the U. S. Government lhelfr aud of the people here that two-thlrdon't beljvq there eYcrwa. or ever will be a bullet' run that could kill Urighnuv, however Avell it might be : aimed. We happen to know that wlio i n formed tho&ui of what wa going on in Utah when he left here, and know him to Ixi n reliable and well infonhed man ; at leati too well Informed to Jet Itrljg-Ku- - t i da i ; Kn-ma- n4 m sndUie felrjaph, pull the and a wool over hiacyes great while, fiiatrt Avlmt'n the .matter with the I Tfh'rjraph chap. Come, own up iMnv, "young feiloWj 'Vo11 av0 Prt hold of tle wrong man to burlesque, uu t., yrjifti you or natter ;.youjr tackle the Sun. The Sun hlifncs for all noU for , the et of lenig)itcl humbugs ahme, that you would have it. VeWy that those t wo poor unfortunate, victim ; of miaplneed confidence the "Scotch girl ami the jEngli8hmnn, told the Sun the truth; and when yen say the Sun lien v -- wesay ybu'r nnother rotFEinoTs. roufiLs, aid coirni- - EUF. Fcait. fished and Dc(; irut now tbe pa pi are mostly whites With eery a red. ' We found the climate on Ibis" side'per-fectlfeurfni.'4 The fit at morning we got TiTNSbraaklT enr de every oee up tinted some oUf cottiiCiinl ; one man con-veni- hg pow-wo- w Commercial Convention at Richmond, and tint thousand and one convention of societies throughout the land, we are certainly on the eve of something more tlianortlina- rv events. M U u Exit tiik) Mokmonh.- - Nearly every train hound cast takes hence a large liumlier of Mormons, nil- Iona tic Uiey call Uiensctws, jbut we" should call them1 mrHtcrloitMi He. Something Is wrong Jn Zion, sure. Never was so many allowed to leave the realm at one time lxfore. To Ikj sure there are a great many going buck to their former phonies and friends, hut there is 'a still; larger number going for some other purpose. Our advice! to our eastern - brethren is to keep a sharp look-ofor tlils class of people, also for your and valuables. wives, daughters 5 - i - ? . - -- lf i I snow-bltHdtade- J I I ! f , The-Cuba- . not revealed. San lfrancisco,' 13. Flft.HUi thro passengers lv the steamer Idaho, from Honolulu, left for New ,York y by the Pacific Railroad, quick to-da- time. The balance i ? Sl a ""P 1$ (l.ly.fjr ' -0- t wodcitom of Iitcn'i,; 8 I UEET, opja tu Pt- at V, tl ril . iiv K r- i - ; THE LARGEST. AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF V HATS,- CAPS, BOOTS, dIAREi 1 AND GOODS EUANISIIING G . 1 West of tlio Missouri River. f Careful attention to orders by mall. Goods 'shipped, tlie day jgQT orders aro received; The only exclusive wholesale X&n dell-t- f fikrillouso In Corlnne. IHIaDwe- - trCl (Do. IHjMrsesis ts (D4PMM1MS8$4PM ' And Everybody Sliould Rend It! -:- IN w: AND PRODUCE; FLOUR, GRAIN ' The and Wiexly Repoutkb from this on will be conducted as a Jlrst clas Having recently changed bands, boon remodeled and enlarged, it now offers advantages that no other paper in the Mountains does, or la like y to. Among other matters of interest it will conUln a correct history of nrig-haYoung and the Mormon, giving selections nyuvclitiii sermons delivered In the tl rest Tabernacle at Halt Lake; sleoau account of their doings In public, anti scenes from their private live. It sill contain, history of. their olth s un-- crimes of the part Mill present as JUi fi ajui- - time r veal ' a It will give the rise and progress of t!i in luhl aud of torinuc the coming Chi c finif the Urcstt alt Lake Uasin. . It will elso contain a full a id corrwt hldojry of the Gold, Silver,! Iron and Copptr Mine rf Sevier IUvtr; CtHtonwfKsl and Egan Caucus In southern and .4' II wm mark tho developemeiit'bf the iilvi'r District, the reghtn ot White Fine and Iho Cope rich. Gold rcln-- s 01 Hweet Wah-r- , the Oil and Coal regions of Dear Itlver, and Fitter (re k, as well as the vast Coal and Iron fields along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, not n- g.ect mg l suls t ouieut f- the ltivUroad Coeipnnys lvii J and the btianUfur, valleys aloag .i' llns the gnat natural pastures bf tbe , lt LUMBER, LIME,' LATH A SIIINt.LI'S', rtJlOltS A.i) l!l.!.M)s! SAMI, 3'oiildhigs- and Urepcd-- Building ..llatrt ill of all Kiinl'. - ' , GeH-fcle- FURNITURE AND CABINET WARfi IN GfiEAT VAR! 1 '! j PltKPAHED, ai d Patent PaptritCABEFULLY iwnml WllltoUl DEJ.AY,' in Uin P.;c-n-t e . i '? t V. t s ' J , : ' - noti tf. THE BUY U-- tbe-rsph- 20. GET THE CES'l. $15. e- - tlt-Uir- t AVn cons k it - ONLY GENUINE. IMP T.OVKD Oroide Gold Watches, Msnufaclurcfl by a tiik oitmnr. xv atcii company: ; - se Con-Tfhrn- - rc-I-Iou-- ? It will contain its share of general news from all pirts ol the world and will bn just such a ax tlionld bn on the bilde of every home raer 00Cli aud west. Aa an advsrtndng medium 'ill offers at pcrlur y. - os t!a n a i . , -I AND SI XT I I XT I- luc.il ST I! LFrS, tala. KUJypY'S , j mid Sale: vo . a. Alvact.-tg-t 1 Corinnb , t. et r fine-ly- e ) , rend ly Express anywhere within the t4nit-States, liable to scent on delivery, with the We l E. i iH'gal tenders new The first meeting lourd of supervisors develojed the act that! the ring jVAivsstmiigas ever, the mem lifers of? which after n k . Btonny session, sueceeded.in gid fling all tlie principal committees. night Supervisors Cono-va-n Saturday anu McCartliy nietat tlie Occidental , Hotel; tlio latter, called former to account for langtingo used alxuit him, and the matter termina ted iii A,disgraccXul flight, In which ati got considerably orsted; The city brvj&s,urge thporganization a vigilance (sgn mil tee, as the only hope of breaking up the ring. The Alta says wo are fast! drifting v back towards 1850. An bill j .was , Jiitroiluccsl Jn, JJie to! establlsl aiid Legislature y muintnin a iM?lice forcp.for the' protection' anu regulation of Asiatic Mongolian residents of the State, and to preveut Coolie , ala very In California. U 13. Victor Hugo and London, Lewis Plane have written a warm eulogy on flic '.death of George Peabody. ; 13. Great Madrid, rejoicing over the news from New York of the unconditional release of the1 Spanish to-la- i : l privilege to open an-- examino before paid for, and If not satisfactory returned, by paying the Express charges. ' Goods will be sent by mall sa Registered Package, prepaid, by sending cash iu advance. Au Agent sending for, six Watchca g ia au extra Watch free Makiag seven .Watciics for fOflor evet fid Watenes ftk fITV ALSO ELEGANT OROIDE GOLD CHAINS, of la' cat and moat coa ly styles, for Ladica and Gentleimn, from 10 to 40 Inchea long, at $2, f 4, f (1, and each, sent with watches 4 lowest wholesale price. Htate kind and sixe' of watch required, at d order ouly fixm THE OROIDE WATCH CIO., 118 Fulton Street, Near York. oclfl 3ra l ? . ed ri'xaxi!- - per . annum n . . . . 4, .cl3.iMt 7 00 AVEl KLY, per annum. . .vd. 3 bo ILUR R TES- - Fiveripiestoone aJdres.2t).00 TlU-tVlJvHt- l,- w fit - - - ,, i Mx tnqutiia.U.--.- ........ - Published : i 4 TO JOSEPH L. PROCTOR. SAMUEL RIDOUT and ail others interested : You are hereby notified I will appear, at the U. H. Land Office. Sa t Lake City, Utah, bfore the Register and Receiver thereof, ou the Both day of December, to prove my right to enter Under the A. D: I Tty no23-- w h 1 - i find Fourth $hetls. HOTEL. Montana Street, i . HAS JUST OPENED HIS AmOTH STOCK rs ; The proprietor has spared no pninsAior exetua iu making this the most eonifortiiblc place. to pass away an lioviror two ut thegreatXat'mu: r Game. EkB Golden Crown Cigars, ami the best of Ales,, 'Wines and Liqwc always on hand. not 3m j J. C. KU.NEY, ' FURNITURE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, , BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, t MISCELLANEOUS I " C1IAIHS, in great vnrietieft. fart everything tbs can be caled for ia bis line, all of which be offers to the public at tb most reasonable rates. and in ' Dont forset to call and cx-- 4 before pnrcliain amine, elsewhere. ADYTS. pYTiAHViA. BLACKSLIITII SHOP assort- . WOOD. 4 lri. 1 a in receiving aud aetting up a larg ment of furniture, as ; ' ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FANCY; AND STAPLE A. METROPOLITAN f ? Corlnne, Utah. - . . t NOTICE! P. EDW, CONNOR, JAME8 McNASAER, vi . STEPHEN REYNOLD. P. Edw. Connor, bis Attorney in fact. ! ' act, of September provision south-eas- t of section 14. tows-aht- p quarter T north, renge k west, at which time and place you can appear and contest. If you ace proper. BUFU8 W, HENRY. I , tt - JfXiCii- (brittr pre-empti- 4 fr -- M. Montana MEtlBBi tat 4 THE LARGEST AND FINEST FITTED HP R00BI IK, THE 'MOUNTAINS. COIUIViYE, UTAH. a. TH8 CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore exUUng between the undersigned under, the firm name of MiN itwxx A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent All indebtedness due the concert! must be paid to P. Edwar Oovao. Coriutie, U. T.', Novemte 22, 18fi9. f 0., HUNTERS HJBLISIIIIVR NOTICE - .f BT TUB I - iK, of the - Ti n (.opltv, tooneoddrs. .... 48.ixj Fifuen pies, to one address.... Twenty Copies, to ono address....;.;....- 60.00 And Cpy extra to getter up of Club. TERMS INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE f M Indications are iAHiisville, that McCreary is Senator on the first ballot, Washington, 13. House. Several bills were introduced, among -- R. CANE. j OFFICE, BOCKEUS, ETC. Front Street. s J CORINNE, UTAH, J, USnOIAN, P raprleVoY. -- o- I am now prepared to do all kind of "rktbe very lowstTprlces. Teamsters and fr era will find it to their Interest to give m- cf before going eaewhere. "V. se.-OT Dont forget the place, - M IlEDSTEADS of all kinds, Between Tliinl nnd Fourth Streets, ; which' Is one to almlish the f frankCUIUS, LOUNGKS, kC. ing system; to provide free system - UTAII. 7 of banking; to grant4 universal am- COU1 NIVK, BUREAUS. HALSn A CUIXWiLD, Proprletort. nesty and protect all persons in g)rtidcritnl cgtaiitmit. their civil rights, and to establish a rrC. D. LORE!! CO., Props. uniform' system of wtfumllzation; O DRESS, , WASH, and v i I ri DEALS U IN si 4 a bill to grant bonds and aid the LIGHT STANDS. construction of a rail rood ; from the Thia FIRST CI.A8S NEW HOTEL is now open anleave m.ke the The proprietors beg Columbia River to Salt Lake. they have op.afd their new to the pnbilo. The, nuns are pratly and com- nouncement that CUPBOARDS, are aud IldOKS, ST.ITIOMillV, illi prepared to aerve a choice Meal Ru tier presented A bill for the ad- fortably furnished.: Tbe tables are always sup in a true style. epicurean with the best the market afford: mission of Virginia, claiming she plied KITCIIKN SAFES, omband and sanred up in had fulfilled all therequlremeUi ;i anyFreiOkOyrtcfesWraya ty4ormv hurt mce, The Bar ia stocked With the finest Wines, Dawesr otteretl a concurrent resoX. BAKERY; BREAKFAST and lution for thfe adjournment of both Idqunra, andigarss . ! i j i i t ntvi-t-f 1 Couses from W ed DINING TABLES. P0tKLTtniiKtlAM An ate rJKCtlVF.n of f.b. y nesday . 1v, to Jan- - 'f JUT Hk$ fatuity. GctHes with every vartetytre-pu.tSO ex iMoi-Al.KIV L1; nary oth. AgrtHslto:'?';' a tail and r to the MOSS hntncse; bejw heavy PILLOWS. Buffalo, 13. A largo fire la.t an slwayscu hand to serve up good to J '3 ta TkiibUnt;.' sttU ueattre and dispatch. night destroyed $40,00tP Wortli bf . ; Wholesale and Retail Dealer in f 1 - f no-25t- ft A - Clergymen rend it. tn.-mr- t . UTAH. , t J l. AVusliiiigtun, D. 4'.!. 'SHOES,-CLOTHIN- r. r i'ATfi.NnCAV 'i I f, i I 1 Famiq-Newspape- a c experR-nc- 4W SEVEN SA A',-- U GENERAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tbi-Wizk- Alason , 1 gun-boat- s. - . : lliU f ,j - i- ui V GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, ULIQUORS, CIGARS, PAINTS, OILS,' GLASS, Alt Congressmen nead it. $7.0iK)l(KM of-'the- r- m COHNSECtJUS JK M fi Senators rend it. AMERICAN A EUltOlEAN PATENTS sub-Treosu- ry MIDNIGHT DlSPATu s. f 1 i ! 1r f ! -- xi , Presidents rend it. . ASSOCIATED r&ESS DISPATCHES BEPOBTED KXPKE8SLT FOB THE BEPOBTEB. , ? New Postage Stoops. - GEO. I. HOLT, . Eobmleoents ;ini .1 Texas Eletl lens . New rtO es f. . - .S ; .M . j YCo,r Of the engineer coryvo, bard at work keeping a stove warm. Thence Ikk 'Sj1cs5 nobody. but an immense herd of antelopes, tbe largest I ever saw and nnmlxfriog, eeyera hundreds, run ou tbe parallel with us for a few miles sum fortv miles from Denver, 'in-th- re-elect- Rick-eeo- Sf .much! wanner climate than any other in view of place, but waa Interesting ouly . We took a warm breakfast at lift- dinner three hours after at Cheyenne, a station east of tbe mounUioe, formerlythe site of a eoneiderable clty. still pioi tqreaqne and soowy, but alien fod.dajU interests tne over No Argus eye watebee of the place aud her active population are turning towards EtauMbe "winter town" mM to be on tbe Denver Pacific, which is already allvely copy. of ,wbat .Cheyenne was just two years nga The "cityis IcorneF bui .p;. . (i7,tkk),-vheiti40,-(HK- -- . Alcxamler ; i2 Friends are all the best make, Kunttng Cases, in gold aiid $1,-I- n Thybased; look and wear Tike line fold. nod are to Ilia beat gold wgtelieH appear. equal ';eost-ncurrency. SIW Jeweed Xcvers, usitally .Vote October Gents and LvdM stes, atPull The official, 615 each. ut;the OPK DOimi.E EXTRA REFINED Solid On'. State elect idiv wa lle Gold Hunting Cason. Full ow.ded Jsvi-rless than Nov. (W. are cpsl to AJim) Gold Watche; lh,vnbtt'l and The generul trade is umisuallv C.U ran teed to keep correct time, and w sr an I Fittn Cases, at f 20 each. :iiot r : tarnish, ; I quiet. ; NO MONEYwithISKxra REQUIRED IS ADVANCE here is Beadlk. .? . Rcml it niid send it to your ! VW . ? junta hud a, secret rfltmwavo n 13. t--. I' Subscribe for it! o n alf-bon-re v - t ?. Moutnun: Styoer, r CtHTHI?', .... .n I'Hb-Kxauiiutiour lrco of New York, 13. A conspiracy to charge, aud no iad'vidual fro an kid in auy cisc, , kindly Jke vefal fl res in t h Is city sim- unless s Patcat as as rcusoaubla oilier "reiUhlo Charges has any discovered been ultaneously by Agency. , V ??; t!4. r ff the confession of a drunken man. H. ,ul fur ClrnUr of TfrnQf,' instritction and . -- ' . fjfo es ejected. Oh. nstwre all thy shew sod forms Ft fortify ktwoty Br.rts fcu hart, . Whether the wamtnr Aoftiy wirms With life and 1'gbt, for we aw very fcJDafinra friend sUy at Waaatcb I fbnnd our i f PATENT OFFICE:, , 1 U. It I - - , roasted bymb and buttermilk, the mint cool place in j ale pa o lu rytsit a and tbs tbe grass. The people aloeg . tbe road seemed to have gone into winter qua t ter, - , .,Ui pro-jios- V - . The IWW dark Bht. , .. 3f jthe But give Vne the longsummer days, V fc. r ,, i F tv: IK'ople. , ' : ' . j ft r ni .f i dc9-t- f 'ti I Jl i?ii :V'- i largely Radical. Froth-ingha.13. 'MontnnnStreet, New York, Rev. A. R. littiofrn Fowth and JuflK who askisUsl Reoeherjat Richardson's funeral, delivered a C0B1.M1E, CTAHe sermon on the foes of society, iaml denounced editors and interviewers ..I keep contADilf on beud s Urgs and well as c6Id blooded enemies tO ;sp)iety seloutcd ' st ck of t' ' and perverters of public Opinion. Washington, 13. A delegation of ROOTS , SHOES ti. G A ITEHS i colored ruen bnd.au Interview with of U kinds. lnn'tMUnf thO Presided t SatUfday,and tlHlv- cred a highly eulogistic nml compli- IVcmm?, .Hkes and Chlldreb's Ware, end can off-- r better s.lventagi s to mentary mldrcss, to which the Pres- n ident replied, expressing grutlllca-tlo7; ca sii n uYEmi at meeting the delegates and tfcsa any othvr lion wr nt iof tLn Mlsaourl river, assuring them of the interest he detif took In the Melfare of the colored f ;1 COUINNE, n ii JVlTcychant, iJtli f uHTHl Li !?. Hfu: UTAH. 'Wnshlugton, 13. A- - hill will le soon rcjiorted in the Ilciuo providing for the creation of anew department, to he called the Department of House A (fairs, and will liave control of the Indians freedmen education, immigration, and agriculture. The Senate Judiciary Committee have,, substantially agreed, upon a hill in reference ;ta Georgia.; They base their action on the decision of the Supreme Court of that that State declaring the exclusion of negro members Illegal. The bill to put the State back where it was- before those uromlerp ;were i j.edl'id - UOODS'iNDf-LOTDING- , A well-kuinv- u hh :o: j rnr v IfcyrA.- (Com m ission ; -- "1- :u Boots and Shoes, 13ArromLocnt . m .uhI PROSPECTUS- FOR1 1870. during the war, and at one time Minister to China,4 Is reported to JACOB STRAUSS; liave embezzled $30,000 sent from ..ft 1 ; V to be anil invested by him, , .. Europe llozl the, city. ,"T! .J A t tit r't Galveston, 13. HeUi rnHhHVuboerv received from thirteen additional WLolesale' andRetail Dealer comities. Davis majority so fiir as ' ' 7 heard from 7, 107. Flanagan (Rad.) IX t f t. f Is electeil Ideutenat Governor 4y a large majority. The legislature is BOOTS SHOES AND GAITERS, 8iub.nl the Sailor, by Lydia Thomson uroujHj, "Tlie blondes. " The piece is of the wildest burlesque extravaauz i, in which scarcely a trace of the . -- bo cau perceived; the "valley of tory diamomls" aud the escape if Siubad by means of the eagles, gor erously presented na to seeuery ntid incidents, being the only, exact' reproduction., All the principal character, unde and female, are r'prtHentrd by young ladies of the puVe blonde type, and jhe phiv is inslruetive--u- s a; sillily of pby sioTogy. Ou Friday; evening wo etti tided Emerson fc Man; uincs Minstrel, Ht the, Deal bon Theatre, aud Satuiday night, at McVickers, eu- of Jhe 6feat joyed the wopderful-actin- g Irishman, Dominick Murray, lathe thrilling Irish drama "Oonahs Engagement.! Mr. .Murray has presented u higher. type of Iiish character open the stage than has ever before been given. Many Unhtvuiiaus are here. General J. W. Clampilt i stopping nt the Matti-so- u and 'assures me that onr House, Ht T l f of Utah wishes ns to tbo Governorship ' are favmnbly teeeived at Washington. (Jov. Fdwiud Higgins, onr late popuar 8 - cretarv, is here,f .but Dhavo not seen ... onI him. Wo s were? surprised agreeably t t nt slumbers from innocent being roived tbe early bout of nine on Friday morniug by familiar knock and voice, to find at tbe door Mr, James) Galloway, formerly of the ItepoBTEB ontflt He looks well, but of coarse is not so hnppy'as'wben be wm sprtading Gentile sentiments in Salt Lake City. "Brother" Wilkinson tells month! We me be will remain here will proceed to Southern Indiana, after we have seen tbe rest of tbe city. CIICA(V a snow of ibe season was sifting The first in light crystals npon the "salt laiul tbe valmorning of my departure froui.the tn?W ley, and I ailssed that deh'gbtfnl iisnaUy seen from tb car windowsThe pb vke icsted under a blsek dense cloud, .and thtwC'ld nir fau Weljer' Oniyon str.1 -- ddrte ugly' of a Front ltidver.r enstwarit tor 70t) niiles the snow lay from five to eigbt't iuVbes deep and the wintrjf blasts bawled over the AiuericanPeseit with a melancholy sound that juatW Jthe iuside of a I'ldlmso car appear tery parlor paradise. It.re-- , (piirea softie Rtndy to see tbe charms of winter; id Sommer we can Hej npott our backs, gaze idly up into the blue empyrean ami drink la tbe beanticsTif tbe"ieas . od without mental effort; btlt winter tarns the tbaughts iuward. It I the season for . sevclektbdy J iutrospectiop, laborious inI game vestigation, nndbnppy thought and oysters. The poet may any. 4. "pi r, T DIIT ? rather lively iu amusement. O.i Thursmeeting ou 'Saturday night. They day evening w.(the three iiewspuper men resolved on extreme measu hut were went nature witness to resOlutionH to of the the mentiuued) "Crosbys" CHICAGO COfclUtsrONPfcNCE. $: !. - to-la- y, M-ee- 4 ! ; Mr. J. H. Beadle sends us one of his characteristic letters from weure pleased ti give and corunuis our In n place liopo AVWyibo favorctl yltlt many ihore during his travels this winter. vldeli M erc pcrsi for n few' out necessarily erowiled days, will be continued next none omitted by the suspension. 'r 4 4 ,Clay,pyTrt; st itm,1: IN- politlcIanoiJiiHcttyf noted for liis secession procllvlfles - I by JK)M4-er- s; AND e,j. j 1 MONTANA STREET. -- PhUjtJphlH,' a j cenU, lawyei&fi4il fact-of.ll- iu '" Ch-ttMtrti- cotr. u, - X4 v . - TAHi-- IX-- U j .4 . CftOCMRniGLASOYMnE, ' tr wdon si x cents irIve On-iHt'cl- i 'p L!jSMGGEI&m,'; DEALEBS : fiftecwveents, Welwteif, 4 ' . a ntr alkjieACentsr JeflWS b-a- ut .M 11 - f omr-cc- lin Institute; two cents, Jackson, by Powers; three cents, Washington, by . iiccom-ui'Klatiou- Truly this Is a season of dinary events. With thenssembllng ofjtho A iicrlcah K ongross, the or the Icumehlral Con mil ;fn Rome, the Womens Rights in Cleveland, the National inriTOTrrnrm'! 4 , I sod ?wrt UoMnii air'd Imported rjaufrsj The ira-- f- gru tued with tb rbauumbtisiu, u Udy c reamed with tbe neuralgia, the first UtnelatcppeJ oup tbe carl was doubled np like a figure Ciy tbe prairie witul, bad a tearful attack ukAthmaVmlkuffVrd ciUMdcrably from h, relapse of that com plniiit which in my cak might be denorn-iiii- it l ,iIoimn.uu iu tbo bbouUler. The- weather whs very cId at dtuaba,but uuKtiow; ico ruuunig heavily iu the river, but. not quite enough I y iiiuder IVrritigV. OmabA aImo ottuiplaiun of a "lightneaM, but is preparing for n coiuiuercial tonic iu Mi? fortuTif two ruilroiid-iuoithweid ud Huiitbwent from the city. They will be bviili aud will ad. i gHjit)y to the city's tbe proHritj ; btit from wti.tt l tMiitj. v!iouof ibe great railroad bridge owr the Mi'is ia i is doubtful, at uiiy tariy peiiod anyliovr. 'There I remained a day and wa overtaken by Mr, CVG. DePruh r, wbt uoAittl of the (!intiintcili paniiil me to (b:tr place, as hUo did Mr, K. S WilktUMiu, of the Jlrtena 0izi-tte- , North-wraterAs we cmiuh by the Chicago iu good company and with internal and mivruid rprol tiou sgaiust the elii, it is heedleaa to s iy wo bad a good time; though Ilia winds Were high and the country cold and bleak. The road is in Kjilndid comlitiou, the al I hid cnu'd he desired mul the tiuiu ' to this ciy only twenty two boaia. Tfavelers by this, route, leaving Coiiune in the morning, can reach this city the third d.iy iu the ulh ruoou, and have four hours -etoii in Omaha and Council blutT; probably us long as any of them would want to stay just bow. I te is too ehort to speud a w hole day there now. Allow me to make a public Hckuowedment of the courtesy and euijii6es of this ou in 'll iulaUer of lest buggage. lUing- btiue and cal el ess I failed to get Uiy tlttuk at. C'ouiic 1 lilnffi, and on the checked ; s f j?; , way.fmuth it was left belaud. The conductor .ud transfer ngeut took a desciip-tio- n thereof uud ou tbeir return forwarded it goiitl' ordcrr nud without f 1 charge to ibrs cit. For this ami many othercourtesies I return my hearty thunks. We fouud Chicago dull as to" business, f ' . M , I no9-t- ttrthe f UTAH. CORINNE, Skmii.e newspaper Tora4: Jerry; Hot PuoslieVctc., of which hav been approveit by Crown xigars, i ou baud. j the Poet OiheDeprUm!Ut,. Pro!-- . "alwevs Call iud ere n j w, dent ancL jCrtbluet. and. comprise and , Pay. Cpeo Nght iir r5 f the heads of tlie olldwlngdistin-- g y i epraVfejl prpyfs haVfciklrfady 'SfJFZ II ITOIL E A SALOO few f e21-l- Department. Time. Coaspiracj-Qul- ck Vizilauce Comoitte es. ETC.;;;ETC.i J L . S' i s ,WdiliiKtoiMJ3. Tim Turkish tele-1 property .ILUIL. s; L; TIB3ALS, nii.iRs ! Minister lias Just received a the Grand VUler THE hfrtofor xUUn( frram from that the difficulties existing bflwwa Wm. Toaaso nd Kru J. Taydob. in Agent for l!rwer Remla Ca.f'rle- of Corlnne, Cuh Trritorr, waa thia between the Sultan and Viceroy tb lows Xlst aad Pafttr, brttnt 34, A I. 1S09. dlolY4 by mutual dr, Mmrnbtr were definitely and satisfactorily consent, s id Tsy lor, of tbs of witbdrawsl tbs by r bis entire interest in tb house, 1cm of lot, and adjusted. on. All debts dots therein4-in; Clapp, Congressional Printer, has tbs basins-ST.,-- LOUIS due late tnn ,wll bn paid to Wat. Tolaso BiRBEK, SHOP. 4 published a card challenging a mi- A Cotbs J .J to4 v who sufliorlxed is lloct sinus , ths iGWj nute and critical examination of the isms; and sU claims sgsiDs tbsssmo will be W. P. 8PENCKII, . .It r t ;.,!; lift-'- , 'i's j Totaso k Co. for psytnent manner Jn which he has conducted preseuted lolf. XTlT O Noy.34. Isfi. Cotinus, Moutnim the Government Printing .Office wm NrsscA ml Vimtak Jlouu.l since IT came under his ndmlnls- - ,r :H'7U ,v:a rnr.nTt)LKD' j. tayuSk: We have egnetAutly on bend the finest h Oysters, received daily by Express, and hi' prepared to receive order to ship to MonUtxv aeii-Jand other places.. Hi Street. 4 fioll. no3Z mts li J. M. WALLACE the tT). a23 lm ( V 41 - of-fre- COUINXE. .O..II COMFORTS, ETC. -- vifiSfe TOBACCO. Cl GABS c22-i- m AND SALEROOMS; Y.iQtipkf (nflhiltstbramhi) - Gonoral Produce Wholesale and Retail i tjtA ir- J. ih. OliBARY,d.' VICTOR C0RDELLA, nol-t- f 4 h e s 44 wau FArzm, I . tnK, liiQuiiits Dissolution notice ' i i !' ; ..! 'GLASSWARE! CO LOU A 1) O i 'STREET, - J nearly back ot tha Uintah Houao, i CohlNNE. UTAH.. - . tf ; J. W.1 J USHER. MERCHANT, COMMISSION n x;. ...HOTiriUNpS,,, UTAII. HIT Order received by Mail - and Tr &, filled. Hi f; - , : promptly 1 - - |