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Show Utah Trl-Wecj- "vrewenatrsaMs ljr ruDUMini 7 f. TciMJAT, ThO Bfct AYiND, S ATUBDA Y Si TnsrftViiiasPtciiiucccarAn. 0Q0 YCif a mi Jdonttn t ! Xhrrt r Wfc. (tiippHd by a IN VARIABLY p' f VoVi; IN ADVANCX. tit a Hates of Advertising. m i' ... r,v j. fr tv ttl UTAH. IheSIarnaBA Said i be Preparing for a Ftfkt Orders far (be sadden Departure ej V, . Troupe from Kev Verb (Ujr. The attention of the' War Department baa beeulately, attracted fo the fact that the Utah Mormon haft batd for some time lot Icojiedjug a) fomidable camp io the ricinity of 4Bait Lake City, naaibering about ; fifteen tbonaand men. It U aaid ibat tbia movement was undertaken fof the purpose of tting prepared to resist the enforcement of auy iegisla-liv- e acts fbict may Jte made aga'nt- - poto b id for In ad- lygamy ar the apprOttcbiug session of TrtulDt hSftitlMmiDU ,f vance. ,. CongrewC It is well known that the A of ten Ubh of tjp of thU Mormons have always iqavi eoniiiU bittry pposecl 1 iutt rference with their any pecoHar instiNo standing advertisements Inserted,, lo the tution on of the (he National; Govpart Weekly edition except npon .aoectal eont'sct ?- Editorial aa have ernment. and set and matter, they reading frequently assertNotice, Inserted on local, or editqrAl pa;je, 75 ms per ed thut they Would uot accept any Fed-orUna tor fl.it lusertion, and U cent for every Jaws lauding to the ahiitioti Of po additional time. Hjwt ial Notices ten cent per line of this type Ifgtmtii Pa of tho promitR'nt SIoiuou tfor every insertion. receutly sid in a lii ooklyn meetjte Elders Yearly advertiser may change their advertise-tnenof failhful that Rrighsm Young's the ing at pleasure, with the s notional cba-g- e of 33 cents pi r square, provided they re's.n only people were res dy (o take ap aims and shea bkKHi, if tieccessary, rutlirr than tho original space oecupUd. sn'omitto the harsh roles of the (ientileN, or to lose the right to have as ninny PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a'ves as they pleased, lie claimed ihut the e.w no li'ssentiorri among the followers ot You tig in regard to th question E. P. JOHNSON, of permitting'' CoiqrfM t odes troy their r. United Htatea t'oiunjlsulou-doctrines by legi'dutioii Ihut they were Attorney at lav, v: and. unitedly in fuvorof protecting themselves Deputy United Htatea Attorney for Utah. aguiuht any such netiou. even to the declaration of hostilitieij.,'. lleTnent'oned TEH. C01HXXE, UTAH r that the apprehensions of the Mormoi s apTOtf were gieally nroused by the strong ant -potyganiy sentiments which ware uttered TOOIIV, by Vice President Colfax daring his late vsit to Salt La e City in company with af anti Counsellor Law, Ittorncy Mr, Albert D. Richardson and Governor MOXTAXA STB FT, C0BIXXE, U. T. Dross, of IHinois, The elder also spoke ap70-3t- n in reference to the Mormon camp now being organized in Utah, stating that it WELLS was to be situated at a place along one of the main routes to the West, and that it A T T O It N K Y A T la A V , was intended to niford both defensive and V aggressive advantages. CO HI XX E UTAH. The liadeis of the large force will 1 e augM-itOiAce in Uintah House. selected, it is sud, from among those who have eujoyed lu'ditnry experience ju Europe or in this country, and who have R. M. JtOBKRTHON, the confidence of Urigham Young. Jt is Law at Attorney also whispered in Mormon circles hereand Solicitor iu Chancery; abouts that the camp! will be1 suppled Halt lake City, Utah Territory. with a luige quantity of ordnance and ordnance stores. The quiet ami". systeH XNllY UW. AIHtACHON, matic manner in which the enenmpmeot TTOHSKV AT LAW A Nil has been foi meil, the large number of men brought together, and the general ,Y ClIAXCKKr. SOUCITOK tone and spirit of the M Kmoos1 t.vk g've UTAH. SALT LAKE CITY, gootl reasons for snppn.iog,t'it they are ap'JW-l- f determiueil to protect tuetr cherished in' H. HKMPMTKtD, stitution fronu danger QMAH Wiihtit a day or two past despatches Attorney si Law have been rbcetv ed from the Secretary of ' and War by MsjbriGeneral McD we'l, comUnited Atatee Attorney for Utah. manding the Deparitnent of the East, HALT LAKH. riTY, UTAH. , o vlcripg hjim to have nit the spare troops Ortl. e Kaat end f Utile's ltow, 'id Houdi at, uuder his command In readiness to niarca ) hall biix'k, writ i( Main. at a minute's uotie. The secret manner 4- weietridhe orders were forwarded to ia UU.MIAM, 31. I)., Gen. McDowell, and speedy way in whi h OK KICK. they have been executed are regarded by some as ah indication that the destination Vvmer fourth amf .VonUtntt Strrttg, of the troops is Utah, and that they jviil UTAH. COIU.WNK, ' le used as a garrison for tire United Stntes s: tr foris at that place, thus securing to the Government j the means to meet any WAUKKlt A WcNUTT, emergency which may docar by tho sudV den uprising . of the ' Mormons. It is Wholesale and IletaQ hinted that this important military measure was devised by Gen. rihernmn. Gou. 1 McDowell issued orders to the officers in i.Wntr pf 4lh, mxl AIwdmnu command of troops stationed at the various forts ia New York Ilarbot to hold UTAH. COIUNXE, their troops n readiness to move this an34-trmorning, supplied with tep days rations. Tl Department force numbers between f 1,200 and 1,500 soldiers of alL arms. HURLBUT'BROS,, Some of these belong at Fort Trumbull, WhoWle sud U.U41 , . New London Harbor, under command of , Gen. Draunsn; others are stationed at ,i OJ Harbor, nnder command of Col. but the majority of Geo. McDuryee; . ; MontHiia Street, McDowell's troops form the garrisons at Forts Hamilton, Wadsworth and Schuyler,' UTAH. UOUINNE, '7lm ; under command of Gen. Vodges. Only about three hundred men will be enabled to start this morning- - They will RUSINESS CARDS. be provided with two. dsy's cooked rations, benide carrying Ight days' un; & MILES, cooked rations. None Of the soldiers, nr t ; (iEItUISII i : even the otficrs,know the meaning .. of the " ' "Dealers In mystcriona movement, which lias been kept a profound secrcct by tho Wahin' ton authorities- - Durlug yesterday the Ilardirnri, Iron, Stoves, Quartermasters and Commissary Depait-meui- s Pi.4I ' V " were Wlioot basily engaged In preparing for tba movemenL lt is- -t bought that COPrKIt AM)'' TIN VHk, troops will be despotobed from other mil :' itary departmenla ia asiuiUar msnner. . Another story is that the riops arr to Moutana Street, . , be sent to Minnesota, to set'le the Red River officials the but difficulties, military UTAH. decline to furnish the secret of the mutter to the'publie. ' BUSINESS CARDS. Carl SViir,,, a s" af ' t: ,,, t ? , I 1 t 1 ! scu-sr- ? Street, " J : V . - H. lausohoff & I..IT1SHI3S, Proprietor. FOURTH STREET, (Be., Alwaya on hand a variety of the beat Leah llu: ter, ugar cured llauia, llacom Aif Pa,ticular attention paid to Retail ael-- AND - r ii. iiousi:. " r: V rroprielor of the i: o is r p s k s aw m i t i , C0H l XX E, UTAH ll Always on hand Lumber, Lath and Rhine lea. Lumber rough or dreaaed furnished at the lower. Cash Prices. , 0c7hu - T. J. EDKINtiTOXS i Wboleeale and Retail JEt7 DRUG STORE, r One Montana Street, door ttest from Gaston's comer. I will constantly keep on hand every variety of Drugs, usually kept In a flrtcla Drag Store. ' BW Preecrtptione carefully compounded. - - tf no9 HENRY' EEIWES, Dealer In ' Orecoiioo and Liqcors, Wholeeale and ZtetaJl. . ; CIGAllS AND TOBACCO . i etimea coenev nf ItMfasia. owrtwie. r, ' " I ' f my f- v ,,y adts. w. a. wiutoN,' dmobton, ' ktmowrt:. m ... ;r ?: ' - - 'tf V- v';. .el 1 -- . P. II. WILDUR, 'ashler. Ter. COUINNIC, XJtnlt n ur pbit 'hi Mail Cllrrtlt vnke4 S(a(e. irttn. kkvkb Patent Full Iron Frame 4 concentrates in raoNT of the Tuning Pins, that heretofore damaging Iron (which In other Piano hartrully aurronm a the Toning Plus ) and butts Into the front edge of the Plank ana effectually resista the 'twenty tons atralu. Patent Diagonal Sustaining Bar y of the Iroa FrAme.i neit to. amiI parallel with part the steel etrliua UNDER THE OVKR8inCNt . : ' ,s. vj; i In tba American Institute Fair of New York, arie a ' o id fold trial against Ste:awH, and turnv other llanos, awa-ue- d toe t'tlept .be e et Premium.; Wilt for rdioavlla, ."amphlet and Oi.colai. am ata'e in wnat Paper you saw th a adve.'ltac-rneu1H-5- 7 Cuiok-ri'i- r. a. 1 , Flrat Nation il, enuaha, , Western Karlnga institute, SL Louis. Henry Oreonbaum A 1 o., Chicago. Huaaey, Dahler k Co,, Halt Lake City. H'oaeey, Dahler k Co., Helena, Montana. Ilnasey, Dahler k Co.; Virginia Moittaua. 4 " 4 Correspondent The Am n Piano ia the c'bkaikwt, mohtdub lea tuning lkart conrucATED, requires and doa not get out of order, it I A. ; ; A': to P. 8. Wilson Cheyenne. ABt.a, THE STANDARD PIANO. i a. m. hours from Office (he fiOl.D DIST BOrCBT. C011 AYI BASS. ga Aie ' Alliance Bank, London. , i ' V. La Touche, Dublin. " Bank of Califoinia, San Francisco. . York ' New CKcan Natioual Bank, City. . Draw exchange on prluclpal cities ef th worltl !i Tim Checks bought. :,.: j - , ; t better advantagee -Mif to ca-- h buyera than any other fee -a Mouse in thl Mr valley, fct Special attention given to order by mail. Oooda forwarded aanae day order are received. We deliver Good free of charue in the city and at the depot, nolB-t- f HOTEL. I. ffiorinnr i iud. torlt f 'S L. I""""""" Tha nndaralgned w'lt reoriva aock V a win er He d, on and after t jia date, at h P.cMo K'f M ntana B reet. All a.o.'k rttmioed on toe first of Mar, or aoone' o deaed. We rso the usual taimosiblllea te dera, aod have tha beat Ranch in the cone Mc&tNE. k IIE4TH, Refer, by prrm'ss'on, to 8. G. Sawam O. tf. Eu,orr, Ja. afcV awa, jI E. P. J OHM SON, D. SaOBT, 0. B. O&BK. H. MOORE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Preprletors. com-fortah- COUI.NIV UTAH.' J ' stifartloi j ' If li. , AND FITTH STREETS. Alwava on hand the chdeeet Meata, Garae of nottf kind, Btu-eEggs, etc. aU Good Water Rauch, y once and Stabiea, (onttaout corner Montvna and rifth StreaU, Ooriane. Utah. P09JOHN HOLLAND. WK3. LORIMER, IIARBRH fc IIAIUDUESSEK, Montana Siren', - . J Coriii, UtshJ. ep$lm v J , I am ' ivelvlng MfflOSEIIV, iRUS anaort-me- i I 1 AND ' . reoetved Rir Orders filled. prnply 2J5 1 ; J i'. ST II KET 1;. p-'c- to 20 Yen ra and pay 7 cent. INIEUEsn per Fruit well packed ea. .V jfir Heuntala trade. L9 DRIED unmet, Tk t ' i FBIITH, - (., ' l COCOA XITSI, 'I ' 2,000,000 ACHKN . '" ,''j' j 1 If He alse Aeala la boul 0,1 i I1 - . OF" LAND. i - ' i ' - C4.YD1ES Being all the Landa a hl-the Union PaolAe Rail road Coin pan v now have or shall he eafier the Uuded hUtea, except tue lamia acquire which are er a'l-l laclnded In the R1 head ana Lfae of said Comnany, or need for the conatruction or oeraMon thereof, or for the track, yards, depot ground, hullJicga, or erections thereof. Th Company receive their Tnd Grant Bonds for their face and a trued interest in pa. ment of u all laada sold hr them. 4 rigaph CK I BS. LOUNG KS, AC. HUIIKA18. WASH, and IHIKKS, LIGHT STANDS, t i, . . CUPIIOAUDS, KITCIIKN SAFKS, IIU HA K FAST anti IHNINGTAHLKS. i !. MOSS PILLOWS. .r k ' ' TITS, ' y P f TOt THE f f t T t t- - t f WORKING CLAKH.W are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at borne, the whole I the time or for the spare moment. Business new, light and irofitable. Persona of eithtr set easily earn rom. 50c. to 8 per evea'af. atid a aum by devoting th ir who a time proportional to the Itnya and girl earn nearly aa much as men. That all who wee th a may aend their make this nt address, ant test the business, paralleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, wa will send fil to pay foe the trouble of writing. Full particular, a valuable which will do to commence work on, sample, and a copy of The 1'tOJ Literary Vampanumona cf the largest and beet family newsp pt r pwbUabed aQ aent bi free mall, Reader If you want permanent, fc. C. ALLEN k CO., profitable work, address Augusta, Maineu i v ttoa-Sbnai-ues- .... ' by Mall end Telegraph tmlLi SALE ROOMS COLORADO STREET, nearly back of tha Uintah House, CORINXE, UTAH. 3$df n tr. iftUER, aad jatldau aeaot Uaated. tearirj. Dont forget ae'41-- iei ? 4p If3i deff (lc i. Place." J. W. GUTHRIE, : . j , Wbolestl ( . . k ' aud RetaH (iEKEXIL COUIIISSIOIK MERCHANT, ' ,j 4 i oaaxn HIU FDDD, r xxovxt, .V - V , 1 : ; ! '. .77 - f - i : ( , , ! DUOTDn, , ; 1 - aid EOOD r ,. , r , . ,, , i oouncmr pnoDtron ' il ,f - ; 7 ' e-- Atw- " , , eat Sorts ot either for t'.OOj prepaid by mail. klmo small Fruits. Ptaats, Bulba, all th new Potatoes, Aa. prepaid by maiL 4 tba Early Rose Potato, prepaid, tor $I.0. Coaovrra Coloeasl Asporagne, I per 1M; $3S per 1000, prepaid. New hardy fragrant everb looming Japan Haney, suckle. M , each, prepaid. True Cape Cod Cranberry, for upland or lowland culture, $l.( per 1M. prepaid, with directions, Prioed Catalogue to aay address, gratia alee trade UsC Heeds oa Cotnmleekm. O'.d Colony, Nuraerir a and B. Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass, . EetwbUsbed m 2 1 ritKLESAkD BltCES. s. a:lr ' j A j BR, Dealers In Government Heourltiea. Phlhntelphia Utiiou and Central Pacific R. It. First Mortgage " 'Honda Bonght and Sold, U. it. Honda Bought Hold and Bxchangel. Gold Bought ami Sold at Markat rates. Coupon CfiBftfdti (. Block Bought aud Bold oo Cotamlnaioa only. Account received and Interest allowed on rialiv no'J-t- f balances, subject to Check at sight f. s UTAII.v DB HA YIN i n: m:iSTF.ADS or nil klnU, ; - lb oast ta ike eplet comnssioN herchant, HOT SPRINGS, - 1 Who Is th only agent for the Prodacera i Hscranifn 6. All articles cuiemt ! o.i pl.u w.U a le put up where grown. Iliti be fresh aud 1 furnished at protlucerw j Thf ore tbuxoi JJtmls of Oat fn.ou$aml JJothirs (tf 1,000) each, and are . secured by a First Mort- - " great vuiietiea, ... General Produce 1 . M J. l. OlBARY, A . AC?UAMENTO.JIMI Frcth CarAei, Flwr, FraK, Herb, C'OMFOllTS, Tree, Mtrwb awd Errrgrerw teed, wl b BBOSPHHADS, KTC. direeUem iTer nNcre, prepaid by Mali, ao4-t- f . No. . 11,'?,' NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Post Ojfice Building, ft ; , . LVtifral rtniniission BlerthavL 10.000,0.0 o Run ! and aettlug up a large tctbtine.a C1I A I IIS, III of i UTAH. COIUNNE, . s - 1 FURNITUBE - wmi papdii, Alao ! THEV AM01 vr IN ALL T Dtmt forttet to call mul examine, befoic ptirciiuhing noii5t I Proprietor. P0( KET CUTLERY AND The noderslaned having purcha-- d the above iv, are prepared to do a prop! anl SALK buatneea. Toe b:at of Saddle and Carriage et 'ck con etanUy on band and for hire at re aa unable rales. e I' CASK.. OFFICE, ROCKERS, BTC. DEALER IN , ' : . j . P. Railroad Co. TT. ra-c- a. ; GEO. L. HOLT, r, ALF. H, CUMMIN3S, r - . BOOKS. oflerirgforale, at Inj4 anrket price, aud (u raet avey thing the. ran ba caled fer In his line, a' I of which lie r ffer o the public ; at tl e most reasonable l am now prrparedlto.tlo all kind of work, at tfce wry low-- at prior.. .Teanirte-- i aod Irriglit-ei- s will find it to their interest to give me a cal before going e'aewhrre. Mr Don't forget the place. ae'ja tf PACIFIC STABLES. r- os i;oiN, il D it; o. Triii. o t Corinnc, Ufnli. WOOD. COIUiNNli, UTAH, Ilryfron, Froj CORN E 5 MONTANA AM 1 I , CITY MeatJ. Market. j Flout. Street, u. rewrr, limits Ivefet Ates and fortrrf nnl-t- r i r Txi : BLflCKSr.llTH SHOP A Co., Celf. California. Fruits f-- um 3ioivrj?vlrvv I'll,'HIS ra ! BOOTS & SHOES, HITS A CAPS, - , 1! V . LAND GRANT BONDS apX)-l- y CL0TIIIAU. Boot, Shoe and Gaiter made and repaired in the most approved style. Custom work a spenoD-t- f ciality. Wholeaale and lletall Dealer In Agent fur s JT4 s ly S. L. TIBBALS, t ; DRV GOODS, ; fr Oi ilem jour , O FANCY AND STAPLE -- MINES, ilQOOltS .... r.mmoTn stccx aoe-l- m - UTAH, - piiwio itmnojii HAS JUST OPENED IIIS f NEW HOTEL la now open to Uie public. The room are neatly and fumiahrd. The table are alwaya ettp. plied with the beat the market afford. FreU OynU ra alwaya on hand audaerved np in janv atyo outhort notice. Th Hr 1 stocked with the llneat Wince, no-t- f . Llquora, end Cigar. , Seml ('outer Montana and Fourth' Streets, ttru-cUs- s rrmrr CLASS 4 -- Cm Ala II. MEYER, ( Montana Sreet, between 3d and 4th, ? ociia it' Cheap! Cheaper Thia Ilnnae a new twojjstory brick bnUdhig, rec.ntly eceeed, and U belu fl. ed uoJ-t- f Hotel. np fora Between Third, kod Fourth Streets, This M t - i Montana Strcot, l et CO., 4 Impairing carefully done, and guaranteed.. x--o CREE3WILD, CO VEIL 1 a, niLSli - and OfPce No. fiS4 P roadway, iwfacory, 1H7 A JfD Bowery, New York. W Mr rr.ini-'oi- i. BVBRYBOIIV! , AVarevoom f - ' i Mr ff We can and do offer CORINNE, AHKiT(0. a'-rea- New York Prlroa. f rcnssoi k scices, , here we have not appole.ed them. tee Comer Montand and Fifth Streets, ON CONSTANTLY METROPOLITAN Civ and Town In every A COIUNNE, UTAH, 1 AOEXTS U'AXTEIt A UCKuLL'S OLD STAXD, . , MONTANA STREET, COH1NNE, - : UTAH. Speolal attention given to order by mail. large stock always on hand. Goods shipped tame day order at rechlv net tf ,i j i '. '1 1 . . . t. V UINTAH HOUSE $; The Mormon Church eousUiulJy tuduavprs to identity the men, and especially thoMs of the wealthiest class, with the. system of ju- Ivgaroy. No sooner has a man acquire.! HJinu lortuoe than he is asked by lhighm young, or one of .the bishops or ciders, to take more wives. Sometimes women are sent directly to their houses with the intimation to be made their wives. This method of propagating polygamy leads Bomtiimee to the most singular iucideuts, of which I will relate on just as I found it. The second presideut, Heber Kimball, who died some time ago, leaving 14 widows, one day in a street of Salt Lake City met a Mormon from Prussia by the name of Taussig, one of the few German who threw themselves sway to Mormon Ism. Brother. Taussig, Kimball asked, bow goes it ? Yery well, vvas the sn--' ow wives hsve Vr'. got? asked Kimball again. T have you two4 got This is not enough for you, said Kimball; you should take a few moie. I Will send you two; do understand ? a P tk, you ! ery next evening brother Taussig found two women sitting in hi parlor. To this his first wife aaic". Brother fall Mormon women call their husband brother), these arc the sisters Pratt They Wrc the widows of Elder Pratt One of the sisters,! 8arah by name, remarked : Brother Taussig, we are sent to von by brother Kimball ; yon know why. . 1 know,' replied brother Taussig ; hut it is exceedingly hard for me to marry two more wires." The other widow said : 'Brother Kimball told na that you did a capital good business, and BLACKSMITH THE ONLY WAGON SHOP IN TOWN. Mr Repairing prooap.'y attended to. uolD URGE STOCJ 4: COIUNNE, UTAH. COUIiYNE, U. T. . couiNn, J J S M WZLOOKT & ZtlOZXTOn, 'j ...- Second Street, between IVo.U and Montana :j , BANKING HOUSE Howard and Waltham Watches Montana Slrctt, btL Third A Fourth , if f - The fluast Watches new manafactured. i jf 4 fi WAGON COMMISSION MERCHANTS s Fuopaoatino Foltoamy. ;Ln CMKTEWKK. Xlfiii WatohciN, Land Grant Bonds A CO., OAXXrOXUUXA i j C. JOHNSON : have th 1 efth celebrated 101 C AGEHCY i W. -- - .In great variety. M : I i - roarr DPBlpi in MOSS AGATE JEWELRY! CORINNK, UTAH. WHOLESALE .. -- -, Miscellaneous ' . Patent Revaned Wooden Agtafffc Bridge throughout, BBTAiK the aweituesa of th old wimid tlrtdge. aod oiTkts the aolldiiy of tha M KTan Agraffe, without Its owectiomo. Patent Compound Wrest P ank ; , which hol la tl e Tnning Pina, la six layers o Maple, obain running differently, nu plakk 7-- tf MEAT MARKET, , . ? Town! I ; - xiviorsrx. , Mor-moudo- ui. - PATIIOMZE HOME ISDUSTRY. ' " 0 ' ,J'' gg 5 n UG GISTS m . (w . . SUin.lFYl.lfi PATEHS. j . oc7-3- 19. .. 'j ia-fl- J, I , . Keep coDHtaatly on hand freak JOlye and all other klnda of llrewit. Alao an aaaortiuent ot other article pertaining to onr line. Cuatomera promptly attended to. j, " tf -- . Pine Gold Jewelry, e, . I r fY . i' C0EINNE, UTAH. j ,h',rfr e B : Prop. Alontana Street, 4f8X0 J.HO , i (w l UNION BAKERY, c. L. a ;a . .. .O Tj HlHiAS rOIK vlt a h efe IUrrv.-FI- ve ; l IRLLCS3ECHT, i copies, to rn addrcsa $30, Tea cupiea, cue address, 8&. . INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.' Ct.i? AIMdDBT H-- BA!VF A ae a a a O'pie. MISCELLANEOUS ADS. m 1 Iron, j. hupp: ia e e 4 Months. e )- OORINNE, UTAH. oc7-J- i ' j 'f tl HantftHS lit J tf .i- . Hoots and. Shoes, f i ... It h: " urm LnriroNtMtook SIMlER, GI8TS. 'f l, No. isao.1 BOESSEL, l)KMS J. D1M - ;,;1 oc7-3r- u - -- ;i jiutb formidable proportions and to . lead rto f important ; results, rom! Sll-VE- U A. PlaATEH WAKE, ftnghani ha not only to encounter the direct opposition arising out of the coarse of the young Smiths, but also that resulting Tiom! bis quarrel. with several of the niost iudueuifal 'and popular leaders i a WATCHES, CLOCKS, ;Atc the Church, who have long been looked jap to ;ih( respected by the masses. God-be- o ni Kelaej, who have 'been 'cutoff" Watclininkers, In fioin the Ohurchf are among the most able aud influential Mormons in Utah. S.eu-bousfrom the who lies .Ves?gocd JEWELERS & GUNSMITHS, FO B Til SIDE M0XTAXA 8 TUE$T, Church in consequence of having been siisp-udeiu also wields considerable Montana Street, (brtnne. nca. T'helo meu cannot very well (between 4. It amfJtht Keep constantly on hand ftn watclica and leave the Territory, because they have a aud guna. of ammunition all jewelry, plittola plurrbty of wives, a circumstance which kind.: A lo, fine eigara, tobacco, and all ainok-er- a wouM prove embarrassing outside of article. Repairing done la th beat workUTAH. COIUNNE, manner, aud all work warranted. Cooseoneiuly they will have manlike Call Htoro. ornla aep to remain wHh the 8aiuta,j though not of them, and will constitute au adverse pow er hi the heart of Brighams empire. He Buyers will do well to axaiwitia my aiock ba'or ffibrinne ha nol dooe wise'y in precipitating such purvhaaiug esewhere, New style silver sets, solid gold chain, rinu a crisis' unnecessarily. ,San Francisco aleeve button, etc. plna, ifu'onde. j a tfjDOHN. DAVIS 4 l.l Mi s DRY G00D3 i& CLOTHING. ' 1 l'ru The iu tub Mormon Church seems to have Tub Diffxci cty in hi - tierm. TKltMS0rURqyiKT10. MISCELLANEOUS ADS. SIFIUM)ISt'())ynjlU5! - tvile. i :x asked for a divorce. Brighatn Young has reserved tobimaelf the extiudve privilege (b grant divoreea He takek d lee of $10 for each, which brings him in a snug little revenue. Brother Taussig whs called to the presence of Brigham Yonng. He had little to object, and he admitted that he could not well support .more than two wives. They were divorced under the condition that brother Tanssig should disgorge $10. This he did soon afterward. aod tha be got rid of his third 1. ; tue reisms neutcnfi Oof Vcr, Six Moo tha Tl R' i4,t., Tuesday,! decembe '; )' that you could Bnpport a few more wives. At any rate, said Sarah, T desire to be married, i The poorbrothur anaweml : Well, lidies, I will see what can bo do. e. The next day brolber Taussig called on the bLbop and succeded in arranging a comp.omi'e, accoidiug to which he was to marry Surah, while the other widow was to be taken Care of iu another manner. So it was done. It seems, however, that Sarah did oot me many, bright days nnder brother Taussig's roof, for after a short time she became dissatisfied and DIFFiCUlaTIES. EXPECTED TROUDLE , a rii Single comisnsrE, u. ar fFrona tlie Philadi iphla bulletin.) MORMON Titl'VIElLT. ; X 4.00 60 00 mi A mm 700 r a 7 I. St Sr .Trtl-'XTy'BHSIELl'- f 11C0 ! CMpi40 v i. or SUBSCRIPTION. TKHM i Y, ' . PTm.WKKHIT . t nct wnT'iVff i , r M! vrntl i, ' |