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Show 1 aauscEi.u'NgomLAttaatr. New Firm. -- Messrs. Kauaday A. Thomas wish to laCELON eo cTyypTTsr If make brief mention to oar business nieu Laving; recently bought" oui Sowell A Bi- Remaining uncalled for, in Wells, Fargo UNION PACrFIO I I B0W n 4k Cos office. cmftTuue those aQd will 1 the Osceoia oru:3e Corinne, Utah, Friday, leys contemplating saloor, DEG.V.14. Y MOIlNING i , , I business COBINNE. U. T.. XhcCKMBxm 10. I860. . J , here nxt year. We have a few 1 business in the same admirable style it December 10, 1809. very good wliolesule housts at present, obtained under the bid manageihut, hfdy TTD Wabava no authorised traveling agent ' ;"t.edt debt due this paper. representing some half 'doxen lines of a little more so. Kanaday A Thomas Wholesale and Retail . I r 4 Si'!.'; goods ; but we want mort and, heavier keep the best,' and serve it op with an V: WhTC hoQses. We want every line of goods abandon that would astonish the natives. Baker Geo II OJict ftk Utah Reporter : Bennett For this season of tbs year and tbe nopropitinus Division. K.Salt ?. Bouriind Jal in the mountains ropieseuted Batterbnagh G B state of tbs weather, trade In Corinne bss been cs-a--q. Mobmosism. On the first page will bo Byrne Edw THE GHEAr here, and represented in force too, We better than wse expected. The roads leadmuch i,., r 1 . .u-ie Table ISo. 9. December C, I8C3. would like to r matfound some C very interesting reading have our merchants already to tbe adjacent settlements hsve been bad, ing W Cain S II PLATTE-V4LLE- T ROUTE established take Advantage of this warn- ter from the outside press on Mormonisui. Camp Dr which, of course, prevented many who were not ARRIVE AT CORIXNE. Ml Win S Carr Cain II AND We are ones not the to defer away their Nl buttering ouly - 4 , actually in need of supplies ing or suggestion' and :act accordingly ; BOUND EAST. Cohn G Coleman Sam in-- ! the at fr now completed sod running daily ( merchants, Is the' itVor Mevfrtbrless(our forjwbfl. neglect if hot Connas G D r i fOaltkis Jaa JTft? have ' not lheywill ? 45 Ju M business. the forming in connection with a Express. train, PuMie8gr la ' ' mln;ikr TiV tbSiTlng ol.5 Atlantic i n 4 ; 604a. U. capital and credit the Central Pacific Bauroad u Connely pas ffj tCerdrn C AJ i then Ulitalion. on, has KXpntfass.As(ssk demand d Cnilhe Chaise W A. Ma Christie Thus JT '" 'Cbrlstfc C ft. they mast not blame us for inviting othJ sprung up'st Ogden and tbs other railroad sts-- t CoM.MISSIOM at to Hard fine cat Beat' chewing 1) Is .BOUND WEST, AH Rail-Ro- n i e lo falL'brnia ers to meet the demand wnd do the busi- Chat ons, which promises to continue daring tbe 1 leys.;. A 4 d9tf Davit t W Wt D.imelson Lt II week than this arrived Less 45 W. lest, a. winter. goods ,7. ness that is sure to be done here next Passenger Express..,, i...,,. ;o. CO r v. Dentsh S Deach K F which leaves some stocks slightly impaired. 4, Pslftc Express. .... ............t and the All tlic latest styles and 30 a. v, Donnell II O A. FrsAkt. spring and summer. There is not a man Dollene .........3 J n j i tl f invoices are anticipated, however, daring Corner Montana and Gtli Furnishand Winter Large of Clothing L doing busineas here Uday but what patterns jto, 34 rmi Thursday only. the coming week, so there is no fear but that all Goods at tbT Marble Front Clothing Dussa A J ing, 1 Saturday's only. E knows that there never was a 'time since Palace, corner of 4th and Montana sts. orders will be .promptly filled, .Mr. T. Ollier JPjBQ . 3 A3. CAM PELL, Dtv Bup't. d2-tD .EllensB Earbart f A. N.TOWNE, GeulSupt,. quotes as fotowe; Corinne was laid oat that the mountain Ad. Knhn A Bra, Proprietors- nr. A E .ri; Oenl Ass't JOHN Ewing 'Through to San Francleco COKMNO, SnpL i orders could be met and fiilled without U, ; n n a If you want cheap Furniture go to J. ri 1 t:1i 4i - .11 ;F , jj i . k4 a ijc de2-tOroen considerable patch-worand delay. No W. Lesher, on Colorado street. pB. u 1 1,1 C 1 2 Less Tliaii Fireman .FolleMC 1,E JayN! Corinne Directory. doubt and Messrs. r Bansoboff, Ollier, L1 ? ri. , . & Bank I , , , 'I1! p Go to J. M. Langsdorf Co., f, 40(ta5c n20-t- f y Keg lb 8m. o. p. a. a. salt Atoifling thft ingni w Creighton A Monro think they have a Building, for your furniture. division. Greene S S TO DAOON. Grady 4 to at the XTC rdemand, present. supply equal Grosteine J SUtes v lb OOftlKXE omc Fruit the year round nt Charleys. BEANS. B bo'r u heT m.mt,lo II lo8 Frank O Bn.b.frelsht and ticket .grot. and white ,11c California, pink sortment when the heavy buyers come iu? J. M. Langsdorf A Co.Ik are to daily re- Ham ill 8 J. fcb WaUon, baggage agent. BOOTS it SHOES. Henley J 2 a Mn Direct Conncctioiin cnado ntlH 1 1,1 . ., fundahuig 00 L. Painter, telegraph operator. dox. Men's Brogans not ten days, which they ought to know j ceipt of furniUire and K ft . i 4 J Xhu.34 00 case. 14 boots Boys as well as we, by the experience they have goods. , OXLMKft AMD SAULXSBUBY S 4iln-55 00 Kirkendal II case. A. 4. 1- kip fissvy 66(0-700 nailed. Miuora, Montana stage lines, carrying tbe U. had in the mountain trade ; yet, through L. Keep constantly on hand a good assort73 a 84 00 French kip, heavy douple sole. . . mails and Wells, Fargo A Co. s express ; some timidity or other, they calmly sit Sunday was altogether the prettiest day Lndman Chas M 70(i87 00 ment for the jobbing trade. Frei.ch ca'f. tap role Lookwood Beck Chicago and Not th we fern, Chicago, Teaves daily for .Virginia City, Montana, 64 00 of the season over bead, but a little sticky Orders by mail will receive prompt aud with Islaud Mon'a, Buffalo Fur lined, boot Idaho I arifir an 1 Ht, JoHeph - ud and from orders down and let Montana, M 00 18fa24 dox. at Ladlca' ca'f, heavy douple o!e, V and intermediate foIqU Gr.M.; every careful attention, f Council Bluffs Kailroads, and Mis- under foot, about town. .Not bo however fine aowod ahoea, il dox...... 2130 00 do M other day for Helena, Diamond City, and the large railroad towns, pass quietly T II aourl Hirer lisa wf Packets Good May on west tbs Malory whipped eastand was . COFFEE. Mill-- r II It to and from all pVincl- Lenora Blackfoot and Deer Lodge ; Tim Hender by w ithout an effort to accommodate them. on the skating rink, where everything Railroad line of Monge same the the orders 421b day Java V or without Moore T with pal eastern and cquth. a slick as please, you son, agent. . Office near.R. R, depot. received. 27c here nolStf arft We have known orders to go begging cm Cities.- .1 ' ir i of our precoMe 4 i IWESTKBM UXIOX TZXEORAPH .i f. it Ordinary . .. ........ Me for ten days at a time, nobody having tbe skates. Many of the youth V i CHEESE, i. L. M l; I tbe I Repeating Office, corner Montana and of themselves availed little cious B city jncGinley 2Ce Htatca V lb goods to fill them, and atill merchants ' iu the aud t ' .8ixthsts. CANDLES. put opportunity O congealed say it is dull. What kiud of h policy is Sabbath iu a . ,, i $873 Star per box EdwardjOonway, manager OhleF It very unbecomingly irrever-enti- al Oberfejder J with Stages for Denvr. Central City, Sana Fe, this fo pursue, and what else could you CREAM TARTAR. Geo. F, Brown, chief operator, ft New Mexico. and points In Colorado manner. We can't say we encour- Or&hood W J 50c I W. II. Glascott, cashier and receiver. expect but dull times? There isnot anH lb .; 1: but CRACKERS. , t II. O. Pratt, L. 8. Wild, Frank Knight, West with the flattering! age Ibis way of keeping tbe Sabbath, in lb SodaV ...lie I Sam Kimber and P. Kearney, operators. other town theundeniable Peters envied the lt we rathe? after all,' juveniles 14o Butter V lb advantages of 13 I Oea Stuart, battery man and repairer. grouped s and Water V lb their f sport this that woald pursue such a suicidal I COBINNE TOST OITICt, CARED GOODS. with Stages for tbe great Sweatwatir VUuUg II course for a single day. All we ask of District. . Plantation Bittera Icaae... f Montana st, .between Fifth and Sixth Just received at Sam L Tibbals, corner Rap A P J Ranhing ' " i Red Jacket a Master. L. interown wake to Post now to is 5th streets, Holt, Montaua and of large your George up you 22 00 S Angostura i?, Mail arrive from the cast and south ests, canvass the ground, and act accordof California wines nnd braudies, os 16 00 a ........................ Bokcr D F Snook J Stanley 1 7 4 25 p. m. ; from the wef. 9.10 a. in.; 00 Cocttail Bourlion WLiekey White Claret, Port, Angelica, follows Steanrt J 9 00 ingly. There is every evidence of an Muscat and Sherry wines nnd Grape Stepenson C Brandy CocktaiL from tbh north, 8.50 a. ro. ' -11 00 m fine on ai rival of Union Pacific Ti Old K Gin, Smith II a J 11-and next a. demand Stages tf Siuedley Mul? close for east and south, 8.30 heavy brnmly. Spring, early 7 00 I common... for Balt Lake City aud Houtberu I'tsh m. ; for the west, 3.30 p. ui. ; for the one. Stocks should be laid in by the 2fiib T Claret. ..................................... 8 00 10 00 Catawba Wine, Mieaouri Vintage , Go to T. Tbotnas J C north, 4.30 p. m. 8C , Candies. of February, at the latest." Nothing sboit Christmas Thompson 1100 8cliiedam Schnapj a at candies i CUiistmaa for Ollier's Trash J 8 TregiskU It II jour CAN FRUIT. Fotrsi--: uair uf Fur Gloves, very fine of a $250,000 grocery and miners supply wholesale ouly. 8 J Tewksburry caac. Peachea $8 00 ft stock will do; and other goods in propor' Pino Apple ' Stages for Helena, Virginia City, and F poiu ac qualify, which cau be hail, by culling at IV' r v ... 1 in Montana. Tcxnatoea Go to Elliotts for your Christmas pres' this office, proving property, nudpnjing tion. Again we say, a word to the O ...... Wait cneov.. H 8trawbcrrlea Walsh fl F. . . . f ' a wise ought to be sufficient. ' ents. The largest assortment in town Cranberriea .$7 60($50 for this notice. WKds G W i, WomileySS M '700 Blackbcrriea... on hand, and more coming. Williamson J II Whitman & Co T. Ollier has the largest atock in constantly CWL Sale. One of the celebrated H F Waiterhooff the city at wbolesule. ODly Bitter Creek ton. .$12 CO with Central Pacific lUilroad for Whits A non PianoH, Manners four simplifying Front Marbl4th and Ad. LIST. LADIES DRlOH, Silver Mines, 8ac.rauento,j Kan FrsiuiM-anMon town in corner of stock at Best of Candy Charleys. Clothing Palace, ptitetits; one of tin finest known to the principal cities in California, J 5 M lb Aloe 800. V $1 tana streets, is the place to get the latest Allen Mrs E Beary Miss Nava la and Idsho. . r 18c lb Alum trade. Apply ut this office. V f Crushed Sugar at Ransohoff A Co. Cole Mrs 8 s aud Furnishing Goods. Buttcher Miss E 85c Hoot Jam Arrowy d2-t- r 1 25 Easley Miss E , . Caiy Mrs B Balaam Oopalva . Choice Mackerel at the I, X. L. Bakery. Asiu.n.u one Gi.se. - Yes Fred. Taylor rt 22c Mrs Bicarb 8oaa Eng,' 8 Lorimer 2 I Taylor, iJrsJ o23-tf oec I lut liorsx refined... r..;r n.ii fgd 10 wmk bis prcciais itFtk (In igblon'& Mnuro urn receiving the Rupp Mrs W 2 1 30 Oum Camphor n. E. ORTII, Agent. u-- l k a liAinctifal' uocse that rs likely to .'Rc Cream Tartar, pure Lilet news it t). If. F.liotts; dailies, iidvucee .ef nn immense stoek 80c beat Glue White VU him in It. ' in d emeer pf ving'le - FIRST CLASH 1IOTE1JI AND K . J.NH lli.it ary already on tbe wa- from St. weeklies, monlblies and yeurlica. 33c Glue, com m on ............I... . IIOL'KKH a convenient points uu tbe line. Wr frel erry loi poorl'ied, 75c ....... .......... hicw.t dn-';At aoic in Ouui been Mr. the Mnuro has h'mH. 1 23 best " TJdJ-t- uvo urn will bulbils no c Low, (he thing i did ntnl ut The finest brands of . and for 1 NO Home o uiaiket Pullman' Palae anij time, Flake Sleeping Car Oum f prolj TragaeantU Charleys. 4 U t accompany all trains. , Gum 180 men ever 10. U Opium..... that is COHINNE. Bret assortment best Frd w ill undoubti dly leap the benefits the 'f., t ably ship 4 50 .1 Iptiac Powdar. . t kW" For through r.t's nn freight to Montana, 6 50 t Mien iteklcKs diaeiethiu. Hx the cou -Iodide Po:asalum. . Tax OiTHKTtivn. Sums of our Mor- came west of the Missoni i river. 1 25 8aoetwatr Mines aud other kaiint. apply lo Ouicksilvrr... ................. Mai ket. Family s 2 paH, Fred, and bear down on tbe leu mon brethren from Brigham City cam 75 Y Qulnlue ounce..,,...., town In wandering up tiiulduwu tho 1. BROWNSOS shore ut lifen truen!i tyr that 011 ae.. dried over the other day to collect the taxe Ganaral Freight Agent, Omaha. fruit, , Bon't forgot tho Golden Crown. TEAK. T , lb Peaches, Salt Lake K frieud of ours wants to know Ground Cherries V lb. f. jl. lllMMONIi, Charley presides at tlie Golden Crown, Imperial'll lb ' ' The ll.trble Front Clothing (tilhing). Peacl es, ealed. . . :r COFFE E. Huy't, Omaha. w hut taxes, whose taxes, ' mid by what with tbe best of everything on band. Pa lac, corner ot Atb and Montana strees, Ticket Gan' Omaha. EOGH, J. choice V Itio BUDD, )b Agent, has Hit largest and best selected stock f authority do they collect taxes from ns? - V, KUA3. dox.... for to T. Olliers r. , Gents FurtLihing Goods and Clothing Well, thats just what we want to know. Ciioct'l ics. Go rfiOuiL . ; 22( 28c Belcher aAfllb d 2 tf fine groceiles, iu the oiigiual packages on. $5 60 100 lha iu the m nititaina. California Y SYUt'PH. What law, justice, j protection or equiva4 15 I. ly. $2 50 Salt Lake era Golden V gal (ilLMKIt & SAUSBIUIY 2 CO Cciumou ftinaft .... ;4 00 J.' W, Lsher lias the largwt assortment lent have we ever received from the Mo?. House V gal..... Sugar kinds all at Nut of GRAIN. w- C tNDI.FK. Charleys. and best quality of Furniture ever Opened tuons that we should be called upon try J r 86 ' Wheat 't 100 lbs .....f2 lb 3.1'ic d 2 tf TeJ itory. SUr? deliver! in A Co. Goods the Ransohoff ib oats NO A P. ,;i';c replenish Brighams coffers ? Wo believe tree of charge. lb MoitcII k IUitmu j 'a l tb ..25c Uarhy he largest h onse there should bo no taxation without rep city ami at the depot , OLA8S. (lotoT. Olliers, .50c h. dtlll ia tw n, for your clothing. Finest Tens in town sit the 1. X. L. Castile $7-00 box resentation, or protection, or some equivfl MATCH KH. n23 tf Bakety. 1.V beM HAMH. we to our alent. and Telegraph T Ik),,,,. m;m 12 ' DuiuchUc do Cut.KU. ilr. .1. M. , Moore, the new to the fullest extent, practieo Prime Canvs.d ft lb wants if Brigham HODA. HAY. been has Corinne goi jig GoseUp. Post Master nt Salt Lake City; culled on the nsme and .... .... of being propiie-to- r $23135 $6 honor(?j fl On so long it would uutura ty strike ' up us yesterday, for the firt time during our YEAST POWDEUH. LUMRKR. ill fame in the of tho largest house of box to the about had Merrl Prcaton .j1 she 1 k outsider that la foot gyt fl Flooring j fuluuu'stratiou of the IIepciiteh, and his nil right ; let them that dance pay world, DRIED IlUIT. 8o, Common .v.i All zenith of her eneudes hopes. right ; Curwutfi lb of the 8 dt Lake Post office. Mr. M. ex- the 7". $6 6'(rt 8 0. 3 Ddor. eapli . $ fiddler; we dont propose to conti ibnte if . jMteMi ...i. .'1 33c 26a 8oah fl pair. .4 A ,7 ,7 e5i7 90 i y Jit. , they can stand it, we cmi. aud the more Prune pressed himself rather agreeably surpiised a cent. Should any case of charity arise, LARD.' Blackberries V lb so as utont the blow better, ns, long to find at in auch n flourishing couditinu, even were it some one more unfortunate they 25 8130c can kritit; incaua fl lb l We still bad it ha the 50c effect lias it - nnd he LIQUORR. Pracbra ia more lately. asserts that there ? cn, positively TO of Brighams women, why, , we will con73 m 6 Pina (ki $2 WhUkey ft gal Apple.., what we sabl before, that there are Pomatoea say 5 evidences of thrift and prosperity ou Mou- - tribute our 10 a...... 3(nl6 Brandy share; but not a cent to the more 50 Gin, Holland 3 09 and substantial improve- Htrawbcrrica buildings tana street iu Corinne, than there is ou C com4 Ofi Cranberriea eveu though his deeds be Port seducer, wine, importel : I ments going np nnd on in O rinne y 6 4 00' Corn Main street in,8alt Lake City. Mr. M. is mitted ih the name of the most Hherry MARKS ST. God. high 50 Blackberries toFEED. LI. MI f than in Salt Lake City aud Ogden' n very pleasing affable gentleman, whom ' BEANS. Bran and Hhorts, mixed, ft ton f 40 00 e We about twenty-fivhave .' gone np we shall be pleased fo have clt frequentlb gether. PoraeUc ...,15c MATCHES. ' ? a good importe15c .. California vrhlta and pink ... you of mention last case since the cent, $1? 8i Y 1 know to wants wh9 per ; The T.leraph, ly. Tvtetjrapt Brandy, ut $3(1 per case, go to T. TOTATOEK. . LAKH UTAH. SALT MUSTARD. CITY, fact. this of benefit 1 Olliers. 2e this man Moore is, for the V lb 5$c English Dnrham BUTTER. h. t NAILH. that beknighted ehset, we would simply Elliott has just received a large invoice in lb rolls Y ThirdYtar. ,..60e flue for 100 lbs 4s cigars. fl GotoT. Olliers $80 that he is Mr. J. M. Moore, Post of Christmas , state, EGGS . ft 0 s j on Monday, September 6th, st 9 ocloev, goods; toys, beads and mu- at wholesale, only. .... 60c ...... ........... 11 dozen 80 a. Opens 84 Master of Salt Lake City, appointed by sical instruments In M., Main street, between 2d nJ 3d South sts. great variety. B ICON. 10s A fine lot of furnitnre last being opened . New roofiffiaad r vnra&aiethfoagbottt. President GrauL Will that do? " 33c 12 out at Wilson A Mortons bank bnilding States Y lb (Full corps of teachers, under tbe immediate New Oregon Cider at Adams k RichOIL. FLOUR. D20-t- f charge of RL ltev. Daniel 8. Tuttle, D. D. BErJTOIM. 20-- 1 f by J. M. LangRdorf A Co. Cud Pace, at Sam L. Tabbala, is now monds. Terms: Per month of 4 weeks 8alt Lake, beat. ? 1001b $160 Coal f en of 6gal .......$500 6 00 Uuacd fl gal t.... 2 2560 Primary Department. ................. $2.S0 A full assortQient of cased and canned Call' oml fl 100 tb manufacturing the beat of Tom and Jerry, Pearl Crown Cigars, at Ransohoff A Co. Lard f gal.. BROOMS. 3 80 to Intcrma Bate Department.... concoctions various other Co. A Goods at Ransohoff Egg Noggana 3 80 00 Neat foot V gal.' 11-t- f men t.. best 4.59 Each, CA1UIYINO THE Depsr Higher A....$l suit everbody. OXaXEItK. Lodging Rooms to Rent at the TUBS. ef at For further circulars Patronize particulars 87 Charley. Fields steamed ft can $8b Repobtxb ; .g. ,f. ; I . . f 2s&2 50 office. piece Ho to T. Olliers for Whisky Uintah House. T 60 beet ?an. Co.a k X. L. McMurry at L Fresh Bakery. Oysters PAILS. at $1.75 per gallon warranted proof. ONIONS. For 8a!c84 School Desks and 8eats, in tu n23-t- f Y piece -- Messrs. Malsh $1(1 25 Y two yesra. Inquire of Hotel. Metropolitan only d7tf at California Honey Charleys. J f T. W. HABKIN8 I f .... i n potatoes. A Green wald, of the , l MetropolDAHLER it CtK. nv&att, 1,'V Look on this Picture, (Corinne) and fl lb Just received at J. M. Langsdorf Sc Cos itan, which in fact is the Hotel of all othaeS-2' Salt Lake City, PUTTT. n20-lf a large lot of furniture. THEN ON THAT (ElKO OR VIRGINIA ClTT,' ? AND aaasaaaaaeeaaaa lb .lio ' Fresh Oyster Stews served Night and ers in the Greut Basin, hnve now got Nevada). The Elko, Virginia Cit Rnd TO THE WORKING CLAflS.We ar new f MCE. to furnish all with constant em- - Pflrolinifl their hop quite finished and everything nv u23-t- f .. Nevada papers, say it's os warm, prepared st home, the classes other Day at the I. X. L. Bakery. whole the time or for ClllllA Slovmeat moments. Busineas ofnew, a a aaaaeaaaaaaaaa a lbt as In its place. It is safe to say tbe Metrotiaht and and dnsty as yen please in their sevBAISONA. dry, sex Persona rfern WELLS, FARGO & COS of eithr easily not excelled, or even eral Profitable. to New Paper. The Capital politan's tables are box is as even a that tGMMMMMttMMI and and $8 proportional ny, cities, per everybody just Wholessla and Itetail BOD.U between Omaha and Sacramento. sum by devoting th-- tr who e time to ibe busi- TlmM.jmblished at Virginia City, M. T, eqnalled floats snnfiower a as and that big neae. a caxe hspny and earn mochas Babbits nearly girls per Bys in the market, and plenty of it, by Messrs. Bassett, Magee A Morrison, The best That all who see this notice may aend their SALT. flops in the breezes, while ns poor devils men. and teat the business, xe make tbli rule with this at is the (iENCUal roaijnss;oN house, 10 Y rlt now reached everything has Its. sixteenth number, a4aa f fia'aaaaa4aaaa$a are tradgiDg through mad and snow after address, offbr: To soch a are not well satisfied, liOAP. M ' f commendable. else Yes, sir, equally aud presents a very unique appearance. will aend si to pay for tbe trouble of writing. items, with no one to love, and none to wa Morrefi k Rumeyet box. j.. Al. $9 00 Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will Chemical We angur for the boys a successful future fresh oysters every day. 1$ 80 caress ns 'oft In the stilly night wb'n do to commence work on, and a copy of The Cast 11a. Erastlve. .......... ...... 27c one Ute cf 1'topie't Literary Companion and the fruition of their fondest hopes. largest t SUGAR. making np onr local column. We've got and beat family newap.ptra published all sent Go Marble to Al Here's our. St boys, for forty days, or Front Store, corner of 4th and Montana the best of 'em, tho, on doll times, small- free b; malL Reader if you want permanent, Patent Lost .................. . ........... .25c t . i t i ty f 3 8c profitable work, addre a fc. C. ALLEN k CO., N ew Orleans. 1 until tho Red River rebellion subsides. streets, for your Winter Clothing, d2 tl ............... Crushed i pox, and general despondency ; nothing Aognata, Maine. Powdered.. ..24 .Sr Business Rooms to Rent at the of that sort, here on tbe contrary, every32c Belchers A fl lb The Reporter. -- Mr. Spiro will bereaf C Extra and 21v;c mad House? Uintah excepting (always Flaw snow) Fretli thing Carden. cr. Fruit, Heh, ter keep the Reporter for sale at his uew J 1 serene and the goose bird Tree, Shrub and Evergreen Seeds, vl b Belchers Golden fl SYRUP. GXtAXIJ 00 $2 lunch house, near the depot. Dried Apples, at Ranso is extremely gal....... mall. direction far by 1180 culture, prepaid House elevated. fl much ga Mugar Leave. Corinne daily for Virginia Cily, ort-me- nt 1 be uieit 0 uol8-t- f 125 Borgum f gal complete and Jufilrlens The California quill drivers are goiug ami on alternate days for Ilekna V SARDINES. T-iIn Ibe couotry Ageai Wanted in the Goods delivered of any informaWanted. part Information IleleDa and Fori Benton. Any mad 'over tho Carrie Dunoud mystery. $34 00 Y cae 25 Korta of either for $'.00: prepaid by mail. free of charge, by buying your city, ' tion of the whereabouts of tbe McMahan Also small Fruit a. plants. Bulba, all tbs new TEAS. Carrie was a soiled dove. Groceries at Creighton Jb MunrL Conned with ....... .............. 1 $2tfe$ 50 Rose 4tba mail. O.... Imperial Early Rc., Potatoes, 'Atlantio by residents cf prepaid in noll-lbrothers, f Trains both' City, ir . . Pamenger . 00 lb 401i Oil prepaid, tor $1.00. Conovers Colons! Yonng Hyson Gerrish A Miles are in 'receipt of anothi . the Sweet Water district recently, will bo Potato, ways ou the U. P. Uailroail. Asparagus, $3 per 100; $25 per 1000, prepaid. Japanese fllb13. ...... 1 30(175 NrV hardy Irsgrant evert) looming Japan t Oolong fl Gone North. Our old fiieud ot Uintah thankfully received at this office. er large iuvoice of stoves, hardware, nnd 2 006.1 50 .... lb Cod n True 60 Gunpowder cents, each, Cape prepaid ' and Mr. T. P. FnlhL express fame, , stage TOBACCO ES culture, $1 CO cutlery. Cranberry, for upland or lowland came np front Mmt played emt burg ou per 100, prepaid, with diroc iona. Priced Cats, Bemis k Abbot U, Natural Leaf, fl lb $1 101' 90 OOUrJTRTT (iood Stock, New Coaches Married 100 Fine cat pep Ib logne to any address, gratia; also trade list Becd T. 4)llier lias tluv beet aeeoVt-ci-- Sunday, took a little erntze round the me7&f$80o December 12th, by Jnd-.- Kewall, ou Commission. At AT Ordinary grades fl lb Quick Time. ruent of groceries, liquors, proviuions, B. M. WATrtON, Od Colony Nnraerica and Navy fl lb a 65ft70c eweeesaaa vj called in to seo the Reporter Fb.p. J. TaVLob to Mim JosxriitvK Box, of Kalt Reed tropolis, Warehouse, Plymouth, "Ma o. Established VINEGAR. , TIU HENDERSON, Like City. gars aud tobaccos, hats, caps, boots, shoes, de2-t-f in 1842. A UCKuLL'S OLD STAND, 90 .and clothing, iu the msuutjns, at whole- boys, secured liis outfit for the mountains, per ga!.. ; COKINNE. no!8 tf . . if WOOD. - . and departed on sale, only. morning's . . T . . 4 I efird. $S( 00 F .k ft MONTANA STREET, DISSOLUTION NOTICE ! ' TEART POWDEIHL. Iure Golden Syrup at the 'I, X. L. couch for Virginia City, Montana. Mr. RAFFERTYS REG SALOON. is a1 Preston k Mefrilla fl dont.M:..t......r.$2 75 getiLI worthy gentleman, n2itf Fuller, Bakery. r j. THE heretofore MONTANA UTAH. 8 UN DRIER.' whom we can recommend to our Montan 1 under tbe usmo and firm of. JIullakd existing CORINNE, k 8 cl The nnderaigned having pnrehas d the above Red JSTRKKT, for lbs. 90o 2, lb. on) V .nr apples ia the lad busincM warn L1YEHY in claaa a this to fir do Livery are livak, L city, in prepared the friends Mr. .F. term. proprty, highest" r Eaui Shot ft bag $500 nidi, bfttmn Uh md UL th eeh. si cheap for wish at Elliotts. dissolved by mutual consent, on the 1st dav of an-- t SALE business. Greenfield ( 1HC0. The haidnese will be continued 18e Starch lb. to take fl t of con at there iHsccmber, ck Kaddle Wells, and Carriage The of goes charge Fargo at the o id , ,4 4 If you want durable Furniture, go to A Wa Intend to make tbla, department of onr COKINNE und, comer of. Montana and Fifth atantly on hand and for hire at reasonable rates. & business Co.'s and Gilmer - WAIF., i express the streets, by a Good W nter Ranch. J. W. Lesher. as he is a workmau and undersigned, he haring Special attention given to order by mail. paper a speciality, and ebalt revise it from day Alaja A Urge etorck always on hand. Best of 9bfi,' Liqoam cud Cigars In great In the premi-oecomer M ralut to day as important changes occur. Parties out Uftlce and Stables, sonth-earats up his work in a substantial manner, Salisburys stage business at that point? the entire interest of Me 8u(.uvaw Goads shipped earns day order are received. JOHN HOLLAND. Walk right in, and help yonrselre. of tho city sending order, ma rely upon these Utah. 4 and Fifth Corinne, Btrevts, variety. de2-t- f ust above the Reported offico. vice Chapman, committed matrimony. no9-t- f JOHN HOLLAND. dttMm' ' ' 00 tf figures aa being eerreet in tka malu. gentlemen. V Flair Tri-Wee- ! ' Reporter. kly , A Word t to, the . Wise. 7 We MaHBTReporr LIMT OF LETTEHH, A. tm .masHiA ? -- 1 bike l.It. R ELSJ n uT 033 wkUAli Tl 1 I 1 1 par-cbns- ee leath-atricke- a i God-forsak- n. en ! I to-oper- ate, 1 1 MkRUIIST., too 1 St. ' f k -- mi xrt'A tv-.- Ir' .! -- -- Iu j uu V ipio coast Corinno,.Utali. -- 2 i. 1 Four ! :t .... -- w v - - ? 4 1 I- " CHEYENNE. f j i BRYAN, . , in-voi- co UINTAH, t l . 4 CORINNE, A ! . A PROW!OllTORY, Kuhns d i i 1 styles-Hats.Cup- .Li , i. K of-gow- ls - Sm-'kin- iraikot Jjtoport. J n-- i t - . Retail i i :k i Bt-l- c 1 ) i STAGE & EXPRESS 1 , J m-'.- -- -- to-da- - d If want O iaiiini ai j a 1 cojrauiE, x Scliool, Virginia czir, I ( ' J - - I a HELEUAand a 1 -- rORT ; 1 - , S J. , i far-fam- ed ft r f Tri-Week- t t t t t t t .... . ra I a J. W. GUTHRIE a a $. ly ! 4 1 I i ( MERCHANT, Kulins tn -- no6-3o- rzoim, BUTTER, BOOS and PRODUCE, 1 r f f f Money-suckle- . i ,, ) e j and -- ( I i I PAQlTICr STA'BBES; - -- b-- rUii par-base- a. f at - V.nimrj'ie i ini;s?iPn tii un 1 - ?U fl YWrt, r tf t I 4 L |