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Show 3bt Ojto gunrtion. Wednesday Pobifihed and SATURDAY, " " very u"w JAMMMcOAW.PreMentandBum.M.uia(rr, to thorn all Biumew communication aJdrww.'J. snouiu i Editob. C. W. TENKOSE, Associat OGDEX, UTAH. Saturday Morning, Jan. 28, 1871. OCDEN CITY. MICIPAL ELECTION 1871, nothing in the election laws of U tah of which any person can reasonably conv pia;n. jjut jf tliere is reason for reform. . - r r i; eenumeni. is jii mvor 01 a re peal or modification of the above named Act, let it be shown in a sensible nian- ner, that is, in the only way which will be effectiTe. Reform of the ballot can only be accomplished through the ballot, and then not in a municipal election. Changes in the laws can be made in the Legislature, and if the majority of the people desire a change, they can send to the Legislature men who will represent their views. The matter is in the hands of the people. The ballot is free, speech is free, and all the freedom that any order-lovin- g citizen can desire reasonably prevails in this Territory, including the City of Ogden. Thank Cod, the grat majority of the people are ia favor of unity, order, peace and true liberty, and the few discontented spirits who do not know what ails them, but feel an itching desire to oppose, and grumble, and contend, are without any further influence than to tease and annoy like an equal number of nungry fleas. law-abidi- Holiday, February 1311u PEOPLE'SJICKET. For Slay or: LESTER J. HEltRICK. Aldermen: First Ward - FRANCIS Second Ward intra, ward' A. BROWN - WALTER THOMSON', Wm. W. BURTON, Councilors. ISRAEL CAN FIELD. DAVID' II. PEERT. CHARLES W. PENROSE. WINSLOW FAIUt. HORATIO 13. SCOVILLE. Minerals and Smelting; Work. Another Xoniination for Governor of Utah. ESTRAYNOTICE! Isscbasce. Yesterday we received a visit from Mr. M. G. Griffin, agent of HATE IX MY POSSESSION TUB KOLLOW-in- g described animals, which, if not claimed, Geo. L. Wwds, of Oregon, the Atlas Mutual Life Insurance Comwill lie aold at Public Sale, at the Estray Pound, the Mr. insured Griffin lives has has been nominated to the Ogden City, February 4, 1S71, at 2 o'clock p.m.: Governorship pany. UEIFEK, about two yearn old, white of Utah, the name of 8ilas A. Stria, of many of the leading business men of OlioinRed strip face, hole iu each ear, crop off left; brand, follow to in suit II W on left hip. land having been withdrawn by Presi- Salt Lake, and means One Dark Red STKKR, white spot iu forehead, dent Grant. Utah is a Territory of great Ogden. The Atlas has a good reputa- upper and uuder crop off right ear; no brand visible. importance. The President appears to tion, and life insurance is prudent and One Reddish Brown STAG, about two yean old, no ear marks; brand 76 ou left hip. understand this, and evidently wishes profitable. One two year old White HE1FEK, with red ears, on lelt hip not legible. to be very choice in his selection of its Gored. On Wednesday last a little brand One Yearling BULL, black, with onie white ou Executive. When will this question of fellow, the son of Mr. James May, of tack and belly, both hind legs white up to small white spot in forehead, crop off Governorship be settled? Will the Senate j this city, was badly hooked by an ox rightjoint, and underbit iu left ear. One Yearling Kcd IIEIFEK, white In face, white confirm the nomination and will Gov. near the Woolen Factory. uuder belly, half of tail white, crop off right, Z. G.XEL I. I gam-br- Woods accept? Who knows? Why does not Congress solve this Mormon problem wallow fork in left ear. WILLIAM N. FIFE, Pouudkeeper. 3 Ogden City, Jan. 21, 1871. Wanted. Mr. Pidcock wants butter, and corn at his general merchanby giving us a State Government, at eggs dise Store, near the Post Office. See once, and save themselves any further trouble on this perplexing question. advt. We can select our own Governor then, How abe you orr roK Soap? Mr. and relieve them from the awful respon- Allen is in town with a new "Chemical sibility, and we think we could muke a Washing Compound for washing all better selection than they know how to. kinds of goods in simple warm water, By the bye, what does the Omaha dispensing with the wsahboard, and the Herald think of Grant's going back on greater part of the labor attendant upon its nominee? We advised the Herald not washing." For $2 worth of material, to brag on the nomination until Silas' 80 lbs of this Soap can be made. The confirmation, but our advice was thrown recipe with a Familv Right to make it away. The Herald sounded its trumpet will be sold for one dollar. Mr. Allen with a triumphant blast, and blew about is staying at Mr. Ferrell's near tho Deits influence in tho Senate a little too pot. The "devil" has tried it, and says soon. Take the little Junction's advice its powerful." next time, Dr. From what we have heard of Gov. SPECIAL XOTICEM. Woods, he is a sound and talented law Takk Notice. All persons knowing yer of good reputation, and calculated themselves to be indebted to the It. and to honor the position for which he is Ward 3rd. Store are posinominated. For heaven's sake, or for to call and settle forthvariety's, send us a sober, sensible man tively requested tf. with, of integrity, and whatever his politics Gem'ixi Jewelry. The only estabmay be we'll support him in his office. lishment at which genuine Jewelry con Conquered France. be obtained in Ogden is nt Pakpk & The Siege of Paris is concluded and Boesskl's, Main Street. Repairs neatly ltf France is at the mercy of Prussia. It is executed. All work warranted. useless for the French people to talk of New Yeau's Gifts. C. C. Asmussen's continuing the struggle. Their Cipital is now in the hands of the enemy, he Store, Main Steet, Sail Lake City, is a army of the North is entirely disorganiz' repository for elegant jewelry, handsome watches and clocks and a splendid ed and scattered, Bourbaki is surround ed in the East, and his retreat cut off, assortmont of toys; just the place to and the army of the Loire is divided and select presents for New Year's. demoralize I. Mitn the surrender of M. D. Hammond has removed to Longwy, Lorraine is now invested by opposite the Tithing Office, the Germans, Garibaldi is shut up at where he has for sale Sehu.tler wagon., Dijon, and nothing is left for conquered wagon timber, iron, ploughs, I'uckeye France but to make the best terms she Im mowers, etc., at low prices. can with the victor. Look Here! Are you indebted to The only chance for the continuance of tho present Republic of France is to the 1st. and 3rd. Ward Store? If so. call at once and setile up. This request end tho war by coming to the terms of is tf. urgent and positive. the German Emperor. By the establishNo mistake ICSy Williams 4 Co. ment of peace, even at the loss of a porwill sell lumber, cheaper than any tion of territory, tho present Governhouse in Opdeu, at their yard near the ment may be able to hold tho reins of Junction Office. power. But if the obstinacy which has The Drujrs and Medicines at JErJT characterized their policy be continued, the Pioneer Drug Store, Main st., Ogden, their authority will soon be swept away, are of the finest quality, the Wines and and the Napoleonic dynasty will be re- Liquors of the purest brand. established, backed by the victorious and If you want a cheap lot of lum powerful arms of united Germany. ber, apply to Mr. H. B. Soeville, at miliums & Cos. yard, Bear the Jinc- - NOTICE OGDEN CITY wiiolesale&r NOW OPENING! UINTAH MINING DISTRICT. AN millS DISTRICT, ORGANIZED JAN. Zird, L 1"1, i bouuded as follows, to wit: Beginning M. at J. Stoddard's house on Iiirch creek, and running easterly along said creek to the summit of the mountain, from, thence following Strawberry creek to its mouth in Weber river, theuce aoiitiivrly to the mouth of Jacob's creek, and following Kjiiti creek westerly to the summit of the ntumilains, from thence following Kay's creek to a place opposite Calvin Miles' house, thence northerly to thepoiut of lieginiiing. ('HAS. 1)E LA BACME, Recorder for L'ilitau District. 8 Jan. 23, 171. Uintah, WANTED. XBiminsrsx; STOCK OF Winter Goods. AND (i(M)l) FRESH BI TTER, COltN, WKtitiS, ILL1AM PIDCOCK, at his Store on Main Street. By our Salt Lake exchanges we see that several gentlemen counected with the Omaha Smelting Works have arrived in our metropolis, and havo made arcomi'ktkxt school teacher. apply to KICIIAKD JONES, Trustee, North Ogden, for the to of ores rangements shipping a tf. 1'eber County. Omaha instead of to New Jersey and California. A short time since we eave A. STEVEN'S. A. M. POLAND. description of the Omaha works, and 1871 called the attention of moneyed men in RAILROAD DEPOT, OODEX. Ogden to the benefits which would acThe Choicest Brands of California Wine and Liqto our city from a similar establish uors, and the Best Cigars in the .Market constantMonday, February 13th. crue ly on hand. Wool Dc-Lain- cs, ment here. POLAND k STEVENS, Proprietors. Through information which we have LOCAL KEFORM PARTY lately received, we are more than ever RAILROAD SALOON, confirmed in our views of the immense TICKET. Nlrccf, Ogricii. advantages w hich would arise from such milE CHOICEST BRANDS OK WINES, an institution in this city. We are right X MUCOUS and CH'.ARS nlwiiv on band. For Mayor: Two BILLIARD TABLES for lovers in the midst of a rich mineral district. o of the f:ame. AARON F. FARR. Claims are being located in every direc KiIiiar;lH 23 its. per Game. Aldermen: Mm REYNOLDS A CO. tion, and specimens have been brought A NEW LOT OF JirstWard - FRANCIS A. EROWN. into Ogden from East, West, North and Second Ward - JAMES HORROCKS. IMPORTANT TO HIKERS. within a radius miles, mini Ward - ANDREW J. SUITE. South, from $23 to of forty EVAN'S ASSAYS ORE WITH DISPATCH T $000 to the ton, assaying nt his office. Sixth St ft. Councilors: A little South of Ogden is a well defined JOHN BROOM. of quartz, containing silver, cop ledge W. REYNOLDS. and lead, with traces of gold. Eas per CHARLES W. PENROSE.. EOOKSELLER AND NEWS AGENT. is a quartz formation containing HASKELL. SHURTLIFF. sulpha WINSLOW FARR, ret of silver, sulphate of copper and IJooks, Tapers, Magazines, Etc. little native gold. From the same poin AT PUULISHERM' PRICES, ISroosTs Cohxkk, Ogden City. ltf we havo seen a fine specimen of galena More on Voting. containing a little lead and a large pro T. H. WEBSTER, Our articte on voting in last Wednes portion of silver. At the little moun FASHIONABLE HOOT AND SHOEMAKER. is a grey fossil with day s issue of the Junction has given toin, Northwest, Cricket, Base Ball, liace and silver, spar containing bismuth, copper, rise to some discussion. No one has OF GENTS' Dancins; Shoes Made to Order. been able to point to-- an instant nf .. sulphate of iron and antimony. The REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. I richest -- OYaiiacl. specimens are from the North ive Doors South of the While House, ltf tual coercion exercised toward con,aininE i,rcous ona In reforenco to Toting.either to com- copper "u WUUB ,ren olucrs norn "ver. J neltherato-Tot. for. anv ' 'v f ISoot ami Shoe Maker, or ticket, or to prevent j them from jiatij others gold in conjunction with copper Fourth Street, half a Block from Main Street. voting and iron pyrites. lor wnom tliey pleased. But the conOgden, thank hid iiumeroiii friend for their very liberal patrona? during the pant year, and hoie The The above will serve to show what versations which have been indulged in tiox Office. oy nis punctuality mm aiteution to lnmne. in can be our vicinimmediate merit a continuation of their upport. Mm produced show that there is stUl a great deal of The ticket of the Reform while our position at the junction ity, for tho on this subject, and Ignorance prevailing Party coming Municipal election CLEMENTS LA M 111 HER: YOU ARK as our object is to disseminate truth and of the three Railroads, rendering easy will be found in our columns. We shall rpo X hereby notified that a Petition In Divorce bin ? ADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERS, the ores of from a dis in transportation OtHce the of the Clerk of the Probata have something to say concerning this Ufa tiled light aa far as we have understanding tho Tithing Office, Ogden, Opposite in V of Veler. and for Count the Court, and ability, we make further remarks on tance, makes Ogden the best locality in party and its pretensions, before the nflitah. wherein E LI 7. A RET 11 LANIKH Territory 1HEK in TEF.P ON If AND A SUPPLY OK this region for the establishment of PlaiutitT, and CLEMENTS LANlMil'IBKR it JV Harness, lindle, Hit. Collar, etc, etc. Voting in Utah, considering that every election, meanwhile we wish it to be un- Defendant, praying for a Iecreo of Divorce from Repair neatly and promptly executed Terms works. These csn be erected Bonds of Matrimony existing between Mid reasonable. derstood that the Ji xcTios endorses the tho citixen,' and everybody who expects to smelting Plaintitl and and are STOKER that RIDDLE. you required on a small scale at first, sufficient to run to appear and answer mid Petition, in aaid Court, exercise the franchise, should be proMain Street, Ogden. PeopIe'sTicket thoroughly and complete on or before the loth day of .March, A. D. LS7L, the ore into bullion, thereby saving the perly posted on the law regulating elecly, tnd is not identified in any way with then and there to lie holden, at the Court Houo cost of transporting valueless material, Ottdeu City, in aid County, and that if default tions. tho party who are running an opposition in lie made herein, aid Petition will Im taken aa and giving poor men who have not the and judgement rendered accordingly. true, The objection urged against tho numticket. means to pay freight, a chance to make By order of the Court, OF THE I1EST QUALITY, AT LOW of the ticket and writing the bering MEAT Filmoiik. Our friend (1. II. writes always on hand at the f. D. RICHARDS, Judge. am of the voter at elcotion is, 'I don't immediate returns on their labor, and j from Fillmore, under dato of the 22nd, more extensive works could be added V. P. RicnAttn.", Clerk. NEW I5RAXDS OF Attest: want everybody to see how I vote." in high terms of the good faith This aentiuieut is responded to in a with tho increase ofbusiucss and capital. speaking is the watchword of th and works of the people tliere, and their crowd of those who have got ''Reform" : One Door South of the Second Ward . Stor, . . . i xi' active ia mercantile, agri- - MERCHANT TAILOR'S n ny not i iincs. 10 work up badly oft the brain, with 'that'M so," and cultuial, tho valuable enterprises, minerals, which are being that's what's the matter," and so forth. in which he considers PRODUCE TAKEN AT CASH RATES. they tako the load brought out of our rugged mountain Now these objectors are fighting against sides ? Shall we make a move TOHV TAYLOR AND BROTHER, HAVING tho of G. II. the silver Territory. diin says this the wind, or rather smiting against ft sold their Hiisine at (Vden to their brother, Buy your meat at the People's Own Market and down with Inch price,. rection, and secure the benefits arising, mines hi tho South aro receiving con- JAMES TAYLOR, cheerfully recommend ;iiim The 91 tf empty space. of all their to, ami Miiit lor him ihe design of tho num- to our own and people, or shall we siderable attention from capitalists. On friend, hoth old and . patrouage city bering arrangement is not to make a continue the butiinniu at the Old Stand, lie still and allow strangers to come from his way home from his recent visit here, nailHea will DiocK wnt of tne lfauk, whero ho Ia preTotcr'a sentiments or his ballot public, in coach the Messrs. were S. to I. furnish nrfd Slawson hi. patron the latest stylei of a distance, whose sympathies are in opin the Merchant tailoring line. but, as we have slated before, to guard position to ours, and take away from bo- - of Austin; T. Sherman and II. Roof of gtxnin John Taylor and iimt'ner will continue their against repeating. The law does not fore our eyes, tho wealth that should be California; C. C. Brooks of Nevada, and buaiucsi at Nut Lake City. A NUMRER OK THE CELEBRATED rHAVE RAKER permit of the publicity objected to. On our owu? WAC.ONS for Sale, cheaper Hon. S. Teneyck of Silver Star District, than have over been offered bxfnro in tins they the contrary, it provides for all the DISSOLUTION. OF PARTNER who were all on their to view the on Accident way the Utah Cen territory. SHIP. secrecy that can reasonably be required. Call tral. mining prespects in tho South. the Second District W F.IiFR STATION, 1S71. Utah. IK Jan. The Act regulating elections says: Hon. Joseph A. Young and Feramort ltTE HEKKP.Y 1 52a in street, or at NOTICE THE THAT lilE Store, On Thursday evening when the freight heretofore existing under the Soo. 6. Al the close of the election the Little Esq , were on a visit to the South, title ofPartnership the OKlce. A is 11 Williams DISl,J. this oay T:iliii:jr u Co.," Judge shal seal up the ballot box, and train, which left Salt Lake City at 4.40, n tho interests of the new Railroad. SOLVED by mutunl consent. All liabilities of the L. J. I1EUKICK. the list of the names of the electors, and with 19 cars, 14 containing ore, had late hnn are hereby osMiiiied by Williams, AND who will continue the business, and to whom all transmit the eamo without delay to ihe reached near Centreville, a number of Snow was about five inches deep, but the assets .!. WILLIAMS, should bo paid. weather warm Clerk. und County ski pleasant. Elder Or ii. si. McCartney. See 7. Immediately upon rcoeiving cattlo were perceived on the track. The son Hyde had just been on a preaching was train the electoral returns of any precinct, going at the rate of 14 miles in that neighborhood, and his visit First ami Third W Ihe County Clerk ami Probata Judge an hour, but its speed was reduced to our much was in his appreciated. or, absence, one of the selectman about eight. The engineer ho Des-er- et thought hall unseal the list and ballot box, and Last, but not least, our friend Q.II. Reduction of Tariff on the Line. count and compare the votes with tho had succeeded by repeated whistling in which is short for Gabriel Telegraph Huntsman, OGDEN. names on tho list, and make a brief ab- frightening all the cattle from tho track, had son a to him born on the otfiocs day after stract of the and names voted for. when the engine was suddenly lifted up A COMPLETE ASSORT-tnen- t RECEIVED, JANUARY 1PTH, ISTl. JUST of his arrival home. We congratulate 0. ON AND AFTER and tht number of votes each person and two oxen having remainmcvwjres of ten words or less wiil be srnt uncoupled, DRUGS AMI MEDICINES. Tools. from Salt lkn to and from Franklin and interme H. and hope to hear from him often. reoeived; the ballot box shall then be ed diate points, aud to Uunnison, Lvan and interlyiug down, ono of the freight cars Also, a Splendid Stock of DRY tiOODS, returned, and the votes and list preservmediate points, for 2a ets; additional Ave words or EH and ed for reference in caso tho election of was lifted from the track and toppled Tub Mails for East. There is a fraction, 10 cts. tro Luk slwdl rrom to Salt and from and St, contested. five Oeorjio with others over any perueu it, all of screw loose somewhere on the mail route. dragging A FULL STOCK OF points o;ith of Levuu, 60 eta addition al five words or fraction, 20 rts. Prescriptions carefully prepared. The eame priaciulc is embodied in the which were broken to pieces, the ore Mr. Joshua Williams 1'f All Orders promptly f.lled. says the sack for rrom St. (leorce to and from Xerdii. Gunnison City Ordinance Regulating Elections, being scattered in every direction. Weber Sta'ion, is frequently taken to and intermediate points, 24 cts; additional five words, 10 cts. the only difference Being that the sealed There were several passengers in the some Iletween all points north and south of Salt point beyoml, and sometimes is WALLACE, Etc., Etc. Lake, SO cts; additional 8to words or fraction, ballot box and list is to be sent to the caboose, but fortunately no one wis in left by the train coming from the East. 20 cts. JL.A.1CI3 City Recorder, within twenty-fon- r honrs, jured. Ihe tram which left Ogden at Frequently the mail is three days beA. 5IILTOX MI.'SSER, Manufacturer- of who is to count the votes in presence of 5.30 p. m , did not reach Salt Lake City hind All Orders addressed Superintendent. time, and letters containing orders D. II. PEERY, the Mayor, or some Alderman of the until 11 next morning, having for lumber, and other will bayo important busiOgden City, prompt Surprise Uoxos and Pop-Cor- n Dug's laid over at Kaysville till the road was ness communications come to hand too city. attention. Near the Utah Central Engine House, O;deo. at wiioicsaip. For our part we care not who knows clear, and tho damaged train did not late to effect the desired object, and the M. THOMAS CO., COAL AND LIME . Dealeis, have constantly on hand a pood A full supply of CONE KCTION ER V, ORANGES which way our vote is cast. On public reach Ogden until noon yesterday. No JcKfTios meets with theiame fate. Tho LEMONS. NITS, FANCY GROCERIES, SUPPLY of COAL, which they will sell on the came from falt Lake yesterday HOLOC.NA SALSAtiES, etc. Cam, at IS Cent" on the Ton above cost, for cash or questions, tho public are welcoiuo to our train, route Lad better their agents change in consequence of tho road tw produce al cash rates. HONEY IX THE (0MP, cheap. sentiments. Others may have a itiner- morning Lime at th. old place near the Theatre. ine obstruetcd. The lino is now entire tactics, or we shall open fire uponthcm, l.OnO bufhelsof Shelled Corn wanted. from Orders ant fooling. Country Stores solicited. In ciilicr case wo sec ly clear and the trains run as usual. heavily. . Super in tendent. J. M. THOMAS CO. OCDEN CITY . WANTED, A JUNCTION SALOON, tf 3Iaiu Scotch Plaids, Satins, Poplins, Flannels, Linseys, Alpacas, All Arnmrcs, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery. s ... Mii. "T tf Jf" SHAWLS, cb CVB.McGIGOI, BLANKETS, Bed Spreads. SUITS 100 E. J. VATKINS, H..ca.y CLOTHING, Ticket. Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, Drawers, etc. LEGAL NOTICE. 100 Cases Meat for the People. BOOTS & SHOES MEAT MARKET, Cassimercs, stock-raisin- g Sleltons, Doeskins, NOTICE. Jeans, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims, STUDE3AHER A 5--1 GONS Prints. at FURNISHINGS. Jo-h- TELEGRAPHIC. DRUGS&FtfED.CINES ards' STORE, Locks, Harness Trimmings, STUEET, Cutlery, Carpenter's PUKE LIQUORS. GROCERIES. H. SALT COAL YARD, CITY, PURE CANDIES, u. b. l-- tf cla irsojsr, |