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Show (Dgtlcu rblUhed f unttion. every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY by the Oumn muH!.io Corn any. JAMBS McOAW, President and Business Manager, to whom all Buaiueaa coniuiuuicatiuua should be addreaaed. f "Going Alone. upon at the State Department as abaurd. A considerable portion of the revenue of the Dominion is derived from tolls levied on vessels passing through this canal, and more than three-fourtof these tolls are paid by American vessels. Euch a proceeding would therefore eut both ways. A With curls In the .unny air toaaing, With light la the merry eyea, With laughter ao clearly otitrlngiuf, A laugh of delight and aurprlae; All friendly aaaiatance diadaluing, And triuting no strength but fti own, The put fears and trials forgotten, The baby U "gulng alone." J. Lumber Dealers, CCT TO OKDF.B BILLS OF ALL on abort notiee, antt supply their euatomer. aa uauul. WILL Chinaman In the Kitchen. Iking on your Orders. Of all household trials- and tortures, Will take in Payment for Lumber: we think those of Miss Malony, as reciGrain, Stock, Store Pay and Cash. ted to hor friend, Ann Ryan in Scrib-ne- r for January must have been the jLath, Pickets, and sorest. Miss Malony, be it understood, Cedar Poxls or oiu had "five good characters from respectdelivered on nhort able places," and was well settled in n her new situation, "when a rale notice. Chineser, a grinnin' as if he'd just was introduced eoine off a into the family as a waiter: We have also at our office for sale "Well, the ways and trials I had wid that Chineser, Ann Ryan, I couldn't be FIIlHT-Cr.jA.K- H tellin'. Not a blessed thiag cud I do but he'd be lookin' on wid his eyes cocked up'ard like two an' he widdout a speck or smitch o' whishkers on him, an' his finger nails Warranted not to freeze, and to give full 8. yard long. But it's dyin' you'd full satisfaction to purchasers. be to see the missus him, and he grinnin' an' waggin' his pig-ta- il II. 13. SCOVILLE, (which was pieced out long wid somo Agent. black stoof, the haythert chafe!) and her iuto wonderful quick, ways gettin' I don't deny, imitatin' that sharp, you'd be shurpriscd, and ketchin' an' copyin' thoug' the best of us will do a hurried wid work, yet don t want corn-ito the knowledge of the family bad luck to him ! "Is it ate wid hitn? Arrah, an' would I be sittin, wid a haythen an' he fc 1). AMI-Iwid drum-stick- s yes an' atin' dogs an' cats unknownst to me, I war- Are prepared to FILL HILLS of LUMBER all rant you, which it is the custom of them through the Winter, lit their Steam Saw Mill on Chinuscrs, till the thought made me the that sick 1 could die. But the worre.4 of all was the copyin' he'd be doin' till Middle Osdcn yo'd be dislitracted. It's yersel' knows the tinder feet that's on me since ever I've bin in this counthry. Well, owin' to that, I fell into a way o, slippin, me at the Following Bates: shoes off when I'd be sittin' down to 100 $1.75 pale the praities or the likes of that, and do ye mind ! that luiytheu would do the same thing after mo whiniver the missus set to parin apples or tomater-so- s. Kqiinrc-ladgtMl- a The saints in heaven couldn't make lOO him belave h could keep the shoes on hitn when he'd be palin' anything. 2.2. 100 f "Did I lave fur that? Faix, on' I didn't. Didn't he get me into troublo Delivered anywhere in Oplen City for tl extra wid my missus, the haythen ? You're per 1IW loct. aware yourscl' how the boondles comin' We will take Cash, Block and Grain in pay from the grocery often contains more'n ment. '11 go into any thing dacently. So for that matter, I'd now and then take out 800 lluitlu-lof CORN Man ted Immediately. a sun o' sugar, or flour, or lay, an' in in me an' bit of wrap it paper put it a box tucked under the ironin blmkit, All Orders addiwwd to BARNARD M11ITK, the how it cuddent be bodderin' any Fourth Street, Ugdeu, will receive prompt ntten- one. what shud it Well, bo, but this tiou. ail blessed Snthurdny morn the missus was a spakin' pleasant an' respecful wid me in me kitchen, when the grocer-bo- y comes in an' stands fornenst her wid his boondles, an' she motions like to Fing n ing (which I never could call Lum by that name nor any other but just she motions to him, so she docs. for to take the boondles an empty out the sugar an' what not where they be SALT LAKE CITY. longs, lryou 11 belave me, Ann Ryan, what did that blatherin' Chineser do but take out a sup o' sugar, an' a hand ful o' tay, an' a bit o' chaze, right afore the missus, wrap them into bits o paper, an' I spachcless wid shurprize, an' PER THOUSAND. he he next minute up with the ironin'- otauKii and puutn nut me Dox wm a show o' bcin' sly to put them in. Och, the Lord forgive me, but I clutched it, and missus savin', '0 Kitty 1' in a way that 'ud cruddlo blood. 'He's a haythen nager,' says I. 'I've found you out,' ON CARS AT OGDEN, says sue. 'Ill arrest him,' says I. 'It's you ought to be arrested,' says she. 'You won't,' says I. 'I will,' says she aud so it went till she gave me such suss as I cuddent take from no lady an' I give her warnin' and left that in Doors, Sash 1ooim, stant, an sbe a pointin to the doore." Shingle, hand, What woeful mishap, bare preceded ' Taieday of rejoicing and pride! How often the help that he ueeded Hal earoleaaly gone from hi aide! He has (ujlu Iiil reaching for aunbeama, Which juat oa he grasped them have flown, And the team of Taxation But followed, And aew he ii "going alone." hay-the- tay-box- ," And through all hla life ha will aludy Thia loaeou again nod again; He will oareloaaly lean upon shadows, lit will (all and weep over the plain. The hand whoa fond claap waa the aurust Will coldly withdraw from hi own, The sunniest eyes will be clouded, And he will be walking aloue! poomp-handle- II will learn what a atern world we live in, And he may grow cold like the rest; But Juat keep a warm, sunny welcome Fer thoae who aecm truest ami heat: let chaittened and tuiijfht by past aorrow, And atrougor and uianl er grown. Nut truating hiar sail in their keeping, Ho learu. to walk, bravely alne. PUMPS, s, n' And yet not alono, for our Futher, The faltering footsteps will guide, Torough the dark mun i of earth lifo, And "over the rlver'a" deep tide, OhJ her ia a ifeljwr unwilling, A strength we can perfectly trtiaf, When, all human aid unavailing, "Th duat ahull return unto duat." STEAM SAW MILL. to. J Fork of lJivcr, Tho l'ishory Dispute. The understanding between the U. S. and Great Britain on the fishery question, ia more likely to result in a serious breach of friendly relations, than oven the Alabama dispute Koveral cases of violation of the rights and privileges of American fisherman in Canadian waters have occurred, but the seizure of. the schooner G ranadu,' of rrinceston.Mass., while she was merely running for shelter from a storm, into Tort Hood Harbor, NoYtScotis, is considered one of the most flagrant. The following details of the occurrence are contained in a letter from 'the United Slates CohbuI at Pic-toNova Scotia, to the New York Trin, tium. The schooner sailed from Boston on the 13tU of October last, to go on a cod and herring fishing voyage ia the waters near Hay Island. Il appears, by the records of the Custom-llous- e at Barnstable, Mass., as gtatod in a letter from Collector Swift to Secretary Fish, that she was duly and regularly enrolled and licensed as a fishing vessel, and Mr. Swift adds : , "From all the inlormation which I can obtain, there appears to be nothing in her outfit, or movements ia the ports which she resorted to, to cause her to bo molested." After sailing to the Gut of Cunso, where she anchored and shipped two fishermen, she started on the voyage j but as the weather threatened a storm and it wa blowing heavily, with the windsouth-east- , the vessel went Into Tort Hood on the 25th of October and anchored, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, near the cutter Ida F. (she being less than a quarter of a mile distant), w hero she remained from two to three hours, but did not even attempt a Communication with the shore. At the end of that time a boat from the cutter, with Capt. Torry of the Dominion service, and five of his men, boarded the schooner. Capt. Torrey asked the master to show him the Granada's papers. The master did so, and then Capt. Torrey asked him where he was bound. The master replied that he was bound on a cod or herring voyage to the Bay ef Islands, whereupon Capt. Torrey said, "Your papers are not good ; you have no clearance to the Bay of Islands." lie then ordered the hatches to be taken off, went down into the hold, and searched the vessel; he then came on deck and took Reynolds, the master of the Granada, with him on board the cutter ; was absent an hour and a half, and then, returning with an armed crew, took possession of the schooner by force, ordered the crew on board his cutter, and wools tlvo aohooner ro Halifax. Mr. Paine, the owner of the schooner, arrived at Halifax on Nov. 8, and found the papers of his schooner still in possession of Capt.. Torry, who in reply to the question why ho had made the said, having dutiable goods en board, and no papeia of clearance." Hie agent of the Dominion authorities domauilod ' Mr. Paine a depos i, which he made,, of two m gold, as security for the payment of whatever fine might be imposed, and the schooner was released. Mr. Paine swears that owing to this unwarrantable deteution, ho regarded the enterprise at best as a broken voyage, in consequence of the lateness of the season, and could see little liopo of making a saving out ot it, and adds that tlao vessel had a complete set of Ameri-eta- n fishing papers. Mt. Malmro. United States Consul at Pictott, N. S. in his report of the circum stances attending the seizure, confirms the foregoing statements, and adds that uon Nov. 21, telegrams were received by the Collector of Customs at Guysborough, from Halifax and Ottawa, ordering him not to give up the vessel, wh.ch orders, of course, oame to late." The case is now pending trial before the Court of at Halifax, and the State Department wilt await the result before further action is takcsi. The threat of the Canadians to close the AV'ellund Canal oeuiust our shipping. In cai-- the United States retaliates for the exclusion of fishing vessels from the ports of the New Dominion, is looked sei-sur- e, Sheeting, per left. $2.00 per leet. Flooring and Pickets, eet. per Truckco& SaltLakc hay-then- ), LUMBER YARD, SHINGLES, $1.50 Fencing Lumber $25.00 per M. and The Rockford, (111.), Gazett of the 12th says: "A strange scene was wit nessed in Justice Baker's Court the other morning. Johannah Friedberg had conplained of Joseph Friedberg for disorderly conduct in abusing her. Johan nah stated her case, when Joseph next did 'proceed to explain.' Ho said he The Court 'went homo t his frau stopped Ian, and remarked that Johannah was not his wife. 'Vat V cried the astonished man ; 'Johannah not my vife! Vel, don. I'd like to know!' His Honor remarked that Johannah had got a divorce. 'Oh, uo, 'replied Joseph j 'she tries it. but she does aot do it.' The Court produced the official decree of divorce, dated in November last, absolute' ly divorcing Johannah from Joseph Frie burg, 'Mine Gott ! ish dnt so T' taid Joseph 'am I free from dat volutin T And hero I've been staying niither and not know it. el, dash is gout. Jline Uoll HurruhV It appears thatMhis is really a fact, that Johannah had sued for a di vorce, and yet Continued to live with Frieberg. When the day came, on which he was summoned to appear in court, his wife told him not to go, and he did not, and thus a divorce was decreed by default. Since then they have been liv iug together as man and wife, the same as before. Last week, however, Joseph got on a spree, as he does occasionally, and the result was the arraignment be fore Squire Baker, w hen the above scene transpired. The divoroed husband was fined $2 and costs, for disorderly con duct towards his lato spouse. Through etrupjrle and Buffering, at the ceat of multiform aicnniea, bereavement., devaatationa, the American M;a embodied in the preamble to oar futhera' Declaration of Iudepvuduuce its complete realization. The noble, inspiring aaaertiou that "all men are created tual," and endowed by their Creator with inalienable righta to life, liberty, and the purault of happineaa, ia no longer glittering generality, a poet'a fancy, a hiloiiopher'a apeculation, but the baae our of recognized political fabric. The benign Revolution, which date, from the Boston ll.utiacre of 1770, find, it logical completion, just ne century Inter, in the XVth Amendment; which give, to the equal political and civil righu of every man born or uaturaliy.vd in our Republic the ehield and defence of the Kedural Conatitution. The billow, ef Caate and Privilege may roar and rii;o around that rock, and may tranaicntly seem ou the point of wanhing it away: but ita fouuda-tionaar- o derp-la'- d and stcadtua't, and the breaker, of Reaction and Slavery are hurled agaiuat and diu-their apray over it in vain. We do not underrate the force, of Prejudice and Ariatocrary. M e do not forget that a very large minority of the American 1'eoplo atill hold in their inmoat heart, that lllacka have no righta which M hite. are bound t respect. We fully appreciate the desperation wherewith all the warrihg elements of hutrod to Republican achievement will be combined and hurled against the battlernenta of Republican ascendency in the Presidential election of 172. Me do not doubt that local aucceasea, facilitated by Republican feuds and diaseuaiona, will inspire the chargiug hoat with a sanguine hope of victory, aucb aa nerved it to put forth ita utmost strength in the earlier atages of the contesta of ISM and lhtiH. Yet our fnith la clear ami strong that the American People atill bless Ood thut, on the red battlefields ot our lute Civil War, the L'nlou waa upheld and Slavery destroyed, and will never consciously cieoiile that the precious blood thercuu poured out was lavished In vuin. TheTuounb believes in tho prosecution of the greiit Btrugglo by legitimate iiioiuu to beneficent ends. To Sovereignty, it oppoees Indissoluble National Integrity; to Slavery for Macks, for to Liberty all; Proscription, fnfniiichiacnient; to Popular Ignorance, Universal Kducation; to intensity and eternity of wrathful Hate, universal and invincible tiood Will. It would fain do ita utmost to hasten the glad dav when the tviuth shall vie with the North in exultation and grati tude over me Ulsappcarauc. or the last trace or taint of that spirit which implied Mau to exult in the ownership and chuttlehood of bis fellow Man. Profoundly do wo realize that the contest ia not mourn, more or lesa jet ended that Millions puiilicly, the ilowntall or the alavcholdenr and rear their children to hate those by whose valor and constancy its overthrow waa achieved. 11 we ever seem to inner essentially from other Republicans, our conviction thut magnanimity ia never weakness, that vengeance is nev er politic, ami that devils are not cast out by ueeizcnuo, must serve to cxi'lniu allegeil ccccu. tricitiea whoso perfect vindication wo leave to Time and Reflection. TheTrihink has been, Is, and must lie, a zealous adv. Kale of Protection to Home ludastiy. Regarding habitual idleness aa the greatest foe to human progresa, the bane of human happiness, we seek to win our countrymen in masses from the ensnaring lures of Sjicculation, of Truffle, and of always overcrowded Professions, to the tranquil paths of Productive Industry. We would gladly deplete our overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly jostle and crowd In misguided quest of "Something to Do," to cover prairies and plains with colonic absorbed in Agriculture, Mechanic, and Manufactures, and constantly projecting into the blank, void wilderness the homes and tho work of civilized Man. Holding the Protection of Home Industry by discnmiint-tin- g duties on inqsirtcd Wares and fabrics essential to the rapid, beuenceut diffusion of Production in alt it phases and detriments, and so to the instruction of our ieop!e in all the gainful arte of peace, we urge our countrymen to adhere to and uphold that policy, in uiulouliting tiiith that the true interest, not of a rlasa of a section, but of each acctiou anil every nsefnl class, la thereby subserved and promoted. The Tribune aims to be a News-puje- r. Ita corrcspcndcnta traverse every State, are present on every important Iwttlo-tielare early advised of every notable Cabinet decision, observe the proceedings of Congress, of Legislatures, and of Conventions, and report to us y telegraph all that is of generid interest. Vi a have ud for one day a momentous advices from Kurop by t able far more than our entire icceipts for the ia.-in which tlaise advice reached our readers, If lavish outlay, unsleeping vigilance, and unbounded faith in the liberality aad discernment of the reading public, will enable u to make a journal which haa no aiiierior in the accuracy, variety, and freshtieai of its contents. The Tinii-UNshall be euch a journal. To Agriculture and tho subservient arte, we have devoted, and shall peiistautly devote, ne.ro means and space than any of our rival. We aim to make The Wekki.t Thiiu ne audi a aper na nn farnior can afford to do without, however widely hit politic may differ from ours. Our reports of th Cattle, Home, l'roduce, and (icncrul Markets, are so full and accurate, our cssnva in elucidation of tho fanner's calling, and our regular report, of tho Farmer.' Club and kindred gatliurings. are ao interesting, that the poorest farmer will find therein a mine of suggestion and Conner), of which he cannot remain ignorant without positive and aerioua losa. We aell The Weekly to Clulw for lesa than ita value in dwelliuga for waste-pape- r; and, though ita subscription is already very large, we believe that a Half Million more farmers, will tako it whenever it shall he commended to their attention. Wo ask our friends everywhere to aid ua in ao commending it. . A young lawyer of Philadeldhia wrote to an old limb near Chicago, thus: "Is TERMS OF THE WEEKLY 9 t. a li WHAT O 2 2 ill riff From Diapenaatory of the United States. i S3 ARE THEY? r , f j Diosma Crcnata f ADDRESS, Salt Lake City. -- jQ taste bitterish, and analogous to mint Jatf.viiSY J vvii b wN gas iwrr a nn j- 1 -3 a t'TY eacd to plcaaetho taato, called Toulca," - From Bear Lake Divide, near Mount Nelio, for Sule, at the Mill, TRiHrsR In Cit.h or itt equivalent. Wheal, Oats, and llarley Wauled. Apply to D. II. PEKRY, at Z.CM.Ioat, or of the man- ia the yaid. 1JVI M HEELER. 16-- tl I of Urine, The remedy has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affec tions and Dropsy. been moat nieces-fjl- . Such Plsrasica aro caused by Vitiated Illood .which ia ucncrally producedby derangement cf tho IKici'Mtive Oritansj. DYSPEPSIA UK IXDIGESTIOS, Heal, ache, Tain la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tha Chest, Dizziness, Soar Kructations of the Stomach, Bad taste In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation ot the Lnngs.Falninthe regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful srniptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepefa. They Invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them ef unequalled efflcacy la cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FORSIUNDISEASErt,Eruptlons,Tettcr,Salt s, Rlmcm,Blotche8, Spots, Plmplcs.Pustules.BoHs.Car-bunclcScald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scnrfs, Discoloratlons of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In each eases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever jon And Its lmpuritiesburstlngtliroughtheskinlnPimples.Ernp-tlou- s or sores ; cleanse It when you find It obstructed and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse It when It is fool. and your feelings will tell yoa when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. IIelmuold's Extract Buchu is used by persons from the ago of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 55, or in the decline or change of life; or Labor Pains; In after Confinement in children. Bed-Wetti- affections peculiar to females, Extract Buehu the is unequaled by any eth. er remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Reten- Tainfulncss or Sup. tion, Irregularity, pression of customary evacuations, Ul. ccrated or Sehirrous state of the uterus, Lcucorrhoca or Whites. Diskjses of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel mid Dropsieal Swellings. This PIN, TAPE andothcr WORMS, lnrklngfn tha medicine increases the power of Diges svstom of so many thousands, are effectually aestroyd and removed. For full directions, read carefully tion, and excites the absorbents into In four lan around each bottle, - printed the circular guages English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B,H.McD02!AlD ACO., CaU Druggists and Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, and Sand 34 Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL, DBCGOISTS ASO DEALERS. IT healthy action, bv which the waterv or calcareous deposition, and all unnat- ural enlargements arc reduced, as apaiu well or inflammation. Helmbolu's Extract Blciiu has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritatios of the Keck of the Bladder, Inflammation of the la rapidly aspeneduuj all other preparation, for produdnff tltfmt, 5eat and WluUmm BOLLS, BISCUITS, BRBAD, Ferftctlf Pm ud BwckKheat and otVr Oriidl Vote. JtsIloMc, and always mil tot immtdiat vsa. Tha CHEAP WORLD, EST JoMay Ptmdtr in la ud It WILL KEBP Olf LAUD OR 3&A, in any climate, for ysara It la wait adapted lo tha maa of Houtetecpen, Jfiaera, jTaHaara, Emigrant, 4b ud la la fast, to nerf rapscc, Ma BBST TBA3T POWDBS "far Ma KUcXtn, Ma Camp, th GalUf." OLD BT OROCEBS DEALERS EVERYWHERE. Manufactured by LOO LEX Sc BROTHER, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-YOR- Kidneys, Ulceration of th Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urise, Diseases of the Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Du- st Deposit, Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of symptoms; Loss of Power, THE Loss1 of Memory, Difficul- ty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, bling, Horror of Disease, Trem- Wakefulness, Hot Hands, Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the skin, Eruption on tho Faco, of the muscular system, &c. iWGOIIi 1)1) . Trice 20centa. ltMS to 1SJS. Hkimbold's ExtractBcchu is Diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all Is eupplieuT with the latest improved facilities for turning out every description IIei,mboi.ds Extract Buchd is a ereign remedy for the evils Address THE TRIBVNE. New York. sov- - resulting-fro- the use of Alkali water, which is so. widely distributed in the west, exposing almost every person in this legiuBi wt to its baleful effects. JOB PRINTING Sold by all druggistsajuldealcrs where. 2 Horace dis- -' eases arising from habits of dissipation. la tho finest style. every- Beware of oanterfeits. for Helmbold's. Take- - Ry to exertion, Indisposition Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude Grecly. Various sfvlas of binding. Cloth, $2 50. Library, til 50. Half Morocco, f4. Half Cloth, $5. Morocco Antiqne. $7. Politic i Economy. Ry Horace (ifcely, tl 50. Ewbank'8 HviRfi.ics and Mkchanic. Sixteenth Edition. Large octavo. Cloth, $3. I'kr Ciltckk ror 1'noriT. Quiim, $1. Elements or Aoriclltvrk. Warring. New Editiou. Cloth, $1. PituNtxii for Healtb iNi Profit. Warring. Cloth, 1 50. Scut free on receipt of price. Ia snaking remittance nhva.v. procure a draft e on New York, or a Money Order, if possible. Where neither of these can be procured aend the money, but always in a registered letter. The registration foe haa 'been reduced to fifteen ceil is, and the present registration system has ticen found by tho postal authorities to be virto ally an absolute protection aim list losaea by mail. All Postmasters arc obliged tc register letters when requested to do so. Terms, cash in advance. $25. to $40. per 1000 feet. Gland, and Hitters hava OGDEN JUNCTION Alvaxic Reprint. voK Half bound, $10. Recollections ov a Bt'fv Lirs. And at the Yiird, from and Urethra, or Incontinence ed in its evacuation. For Iiiflainmatory nni! Chronic Rhrotn tisui n nd (Jout, Jyapc!iia, or Iiidlueallon, r.ilioiis.Koiiiiiti-ii- t and Intrriiiittc-n- t Fever l)lcnw oTthe Illood, Liver, Kidneys and thesa Bladder from a loss of tone in the parts concern given for an Incnrablc case, provided the bones aro not dtroycd by mineral poiaon or wasted beyond tho other means, and tho vital or-apoint of rcrair. .... Tits Tbibvxr Alm.ouc. Retention JlOO wi'.lbo niiuldcr, of the Disease of the Prostrnto matter and rcstorlns the blood to a healthy condition. No person can ta'.ce tlicae raters accordins to direction and remain long nnwcll. BOOKS FOR SALE AT Til E TRII1UXK OFFICE. $25. per 1000 feet, tation Dimness of Vision, Tain in the Back, Lmily Triiii'SE, 30c., 40c, 50c, Tac, and il par line. St Mt-EF.Ktv TaiBt ME. 25 and 50 centa per line. Weekly Tribune, i2, St, and $5 per line. According to poeition in the paper. To auliacriliera wishing to preserve Mr.. Oreely'a essay, on "What I Know or Farmino," and who pay th. full price, I. e S10 for Haily, $4 for Smi-keki.y, or f2 for M eekly Tribi'sk, we will aend thi liook, post-paiif request Ve made at the tiitte of subscribing. White Pino Lumber io Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irri from nil Alcoholic ftlmulnntsi. Thcyaro tho CHEAT ni.OOI) PritlKIEIt anil A LIFE :IVIN PRINCIPLE a perfect Ilcnovatorand Iavhjorator cf tha System, carryUis off ell polsonoc. - - $2. . 9. Advortisins Rates. The best quality Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chro Apprt:.--era- ," " Restorers," &c, that lead th tippler on tj drunkenness and rnln, but are a trne Mcdiclno, niado from tho Native Roots and Ilerbs of Californla,frco TRIBUNE. t ONE LOT SOWlt OF WHITE HOUSE. They are given in complaints of tie and wccf M Or- gans. drinkJi? bIfancy jf Poor Rain, Wlilakey, Proof 8plrit Persona entitled to an extra copy ran, if preferred, have either of the following Iwwks, postPoliitical Economy, by llo-ac- a age prepaid: Urcc.1v: Pear Culture for Profit, by P. T. Quinn; War-in- g. Tho Element of Agriculture, by George v YARD, peculiar tendency to the Urinary a O Made udltcruito Liquors doctored, .plccd ' Bu chu leaves are gently stiinttkmt, with a Sits. - vAn Medical Properties and Uses 3 both sexes, attended with the following e. all at one $l 60 each. 1 Xt each. 1 10 each. And Ono Extra Copy to each Club, WHITE PINE Their odor is strong, Properties To Name, ot Subscriber., 10 Copiea 20 Copiea bo Copiea LetivcH. U diflusive, and somewhat aromatic, their To One Androas, all at one - fl 60 each. 10 Copies 1 25 each. 'M Copiea 1 00 each. 50 Copiea And One Extra Copy to each Club. i). i r. pahkii umi Buchq ft o o a, I. U. WE.? 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