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Show 1 Suttdim 7M WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, PUBU8HIN0 COMPANY. every '".niihed by the CWDEM McG A W, President and Business .11 HnainasH communication u WOW" Wi to Manager, should be dressed- THE On his arrival in this city, he will imme diately assume his position as Repre- AAl JTJNCT I sentative of France in the Europeaa Conference. Advices from the Swiss frontier state that a large detachment of French troops, well supplied with artillery, are march ing upon the town of Abbe Villiers. Belgian dispatches announce that a plot to escape has been discovered among the French prisoners confined at Leige. Precautionary measures were immediately taken, and it is believed no further' attempt will be made. The Belgian authorities seized a large quantity or arms and ammunition at Ypres, which was intended for use by the prisoners. London, lo. and Advices from Paris of the -- 3rd state 1 B TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $6.00 3.00 1.60 .10 -On, Year Kix Months Tsr Month BATES OP ADVERTISING. . J5 3 S a , u ,4 M a o a o a Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. No. . OC3DKJT, a o a p, M 1H $1.50 $2.50 $4 $7 $12 $17 $30 $52 6 8 15 22 W oO 2.50 4.40 7 9 18 25 42 68 3.50 6.00 6.00 8,50 11 15 25 34 5ft 85 Column, 61 78 115 O dl ti.VI ID ?2 XH u!oO 25.50 29 88 64 86 115 170 Business Curds $4 per month. Ucal. aud Special Notice willBrutbe charged Insertion, cents per line for the twenty-liv- e ceBt" P1, liue toT ev0ry ub"0lu,!Ut and '"Transient advertising to be laid for in advance. of tea lines of type of this A Square eousist ''learly advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, ith only the additional uliarge of twenty-fivwill be nts a square for composition, but they over con- charged EXTRA for occupying sjiace e " AJwrtisciuent' n0' marked on the copy with the mbstef Hisertions, will be published at our op-"juatll ordered put, and charged at transient ADVERTISEMENTS inserted till forbid, will lie ordered out, in every instance, aud t mrinuedforuntil accordingly. nsried and half yearly advertisThe privilege of yearly of business, and ers ii restricted to their direct line Keal Estate, or other advertise-BnLegal, Auction, their to regular trade, will be charg- foreign oAdverticmeiits from the States will lie without the. cash (ut our advertised rates,) one of our jtoesipanying the order, unless from rrrtlar authorized Advertising Agcuts. to the All coninmnications devoid of interest to promote private interests, public, er intended and payment will be charged as advertisements, If personal in character, we required in advance. rwsvs the right to reject any article, or advertisenentofUiia cia. A large Dry Goods House on the West New Y'ork, 25. , V side of Broadway, is reported in serious The JIcraltTt special from Paris, of Special to the Oodek Junction by the Atlautic and trouble, and will have to suspend with the 21st says, last night at 11 o'clock a l'acinc Telegraph Conipauy.J liabilities of threo or four million dol general summons to arms was sounded lars. in the turbulent quarters, but so deA supposed incendiary fire occurred pressed were the miserable population at 1024 Second Avenue, the grocery that not more than five hundred responstore of Max Bier. He was arrested for ded to the call. It was useless for such arson. The damage is $700. At the fire a gathering to make a descent on the in llo I'earl St., Hendrickson aud Hotel De Ville, so they gave up the job agents of the New Haven Copper with despair and betook themselves to Co., received about $50,000 damage to their cold and cheerless beds. To day their stock. Brewster and Mills dealers the Prefect of Polioe here has a strong in bristles loss $50,000 fully insured. body of National Guards at the Hotel De Nichols, the cigar manufacturer's stock Ville, and has caused the adjacent is valued at $20,000 partly covered by streets to bristle with bayonets. The insurance. The building belonging to unhappy citizens of Paris are too much W'm. Samont is insured for $20,000. wasted by misery to be able to incite Terrible Snow Storm in New York State! Great Damages by Fire in New York! Another Nomination for Governor of Utah! Miserable Condition of Paris and the Army of the North! Three Men Frozen to Death! serted C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. OCDEN DIRECTORY. United Slates OUlccrs for Coventor Secretary Vernon II. Vaugban. George A. Black. Jlarthal M. E. Patrick. If. S. Attorney C. H. Hcinpstearl, J. E. ToiirCellottc. Supt. Indian Affairs C. Clement. fkrveyor-GeneralK&iver of Public Monies J. 1). Over-te- A Member of Congress Indicted for Bigamy and Another for Forgery! Inundation of French Towns by the Prussians! Capitulation of Paris! AMERICAN. New York, 24. The severest snow storm of the season Utah. raged throughout the State yesterday, and last night. A fierce North-eawind steadily swept over the city and the surrounding region, bringing a biting atmosphere, in which the thermometer stood for many hours within ten degrees of icro. The snow this morning G R. corge Repttrtr of Land Office is at least u foot deep, and still continMaxwell. ues. The combination of drifting snow, P. John Tuggurt. U. S. Assessor intense cold, and relentless gales, made O. J. Ilollixter. U. S. Collector the storm unusually severe for those 15. McKean. Chief Justice- -J. compelled to face it this morning. Few Auoeute Justices O. F. Strickland and street cars are running, the trains are C. M. Hawley. all behind time, and the mails have been much retarded by the heavy snow storm Territorial OIHeers: The Erie mails were late, the Hudson II. William Vdtgitt. to Congress river mails have not yet arrived, the Hooper. Boston mail is two hours behiud and Zeruhhabol Snow. Attorney-Gener- a malls were one hour late. SoufGenf D. McAllister. 1. T. Martial of the "Ville De' Paris" The cargo Auditor William Clayton. which cleared for Havre on Saturday, Treasurer JameJack. includes $054,7, worth of arms and Superintendent oj Common School munitions for the French army, among L. Robert Campbell. which were 2',KX muskets, 40,000 pistols, and 100,000 cartridges. Ofliecra: Comity The Secretary of tho Peace meeting F. D. ProUte W Ju.nty Judye held recently under the auspices of the Riuharck. Select Men Lester J. Herrick, Hery International Society, in this City, has recved fiam tho French Minister in Richard Ilolmw, Bulluiityno. reply to the resolutions sent to the P. S. Rieh.'trd. Clerk and Recorder Aurelius Miner. French Government, a communication Prosecuting Attorney William Critchlow, giving assurance that France does not Notaries Public despair of ultimate success. F. S. Richards. The case of Robert D. Bogart, the al William Brown. Sheriff Paymaster s clerk, Assessor and Collector Sanford B'uaj-la;.- i. leged defaulting charged with embezzling funds in Brook lyn Navr lard, was called in the United Treasurer Israel Cunficld. Slates District Court, before Judge Ben Wm. N. Fife. Coroner edict yesterday. Bogart did not appear, Survetfor and Superintendent of School and the Judge ordered a warrant to be Wm. Burton. issued for his arrest. The New York Democrat, the official City Ciovoriimewt: 1861. Act organ of the eity government has changof Jan. 18, 'Incorporated by to a two cent mornIlunicipul election biennially on the ed from an afternoon last Monday. and appeared second Monday of February. ing paper, Meetings f the City Council weekly, n Monday The Democrat was originally published by mark M. Pomeroy, "Brick," but is evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. now owned and edited by J. II. Lambert, Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermen F. A. Brown, let Ward; who hag been connected with it since it started. The Democrat like numerous L. J. Herrick, 2d other journals of its class attributes oVl A. J. Shupe, Counselors James Mc Gaw, Waller much of its success to the American Thompson, William W. Burton, Jonii Press Association. The Fenians here are on the qui vive Xeavitt, Israel Canfield. Recorder Thos. G. OdelL regarding the arrival of the second batch of released Fenians. The "RusAttorney A. Miner. sia" is now due here with the parties on Marshal Vf. N. Fife. board, but up (a ten p. ni. had not been 'Treasurer Aaron Farr. .Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. signalled. a pigeon shooting match W. AV. Burton. .Surveyor for the championship of the United Captain of Police P. Q. Taylor. and .Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston States, the diamond badge, $1000, takes place on Long Island, beConstable C. F. Middleton. tween Ira Paine of New York, and Capt. A. H. Bayagardus of Chicago, each party Ogdon PostOflicr: to shoot at one hundred birds. ARRIVAL AND CWWISO MAILS. AliniV AIM By a cable message received in this Klt UJ.e Cltv, clailv 7.30 a.m. from Kingston, Jamaica, Sir. city 7.: a.m. West, Throuifh Slnil" daily . . the Governor of the Island, J. Grant, 7.30 iKiirth, Through Mail daily a.in. " Local, Box Elder has concluded arrangements with the 7.30 Conatv, dally :East, Through Mail daily . 4.30 p.m. Pacific Steamship Co. for one of their to call at Kingston once a steamers Lake 4.00 City, daily rjalt p.m. 4.00 p.m. month ; the steamer to make Kingston . '"est, Through Mail dailv . 3.45 p.m. the first Throupli Mail daily 2rth, port direct from New York. " Local, 3.45 p.m. Box Kldnr County, daily to be $25,000 in gold per ast, Through Mail daily . 9.00 p.m. The subsidy from the British Government. annum, MAILS. Paris special says The HcraUIs CLOSIMO. the Government has just been and Rich County Wednesdays of decree "r'l and Saturdu 3.30 p.m. . . ' . ., issued, which will startle those who nrth 0gdh Mondays and Thursdays 2.30 p.m. The Jl'intsville Wednesdava and Saturdays 6.IH) a.m. sought their safety out of Paris. lain City 3.00 p.m. privacy of their houses is about to be Monday, ami Thursdays j (,WiM 4.00 p.m. violated Wednesdays and Saturdayi by authorized plunderers, their sw(ier and Alma Vi eduesdays ana of wine, wood and coal, sacked cellars 12.00 a.m. Satnrdayt and their contents delivered over to fill OFFICE HOURS, "snural Deliycry opi-- from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. the empty public stomach and replenish SumUty b p. in. to 6 p.m. the public coal scuttle. RKCIISTUY DEPARTMENT Josiah Hart, manager of the Globe V 3.30 te a.m. from Opru p.m. Outside Door open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Theatre, has caused the arrest of the for ISAAC MOORE, Postmaster. proprietors of the Sunday Mercury deliberate and malignant libel in reportto a ing his suit for divorce. A letter Trains Charles Leave Ogden daily, until further no- morning paper, from Ohio, says the nest tice, for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and Sumner has a preference for of tho Republicans of that 6.30 for extra trains gee time Presidency that other they regard him and at States, For the Table.) fot 7.5 a.m. East, Site West, at 6.3o and as the natural probable successor of p.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 fl.m. Grant. wd 4.45 p.m. From the Eat, 4.25 p.m. Horace Greely in the Tribune, in an from the West, 6.35 a.m. estimate of the prospect of the next PresiHalt Lake City Time. dential campaign, denies that if the election of 1872 should copy those of 18(0, Dirine mat a Democrat would be chosen. He in held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, shows on the contrary that the Repubt 11 a.m.; and in the School Houses of lican electoral vote would be 179 against the various Wards at 6 p.m. 117. st n. Ubfr .... .... Worhip y, a-- interview between M. Regenier, Bismarck, yesterday, mainly led to the resolution to ask for terms. Gen. Iro The arrangement cbu is in command. of the terms of the surrender will take time. The Timet in its leader says that if that the French losses in the sortie of ; the 19th have been officially ascertained and are less than 3000 killed, wounded and missing. .' Gen Trochu has issued an order of the day in which he speaks in terms of toe highest enlogy of all the officers aud soldiers who participated iu the engagement. It is understood in official circles la tui City, that several of the representative" plenipotentiaries to be present at tbe Conference have been instructed to op pose the dismission of peace, when the assembly meets. The latest advices re ceived here from Paris, give a very gloomy aspect to affairs within the bclca- gucred city. Many of the inhabitants are suffering terribly for want of tho commonest necessaries of life, and from what can be learned of the condition of the commissariat, the capitulation of the city is predicted to take place with in a very few days. Information has been received from Paris in reference to the reoent disall taction and discontent which prevailed in that city, consequent on the incompe tency betrayed by Gen. Trochu, and his ' mismanagement in military affairs. Although the citizens have not thought of surrendering the city, they are de- -, turned by the inactive aud lethargic military policy which has been followed by Trochu, instead of making an effec tive resistance to the besiegers. Many opportunities pass which, if they had been seized, would have been of eou-- T siderable value to the besieged." The troops and citizens are naturally obser vant of tbese circumstances, and are clamorous for courageous and competent leaders who are better adapted to the present crisis than Trochu's administra tion has proved him to be. In conse quence of this feeling becoming general, Trochu has tendered his resignation of the command of the armies of Paris; this has been accepted by the Government; he, however, retains the civil governorship of the city and the control of all civil matters. Disputes connected with this position will not be admitted, into military counsels. The successor to bis post has not yet been named, although it is probable that Admiral Larouce or Admiral do Sassel will bo ... appointed. M. Lesto, Minister of War, lias tendered his resignation to the Nivtlonat Favre refuses the unconditional surren der, and not end the whole war on the German terms, Bismarck who has in his possession the full acceptance of those terms by the French Emperor nnu Em press, will threaten to restore Napoleon. Trenton, N, J., J.O. Gcv. Randolph left this afternoon for his home iujhaste, having ben telegraph ed for, stating that his father is dying, Hon. Frederick T. Freehnghuysen was Last evening Patrick Gannon, the revolution, although it is probable that elected U. S. Senator in joint cession keeper of a bakery at 47 10th Avenue, some trouble will occur in the streets. Gov. Randolphs father died this discovered an unknown man lyiug At 9 o'clock last night a fire occurred in the alley, and found a fear- oa the second floor at No's. 8(1 and 88, evening, at Easton, Pa., aged 80 year. ful gash extending across his forehead, North Street, occupied by Forstman & Boston, -- o, A meeting of the auditors of tho Ori evidently caused by a club. The wound- Co., importers of woolens, etc. loss ed man was taken to the station house, $2,500. The first floor and basement, ental Powder Co., was held and wus found to be dead, officers were sent occupied by Boudehel & Co., dealers in a statement made showing the liabili to the neighborhood, but no clue was liaen goods, was damaged by water ties and assets of the Co. They have found. A bar keeper told a contradictory $10,000, and the building $5,000. clear surplus of over $000,000 and for Peter B. Dickson, residing in West the past ten years have paid dividends story about seeing a fight outside his store: as so stated a man was on the 23rd Street, was arrested on suspicion of 22 per cent. The Co. propose to pay ground and another kneeling beside of having caused the death of James dollar for dollar if allowed to settle their him. On examining the side walk, Wellington, who was found dead yester- matters, giving an extension on credits blood was found in small quantities as day a.m. in Tenth Avenue. The officers from C to 24 mouths. well as in the alley where the body lay. who are working up tho case learned Milford. Mass., 24. An examination of a club found in the they were together on Monday night in A large part of the stock of Dewny & liquor store above alluded to, resulted Gulden's Liquor Store in Tenth Avenue, Ricis, druggist establishment, which was in tho detection of what is supposed to a short distance from the alley in which burned at the late fire was left in the be blood on it. As a measure of pre- the body was fouud, and other facts de- store in a part of the Alhambra block caution the bar keeper has been de- veloped teud to fasten the guilt on which was not completely destroyed, an Dickson. tained. indiscreet father took home in his pocket Late dispatches indicate that Faidher- - a little bottle containing a white pow Jersey City, 24. A patent oil lamp explosion occurred be s army has been rendered almost use der. He gave it to his children, who this morning at the house of a colored less. Bourbaki's army is reported to tasted of tho contents, aud one of them man residing in Bergen City. Mr. have escaped from Dijon. It is stated died soon after, by taking of what bas Madden, his wife and son were badly from London, that Napoleon feels con proved to be poison, the other lingered a injured, and the house was burned to fident of the restoration of his dynasty, few hours. FOREIGN. the ground loss $1000. if not of reascending the throne himself. At any rate it is stated that Germany Versailles, 23 Washington, 24. The House foreign affairs Committee will give to France a Government and Advices just received in this city from y agreed to report in favor of the demand that the French shall abide it. Arras announce that the French army of The managers of the locking up scheme the north is now in a state of complete appropriation of a medal and ?5,0O0 to Robinson, the man who saved the life of have not yet abandoned the hope of sue dissolution. They have neither leader William II. Seward when he was attack- cess, as the clearing house returns show nor arms; tbeir stores are long since ed by Paine. that money continues to come in freely exhausted, and the troops propose to The Committee on the condition of the from the interior, and it is doubtful if burden for their maintenance the poverty South examined Mr. Holdcn of North the "bears" by any means in their pow stricken villagers and scattered hamlets Carolina, sou of Governor llolden, as to er can produce a stringency at present. in. its vicinity. The troops are guide bv a reckless want of dis affairs in that State. His evidence was The National P.ank currency remains at and gttuved of a general character, but it showed a discount for legal tenders. cipline, which is everywhere apparent. lie death of nine person were veoor Their exaggerated reports ami the deconclusively that a well organised secret political party exists in that State, simi- ded yesterday, whose average age was moralized condition into which they have 84. seven were over 80 years and two fallen, are exercising a powerful lnflu lar to the Kuklux. ence for evil over the people in the towns Commissioner Pleasanton was before nearly 100 years old. the ways and means Comraitte Early yesterday morning, three men and rural districts where they hav m the income tax. The Commissioner evidently laborers, were fouud frozen to arrived, tending to create much alarm wrote a letter to the Committee, urging death on Hempstead Plain, L. I. They and apprehension. An official communication has been its immediate repeal, but some members had been together on a spree aud were received by Mr. Odo Russell, assistant were anxious to know the details, as to overtaken by the snow storm. Mrs. Lotta Oaksmith publishes a card under foreign secretary of England how he proposed to raise an equal amount, also what sum would le saved declaring that her husband, Applcton from M. Jules Favre, in which lie de from the salaries of officers who would Oaksmith, is a bigamist and a fugitive clares he has no intention of leaving from justice, that he cruelly abandoned Paris. This, it is believed, settles th be dismissed. The Commissioner showed by figures that nearly as much would her, and that his mother, Mrs. Oak- question of trances representation at be saved in salaries, printing, advertissmith, the well known authoress has the Conference of the Great Powers. London, 23. ing and other expenses incident to the stolen her child. The deliberations of the Conference of A steamer with the Tammany Comcollection of the Income Tax, as the amount of the tax. Under the reduction mission for the Fenian reception, start- the Great Powers will be resumed toM. Jules Favre made in this tax by the law of last ses- ed down the bay this p. ni., to meet the morrow, Tuesday. Russia." Capt. McClure nd Mr. Mul-lad- having declined to leave Paris, Franco sion, it will scarcely reach seven million exiles arrived will not be represented at the Conference, two of the for the present year. The Government is advised that on on it. reports to the contrary notwithstanding. The Prussians have occupied the town At the great shooting match for the the 14th of this month was filed in the office of the recorder of Nevada County Championship of the United States, a of Dole, capturing 230 railway wagons, a mortgage, executed by the Central Pa- diamond badge and $1,000, between Ira together with a number of prisoners and cific Railroad to Silas W. Sanderson, its Paine of New York and Capt. Bogardus a large amount of provisions and military legal adviser, and Charles Crocker, one of Chicago, each man shot nt 100 birds, stores. of the Vice President's and Trustees, to Paine was the victor, killing 88 birds Dispatches, through Prussian sources, secure the payment of a Ten Million divid to Bogardus' 85. The attendance was assert that the entire noithern part of ed into 10,000 bonds of $1,000 cash, pay- very large, and the betting from the France may now be considered entirely free from any organized bodies of French able in New York City within twenty start in favor of Taine. was re troops, so far as armies inHhe field are communication A cent. six at interest with very funny per years, The mortgage covers Railroad Lands in ceived from Mr. Birgh, President of the concerned. The only French troops in California belonging to the Central society for the prevention of cruelty to that section of country, capable of offerRailroad, except the tracks, rolling animals, denouncing the killing of these ing any resistance, are those in the difand announcing ferent fortresses. stock, and fixtures. It is thought the "Heavenly emblems' London, 24. same mortgage is recorded in the State that tho bearer of the dispatch was auTrochu is said to have admitted the With those presthorized to of Nevada and in Utah, where the Company own lands. It appears to be dated ent in quickly killing any. birds that failureof the Government, and attributes the cause to the lack of discipline and in October last, and is thought to be an might be wounded, but not fatally. Jas. Haezertv who was shot this unanimity of purpose and action among effort to defeat Judge Lawrence's bill. It is asserted this morning that measures morning by lleddy the blacksmith, died tho troops. Information from Paris states that will be taken to secure the amount due this evening, just before the arrival of the Government from the Pacific Rail- his sister from Philadelphia who had much dissention exists in that city. The been telegraphed for. llageerty was Council for the national defence, however, road. The President yesterday withdrew attended in his last hours by a priest has set a firm and determined face from the Senate the nomination of Gen. and two sisters of mercy. He said ho against the disturbances. Gen. Trochu has tendered his resigStrickland and substituted the name of had led a wicked lite, and was responGeo. L. Woods of Oregon to bo Gov. of sible for his fate. He was a powerfully nation to the Government, and the CounUtah. Gen. Strickland was a friend of built man, and agtfd about 20 years. A cil has appointed a triumvirate to comSenator Thayer whom the Nebraska special meeting of the Republican Gene mand. Meiintiino the position vacated to re by Trochu is filled by Generals Venoy, Legislature failed to elect. Those who ral Committee, was neiu are acquainted with Gov. Woods say he ceive a communication from the State Tribault and Thomas. The resignation is considered in his Slate a man of con- Central Committee, charging the Gen of Trochu will, however, be considered eral Committee with having been bribed before being finally decided on, when it siderable ability. The Union Pacific R. R. people, who by Tammany Hall at the last election is deemed highly probable that he will are here in large force, have convassed Gen. Cochrane denounced the communi- be maintained in his position, and his Congressthoronghlyand expressed them- cation as a falsehood, and said the State resignation be refused. The number of deaths which have selves as perfectly satisfied that an early Committee was incompetcut. It was action will be taken to relieve tho road resolved that the executive Committee occurred during the last few days in of all present embarrassments and to in future would consist of five instead of Paris, average 700 daily. secure to them the transportation of three. The following persons were ap Dispatches from Paris, dated Saturday Government freight, etc., now going by pointed. Horace Greely, Col. Cochrane, last, have been received; they represent Col. Howe, M. Francis, and Mr. Tousey. a feeling among the inhabitants as very steamer. The Last Holland testimonial perfor gloomy and depressed, in consequence Young presented the credentials of Stephen R. Conker of the 5th District of mance in this city but one, took place of the unsuccessful result of the late at the 14th St. Theatre, with sortie. It is also stnted that the feeling Georgia, and moved he be sworn in. Butler objected, and represented a mem- Fcchter in "the Lady of Lyons," every against the administration of General orial from Thomas P. Beard, Corker's seat in the house was taken, and the Trochu grows stronger daily, and a opponent, alleging that violence was us- tiiece was well played, especially the popular outbreak, which will result in ed in the late election. After a lengthy role of Pauline, by Miss. Leclcrcq, the overthrow of his authority, may be discussion, the question was taken on whose acting surpassed that of Fechtcr looked for at any moment. Mr. Butler's motion to refer Conker's as Melnotte. The last Holland enterDispatches from Bordeaux state that credentials to the committee on election?, tainment will take place on Saturday af Count Bismarck now distinctively reat lust Y'oung's motion prevailed, and ternoon, nt the Grand Opera House, fuses to allow M. Jules Favre a safe which bas been tendered by James Fisk conduct through the German lines to Conker was sworn in. General Frank Blair, Senator elect Jr. It is thought, the sum will exceed attend the London Conference. He declares the Germans cannot permit Favre from Missouri, was on the Senate floor $20,000. The ninth anniversary banquet of the to pass in consequence of the assertion this afternoon, chatting with the Vice President, Senator Cameron and o'hers Mutual Relief Association of the New that the intontiou of tho Conference in of hi old political friends. He will be York Stock Exchange, held this evening convening was their open recognition of Senator Trumbull at Delmonico's. About 500 "bulls" and tberrench Government. sworn in will on Thursday endeavor to induce the "bears" assembled and had a jolly time Dispatches from Bordeaux also state Senate to take up and dispose of the The Association was reported in a very that M. Gambetta and Jules Favre had in appointed to meet each other y nourishing condition. Georgia Senators. New York, 20. The Impeachment of Governor Hold en Belgium, and that after the interview The Herald's special from Versailles, Favre would immediately depart for of North Carolina, has commenced at I under date ot January, -- 1st., says an London, via Sedan, Brussels and Ostend. Raleigh. Los-bur- g, y. y, In- - y, Pa-cif- io - VOI. II. UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1871. BY TELEG11AP1I. - " , Government. The Conference of Great Towers has again adjourned over for one week to allow a representative from France to be ; present. The delegates will ' should the French on Tuesday next, ,t envoy not arrive in the meantime. Notice is officially promulgated that it , is the intention of Queen Victoria to open the forthcoming session of Parlia-- ? metit in person. Evening dispatches, just received from Versailles, state that M. Jules Favre has arrived at the headquarters of Gen. Voa Moltke, with proposals for the capitula- tion of Paris. M. Favre asks, on the : part of the French Government, that , the garrison of Paris be permitted to t evacuate the city with all the honors of war; but this request Gen. Von Moltke pronounced as altogether inadmissible, , and refused to consider it. The frus-- . sian authorities demand an unconditional 1 surrender, which, it is thought, will bo conceded by the French, The surrender cf Paris may now be , considered as a foregone conclusion, but the arrangement of forms and other preliminaries will occupy some days. The ? French demands are very extensive, and a altogether unlikely to be considered by ; .... the Prussians. Later advices from northern Franca ' are just received. The towns of Vallen- - ' ciennes, Douai, Arras and Lille, being ( entirely at the mercy of the Germans on . account of the dissolution of the French armies, are to be immediately inundated ' as a measure of defence. The loss to ' agriculture by this action, it is stated, will exceed 20,000,000 francs. There is a rumor prevailing here which obtains credit that the terms for the surrender of Paris have been agreed upon, and that ' Emperor William has sent a parliament taire into the city to confer with the Committee of National Defence as to final arrangements. In this connection, the ' London Timet believes that the fall of Paris will end the war beyond all qucs- j tion of a doubt. , . WARBEtf Ill'SREV, fttlt liiko City. KEY, C. h. PAIILF.lt, IlulPtia, Montana. DAIILER & CO,, BANKERS, JENNINGS' NEW UtILDIN'O, MAIN - STREET, OOIE, AND SALT LAKE CITT. ", Dealer In Gold I)ut, Coiu and Currency. Draw Kiin frnnciseo, Montnim, Denver, on Exchange St. Ixiuifl, New York, aud all part of Knrope. Collections promptly attended to. tf V. MINER, ATTORNEY & .1 COUNSELOR. Oilit'tt opposite Ogdcn Hotel, OODKN CITY. All kinda of legal busiucM promptly to. attended ltf W. It. KKITIILY, - ATTOKNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Will Practice in all the Ccmrta in I'tub and Territorial. Special attontiou. given to Foreign and Ilomeatic Collections. Oflloe In Louvitt's llrick JSuildiug, near Post Oflice. RUfclXES.S CARDS. T.1YEUY MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL Jll man should have a supply, rl'e will do theui ia the bost style of th art. |