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Show M. I Z. BETAIL C BY TELEGllAPIL "pip Qjlw the Atlantic and WEDNESDAY und SATURDAY, Special to the Ogden Junction SlliShrd every , . uv AW, President and Business Manager, lie McC communications should ,ohoii all Bubinesa .ddressed. ""tfoTicEThe people of Weber county will tuke notice and.tbe public generally and Elder Wells D. II. that President to preach are expected George Q.Cannon ' in the tabernacle, Ogden. 11 a.m. gervices at Bishops Hunter, Hardy arrived in Ogden last the Priesthood attend will "nd Aiibived. By letter from News ok the Absent. now on a mission Elder Geo. W. Oroo, W. L. Mr. Shurtleff, of in England, to wo that learn Mayor Farr Plain City, Christmas Day, was at Nottingham Groo speaks in Elder health. a good of the good feelings preterms glowing friends in Nottinghvailing among our on by another horse which became threw up his heels. The and jlnjful horse the boy was leading, became rest- followed boy is now can be expected. DR. R. TIBBITS, I'liyHieiaiiiiiKlHuryoon On Wednesday last, two residents of Ogden indulged in a bootless foot race near the Jtnction Office. The smallest man was the fleetest of foot, but unfortunately when he had distanced his antagonist, who was just about to "cave," he and tumbled stumbled head over heels on the ground. The bigger man pushed forward and won the race. The "tumbler'' then challenged the other to another trial, giving him ten yards in hundred, but tho challenge was prudently declined. The of (he last," but for the unfortunate fall. would Lave badly beat the "man of Foot Race. letters." Dissolved. The firm of J. Williams & Co. is dissolved. Mr. Joshua Williams will on the busi carry ness from this date, and will furnish bills oflumber on advantageous terms with fee promptness find dispatch, nutice in our advertising columns. PARTXEnsiup known to the inhabitants of and its vicinity, and his ability st practical tailor is unqucstionaple. who dime done business ith John Taylor & Bro. will fiud equal satisfaction in continuing to patronize tWtarae house under the new name. t! Taylor Bros, will Continue their twiiKM in Salt Lake City. See adverti- Cwtleuieii sement. AW Nich Office, called Tuesduv last. He left for 'be Aorth on Wednesday, on business wnnec'tcd with the Xcict. Wo were M to seo our brother of the quill, and h has our best wishes for success in ll on peregrinations. Cosviumkb. ington, we By telegram from Wash learn that J. J. Critchlow, Hague and II. Carlson ohn actively engaged in working the mine which was. Jately discovered cd er Xe'phi This will be of great people of Juab County in Sterol, and of "Salt Creek', ia partic- City. nefit to the TK.VTY-riV- I'Ell CENT, r SAVED Bw """g Dooiey's Yeast Powder in the ration of biscuits, rolls, p'astfy, ttc-- , ever any of the ordinary baking Pwders in market. This is occasioned J 'he full net weight in each package, n1 Hie fact that it is composed of arti- ' strictly pure, healthy and nutritious, Icn insures satisfactory results every ln)eusing DooLKY'a Yeast Pow-Btthir,y pounds more bread can be from a barrel of flonr than by any Prccss of raising dough. A trial eenUsfy aRy 0,16 of its "tandard ' For sale Grocers gener- - R' " ex-al- ly j).' i FURNITURE y CAMNETWOKK. n: OOFFI Tomto - Stouos ' CHARLES PEARCE, IY STOVES, OOIS, iiAitinvAin:, new Mining hag been organized in tho ucigh-uoo- d of Ogden. See advt. . - ii SALT! SALT! I PAIXTS, Wines and Liquors, tr LEASE. y. Esq.,brothcr of Mr.Wm. Critchlow of this is confirmed in the appointment the office of Indian Agent for this Territory. CoAL.-J- TUB 80-l- is well (oeii8 1" , Chaxgr or Name. Mr. James Taylor has succeeded his brothers in the business lately carried on by' them, half block west' of the bank. James Again, the Deseret . iwro, ly of SHOE DEPARTMENT and Children' Hoot, T1IU1!S1)AY,I)KC. their "triumphant sucthey have a "can't do without the Junct- ion." olson, ...., E Iuon City. Seth M. Blair Esq., writes from Iron City, that the Iron Company nt that place expect to bo able Mr. John Attempted Suicide at Truckee! RAILROAD. the wounds, and the progressing as favorably as the bones, dressed Jons. ' UTAH CENTRAL ive turned suddenly about, and kicked the boy in the head, fracturing his skull. Dr. Xellis was called in, who replaced Oplen Bourbaki Surrounded without Chance of ta Acciuknt. On Thursday last, Edwin B. II. Bingham, of West Bingham, Son of was leading a horse to water, Weber, mail and Surrender of Longwy to the Germans! to-d- llosicrjv am and Leeds. Since receiving the above news, we Mayor will learn that our respected in London. winter the of rest the spend shortly to report cess." He says DRY GOODS GROCERY y, Prussia! ; y. meeting Repeal of the Income France at the Mercy of nd Hickenlooper evening, shall govern them for the approaching The Count declared if the affidavit was the situation, that negotiations for the ; season, leaving the settlement of the published he would prosecute the repor- capitulation have already been opened. to Gen. announces by Schenck when he has ters. Hughes Counsel then requested The dispatch which this, question Pad lie Telegraph Compauy.j reached the legation. the mercy of the Court, and was sen- proceeds from a correspondent, who has Leavenworth Ks, 20. tenced to one year in the State Prison. persistently denied the German claims The first ballot in the joint Convenof success, it may therefore be considTruckee, 27. tion of the Kansas Legislature for the James T. Wyath, the man arrested ered entitled to belief. Tax! election of United States Senator last Sunday, on suspicion of robbing the Dispatches are just received, announresulted as follows : Alex Caldwell t7, mail car at Alta, on the 21st, attempted cing the capitulation of Longwy, AMD S. J. Crawford 84, Shansuicide this morning in the jail by cut- on the Belgian border, which has been non 2. The citizens of Leavenworth are ting his throat with his penknife, but besieged for a long time. Four thoucelebrating the event with music, bon- owing to the dullness of the knife it sand prisoners and two hundred guns fires, ringing of bells and firing of can- proved a failure, as he was obliged to fell into the hands of the victors. non. This is the election of the first desist from the loss of blood before he IHSPAUTMEXT, Versailles, 26. man friendly to their interests, ever sent could finish the job. Jules Favre has had a protracted in- Call attention to their lie was found large and well- to the National Legislature. soon after, insensible; no cause is as- terview with Count Bismarck, upon the Escape! assorted Stock, just received, eon- - r Washington, 2G. signed for the rash act. There are subject of the proposals submitted by in part, of sisting, surrenAnother letter from Commissioner hopes of his reoovery. the French Government for the Pleasanton was received and read by the New York, 27. der of Paris, Bismarck demanded Poplins, Tartan Plaids, Committee of Ways and Means The great snow storm continued until from Favre the unconditional surrender Satins, Merinos, The Commissioner reiterates his former this morning, two feet of snow has fallen of the whole of France, and stated that Cloaking, Itcpcllaiits, destatement in favor of a repeal of tho and trailio and business are seriously in the event of this proposition being Shawls, Arabs, Income tax; his letter will be laid be- impeded. clined, the Committee of National Defore the House and printed. He admits FOREIGN. fence must accept the alternative of a Chameleons, Cloth Coats, ; that the tax this year will amount to Bordeaux, 24. thorough and complete restoration of ltalmoral and Gored The position taken by 812,700,000. A dispatch hns been received from Napoleon and the Empire by the Impevie, AMERICAN. Secretary Boutwell against the repeal, Gen. Garibaldi's command reporting rial troops, backed by the nrmies of Skirls, California Celebrated The and 25. admission the stated that severe Commissioner of the Bismarck another Washington, engagement near Dijon, Germany. Count L. P. Morton, and Sir. John Rose, that it will reach the amount stated in on Sunday last, which resulted in a the written acceptance of his terms by Hugs, Itlankets, London bankers, had nn interview with his letter renders the action of complete victory for the French troops. Napoleon and Eugenie was in the pos Flannel and session of his Government, and that if London, 20. Secretary Bout well yesterday, when the Congress in repealingthe tax very doubtful. of to the the M. to National debt, and surrender the Keening Telegram and A special Favre concluded subject funding THE John A. Parker, president of the evening journals of this city confirm the city of Paris only, and not the armies placing the next 5 per cent bonds in market was discussed at leugth. As indicated Great Western Insurance Company, dispatches, published ty the morning of France, Bismarck would tell M. Gam-betin a previous dispatoj, the visit, of Sir which suffered heavily by the depredathat submission to Prussia is the papers of the surrender of Paris. The is complete in John Rose to this country, is surely of a tions of the Alabama and other rebel terms suggested by Bismarck are ap- last and only chance left him for consoMisses business character, and has nothing cruisers, made a lengthy argument to- proved here by the press unanimously. lidating tho French Republic. In con- Gents', whatever to do with the fishery question. day, before the Ikuse Committee ou Tho Committee of Defence have entrust- clusion, Count Bismarck assured M. Shoes, It is stated on reliable authority that Foreign Affairs, in favor of a bill em- ed Favre to make the best terms he can, Favre that further resistance by France and Metallic Slippers, Secretary Fish will certainly resign af- bodying the recommendations of tho but to bring the conflict to a close. In after the fall of Paris would result in Arctic Over-Shoe- s, ter the adjournment of Congress, und President's message, about, the manner any case there is a general agreement in the restoration of tho Empire and the of Nupoleon on the Secretary Morton will be his successor. of settling those claims. The committee official circles that tho end momentarily etc., etc. " Assistant Secretary Bancroft Davis will has now fairly opened tho discussion of is at hand so far as the defenve of Paris throne. Also this question, and it will probably be is concerned. retire soon after Fish resigns. II ATS and CAPS Captain Hall expects to leave here in continued until some measure is agreed Imperialists arc active, and the Eng31 his on ink. Government is known to favor the Arctic expedition. He has upon. lish Coney, Ermine, May Yinnie ' Ream's statue of Abraham It em oration of the Bonaparte dynasty, secured the "Perriwinklc," formerly a Heaver Setts; : Smiirrclniid tug boat, to be fitted for steam, as well Lincoln was unveiled last evening in the uudcr a regency. and Valises; Trunks as for sailing purposes. The Secretary Rotunda of the Capitol, before a great Advices arc allowed to leave Pnris of Prominent endorsed by influential residents, provCarpets, Window Curtains of war has directed that the Indian throng spectators. on the were President Shades. the of furnish the termination the and platform ing supagents unparalleled necessary READY-MADCLOTHING. plies, and the" coinmissiarits of subsis- Grant, Vice - President Colfax, Gen. war. UTAH. I.1XE OF PIOXEEIl The Echo speaks authoritatively on tho Senators tence at Fort and Fort Lara- Sherman, General Banks, Tho Highest Trice paid for all kinds mie shall issue rations to the Indians Trumbull, Carpenter, Cole, Patterson, question of the surrender, and the ON AND AFTER of Vara. who are in destitute circumstances. Morril, and all tho members of the Cabi- Foreign Office messenger, who arrived A full Stock of GROCERIES, HARD Secretary Boutwell was before the net. The statue is highly npoKen of as from Versailles, has brought the terms 1 WARE, etc., etc. a truthful likeness of the late President of surrender, signed by Favre aud ways and means Committee this mornCull and Examine. ing, and gave his views on the Income Lincoln, and the carving critics, which Bismarck. A rumor prevails in this city that Tas, and the policy of abolishing it at Miss Ream expected lo find on her rethis time. He does not agree with the turn to the city are unusually scarce. A Favre has arrived at Dover, having obTrains will have Ogden daily nt 8 a.m., ami Commissioner of internal revenue on bill will shortly be introduced into Con- tained the Prussian safe conduct for- 5.30 p.m. Arrive at gait Iike City at 10 a.m. and He is also 7.30 this question, and is opposed to any no- gress allowing Miss Ream an additional merly withheld by Bismarck. j),iu. tion being taken at this session. The compensation, as she hus already ex- stated to be on the way to this cily to Halt Luke City daily at 8 a.m. and i.45 ji.m. Loave SALT LAKE CITY. Secretary estimates tnat the revenue pended neaa'y tho whole of the appro- make preparation for the Conference. Arrive at Ogdeu at 7 a.m. and 4.45 ji.m. OFFICE IN SECOND SU Til STREET, OI'PO- is considered from the lax on incomes this year would priation of $10,000, which was allowed The rumor, however, Mir. ine. u.maiia iiytcD. reach $14,00000, the cost of collection her in the event of the acceptance of the doubtful and unreliable, and receives - Call, from tin Country promptly at but little credit here until more satisfacwill not exceed $".000,000. The con- statue. tended t. Tn addition to flic dim re an The case of Hon. R. R. Butler, charged tory confirmation is received. flicting opinions of Boutwell and Pleas-onto- n with having defrauded the widow of her A rumor is circulated in this city that were discussed by the Committee, ACC01I0D.ITHK but no action was taken. The action of pension, comes up for a hearing before a dispatch from the Prussian armies Twenty-fiv- e the House Judiciary Committee in au- the Supreme Court operating near Dijon, is received at MILL HUN to report witnesses from Greenville, and other Versailles, which states that a rally has thorizing its Chairman AN D in here East arrived been and that the Prussian DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) effected, Tenn., yesadversely upon ajbill to repeal the act re- places quiring Congress to orgunuo on tne 4th terday for the purpose of testifying in troops have in turn attacked the forces of Garibaldi and driven them back on LraviiiK Ogden City S a.m. and Salt Luke City, of March next is regarded as settling Butler's behalf. The dinner given by tho Hon. S. S. Dijon, completely surrounding them and 4.40 p.m. on which full fare will entitle the the point, that, there will beat least a if a ticket to return nn the same iloy and First-clas- s Furniture of all kinds at tho in honor of Senator Blair, cutting off all means of communication two months session of the new Congress. Cox, Irum frea, and will atop h.V arrnuKinit Willi th lowest ratcu. The gniernl feeling among members was a sumptuous affair, there were pres- between the city and the surrounding (Vinlnctur, ur uu ou Hue tu lake llio at any point let (! passenger. lllack Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, elect is to take up, and consider the busi- ent all the notable Congressmen and cit- country. ness which will go over from this session izens of this city, besides a number of Bordeaux, 24. l'luwuijiern will pleaw purrliaMj their tirkets'at etc., ClipnH'r than tho common the nVe, Kilty eeiitu additional will he charged kind elsewhere. for want of time. distinguished guests from other cities; Dispatches are nt hand from General when (he fare collurted on the tram. From the ofiicial returns made to bu- speee .es were made by prominent Garibaldi, in which he announces that Repairs done neatly and with despatch. the affair is considered to be the the Prussians made another attack on reau statistics, it appear? that tbe total FAXES: number of passengers arrived at Boston event of the season. Dijon on the 23, but were repulsed by J1.3C ;den tu Kaysville " tl.Ga OF EVERY DESCRIPTION M AXITACTCBED The Committee of Ways and Mean's Ins troops with great loss to the enemy. during the fiurtr ending December I'anuiuglon He reports having captured a largo num31st 1870, was of which '2'Ai were amendment, increasing the appropriaj 2.U5 " Ceutrevilla O.V TUB SHORTEST SOTICE. ma es and 2712 1 females. The unveiling tion for beef aud flour tor different tribes ber of prisoners, and a stand of colors " Wood' Criwa of Yinnie Beam's statue of President Lin- of Sioux from to $1,314,000 belonging to one of the attacking regi" Satt Lake Cily t2M ments. coln took place this evening in tho Ro- was adopted. H It.NISIIEl) TO ORDER. 24. or Pa. For all information concerning Freight Calais, tunda of t tie Capital. The ceremonies In the Senate after a lengthy debate, to M. Bambetta arrived in this city to sage, apply were very interesting, and was witnessed the House bill abolishing the income tax ItOBI.BiT WILSOX, D. 0. CALDKtt, Near the Tost Olllce, Offdcn. by an immense crowd of ladies and gen- was finally passed, ayes, 2G ; nays, '!. day from Lille, and took passage in a aud Ticket lien'l Freight Agent. tlemen. The bill abolishes all acts or parts of steamship for Bordeaux. Ho expressed well pleased with the efforts The trial of Roderick 11. Butler, M. C, acts having reference to the levying of himself as JOSEPH A. YOUNC, being made for the reorganization of the from Tennesee; indicted for forgery, an income tax. SlTEKlNTJiNDENT. HOME MANUFACTURE. Gens. of armies and Faidhcrbes, Chau.y will hike place Secretary Delano has ordered that no is confident even that though Paris Objections will be made, it is said to person claiming to act on behalf of any anl Governor Powell Clayton, taking his seat Indian tribe, or any members thereof, be should full, France will yet be able to MAI.N MKKKT, OU1IK.N, continue the struggle to a successful ter 8n Senator from Aikausas. V hen his cre recognised as such by the interior de of the I'nldic to hit Now aud CHEAP! CHEAP! AS Calls tin attention dentials arc presented, their reference partment, or Indian official, unless saiu mination. Splendid Awortinont of London, 20, noon. will be asked for, and an investigation person has a duly executed power of An official dispatch from Versailles on Copper, Iron and Tin into the validity of his election demand Attorney from the Chiefs of the tribe or CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! Ware, 24th the loss the French the in says ed on the ground that, the body which nation, acknowledged before tho agent whlca na keep coii'.tantly on hand. Also, a good sortie of the l'.lth was six thousand elected him was not a legally constructfor such tribe or nation. variety of WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF killed, wounded and missing. The Gered Legislature. New York, 2G. night the Hon. S. S. Cox will give a banquet to the A number of orders have been received mans all told lost only 005. New Gerof anperior quality; all of which lie oflam for Rata HenHon. F. P. Blair, and here from Germany, for the purchase of man batteries have opened fire upon at an low figure a any that are imported frmu dricks. It is understood that Governor Government bonds, and some dealers ex- the north side of Paris. the Eaxt. N. II. Job Work punctually and neatly executed Hoffman, Horatio Seymour, and a num- pect an advance. Dispatches from Versailles assert '. rber of other Democratic notables will be Tho performance of Fechter as Claude that it is believed there that a day has fixed last the of been the for 14th entrance Theatre street the at upon Milnottt, present. German troops into Paris; no positive The attorneys of the Union Pacific K. night, gave $2,o(0 to tho Holland testiTHE VERY BEST QUALITY.' R., were before Committees of both monials. The whole sum realized, will information lias been obtained, but it is TWILL St'lTLY cotirno or line, ill amall or lnrfta houses thought that the cify will bo occupied asking for the transfer of be some $20,000. the trade, on the ahortsat to branded suit Surku, O Ii S , the question as to the payment of interReturns of the British emigration before the close of the present week. noth e ami cheaper Uuui any iu the market. ', i emiA lante quantity on hand. est on the Government Railroad bonds to agent, show that out of 153,70 By the surrender of Longwy the nam or w. to L. sin KTi.irr, Apply nty, to the courts for a decision. The opinion grants, who sailed from Liverpool last "Iron gate of F ranee" the Prussians WM. VANDYKE, of the Attorney General in the mean- year, 135.735 came to the United Slates; have almost undisputed possession of One Door East of the Theatre, Ogden City.: , all of a Superior Quality, for Sale at ea-time to bo held in obeyancc. They also in the 2,000 who went to Canada, a large Lorraine. The garrison at Longwy was made an agreement to show that the number came directly to tho States. mostly composed of veteran troops and The Second District Zion's There is a prospect of a large, and numbered betwecu 5,000 and 0,000 all Government was saving millions in its STORE, GROUND TO postal and military transportations, as unprecedented emigration from England, of whom were captured. The town suffMAIN OGDEN. ered considerably from the bombardment STREET, compared with the old service before this year. VERY ELIGIBLE BUILDINO SEVERAL Leaie ou the North-wes- t James Haggarty, the notorious ruffian, w hich had continued for some time. All the roads were built; and that it was Corner of rocelvwl in Eschango for I'rvduco will I Union Square. never intended by Congress that the in- and dramatic politician, who wag shot the officers captured arc enroute to Ber- Merrhauilixe. For particular apply to JAS. McGAW, fbq., at last night, has been a public nuisance, lin. terest should be paid the Junction Ollice. All Persona who know theninelvea to be Berlin, 20. The case of C. C. Bowen, Member of and is guilty of a number of murders. d to the Institution, are Gen Von Wcrde'i army crossed tho r'iiented to ShllLK UP inimetliHlely. Congress from Charleston, South Caro- Rcddy, tho Blacksmith, killed him in Bexancon Doubs of south river ence. been set self de lWuin winhiiiK to taronw STOCKHOLDERS lina, indicted for Bigamy, has for trial in the Criminal Court of this Immediately after tlie announcement and is now in Bourbaki's rear, thereby in the hxtitiilHm ruu do no. AT THE REVERE HOUSE SALOON, of liability's death, William Varley, cutting of all chances of escape. The WILSON WRIGHT, district on February, ltltli. CALL South Street, Salt Lake City, whore Sfitf Superintendent. A bill granting the right of way to alias Reddy the Blacksmith, was taken capture of Bourbaki's entire army is you wilt find JOR. SIMMONS or his anslstauti aud now considered sorrow He at certain. willing to serve you with ready expressed the Peusacola and Mcnaea II. It. Co., to the Tombs. A Dispatch from Dijon says the Gar- t he death of Haggarty, but professed his near the 1KESH OYSTERS, Reservation, Military through ibaldians have routed a detachment of , 4 tiOLDKX CROITN CIGARS, C. WOOIDIAXSEE, expectation of being discharged. Pensacola, passed. HUS FEET, etc. It is staled, on what seems to be good German Landwehr who were guarding A bill providing for the sale of the 3Xnin SStrcet, O 1 o , e Cull and ace him. "u J y the railroad between the villages of that Paris will surrender Fort of Reservation authority, Kearney Military f DEALER IS and Burgandy. It appears that the the end of next week. The latest and Rush Valley, passed. The House Judiciary Committee agree dispatches indicate no chance of Bourba- Garibaldians, after their successful en- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, to report adversely upon the bill to re- ki's escape. His army must surrender. gagement with the German Landwehr DRY GOODS, ou between Fonteuoy and Burgandy, tore peal the act providing for the next Ses- The French aro represented as bent sion of Congress to meet on 5th of continuing tho war alter Paris falls: up the rails and ties, and so managed GROCERIES that (he entire people are determined the railroad that it is now impassible. March. To all whom it may concern. to surrender any part of their terri- A division of the German atmy of the AGRICULTURAL the not in Boutwell opposing Secretary IMPLEMENTS, ETC. sufSeuth has passed to the south of Besau-corepeal of tho income tax, said the reven- tory, whatever extremes they may A Good Supply of MECHANICS' and arethreatening the rear of Bourue derived from this tax, was about fer. VfOTICE IS IIF.RZH1 GIVEN, THAT TOOLS on hand. baki's lines. Tho Jury in the case of Wolff, an allegnl! Pcrsi'tis engaged in Business iu $12,000,000 and he did not think tho Sir Roderick Murchison has received actual cost of collection was over ed abortionist, returned a verdict of Ogden City, (t'er which the City OrdiOCDEN TANNERY. guilty, and the prisoner was sentenced a letter from a friend giving positive in- TF YOU WOULD DK WELL FORTIFIED, TRY nances provide that a license must b6 $1,00,000. Dr of seven of for the to safety years. Livingston. JL telligence imprisonment L K A T 11 K U . Congress will emphatically sustain obtained,) without first procuring a ' Count Bismarck announced The case of Jos. Hughes, charged with at Tome to my Tannery and Bee If I v. ill not ae!l license the President's Indian policy prcfering are lmhlo to be taken before any Versailles, that Gen. Bourbaki had you a (iOOD LEATHER the hent, and hm rlieiip Alderman of said City, and be to give the required amount to feed the Grand larceny, came up in court subjected as me cneiipcsi m me niurKeu Indinns to keep peace to carrying ou Hughes was charged by Count Joannes been caught between the armies of Von to a Fine. BARK aud HIDES WANTED. of murdorer the and Werder Mauteuffel, and must sur Benjamin a war. A permanent settlement of the with being By order of the City Council, 46.3m JONATHAN BROWNING. guilty to the render. The dispatch from Bordeaux, fishery question and that Great Nathan.of Hughes pleaded LOEIM FARR, Mayor. larceny, and Counsel asked which admits that the Germans cut the Britain will be among one of the charge other matters, confided into the hands leave to read an. affidavit, charging the railway to Lyons south of Besancon, TIIOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. 3IAK1XU. of Gen. Schenck, but inasmuch as the Count with conspiring to get the large und of Bourbaki's supposed position, reward offered for the conviction of the can only be construed to confirm this " o opening of the fishery season is near at M. D. RS. EVERYBODY WISHES Leave f to know STUART The Office of the City Recorder is at hand, it is impossible that matters can Nathau murderer. was read.was granted, statement of the Prussian Premier. At that ehe has a After the the same time, and ihe same interview. fcEW'IV M ACHINE, and if prepared to do all the Office nf the "Ogden Junction.", remain as they are through another and the affidavit It reading, the Count requested the Judge Count Bismarck declared that Paris kind of Sewinir. on rea'winnide terms, at her Seventies' Hall, near '.lie U. C. R. R. season without provoking bloodshed. on the Bench, FOI KTH STREET, Four " must submit in a lev days. It is also Kexiik-nrStation. is probable that Thornton and Fish will to order that the affidavit be not publish, mo.fM oi mo riming umco. declined The the ed. stated to as this view which of Judge confirmatory Office Hours from 10 J. m. till 3j.w. request. come to some temporary agreement 3t-- tf HlHire-niune- OYSTERS. y' n Fon-teno- 17-t- CITY LICENSES. n. m y, i)i:i:ss and J1 ei-i- cxoak FIRST-OLAS- il . |