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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMESE THANKFUL TIMES CastleValley, Utah - Volume 2, Number11 - November15,1993 - Count Your Blessings New Town Officers Bring Experience and Skills to the Job The Times welcomes our new Mayor and Council members, who will begin their four—year terms in January. They will join Pat Plastow and Jack Campbell on the five-member panel taking over where Mayor John Groo, Ron Drake, and Janie Tuft leave off. Valli Smouse has been preparing CO M P L ETE E LECTIO N R ES U LTS POA Election Annual Meeting, October 23 (Top four candidates elected to Katrina for her new job since shortly after she pending final tally. Top vote came to live here in 1976, though she getter serves two years, all ohers one year.) Joan Sangree 204 George Ottinger 136 probably didn't realize it. She has served on the Town Council, Planning Commission, and two terms on the POA Board. She was a volunteer firefighter for ten years. She has the perspective of an oldtimer here, and Janie Tuft 131 imperative for keeping Town Meetings Richard Williams Bill Riggs Hank Freeman Ken Johnson productive while giving Townspeople their chance to be heard. Donovan Roberts came to the CV Town Election, November 2 Valley and to his new office with valuable practice in helping people resolve their disagreements through (Four-year terms.) Mayor: Valli Smouse Merrill Brady Town Council (two Lois Wagstaff Donovan Roberts Paul Sizemore Blain Saunders displays confidence and calm under pressure, a great mayoral asset— mediation. Timely, as we seem to be miring deeper in our present irnpasses. We need objectivity now, and a willingness to listen and the stamina to keep searching for ways to meet individual needs at the same time as we guard the future of this place. Lois Wagstaff has brought a miracle of organization to her job as Town Clerk. Through her efforts and experience Castle Valley now has records in order, and in one case her diligence resulted in the Town finally receiving a great sum of money for our roads—money which had been held 1 °/o General Sales Tax for Hospital Against has taken on their minutes. These and For A promising team. Welcome. —Cris Coffey 104 57 seats): 110 97 68 48 County Council Recall attended Road Committee meetings and or pettiness she keeps things straight. 85 75 52 39 No council members were recalled. Bill Hedden—Castle Valley Vote: Against recall 154 For recall 26 ransom for months by uncompleted paper work. Lois has voluntarily her other past services are of rare value, but what I see as Lois's greatest contribution is her habit of openhearted honesty and directness. Without rancor Funk M“ POA Board of Directors-— ThanksGiving Autumn leaves fall from the trees, Blown off from a gentle breeze. Twisting turning right on down Floating lightly to the ground. Sunbeams dance around a tree Children play so happily. For today is a special day. Give thanks to all in every way. ThanksGiving is the time of year, To Give to all your best good cheer. So with fondest wishes and my love too, Happy ThanksGiving from me to you. —By Faith J. Ehlers Thank You Turkeys I'm glad turkeys eat the grasshoppers in our garden. They’re helping us. I’m glad turkeys are to eat for Thanksgiving dinner I’m thankful for the clouds on Porcupine Rim The turkey feathers are beautiful and when we take them from the turkeys we say Thank You For The Gifts. When we eat the turkeys we say 108 76 Thank You For Making Our Family Healthy & Strong. —By Noelle Drogin |