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Show THANKFUL TIMES - NOVEMBER1993 - 3 Huge Voter Turnout Over 90% of Castle Valley’s voters cast their ballots in the Novem- ber 2nd municipal election for Mayor and two of the Town Council seats. In a This election was critical in deciding the direction of Castle Valley’s future. All of the candidates stressed that they liked the rural aspects of Castle Valley—but what they would do to protect our rural environment nation of apathetic voters, this is an varied from active protection, to astoundingly high voting rate. Why did so many Castle Valley residents vote? Castle Valley is facing some crucial times. Should Castle Valley actively try to protect its rural way of life or should our community’s future be determined by the demands of a voracious real estate market. Castle Valley’s residents obviously thought something very important was at stake—or they would have stayed home. Several generalities can be drawn from the results of the Town election: The winning candidates favor limiting development to one residence per lot. Those elected generally had a strong interest in working out mediation and consensus techniques to help our community sort out its goals in the rapidly changing years ahead. They favor the old style town meetings where folks can have a chance to thoroughly discuss community issues. Candidates elected expressed concern about protecting the community’s water supply in the face of potential large scale real estate development. Candidates elected supported the development of the community lot as a future coming together place for Castle Valley residents. WANTED: political laissez faire, to one candidate’s statement that he could see nothing wrong with Castle Valley becoming a city. The candidates elected are willing to actively protect our rural lifestyle. The Town Council election was especially important, because the only protection we have for our rural New Animal Care Society in Grand County Ordinance. No protection exists in the ACS has had two meetings already. Our goal is to eventually have a no-kill animal shelter in Grand County. It will take a long time though, because we need land and a lot of POA Covenants, which were written by money. developers for developers. Those elected to Town offices (Valli, Lois, Donovan) support continued use of the Our short—term goals are: to help sponsor a low-cost spay/neutering clinic for pets and strays. Also to educate people about being kind to and caring for animals. I’m giving foster lifestyle comes from the Town Zoning zoning ordinance to ensure our rural character. Those candidates not elected favored minimal regulation, preferring to trust individual judgments and with little apparent regard for impacts on the rest of the community. The tension between these two competing political philosophies has provided much of the excitement and drama at our more spirited and valuable Town meetings. The results of the Town election are clear. When only half the people vote it can be claimed that the results would be different if the remainder had voted. In this election, even if all remaining voters had cast their votes for the losing candidates, the results would have been the same. Castle Valley clearly chose their new representatives for the values they hold. Now our new officers have the right to expect our help and our moral support —Jack Campbell care to animals that are otherwise going to be put to sleep. Then I’ll try to find homes for them. Right now I have a puppy that I’m trying to find a loving home for. She is about 4-1/2 months old, part red chow and (we think) golden retriever. She is gm cute, _ve_rv_ smart (she learned to sit on command in a few minutes) and loves attention. we have had her for a week and she has proven to be housebroken and has not chewed up or wrecked anything. If you want this puppy or any dog, cat, puppy, or kitten, call me—Olivia at 259-7580—because I’ll be rescuing some. If you would like to help animals and be involved with the Animal Care Society here in Grand County, the next meeting will be on Saturday, Nov. 20, at 2 pm in the County Council Cham— bers (west door). —by Olivia Kulander Fresh blood to join the CV Planning Commission. It helps if you like negotiating, have some time & energy to offer, and care to look toward the future. Please apply in writing, to PO. Box 2705. Include a 5 item list of specific issues you see coming up on future agendas. Terms are for 3 years, commencing Jan. 1, 1994. FOR SALE: New passive—solar home, SW stucco design, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Lots of ceramic tile and custom cabinets. 244 Miller Lane. 79mm Eat 54m 47 E. CENTER STREET MOAB. UT 84532 801-259-2650 JANIE TUFT - SALES AGENT PO. Box 1121 - Moab UT 84532 Res. 801-259-8360 ~ Leave Message |