Show IXKKL IIXYlK I I The bola of ht 1rk a Ipur led i lInn I The coinploto tuccCM of the gocrn went loan an I the rpplenliliment nlllan f gold < I retertn have not pprrvpllbly Ird1 l tmilneit nor irevinitrd nn advance ad-vance ol foreign exchange near to thp viporling point At January Interval I has icon to Ui iiitl and 1110 o > ratlona ol Ihs tvndlrale are thought likely to present much telling ot thin bondi to ereIgntn swine es > orli 01 gold are not I Improbable Meanwhile domettlp trade toil Imluitry hay net been little In Quenced by the heavvdefalcallon In one I bank and lalnordlmrdortln other nor by the taller ol the Erie Hallway to meet Inlereit on Ii bond Therloilng et I sugar reflnirlet will dlmlnlih thin Ino duitrlal luru more than It I Increawnl by the retumpllon ol the IltlhUhem Butt Workt and a I tw albs concern Tit controlling It that although In two Initanrei wtget have linen Increaieil the eortilnls of the working lofted ttt purchiilng powtr are not on the whole enlarging at prtient and prices of I the cblel arm products do not ma terially Improve Cotton reached 0 Cent Itit Saturday and hat reacted three alatesullos alter a week ol heavy > < < IlIon Crop eitl matte 01 the Mew Orletat Cotton Ex change averagtd 0230000 bale and a larger quantity hat come Into tight thli year than at date In 1801 when the yield wan over 0000000 bale The average price In November ol that Jtnr wan ntijal that price Iho ITSI 000 bale which came Intotlght In three month ending Pcctmlwr 1 would have paid at much debt M 111171000 haletat the price thlt jear but eon that xouli not explain the l riiu ma ketmc Ill jenr unlaet the crept were large Vlifrt It IVj Ctlllt higher than a week ago and Hdilern rvcelptt Itlll Pieced lat > cart amouutlDi since Jill 1 It insfiOOOCK iII 1 i-II I iignnit t t in I > HHI i i IIir 10 1 I nl I Jl I a a I I I I r IIi I I 1 iiimller quuiuuy rreeteni Ida II-i J ear paid Inn dent hv about fjIrll l Ihito tde I bntiterlinOntltt Hit veir HIM 1 ltMi 1 I wlllnir for > li > i trot linn Uvbrr III rrno I > f r a Ion tt nmv natimillv i I In held Im k hr boner lenini Corn I I 1o nlinn l 1rlhn re pt lain I rhr lhu n r 0a 1111 1 II thlaho Iin < > HI n f 1 Inoon I In 1 iut an Im I I iroiH l a > In iifiiiil 1 5 lanpr I Ieawing I Ii IIItad e i ami wntli i The i n n trtrln i Uir e t in i I I in IKI 1 all fw + Ml 1 ti tins bltf r1mull r al 11 ado lolttr I n ir In I aniiiiiwlliin < > Inifo hlVj Mil r ie n niiKialimi In I1 Ip mpeij 1 11 1 1 11011 1 loll ItMw ngnrna I 111 1t 11emr ihai Bl Mil 7 I iid mi 114rh i tl mo r linn tug < 120 flln il tin 1 renaln thai ill nrn 11 f w < xM nm Ill w I-ll aarrb l flllilil I Ii t HC nidi w eighth nitre Iliail Inv I + a clad I hall r tent la I than Vnii lt Zit 10 TtioMin 0 bony hrloell all it 1 a rh hka shJ g IIt I60UD men mil of tor l el rite riiil llm ui nfinii I I I n i Oh le 1 ft I nking u1 I i i n I in ul tin hour null nl I i art IM atoplwH nn 511111 ih IIKIIIIII ol the market rile itreot indiuirle lairlv inaliitahi line ln11I lion pretl inlv Io1lwlhui tannot It I rqelie i b In I esnr al 114 erne t few miiralmi work Ion Io-n Into nwrnln and 1 lw ilVnmiMl fa I rrHinl targe I bill 1 Iireo le + llxlncl wnkneti In prlrr wio lnlly m Ill burg ntHl heeenrr Iron I lilllcl h0 1 and Ioooit Irunal nn 1 ut bower I Till rail eomMiinthtiifuMiiirrvml b to n fiiliiclluli ol tl > r tun fur tint a > xl year Cnt txinlMcM art l lng load for the llrt ijnurlirof lwifti1 rnrruu tale t Tht Ihlilllllri In jlliinii fur the third work ol Noieml Ier woes CWI1I oyolu t t2tViU711 fr lb I 411 work iot I vear The ilntrraie vmn nil In iniinii aclurlngol which Ilililllliu HCeflim gab gain t IRSOlCT Imi yon M hili 11 I Irxdtna > concvriiii lliMllil < err lim Illtl aitalmit 11ISIOIi mtl ear for Ihrm werknil SiitemWrUahlllHpii have I Utn SIWS JU analniit I7H17I SI hunt year riliin hl wiikluue l > wii hi thin United l Sonora rtO rnlllt SII la > i ear end In entduJ0 1fIht le Inat tsar |