Show IMUI > < > I TrrrlrM Illu Irof H H TIman says between this highlands the Appnlachlana on the east of limo Kooky mountain on thus west AII < south of slue 1I1100r tho hike lies the great Ion land liusln of thn United State A largo portion of this area Is I devoid of trie The treeless region Includes both thus prairies and plains the former lying mainly east of I the Missouri and the latter west of this stream The former nre usually very fertile tin latter generally morn or tern arid The absence of tree 1 > ono of the most striking Impressive and strangest feature of these land In the pralrln region there ure mraslonul forest area of considerable cMuit but on this grout plums there lino I growing timber save thnstraggllngcottoimooilH that closely border the strrum Various Va-rious theories Innu been proposed tu explain thus ubsencu of fnrcsU from such large areas Irof LpMiimviuE suggested thut It might be oulng to thu unlit ihemlcnl iniallty of Ilia toll dnu to thin luuistrlnn nature of sediment from vhlch It came 1ruf Whitney attributed thus lack of forest egetutlon to the phystial texture fineness of thin Mill und uucrtcd that such tcgcluthm In the United States exu pt the coast belt U I nearly coincident coinci-dent with thn glacial gravel rime most commonly advanced and thn mont popularly ucieptcd vlev IK I that thus great firm which Ht Internals sweep over the regions hnui destroyed 1 ami kept down blue tree growth The fact that trees grow and flourish bath on Uieiilalnsnml prairie when planted apd protected renders thin first two theories iniKitlsfuctory und It would seem that If forest or other Hie div Irojcil and then preented forest grow th that they would ulkoohllterato bits gins Then too It U knoit n troll such timer do not kill time root of tree but only thus growth ulmtngniund Mr J W lEeihnly hUM recently In the I U > mloii Ueogni > hlcal Journul offered u new explanation 1 for thus I absencoof tree llu think that the carrying and distributing of IlIf1 seeds Iwo been mainly ilnmt tlirougji the agency of staler und blunt this sprtndof forest gronthkwithout till natural or soma orllllIAI old wool bo very WOW lluthlnk that our trrelms areas hula neter been 1 inerllortivl running stream since they tee < ry land and conHHiiieiilly I try never Wen sawn with a fr oJ Vherevcrthu wnteiiif runn1 i hug spread M rls 1 I > > tid forests hu > e nppeimu Av nlii to thin view these region have always been treelew and the author holds that the natnreof the soil and fire have lean seeondary I and nut the principal agent In eiustng the condition The explanatliht prO > osel se ms to have a anbstantlnl bast l and 1s deserving a pined I among llmre which have preceded pre-ceded II |