Show Welsh trills Their Eyes Tho dealer In Iho MooU who buy nail sell the thousands of cattle lungs and sheen which I I are dally handled at ho bourbon 1 stockyards mutt bo expert In guessing the weight of n live animal Dt n glance In IlfarlolI Ilh a I well known sttsulsmnn n few days ago I ho explained why this Is I necessary 10 j I olhll Impossible to neigh time cattle In many case becania of lime mmenso labor Involved nnd the length of time It would take while I thus marl I let II price which Is subject to constant luetiiallon might easily vary from lls lightest to IIa lowest limit while no i were weighing the animal In ona of our big I sales Tor Instance today I I a inleli ims been the biggest day ot thus yeAr thus far there havo Wen received at the llourbon yards over 0 head of cattle and about 0 < > CO hogs lup I pos we had to drive nil of those upon I the scales to ascertain their welgnl rhera are a dozen of old stock men who I can Inspect a hen of animals and forman form-an estimate of their average weight which will ba readily accepted by pur ihaseri aa the basis of a trade I In a let coo which was made Imo Hint slues a mast who hiss liv1 A liras long experience In buying and sailing a I I herd of cattle after Impeding n herd pftOO animals guesKd their average r lm J weight within onethird of a pound of the actual figure ascertained by welch hog the A Fr Individually I U lie feat a accomplilird by Hen IX Mffntt ot this county nlil U not so extraordinary as I appear liecause similar Instances of expert guessing occur here 1loA Oell ht every I day loulsrllle CourierJournal |